Sunday, November 1, 2009

Band Booster Newsletter 11/1/09

This Week’s Schedule
This week is a festival week. Please see the schedule in the band room for details.

Winter Percussion Festival Meeting Monday at 5:45 pm in the Band Room
Allison Baker and Jackie Maltzan have agreed to be the coordinators for the Winter Percussion Premier Competition scheduled for February 13, 2010 at WSHS. This is a great opportunity for West to get on the map for hosting competitions and should be a huge fundraiser for the band program at West.

There are a number of parents who have stepped up to lead the very important sub-groups. There are still a few openings we need leaders for. In addition, we will need a lot of volunteers for various jobs and tasks. If you are able to take on any of the open positions, please let Allison or Jackie know as soon as possible. If you have a specific area of skills or interests that you want to help with, please contact Allison, Jackie or the lead for that group.

Our challenge to the leads is this - please find 1 or 2 people that can be your right hand people. The more we have working on this project, the easier it will be. We will also be asking for a number of the band and color guard students to volunteer their time that day.

So, mark your calendars for February 13, 2010. It is going to be an amazing day!

Band Booster Meeting Monday 11/2 at 7:30 pm
Please plan to join us at the Band Booster meeting on Monday evening at 7:30 pm in the Band Room. See you there!

Scrip: The Easiest Fundraiser Yet!
It is easy! Keep in mind that you are not “buying” scrip; you are "trading" money for gift certificate money for your daily purchases. If all of our band families could redirect $200/month to scrip monthly, we would generate an extra $800/month or more, for band!

What is new with scrip? Starting this week:
Jiffy Lube discount increases to 10%
- $5 Starbucks gift card denomination added
- $100 Prepaid VISA card denomination added
 Our first scrip order will be placed this week, Tuesday, 11/3, and be available for pick up Thursday. Thereafter, we will have the same weekly ordering schedule. Thank you to those who have already placed orders! Order forms will be available in both attached and in the band room next to the Scrip box. If you have any questions, contact Holly Alred 503 851 2880 ( or Chris McDonald at 503 586 8314.

Titan Auction
There is still time left to be part of the fun. We have filled three tables and would like to fill three more. Remember you do not have to have a full table, let me know you want to go and we will put people together at a Band Booster table. Tickets are $35 per person. If you do wish to buy a table it seats 8 and is $280. For those of you who have already given me money for tickets, if you are wondering why your checks have not been cashed they are being turned in on Nov. 2nd at the Auction Committee meeting. Seats are selling out quickly, so please get in touch with Scotti soon if you want to attend.

We are still in need of donations. We have some really great ones so far, but really need some more. Let me know if you can donate something, or know someone who can donate. We have requested the Marching kids donate baskets this year. We are making a contest out of it. All section leaders were asked to get with their section and come up with a theme basket (thanks for the idea Marianna). The section who's basket earns the most at the auction will get a pizza party. Please ask you kids about this so they can keep it going. Baskets are due on November 2nd at marching practice. Each section should be sure to have a card attached with what section they are in and the name of the basket.

The evening will be a blast so please join us. You can reach Scotti at or (503)269-0887.

Christmas Trees
For those of you who did not make it to the last booster meeting we are adding something new this year, Christmas Trees! We are not doing a tree lot; these are preorder only. **Please see the attached order form.** This is a great idea for relatives, friends and neighbors. All the trees will be Noble Firs. You have a choice of:

5'-6' at $30
6'-7' at $35
7'-8' at $40

You also have a choice of pick up dates, 12/05/09 from 8-12 and 12/12/09 from 8-12. For an extra $5, delivery is available in West Salem and for $7 in the rest of the Salem area.

We are hoping to make this an annual event. This year is a test run to see how it goes. All order forms must be turned in no later than 11/18/2009. Please put them in an envelope with the money for the trees and place it in the "Green Box" in the band room. Be sure to write on the envelope "Christmas Trees", this way it will make to the proper person. If you would like to volunteer to help on the 5th and/or the 12th or have any questions or comments you can contact Scotti Rylands at or call her at (503)269-0887.

Thank you to Meduri Christmas Trees for making this possible.

Marie Callender's Pie Sale
Richard Spann and Marie Callender's have graciously found another way to make Band booster money this year. All you have to do is buy your Thanksgiving Pies from Marie Callender's at 2615 Lancaster Dr between 11/20/2009 and 11/26/2009. When you purchase your pie during those dates, give the cashier the certificate your kids will be bringing home and 50 cents for each pie will be given to Band Boosters. You don't have to do anything different than you would normally just submit the certificate and buy your pies there and we make money. The kids will be given a small stack each over the next couple weeks. Please share them with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, strangers, or anyone you wish. If you run out please e-mail John Rylands at or call him at (503)779-6151 and he will get you some more.

Remember the more pies you buy, the more money we raise!

Thank you Marie Callender's and Richard Spann for this great fundraising opportunity.

Entertainment Books
Due date passed! All unsold entertainment books and money were due on 10/28. Please make sure that you have turned in your money or unsold books. If you have questions, please contact Kathy Robbins.

Poinsettia Pickup Dates
Poinsettia and wreath orders were due on 10/30. If you have questions, please contact Sheila Muller. Please note: The pickup dates on the poinsettia order form were incorrect. The pick-up dates are Friday, December 4th, 8-10:00 PM and Saturday, December 5th, 9-11:00 AM

Thank you!
Thank you to the Zukowski Family for donating our new medical bag!

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