Monday, April 28, 2008

Band Newsletter #35

Thank You Soloists! Great Solo Recital Performance at WSHS!
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Thank you to all that joined us at WSHS Auditorium this past Tuesday evening. But mostly thank you to all of those soloists that "braved it" and gave us some outstanding displays of your skills as advanced musicians. I think it would be safe to say for the parent community at WSHS, that it is difficult for many of us to believe that you are as good as you are at such a young age! Plus we all know how much nerve it takes to get up in front of an audience, just YOU on the stage, butterflies and all, and still perform as you did. Again, thank you musicians and all the support in the audience!

State Solo Competition-Saturday, April 26, 2008
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Most of you that played in the aforementioned solo recital this past Tuesday will be on your way to the Oregon State Competition at Lewis & Clark this Saturday, April 26th, 2008. So if you did not receive your information packet from one of the directors or via the email sent to you last week, be sure to contact one of the Directors immediately. If you need the packet resent that was emailed last week, please email me ( before too long so I can get you that email and its information. See you Saturday!

Mr. G's Corner-"Important Notes from the Crypt"
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths, Jesse Seeley)
Since there were no NEW updates from Mr. Griffiths this week, below are the remaining items from last week's newsletter. We will send out an addendum if other information becomes available between now and this weekend.

• Auditions for next year's Marching Percussion Battery (a.k.a. drum line) coming soon. Stay tuned.....
• May 1st, 2008 --> Pre-State Music Concert: Wind Ensemble, String Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, & Concert Choir

Remaining Televised Schedule for "Orchestra Festival"
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Last Saturday's "Festival" was recorded by CCTV (Channel 22 on Comcast) and below is the link to the show times. Check out these links for the dates and times that feature the "String and Chamber Orchestra" and the "Symphony Orchestra":
The "Central Valley League Band Festival" was also recorded, but that schedule was sent out last week as it was only slated to run up until the publishing of THIS newsletter, so there are no other times scheduled for that broadcast (at "press time" for this newsletter, the last showing was @1700 tonight, 17 April). Contact CCTV if you have any other questions about this televised schedule. Their contact website is: or if you prefer to order a DVD, VHS, or CD of the performance, take a look here: -- they could no doubt use your support. They do an outstanding job year-after-year! Thank you CCTV Crew!

"Classified & Help Wanted" Ads
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer, edits by Jesse Seeley)
Still wanted: Below job needed to fill for the music department, mostly through the Music/Band Boosters organization. Please send your "application" (email of your possible interest :)) to Kami Hettwer at
HELP STILL NEEDED/WANTED: A fun, energetic, resourceful, or entrepreneurial person (you only need to pick one :) ) to act as the upcoming "Fundraiser Coordinator" for the band program. We need someone to oversee and manage the fundraisers. The role would not be in charge of each fundraiser, but more of a "delegator" to assign the other volunteers that step forward at each of the announced events. Other responsibilities would include scheduling/tracking/spacing the fundraising efforts so there is a good balance and not have too many too close to each other, spacing them throughout the year so that everyone and every group or need will be able to participate. This volunteer position GUARANTEES a 100% pay increase every year :) and provides rewards too numerous to list here.
"Looking Forward"-->Remainder of April & May Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
The below table of "Looking Forward" has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008.

As an addition to the below table of upcoming MUSIC activities, please also check out WSHS' "Master Schedule". As we approach the school year's end (YEAH, hard to believe already!), this link may come in handy, especially for the senior class and their parents. The below link should take you to the page starting with April and will cover May, & June on that same page. You'll see once there that you can look around wherever you need to go. Not all music departments "gigs" are necessarily listed however-continue to use this newsletter for the most updated schedule of events (as long as the editor gets them :)):
  • April 26th, 2008, Participants, OSAA State Solo Contest, Lewis & Clark College, Portland
  • May 1st, 2008, Wind Ensemble & Symphony, Concert, W.S.H.S., 6:00 p.m. performance(?)
  • May 10th, 2008, Wind Ensemble, OSAA State Contest, Corvallis
  • May 17th, 2008, Titan Band/Colorguard, Iris Festival & Parade, Keizer
  • May 22nd, 2008, ALL, Spring Awards, W.S.H.S., 7:00-9:00 p.m.
  • May 23rd, 2008, Jazz Lab II, Studio Recording Session, See director
  • May 24th, 2008, Jazz Lab I, Studio Recording Session, See director
  • May 29th, 2008, ALL, Spring Concert, W.S.H.S., 6:00-9:00 p.m.
  • May 30th, 2008, Jazz Labs-ALL, Jazz Night, W.S.H.S., 6:00-10:00 p.m.
Editor's Corner: Quote of the Week
"Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scientist. They are wrong: it is character."
~ Albert Einstein ~

Friday, April 25, 2008

Orchestra News

1) Thursday, May 1st at 7 p.m., is West Salem's combined Band, Choir and Orchestra concert featuring the advanced groups that will be performing at State Competitions the following week.

