Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Band update

Dear Parents,

It has come to our attention that many have been caught off-guard by this year’s “Downtown First Wednesday Performance”—I too am one of those parents. This is the school district’s “First Annual” of this type of event, so it may have been bad timing for most of us, but attached please find the schedule for those students involved. Most all of the students have known of this, and there was even some discussion that this event may not even be happening. Well, it is, and all I’m trying to do is get the message out to the PARENTS (this is not going to most students) on what exactly is happening tomorrow (Wednesday, September 3rd). Note on the top of the handout is a handwritten “3” – the typist’s mistake—I just scanned what I had. See Handout

Since many students’ first day is tomorrow to begin with, they will not be surprised by this event. But the band boosters, instructors, directors, and I wanted to get this out to those parents that do not possess those communications ties with their children (I think that pretty much covers us all from time-to-time J).

If you have any questions, please contact one of the band directors. This is ALL I have at this juncture. Since this IS the first of its event, I’d not hold the times to be precise and there will no doubt be some bumps. That’s what we learn to do here in band: “Adapt and Overcome."


Jesse Seeley
WSHS Band Newsletter Editor

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