Friday, February 29, 2008

Orchestra News

1) Every two months the Friends of Music meet at rotating schools—this time it is West’s turn to host this very important meeting. EVERYONE in the community is invited and they need not be involved with WSHS directly and any citizen can attend, but especially any interested parents. So please tell one and all that have an ongoing interest in maintaining the arts in our high schools and the community that they too are welcome to attend.

FOM is an advocacy group comprised of concerned Salem-Keizer citizens, parents, music booster group representatives, and music teachers, and is chaired by Alan Bushong, president of CCTV and longtime music parent. This group co-sponsors All City music group performances, fundraises for musical causes, helps champion music as a core strength in our school system and keeps tabs on all things musical with school board officials and Salem-Keizer administrative personnel.

When: Monday, March 3, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: West Salem High School
Room A101 (WSHS Orchestra room)

Proposed Agenda for Monday, March 3rd, 2008:
Entertainment provided by “West High Corelli Bass Duo”
Introductions by:
WSHS Vice-Principal (Mr. John is scheduled to be out of town)
James Boyd, Director of the Salem Chamber Orchestra
“Small Learning Communities”—to review the data collected at and since the Jan. 7 meeting (at McKay)
Includes plan to cut a sophomore elective class at South Salem HS
“Next Steps” that FOM will take
All-City Honors Band wrap-up
Volunteer thanks, misc topics
May meeting plans

If you have any questions about this event, contact our own Marianne Stipe ( ), who can field questions about the Friends of Music organization and the event at our school this upcoming Monday, March 3rd.

2) All orchestras are going to be visited by guest artists this week - Period 2 will be conducted by Mark Perlman, bassist of the Salem Chamber Orchestra (and associate professor of philosophy at Western Oregon University) and all other periods will be guest conducted by Danny Seidenberg this week. We're so lucky to have such amazing talent right here in Salem!

3) Reminder that we will be having an Advanced Symphony Orchestra intensive on a non-school day. All students enrolled in symphony orchestra are expected to attend unless excused legitimately. Students who cannot attend will be assigned to play their symphony repertoire for Ms. Silberman the following week. It will be a fantastic day - an opportunity for us to focus on successfully learning this music that we'll be playing in competition only a few weeks later. Each section will be coached by a professional from the Salem Chamber Orchestra.

4) The week of March 3rd:
Tuesday March 2 - symphony rehearsal 4:30 - 6:30
Thursday March 6 - All musicians in Periods 5 and 6, 2:30 – 4 p.m.
Friday March 7 - Symphony intensive noon – 4 p.m.

5) Good luck to Bronte Loewen-Thomas, Taylor Baldwin, and Gwen Gates who are performing a solo for the district's Solo and Ensemble competition this Saturday. We wish you good luck!

Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218

Thursday, February 28, 2008

WSHS Band Newsletter #27

Friends of Music—Meeting Hosted by WSHSà Monday, March 3rd
(Contributor: Alan Busong, Daryl Silberman, Edits by WSHS News Editor)
Every two months the “Friends of Music” (FOM) meet at rotating schools—this time it is WSHS’ turn to host this very important meeting. EVERYONE in the community is invited and they need not be involved with WSHS directly and any citizen can attend, but especially any interested parents. So please tell one and all that have an ongoing interest in maintaining the “arts” in our high schools and the community that they too are welcome to attend.

About “Friends of Music”—FOM is an advocacy group comprised of concerned Salem-Keizer citizens, parents, music booster group representatives, and music teachers, and is chaired by Alan Bushong, president of CCTV and longtime music parent. This group co-sponsors All City music group performances, fundraises for musical causes, helps champion music as a core strength in our school system and keeps tabs on all things musical with school board officials and Salem-Keizer administrative personnel. The FOM meets every other month on the first Monday of that month and occasionally travels to different schools in an effort to reach out to its constituent parent base.

When: Monday, March 3, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: West Salem High School
Room A101 (WSHS Orchestra room)
Entrance will be “Side A wing door” (not the door that leads to the auditorium, but the one to the right near the gray roll-up door)
Parking: Free of course, best/closest parking will be on west side of the lower parking lot (closest to Orchard Heights Street)

Proposed Agenda for Monday, March 3rd, 2008:
n Entertainment provided by “West High Corelli Bass Duo”
n Introductions by:
o WSHS Vice-Principal (Mr. John is scheduled to be out of town)
o James Boyd, Director of the Salem Chamber Orchestra
n “Small Learning Communities”—to review the data collected at and since the January 7th meeting (at McKay)
o Includes plan to cut a sophomore elective class at South Salem HS
o “Next Steps” that FOM will take
n All-City Honors Band wrap-up
o Volunteer thanks, misc topics
n May meeting plans

If you have any questions about this event, contact our own Marianne Stipe ( ), who can field questions about the Friends of Music organization and the event at our school this upcoming Monday, March 3rd.

