Attention Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band Parents
Tues. Feb. 24th at 6:30pm – Please join us in the band room for a mandatory parent meeting regarding the upcoming Seattle Trip scheduled for April 3-6. Students are also welcome!
· Trip itinerary and other important information will be provided.
· Chaperone information will be provided.
· The 2nd trip deposit of $100.00 is due Feb. 20th. Make the checks out to “WSHS Music Boosters,” indicate on the check that it is for the Seattle trip and have your student place the check in the green mailbox in the band room.
· The final trip cost is $350.00. This includes meals, activities, the festival, transportation, and the clinic at University of Washington on Monday April 6th with Tim Salzman.
If you have any questions or were unable to attend the meeting please call Michelle Pavelek at (h) 503-581-0124, cell 503-508-5518,, Marianne Stipe at (h) 503-763-1915 or Vickie Tuttle at 503-588-0968.
Important: SCRIP
We are barely getting enough SCRIP orders in to make the fundraiser worthwhile. Did you know that 40% of the proceeds from SCRIP go to the student musician’s personal account? And, as always, SCRIP shopping cards are available for the places where you already shop and dine. This is an easy and pain-free way to build up those student accounts!
For each person who orders SCRIP, 40% of the profit from their order will go directly into their student's account. The other 60% will go into the general band fund unless there is a special fundraising project to which we will direct the funds, such as the Spring Trip. Here's how it works:
1. Take home an order form from the band room or print one from the attachment in the news letter.
2. Order SCRIP from places you normally shop.
3. Include your check for DOLLAR for DOLLAR exchange.
4. Make sure your name is listed on the form with the student's name so I know who's account to credit for the profit.
5. Turn in the form each week and watch your student's band account grow!
Ordering SCRIP is a great way to build up funds in your band account for special needs such as Marching Band tuition, trips or special activities. Have your friends, neighbors or coworkers order SCRIP from you and your profit expands!
OSU Contest Itinerary
Monday, March 2, 2009
DRESS: All – plain white under garments without printing or writing
Men - full tuxedo (coat and pants), white shirt, black bow tie, black cummerbund, black socks, black leather-finish shoes
Women - Black concert dress, black hose, black leather-finish closed-toe shoes
REPORT: To the Band Room at 6:45 am dressed for performance. Roll check – depart for OSU at 7:15 am
EQUIPMENT: The festival will furnish: timpani, chimes, xylophone, marimba, bass drum, chairs and stands.
We must take everything else we will need:
1. Your instrument (including snare drums, cymbals and traps)
2. Your music
3. Mutes, valve oil, reeds, sticks, cork grease
4. All of your uniform
SCHEDULE: 6:45 Report to band room, dressed for performance – Roll check
7:15 Depart for OSU
8:15 Arrive at OSU – Quickly move to rehearsal room or stage
8:30 Warm –up
9:45 Load and board the bus
10:00 Depart for Salem
11:00 (Approximate) arrive Salem – dismiss to class after storing equipment
FOOD: One of our primary purposes in attending this festival is to familiarize ourselves with the Lesells Stewart Performance Hall. Listen and learn as much as possible. There are no places to get food near the performance site nor will we have time to eat. Eat a good breakfast before we leave. Take some sort of meal/snack with you to tide you over for the ride back to school. Dry sandwiches, fruit, energy bars or trail mix would be appropriate, but nothing messy. Do not plan to leave the group.
On this and every other occasion when we will be representing West Salem and the WSHS Band Program as a group, the highest standards of behavior are expected. All school and West Salem Band rules for acceptable behavior apply on this and every field trip. Contact Dr. Nail or Mr. Griffiths immediately regarding anything out of the ordinary. Do not leave the group for any reason without Dr. Nail or Mr. Griffith’s knowledge and permission. Conduct on the bus should be calm, quiet and seated. If you will not return home on the bus, you must have a note granting parental approval before we leave. Be safe, be courteous and behave.