Students performing (Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony) have a call time of 6:40 in the orchestra room to tune up and get ready.

All students entering Symphony Strings beginning next year (list posted in the room) are highly encouraged to come hear their future colleagues.

Ms. Silberman will accept a review for this concert from all students in Orchestra and String Ensemble.

2) What an amazing Titan Music program we have! All advanced groups qualified for the State competition again this year - with honors going to the Wind Ensemble for winning the overall district (the first time ever!). Choirs will perform in Corvallis at the State competition on May 3rd. Advanced Orchestra and Symphony perform May 9th, and Wind Ensemble on the 10th.

If possible, we would love your support at OSU!
Friday, May 9th
Advanced Orchestra - 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony - 3:45 p.m.

More information soon. You can also check:

3) Ms. Silberman, the education coordinator for the Salem Chamber Orchestra, will be playing in the viola section this weekend, so it's with authority that she says it's going to be a fantastic concert. The concert is called "An Evening in Italy" - Mendelssohn's incredible "Italian" Symphony, and opera selections featuring to fabulous opera soloists formerly of the Seattle Young Opera Artist program. There is something for everyone (choir, string, winds, brass, and percussion) on this concert - making it a 'don't miss' for this year. And, it's at West's auditorium! Tickets are available at the door: $5 for students, and $10/15/20 for adults. For more information:

Hope to see you there - write a review!

4) Up on the blog ( there is a link to a neat audio and picture file from the heavy metal band Judgement Day visit to West Salem. Here's the link once again:

5) Lists are posted in the orchestra room for placement for next year's orchestras. Before the end of the year there will be an informational meeting for all students and parents regarding commitment level and expectations of each level of Titan Orchestras...stay tuned for an announcement of time and date. It will be an exciting year - we are growing by over 10% and already have some exciting plans for next year, including a special contemporary music (rock/jazz/blue) project, the Musical, and a tour (both large and small) for all groups.

As always, don't forget to check the blog frequently for interesting links, photos, and to read a copy of this newsletter email.

~Ms. Silberman (see you Saturday or next Thursday!)

Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Band Newsletter #34

Central Valley Conference Champions!
(Contributor, Mr. Griffiths, Jesse Seeley)
In case you hadn’t heard, last week’s competition had the WSHS Wind Ensemble as the Central Valley Conference Champions! This was the first time ever for this accomplishment for the WSHS music department. Apparently the band to beat was South Salem High School and WSHS musicians were up for the task and will be representing the Central Valley in the State Competitions in May.

Mr. G’s Corner—“Important Notes from the Crypt”
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths, Jesse Seeley)
No, not “crypt” as in “tomb”, but more from Mr. G’s “vault” of ideas, many of which come to the newsletter editor as CRYPTic, so I cannot fill in the blanks this week due to serious time constraints on the editor’s schedule to follow-up and no doubt some serious time constraints on Mr. G’s part for the below bullet items. But the students will know what he’s talking about (we hope J):
  • Thanks for a great West Area Band Festival!!! It was a great series of performances and some significant, serious musicians showing how great they are!! You all represented West Salem High School extremely well !!! Thank you again for all of your commitment to your music and our program.
  • Reminder: NO South Salem Int. Band Festival this Friday, April 18th (cancelled)
  • Solo/Ensemble Recital TUESDAY, April 22nd, 2008 Details TBA
  • Auditions for next year's Marching Percussion Battery (a.k.a. drum line) coming soon. Stay tuned...
  • May 1st, 2008 Pre-State Music Concert: Wind Ensemble, String Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, and Concert Choir
NEW Section: Classified and Help Wanted Ads
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer, edits by Jesse Seeley)
This new section will be dedicated to helping find much needed assistance for the music department, mostly through the Music/Band Boosters organization. Please send your application (e-mail of your possible interest J) to Kami Hettwer at

HELP WANTED: A fun, energetic, resourceful, or entrepreneurial person (you only need to pick one J ) to act as the upcoming “Fundraiser Coordinator” for the band program. We need someone to oversee and manage the fundraisers. The role would not be in charge of each fundraiser, but more of a “delegator” to assign the other volunteers that step forward at each of the announced events. Other responsibilities would include scheduling/tracking/spacing the fundraising efforts so there is a good balance and not have too many too close to each other, spacing them throughout the year so that everyone and every group or need will be able to participate. This volunteer position GUARANTEES a 100% pay increase every year J and provides rewards too numerous to list here.
Encore Presentation: Winter Ensemble Back by Popular Demand
(Contributor: Alan Keown)
The winter ensemble has been asked to perform at the West Salem H.S. assembly next Thursday morning (April 24th) at 9:00 a.m. This is going to be a great opportunity to show the school what we have going! There will only be ONE rehearsal for this as you all are experts at this gig; the rehearsal will be:

When: Wednesday, April 23
Time: From 6:00 to 9 p.m.
Where: In the gym

Please make this a priority as this will be the only opportunity to rehearse!

