Music Booster Meeting Tuesday
The Music Boosters meet each month on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Band Room. The next meeting is Tuesday, May 5, 2009, at 6:30. We hope to see you there!
SCRIP Orders Still Being Taken – Build Your Student’s Personal Account
SCRIP orders need to be placed by Tuesday mornings at 9 am each week to receive your SCRIP cards the following week. Stock up now on Safeway Cards, Walgreens Cards, Movie Tickets, and more. If you’re spending money at these places anyway, you might as well have some of those funds coming back to the band and to your student’s personal accounts.
Reminder: Concert Attire Must Be Returned Soon
All seniors must turn in their concert attire following the final concert in May, and the remaining students need to return their concert attire following graduation. This gives us about a two week period for all attire to be returned and accounted for.
Reminder: School policy states that any students who do not return their attire will have their grades withheld or be charged a fee of $200 for a tux or $150 for a dress.
Friends of Music Supports Chris Brantley, Nancy MacMorris-Adix, and Rick Kimball in Upcoming School Board Election
For your information: The Friends of Music has released the following statement of support for the upcoming School Board Election:
On April 6, the Salem-Keizer Friends of Music joined with the Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality and Stand for Children to hold a Salem-Keizer School Board candidate forum. All of the candidates for Zones 1, 3, 5 and 7 were invited. Chris Brantley, Nancy MacMorris-Adix, Patrick Sieng and Rick Kimball participated. Salem-Keizer School Board members hold important positions in our community. They represent the public--the owners of the schools--set policies, evaluate the level of success of the schools and set future directions. This is an important election.
Based on this forum and our knowledge of the work of the candidates, the Friends of Music unanimously voted the following statements of support:
Zone 1: Chris Brantley
We are impressed with his understanding of school important school issues, his experience in education, his long-standing support of music education, his initiative to meet with principals to see what is working and what needs improvement, and his willingness to meet with the public in this candidate forum.
Zone 3: Nancy MacMorris-Adix
We are impressed with her 15 years of work in Zone 3 as a parent and community member to make schools better for students, her direct work in support of music and a complete education, her practical understanding of the wide range of issues facing the schools today and her calm, intelligent judgment.
Zone 5: Rick Kimball
We are impressed with his work in his first four year term, his understanding of the important school issues, his support of a comprehensive education that includes strong music instruction, his support of excellence in instruction that is easily seen in music instruction, and his participation in the candidate forum.
The Friends of Music pledge to work with our schools and community to keep education strong during this economic crisis and to maintain a comprehensive education that prepares our young people for success in life.
We encourage everyone to vote for the candidate of their choice -- that's how democracy works best. Ballots will reach the home in early May, and will be due May 19. Please join us in supporting our schools by casting your vote.
Alan Bushong
President, Salem-Keizer Friends of Music
Important Dates
Here are some important dates. Note the new addition on May 19! Please mark your calendars!
May 15: State Orchestra Competition, OSU
May 16: State Band Competition, OSU
**May 19: Spring Band Awards** (New addition to calendar)
May 23: Jazz Ensemble Recording Session (WSHS)
May 28: Spring Band Concert (7:30 WSHS)
May 29: Jazz Night, West Salem HS
June 4: Graduation, Salem Fair Grounds (Students need to meet at the Pavillion at the Fairgrounds, a bus will bring them back to West. Times to be announced)
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