Jazz Band Trip Moscow, Idaho – Success & Thank You!
(Contributor: Alyson Baker & Editor)
The trip to Moscow was a successful one and went nearly exactly to the schedule published prior to the Jazz Band’s departure. Most everyone had fun, but some worked very hard on the trip to make sure that the musicians’ had as carefree of a time as possible. In addition to the hard work always put in by the music directors (of course), several parents helped out as well. Without them this trip would not have come off as smoothly as it did. We’d like to acknowledge and thank the following parents and chaperones:

Don DeFord
Tom Goetter
Becky Griffiths
Michael McIntosh
Alyson Baker
Deryl Nielsen
Pam Wittman

Thank you to all for giving up your time and spending it with our Jazz Band. All these parents played special roles throughout the weekend. They kept our children safe and went above and beyond in everything they did. To the other parents that did not take the trip, you’ll be happy to know that the above parents and chaperones were impressed with the actions and behavior of the students. We all had a good time and both bands sounded great. The workshops had a lot of information and were also entertaining. Our students represented West Salem High school with respect. Once again we should be proud. Alyson Baker

Winter Ensemble—Remaining Rehearsal (& Show) Schedule (next one in red)
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jesse Seeley)
FRIDAY 2/29: 6-9pm
SATURDAY 3/1: 4PM-11PM (This is solo & ensemble day, but you will all be done with solos before rehearsal begins)
FRIDAY 3/7: 3-9PM:
FRIDAY 3/14: 6-9PM
FRIDAY 3/21: 6-9PM

Jazz Band Cancels Performance in WVYJE Event
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Mr. Griffiths, Edited by Jesse Seeley)
The Jazz Band members have already received notification of this on a separate email. But for the other musicians that will not be performing with the “Winter Ensemble”, your participation is still encouraged. Due to the conflict schedule of the March 8 Winter Percussion Show with this Jazz festival/event, we are unable to attend the Salem Jazz Festival and are consequently dropping it from our schedule. We knew this was a possibility months ago. We'll make sure it's a firm date on our calendar next year!

We would like to encourage attendance at this festival, though. Students who attend for at least half the day will receive credit in lieu of an upcoming listening assignment. (This offer extends to WVYJE members, too--See Mr. Griffiths for details)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Orchestra News

1) Oops - apparently signature is only needed on the re-enrollment form if someone hasn't been
in the orchestra program before. In another month, Ms. Silberman will begin hearing students who wish to move up to another orchestra. Those in Advanced Orchestra will only play for Ms. Silberman later in the spring so that she can figure out placement for those who wish to move up to that orchestra.

2) Thanks to Missy Page and Kelly Culver for helping with the YMMP (Young Musicians Mentoring Program) reception. We had most of our high school mentors and many of our young students (with parents) come to meet each other.

3) IMPORTANT SCHEDULE UPDATES>>> Students will all receive a bright yellow sheet of paper with 2008 performances and important dates. Please make sure that this sheet goes along with your handbook (the green one, you got at the beginning of the year) so that you know when performances are

March 1 Saturday District solo and Ensemble Contest - daytime
March 7 Friday GRADING DAY No School
Symphony intensive * sectionals!! 12 noon * 4pm
Advanced Symphony
March 17 Monday Composer Poster Assignment due
Advanced Orchestra
March 13 Thursday ADDED CONCERT * Spring Concert * 7pm
String Ensemble (Period 5)
Orchestra (Period 6)
(With Walker Middle School and 5th grade orchestras)

April 3or4 Thur or Fri ADDED CONCERT * daytime * probably on the 3rd
Monmouth District Contest
Advanced Symphony
Advanced Orchestra
April 9 Wednesday CANCELED DATE (Spring Concert)
April 12 Saturday Salem-Keizer High School Orch Invitational Festival
Advanced Symphony
Advanced Orchestra

May 1 Thursday All Music Groups Concert @ West * Band/Choir/Orch
May 9 Friday State Orchestra Finals(if we’re selected)
Advanced Symphony
Advanced Orchestra
May 22 Thursday West Area Orchestra Concert (with 4th/5th grades)
Advanced Orchestra (Pirates)
Symphony Strings

June 2 Monday Final Concert * All Orchestras!!!

Aug 18-22? Mon * Thur? Boot Camp * special guest artist this year!!

4) There is a benefit concert at 3pm this Sunday Feb. 24 at Smith Hall at Western Oregon
University featuring many local musicians - the concert commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine/Genocide in which 1/6th of the population of Ukraine perished in a single winter. All proceeds will be donated for relief efforts in Darfur, Sudan. $8 suggested donation.

5) We will start announcing sectionals in the newsletter, so that parents and students are both aware of schedules. For next week, the week of the 25th, there will be no sectional schedule (Ms. Silberman will be presenting and performing at the American String Teacher Association conference in Albuquerque).

