Sunday, September 30, 2007

A suggestion from Mrs. Silberman

Looking for something invigorating to do this rainy afternoon?

The Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing *THIS AFTERNOON* (Sunday 9/30/07) at 3pm at Rice Auditorium at WOU in Monmouth. Student tickets are $5.00) Last night they played in Salem, and I can report that it was a fantastic, invigorating, beautiful concert. Here are my quick impressions from last night:

The Mozart's Marriage of Figaro overture was played very well - always an enjoyable, quick listen.

The violin concerto was incredible! The violinist, Amy Schwartz Moretti, was stunning to watch - impeccable composure, flawless bow arm, deep musicality. The concerto she played - Butterfly Lover's Concerto by Chinese composers He and Chen - was profoundly moving. Based on an old Chinese tale of lovers who cannot marry, die because they cannot be together, and become resurrected as butterflies at the end, the concerto is beautiful, thrilling, and very easily listened to.

Beethoven's 5th Symphony was played with passion and heart.

I hope you can make it. And, if not this time, please consider making it to the next Salem Chamber Orchestra concert. It's exciting to me to know that we have such high quality performances occurring right here in (and around) Salem. Seeing high quality, live performances is very motivating to orchestra string students.

~Ms. Silberman

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