Thursday, May 8, 2008

Band Newsletter #37

Symphony, Orchestra, & Wind Ensemble—Competitions on May 9th & 10th
(Contributors: Daryl Silberman, Jenny Gates, Jesse Seeley, Patricia Nielsen)
While some may have already received it from their distribution list, it is included herein as there are some on THIS distribution that may also need to see it. If it is duplicated, please accept my apologies, but duplication is much better than nullification. J
Please see the attached message entitled “Orchestra News” – it includes important and up-to-the minute information on bus schedules for the state competition on Friday, May 9th. I’ve excerpted many of the important details from the attached Orchestra News sent last evening (Wednesday, May 7th) and included it below. Many thanks to Director Silberman and also Jenny Gates for their very informative newsletters!

Specific to Symphony & Orchestra:
Friday, May 9th, noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m. Friday’s performance order/schedule (all schools):

Reminder to all students - If you will not be taking the bus at all (if you will be driving or driven), you need to turn in a signed note from a parent to Ms. Silberman or Dr. Nail.

Parents - We look forward to seeing you in Corvallis! Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m., and Advanced Symphony at 3:45 p.m. Directions from WSHS and map link area surrounding the LaSells Stewart Center at OSU is in the attached message (“Orchestra News”). More information can be viewed at (prices, spectator information, performance order, and more).

Specific to Wind Ensemble:
For Students: Please refer to the attachment “Wind Ensemble State Contest Itinerary” (in two formats in case you don’t have MS Word). In it you’ll find specific directions for call times and other instructions from Dr. Nail.

For Parents: West Salem performs at 7:00 p.m. at this event with the “Award Ceremony” starting approximately at 9:00 p.m. Saturday’s “6A Performance Order” for Orchestra (all schools): .

Reminder: Tryouts for Marching Band “Battery”
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Mr. G, edits by Jesse Seeley)
Most of you got “the word” on this already, but will repeat it again this last time to assure nobody is left out of the communications loop. The next tryout will be May 14th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Send any questions to one of the Music Directors or ask them directly at school.

Reminder: Wind Ensemble “State t-shirts”
(Contributor: KC Urbani)
As a reminder: Attention Wind Ensemble Students and Parents. Most of the students on Wind Ensemble ordered a t-shirt, so if you, or your son/daughter ordered a shirt (being made for taking “state”) please remember to pay KC Urbani $8 before May 19th when we will be getting the shirts. Not all have paid to-date and we need all hands to come forward that still need to pay. They will be in by May 9th and we need to make final payment in order to pick up the shirts and we are short several students/parents payments. Please contact KC Urbani directly with any questions at: Thanks so much!

“Looking Forward” Remainder of April & May Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
The below table of “Looking Forward” has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008 and a newly added concert for Advanced Symphony for June 2nd.

  • May 8, 2008, Symphony, Added Rehearsal, W.S.H.S., 2:40 p.m./4:00 p.m., From “Orchestra Newsletter”
  • May 9th, 2008, Symphony/Orchestra, OSAA State Contest, LaSell Stewart Center at OSU, See first article in this newsletter
  • May 10th, 2008, Wind Ensemble, OSAA State Contest, LaSell Stewart Center at OSU, Call times still TBA, “Show time” is at 7:00 p.m.
  • May 17th, 2008, Titan Band/Colorguard, Iris Festival & Parade, Keizer, TBA
  • May 22nd, 2008, ALL, Spring Awards, W.S.H.S., TBA, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
  • May 23rd, 2008, Jazz Lab II, Studio Recording Session, TBA, TBA, See director
  • May 24th, 2008, Jazz Lab I, Studio Recording Session, TBA, TBA, See director
  • May 29th, 2008, ALL, Spring Concert, W.S.H.S., TBA, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
  • May 30th, 2008, Jazz Labs—ALL, Jazz Night, W.S.H.S., TBA, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
  • June 2nd, 2008, Adv Symphony, Orchestra Concert, W.S.H.S., TBA
As an addition to the above table of upcoming MUSIC activities, please also check out WSHS’ “Master Schedule”. As we approach the school year’s end this link may come in handy, especially for the senior class and their parents. The below link should take you to the page starting with April, 2008 and will cover May, & June on that same page. You’ll see once there that you can look around wherever you need to go. Not all music departments “gigs” are necessarily listed however—continue to use this newsletter for the most updated schedule of events (as long as the editor gets them J):

Editor’s Corner: Quote of the Week—CONTEST!
Parents, students, AND teachers are welcome to enter!!!! Let’s see who is paying attention and reading the newsletter J
Many students, parents, and obviously math teachers will recognize the author of the two quotes below. The first 19 names sent to me ( with the correct answer will be entered to win a $10 gift card from the eatery of their choice. Entries must be received by midnight Friday, May 23rd, but again, it’s going to be the first 19 names so you know your probability of winning would be 1-in-19. But if you wait until the deadline, it may be too late to enter J.

Since using the Internet makes this too easy, we’ve made it interesting to see how well all “rules” are followed and directions thoroughly read.

The requirements for the correct answers (and they must be given in the body of your email in this order:
  • Subject of email must be “Answer to WSHS Quote”
  • This person’s first and last names
  • Name TWO of the things he was famous for
  • Many of us use one of his originated inventions everyday—what was that invention?
All of the words below “Editor’s Corner. . .” to here are hidden clues. Add 3 of the clues above and state WHY they are clues to your “entry” and you will have an additional entry into the drawing for each correct meaning BEHIND the “clue”. Here are the two quotes:

“Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself.”

And. . .

“Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about anything, we ought to know a little about everything.”

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