~Ms. Silberman

Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

WSHS Band Updates

All-City Honor Music Schedule on CCTV (cable Channel 22)
For those that were in attendance of this wonderful performance, you may have noted in the program the air times for the event. I have simplified the lookup of this information for you by directing you to the CCTV “Schedule” web page: The first of those dates will show on Wednesday, February 20th; the remainder of the lookup should be self-explanatory. Here are the dates as they were printed in the All-City Honor Band program:

For Channel 22 (Comcast Cable). The program was slated at 119 minutes:
February 20th @ 8:00 p.m.
February 21st @ 11:00 a.m.
February 22nd @ 3:00 p.m.
February 23rd @ 10:00 a.m.
February 25th @4:00 p.m.

Check the above web site for the specific day/time of the particular show. Sometimes things get moved around or not a whole show is aired, so check the local listings to make certain that you have the proper day and time (especially if you’re recording it).

Jazz Trip Update: Moscow, Idaho
Many already have this from a handout at school, but below is the latest and “hot off the presses” from Alyson Baker—again, some of you may have already received this directly from her. Should it differ, please accept hers as the most accurate.

o We will provide Saturday breakfast.
o Friday breakfast will be cheap ($2) at the school
o Friday and Saturday lunches on your own ($5-10 ea.)
o Thursday, Friday, and Saturday dinners on your own ($10-15 ea.)
o Tip for the bus driver: $2 or $3
o TOTAL: Bring about $50.00 to feed yourself for the weekend!
o Souvenir/spending money extra!

What to Bring:
o All instruments and music for all six tunes we have prepared.
o A folding wire music stand if you have one
o Amps and percussion: They provide a full drumset & both amps on stage. We still need those items for rehearsals.
o They DO NOT provide Vibes. We need a plan.
o On Saturday, most students will be carrying all their equipment around town all day. Plan accordingly.
o Sleeping bag and pad.
o Clothes * including those for performance and those for cold weather.
o Toiletries. The university showers available to us are not private, so a swimsuit is encouraged.
o Homework.
o Movies (No rated R.)

Itinerary from Thursday February 21st through end of Trip Saturday/Sunday (February 23/24)

Thursday, Feb. 21
3:00 p.m. Depart school 3:00pm on charter bus.
7:00 p.m. Dinner stop in Kennewick, WA
119 N. Adams St. - Moscow, ID. 83843
Phone (208) 882-2715
We will be spending both nights on their gym floor.

Friday, Feb. 22
6:30 a.m. Wake up, eat, pack, shower. Attend festival events on campus of Univ. Idaho
2:00 p.m. Soundscape performs at Recital Hall
4:15 p.m. Rehearse at Russell School.
6:15 p.m. Bus to dinner.
8:00 p.m. Masters Concert at Kibbie Dome

Saturday Feb. 23 (and part of Sunday morning—VERY early Sunday a.m. pickup)
6:30 a.m. Wake up, eat, pack, shower. Attend festival events on campus of University of Idaho
9:40 a.m. Lab II performs at Moscow H.S. stage.
?? Group photo.
3:20 p.m. Lab I performs at Hartung Theatre stage.
5:00 p.m. Depart UI campus.
7:00 p.m. Dinner stop in Kennewick, WA
1:00 a.m. Actually Sunday morning--Arrive West H.S. Unload, clean up, dismiss.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Band Newsletter #26

All-City Concert Saturday, February 16, 2008
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths, Jesse Seeley)
After school closures tightened the rehearsal schedule for the All-City Band members (and their families’ and staff’s schedules as well), all the long hours of practice will culminate in tonight’s performance! Tickets will be available at the door ($5 last year, no updated info for this year) and the concert gets underway promptly at 7:00 p.m. at North Salem High School’s auditorium

Basketball Band – Last Gig of the Season
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Last game TUESDAY, Feb. 19, call time at 5:45

Jazz Band – Moscow, Idaho Travel Info for “Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival”
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths, Jesse Seeley)
Some of us (newsletter editor included) have been waiting for this information, and although it was already handed out at school to students, for those parents that may not have seen this until today, the bottom line appears to be: Fees of $100 for the trip are still owed by several, and they were due this past week (Friday, Feb. 15 was the deadline)
• The above amount is for FEES, check to made out to WSHS Music Boosters
• Extra money for food, snacks, souvenirs, etc are not included

Travel begins immediately after school this Thursday, February 21st! Charter bus DEPARTS at 3:00 p.m.

For more insight, please read the attached “Moscow Trip Info” file for more details. Due to the urgency and closeness of this event and to make sure Mr. Griffiths can respond as promptly as possible, please direct any questions or inquiries immediately to Mr. Griffiths at: AND

If you have questions about payments, contact Vickie and Kami (co-chairs) directly.