Televised Schedule for “Orchestra Festival”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Last Saturday’s Festival was recorded by CCTV (Channel 22 on Comcast) and below is the link to the show times. Check out these links for the dates and times that feature the “String and Chamber Orchestra” and the “Symphony Orchestra”:
Salem Invitational Orchestra Festival

The “Central Valley League Band Festival” was also recorded, but that schedule was sent out last week as it was only slated to run up until the publishing of THIS newsletter, so there are no other times scheduled for that broadcast (at “press time” for this newsletter, the last showing was at 1700 tonight, 17 April). Contact CCTV if you have any other questions about this televised schedule. Their contact website is: or if you prefer to order a DVD, VHS, or CD of the performance, take a look here: -- they could no doubt use your support. They do an outstanding job year-after-year! Thank you CCTV Crew!

Editor’s Corner: Quote of the Week
“Wise men never sit and wail their loss, but cheerily seek how to redress their harms."
~ William Shakespeare ~

Friday, April 11, 2008

Band Update No. 2

Having returned just now from an OUTSTANDING performance by these musicians, I wanted to forward this clip right out of the from the “Central Valley League Concert Band Festival and Competition” program. I scanned it and it is included below. Times are subject to change, but here are the “original” out of the program. I’ve included the other schools’ times as well, but circled what they had in the program for West (as well as McKay, South, & Reynolds (the latter part of the day’s festival).

As of this writing, here is the listing from the official CCTV website—the two may differ, but the “official” site would no doubt be more accurate:

I hope this is helpful,

Jesse Seeley
WSHS Band Newsletter Editor

Orchestra News

1) Saturday, April 12, at North High School's auditorium is the Salem-Keizer Invitational Orchestra festival. Both the Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony are playing. Groups from all the district's high schools will be performing approximately every 30 minutes.

For those not in those orchestras (parents welcome!), please come support our orchestras. Advanced Orchestra performs at 11 a.m. Advanced Symphony performs at 2:45 p.m., although the performances may not run exactly according to schedule. Students, you may use this for review credit. FOR EVERY 2 GROUPS YOU REVIEW, YOU RECEIVE 1 CONCERT REVIEW CREDIT. Just think about it! You could satisfy the entire semester's assignment just for reviewing groups for 2 hours.

Here's the full day's schedule:
• North HS Chamber String Orchestra 8:30 – 8:55
• McKay HS Adv. String Orchestra 9:00 – 9:25
• McNary HS Adv. String Orchestra 9:30 – 9:55
• Sprague HS Camarata Orchestra 10:00 – 10:25
• South Salem HS Chamber Orchestra 10:30 – 10:55
• West Salem HS Advanced String Orchestra 11:00 – 11:25 (previously scheduled for 10:30)
• Reynolds HS Adv. String Orchestra 11:30 – 11:55
• North HS Symphony Orchestra 1:00 – 1:30.
• Sprague HS Symphony Orchestra 1:35 – 2:05
• South HS Symphony Orchestra 2:10 – 2:40
• West Salem HS Symphony Orchestra 2:45 – 3:15
• Reynolds HS Symphony Orchestra 3:20 – 3:50

CCTV will be videotaping the concerts - when we hear the broadcast schedule, we'll let you know.

Student schedules for Saturday - (for details, check the sheet handed out in class):
Advanced Orchestra -
Call time at the front of the auditorium: 8:25am - done by 11:30-ish (bring a lunch if you're in Symphony!)

Advanced Symphony -
Call time at the front of the auditorium: 12:55pm - done by 4:00-ish

2) Judgement Day played here on Wednesday April 9 - about 50 students, a handful of teachers and some parents were in attendance for what was simply a really “cool” experience. Anton and Lewis Patzner and Jon Bush put on an amazing show. Many students bought CD's and shirts. We're hopeful these guys will be back again soon. The Statesman Journal was there, so in the next day there will be an email sent and info. up on the blog. Thank you to Whiteaker Middle School's Music Booster group for helping our boosters to pay for the afternoon's event.

