(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Call times for the various events appear below:
Basketball Band/Games
Friday, Jan. 11 - 5:15 call time
Tuesday, Jan. 15 - 5:15 call time
Jazz Ensembles - Saturday, Jan. 19
Lab I - 8:45 call (Attire: ALL black)
Lab II - 9:30 call (Attire: Black and White)
All students must decide this week (by Wednesday, January 16th) if they are staying for the concert. Arrangements to travel home will hinge on how many students are doing what. Please let your decision be known to one of the directors immediately. Depending on these numbers, we might need a couple of parent drivers to assist with transportation home after the Jazz Festival. Stay tuned for details. . .
Titan Jazz Reminders—Rehearsals and Festivals
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths and Alyson Baker)
Rehearsals—Don’t forget that we DO have Monday rehearsals on the following no school Mondays:
Jan. 21 – regular times
Feb. 18 – slightly extended times, in preparation for the Lionel Hampton Festival
Festivals—Many updates below
Oregon Jazz Festival (Lane Comm. Coll.) – Jan. 19 (Saturday)
Call time TBA in the morning. Both groups playing at LCC, not the U of O. The evening concert features Luis Bonilla (trombone). It’s at 7:30, and we would return home late (usually around midnight). I need to know who plans to go. The band will pay the cost of tickets. Usually, our bus brings home everyone else around 6:00 pm.
Willamette – Feb. 9 (Saturday)
No info yet.
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival (Moscow, ID) – Feb. 20-23
$50 due Jan 15; $50 due Feb 15
We’ll be leaving school Thursday, February 21st at 3:00 p.m. and returning Saturday night around midnight or a little later. We must double-check the commitment of every performer! Contact Mr. Griffiths immediately with your intent if you have not already done so. There is an incredible concert Friday night, but we’ll only pay for those who want to go. For more on the show particulars, please visit their own website at http://www.jazz.uidaho.edu/default.aspx?pid=101756 (thank you again Alyson).
Salem Jazz Festival – March 8
Looks like we’ll be playing early. More details to follow; stayed tuned . . .
Questions, Comments, or Q-tips? Email me. Home or school is fine: griffiths_brian@salkeiz.k12.or.us or brigriff@comcast.net
Thanks again to Alyson Baker, who is coordinating the trip to Idaho and some of our other business! You may also contact her at sackbaker@msn.com.
Winter Ensemble – Friday Rehearsals Start January 11
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Every Friday evening now there will be rehearsals for the “Winter Percussion Theater” and Winter Ensemble. Starting Friday, January 11, and continuing through March 7, 2008 these rehearsals will start at 6:00 p.m. and run until approximately 9:00 p.m. It should be noted that the Friday where no school is scheduled (Friday, February 1) that there will STILL be a rehearsal. Please make a note of this now as there may be no other reminders!
Concert Quadre, February 8
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
Coming up in the very near future. Quadre, a horn quartet from CA will be performing at Willamette University on Friday, Feb 8 in Hudson Hall at 8 p.m. Admission is free. They will be offering a master class but the time and location has yet to be determined. Quadre's web page - http://www.quadre.org/default.htm
Looking forward. . . back by popular demand
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
In addition to those dates and festivals mentioned above, below is a snapshot of the important schedule of events up through the middle of February
1/17 All-City Band Sectional
1/31 All-City Band Sectional
2/14 All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/15 All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/16 All-City Full Dress Rehearsal
2/16 All City Concert

(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
I thought it apropos that the below picture of the week depict a couple of the hard working, behind the scenes activities of a couple of the staff. I think you may know them J. At this past Tuesday’s Varsity Girls basketball game, hard at work was our own “Mr. G.” In case some of you don’t recognize the other hard worker in the background, that is Mr. Joe Gottsch, which I think I can safely say is still one of our own too J.
For sports and band pictures from Joe Gottsch, visit his web site at http://westsidephoto.net
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