3) Save the date - Saturday, April 26, 7 p.m. The Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing here at West High in the auditorium. Ms. Silberman has 20 free tickets, and may be able to get more (on a case by case basis). We received the tickets as part of the residency grant that the Salem Chamber Orchestra received. Over the next four weeks principal players from the SCO will be presenting master classes and coming to coach music groups at all the West Salem schools. More info. on that over the next few weeks.

4) Remember that Ms. Silberman often posts information, fun musical links, and Titan Orchestra-related tidbits on the blog. Check frequently:

Hope to see you Saturday!
~Ms. Silberman (

Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218

Addendum/Update to Band News #33

Update for “Advanced Symphony”
(Contributor: Daryl Silberman, Orchestra Director)

By the way, call time for Advanced Symphony for Saturday April 12th is 12:55 at the front of the auditorium. Performance time (for parents) is 2:45. We'll be finished around 4pm (technically, 3:50 p.m., but it often runs a little late).

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Band Newsletter #33

Walker Middle School Talent Show, Thursday at 7 p.m.
(Contributors: John & Jen Freeman; editor's fault for not giving better notice)
Thursday night at 7 p.m there will be the last middle school winter ensemble performance at Walker Middle School. They are participating in the school Talent Show. Not completely sure on the admission, but believe it is under $5 dollars and all proceeds are going to a good cause. Please come out and support the new Walker Middle School Program. Thanks, John and Jen Freeman

Miscellaneous IMPORTANT Information from Mr. Griffiths
Most of the below appears in the section on "Looking Forward," but the editor wanted to list Mr. Griffiths added notes specifically to avoid possible confusion:
• This Friday's Wind Ensemble gig on Friday is first priority
• The West Area Band Festival is Monday April14th
• Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, & Walker Symphonic Band. 7:30 Concert, call time TBA
• The April 18 performance (Concert & Symphonic Bands) at the South Salem Band Festival is cancelled.
• Solo/Ensemble recital is April 22nd (may not appear in "Looking Forward" section yet)
• We host the Salem-Keizer Middle School Band Festival on April 23-24 (also not on "Looking Forward" table)
• We will need High School student helpers & volunteers—See Mr. Griffiths to sign up
• State Solo contest is April 26th

"Looking Forward"
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
• April 11 – Wind Ensemble, Valley League Band Contest at North Salem High School
• April 12 – Symphony, Salem Invitational Orchestra Festival at North Salem High School
• April 14 – ALL, High School Band Festival at West, Concert Time: 7:30 p.m.
• May 1 – Wind Ensemble and Symphony Concert at West, Concert Time: 6 p.m.
• May 9 – Symphony, OSAA State Contest at Corvallis
• May 10 – Wind Ensemble, OSAA State Contest at Corvallis

Editor's Corner: Quote of the Week
You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.

~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German poet, novelist, playwright, scientist and philosopher (1749-1832) ~

Monday, April 7, 2008

Music Scholarship

Hi all,

Sorry for the extra email, but the Salem Pops Orchestra is offering a great music scholarship for students attending a summer music camp - the scholarship will be awarded to equal one half the cost of the camp, up to $500. Financial need is not required or considered. The deadline for this scholarship is April 24 - I believe students need to already be enrolled in the camp, so time is of the essence.

For full information, go to:

Because I am new to the area, I don't have a full list of local music camps, but I am more than willing to search around for appropriate camps for any interested in students. From what I know, there are many fine camps in a 50-75 mile radius and many regional and national camps that might still have availability for interested and qualified students - everything from highly concentrated orchestral experiences to music camps that combine arts and/or theatre with a healthy dose of summer fun. Please take advantage of this generous scholarship possibility - a summer music camp experience is usually a fantastic one and almost always leaves a students more inspired and motivated to become a even better musician.

~Ms. Silberman (

Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Band Newsletter #32

Positive Feedback on Jazz Bands' Performances
(Contributor: Alyson Baker)
As most already know, our Jazz Bands participated in the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival in February. "Lab I" performed in the morning and received excellent scores from the judges. "Lab II" was one of the last bands to perform on Saturday — they received superior marks from the judges as well. It was stated that our bands were the best of the day! However, we have not received the remarks and where we ranked according to the other bands. This is great news and we are proud of both bands, both on and off the stage.

Bowl-a-thon & Pizza Feast Await Winter Ensemble
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jesse Seeley)
For those that have not already got the word on this, and for a reminder to those that already HAVE J, tomorrow (Friday, April 4) is the celebration and final fund raiser for the Winter Ensemble. If you are not part of the Winter Ensemble but know someone who is, help them out by pledging say, 5¢ per pin. Even if they bowl a perfect score that would only be a $15 donation J. But it's doubtful any of them will turn in a Senator Obama score of 37, so don't pledge too much because there might be a couple good bowlers within this group of students. Anyone can come and watch, pledge your favorite bowler/musician at the bowling alley! Participation at the events, however, are restricted to the Winter Ensemble members and their parents. Details for the event follow. . .

What: Bowl-a-thon
Who: Winter Ensemble troupe (props/pushers, guard, musicians)
Spectators & pledgers welcome to watch
Where: Northgate Bowling Alley, 2380 Northgate Avenue N.E., Salem
When: 4:30 to ~ 6:30/7:00 p.m.

But wait! There's more! Now onto a pizza feast!
Where: Walery’s Pizza (near West Salem Safeway for those that haven't ever been there J), 1555 Edgewater NW, Salem (of course)
Who: Winter Ensemble troupe, Middle School Drumline & Guard, all parents
When: 7:30 p.m. to ~ 9:00 p.m.

We look forward to having a great time in celebrating a VERY successful season!

"Looking Forward"
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
• April 4, Wind Ensemble, WOU Invitational at Western, Times: 12:30 to 6
• April 10, Advanced Symphony, Rehearsal at WSHS, Times: 4:30 to 6:30
• April 11, Wind Ensemble, Valley League Band Contest, North Salem High School, Times: 3:00 to 9:00
• April 12, Symphony, Salem Invitational Orchestra Festival, North Salem High School, Times TBA
• April 14, ALL, High School Band Festival, WSHS, Times TBA

Final Reminder: Advanced Symphony Rehearsal Added for April 10
(Contributor: Daryl Silberman, Jenny Gates)
There is an added advanced symphony rehearsal - Thursday April 10 from 4:30 - 6:30 - it's our final rehearsal all together before the district competition on April 12th (band members will be gone on Friday April 11).

Editor's Corner: Quote of the Week
Don't GO through life, GROW through life!
Author: Eric Butterworth

Orchestra News

1) Thursday April 3, the Advanced Symphony and Orchestra classes went to Monmouth to compete in an area festival competition to see if we would qualify for the state competition in May. Here are the results:

Advanced Symphony orchestra, playing Nelson, Schubert and Wagner narrowly qualified - congratulations.
Advanced Orchestra missed qualifying by 2 points. We're hopeful we'll qualify next week at Salem-Keizer's district competition

Thanks to all for their hard work - it was an exciting (and exhausting) day!

2) A 'heavy metal' band consisting of violin, cello and drums called Judgement Day is coming to Salem. The gentlemen in this band are in their 20s, are fun to watch, play their instruments really well (classically too!), and are very cool. They are going to be playing at the Ice Box Saturday evening April 12 (open to all ages) but we're fortunate to have them here at West Salem High School for a workshop.

It's open to all string players in the district, grades 7 - 12 - here's the info:

Judgement Day workshop (bring your instrument!)
Wednesday April 9 - 3:15 - 5:15 in the orchestra room

For more info on the band:

3) There is an added Symphony rehearsal next week - Thursday 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. because wind and brass students are not available on Friday.
Strings *WILL* rehearse on Friday as usual.

4) Salem-Keizer Invitational District Festival Competition - Saturday, APRIL 12

For parents (and students not in the Advanced Orchestra or Symphony) who would like to attend the concert here's when we play:

North High School Auditorium
Advanced Orchestra - 10:30
Advanced Symphony - 2:45

GREAT opportunity to show support for our program (and to do a concert review!)

Here's the schedule for all players:

Advanced Orchestra members only - arrive at 8:25 a.m. - dismiss at 11:30-ish
Advanced Symphony members only - arrive at 1 - dismiss at 4 p.m.-ish
Advanced Symphony and Orchestra members - arrive at 8:25am - dismiss at 4 p.m.-ish

Advanced Orchestra
Call time at NORTH - 8:25am
Warmup: 10 a.m.
Performance: 10:30
Sight reading: 11 a.m.
Instruments away and watch Reynolds until noon

Lunch - noon 'til 1 (bring a lunch)

Advanced Symphony
Call time at NORTH - 12:55 p.m
Warmup: 2:10 p.m.
Perform: 2:45 p.m.
Sight reading: 3:20 - 3:50
Pack up and go home

More details next week....

5) We've added a performance to feature String Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphony Strings classes:

Wednesday May 21, 7 p.m. at Loucks Auditorium (in the Downtown Salem Library)

Mark your calendars, please.


~Ms. Silberman (

Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218