For Lionel Jazz Festival information, check THEIR Web site at:

Winter Ensemble—Change in Rehearsal Schedule
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jesse Seeley)
Although sent directly to the Winter Ensemble distribution lists directly, below is an excerpt from Alan Keown’s email with information regarding the changes:

Due to several factors, 1) the jazz trip to Idaho, 2) the amount of cool material we still have yet to teach for the show, and 3) the rapidly approaching contests, we are altering our schedule for the remainder of the season. Please make careful notes regarding these schedule changes...some are simply date changes, some are actually added rehearsals...I will outline the rest of the entire season below:
• MONDAY 2/18: 9AM-2PM (We will be done by the time the jazz band rehearsal begins)
• FRIDAY 2/29: 6-9pm
• SATURDAY 3/1: 4PM-11PM (This is solo & ensemble day, but you will all be done with solos before rehearsal begins)
• FRIDAY 3/7: 3-9PM:
• FRIDAY 3/14: 6-9PM
• FRIDAY 3/21: 6-9PM

Look for changes to WSHS 2007-2008 “Calendar of Events” document
(Contributors: Dr. Nail, Jesse Seeley)
There have been several inquiries about the “Calendar of Events” (final draft) sent out at the beginning of this school year. This obviously needs updating and there are several upcoming events that are no longer valid and some added or modified. As you might recall these are the excerpts that have been included in past newsletters for the “Looking Forward” section. The directors are reviewing the events for the remaining school year, but these can immediately be released:

• We will not be going to OSU on the 6th of March
• We will not be going to Mt. Hood Community College on the 14th of March
• We will go to Chemeketa (March 11th, time still to be determined)
• We will be going to WOU (April 3rd, Symphony, April 4th)

Be looking for more details in the updated “Looking Forward” section of future newsletter.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Orchestra News

1) The fantastic Band, Orchestra, and Choir High School All City concert is this Saturday -
7pm at North High School. Come hear the very best our district has to offer. The orchestra is under the baton of Louis Bergonzi - an inspirational and exciting conductor. Tickets are $7 at the door. This is an excellent review opportunity.

2) The Salem Chamber Orchestra presents their annual Family Concert this weekend -
2pm and 4pm, with an instrument petting zoo in between - at Hudson Hall, Willamette University, Sunday February 17. This concert features Tubby the Tuba (, the Bach Double Violin Concerto, and the competition winners from Willamette University and the Salem Chamber Orchestra. If you have younger children at home, this is a fantastic concert to bring them to!!

3) Planning for next year has officially begun. All students have received what's called "Forecasting" information. Regarding the orchestra program, all students currently enrolled are welcome to re-enroll - they just have to get Ms. Silberman's signature on their Signature Page (the yellow sheet). Which orchestra they'll be in will be determined by recommendation and/or audition over the next few months.

There was an incorrect description in the bulletin of courses for the Advanced Orchestra course - here is the proper descriptor:

Advanced Orchestra

This course is the most advanced orchestra offering students intense training and performance experience. It is a year long double blocked course. Analytical skills, music theory and history are integrated into this class. Rehearsals and performances outside of regular class time will be required. Concurrent enrollment in Advanced Symphony Orchestra is expected. Rehearsals and performances outside of regular class time will be required.

Audition process see Ms. Silberman * room A101

Any questions about placement, auditions, or anything else? Please contact Ms. Silberman (

Next year is a trip year - we're still not sure if all students will be eligible to go on the trip, but now that Ms. Silberman's about to have her first year under her belt, the next few years will be full of competitions, special guest artists, performances, and trips. All students will be able to use their student account money over the next year and beyond.

4) The April 9 concert (listed on the schedule page in your green Orchestra Handbook) has been canceled. The next newsletter will have information about an updated calendar.

5) Boot camp will happen again next year - 2 weeks prior to the start of school. It will be 3-4 days long, so please plan your schedules accordingly. This will be where students may re-audition for placement in next year's orchestras. It'll also be a great opportunity for students to reconnect with their instruments. This year's Boot Camp will feature a special guest artist - more info on that in the next few months.

6) The Young Musician's Mentoring Program kicks off this next Tuesday, the 19th, at 6:30pm
in the orchestra room, right after Advanced Symphony rehearsal. All participants are to attend this mandatory meeting - it'll be over by 7pm.

~Ms. S

Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Band Newsletter #25

Master Class Location at Quandre Concert, February 8th
(Contributors: Mike & Kami Hettwer, edited by Jesse Seeley)
As a final reminder and update to the Quandre Concert, the Master Class will be held at Willamette University in the Cone Chapel at 4:00 p.m. with the concert following at 7:30 in Hudson Hall. A campus map in PDF format can be found at:

Below is a reprint of the concert background and other details in a previous newsletter.

Especially for horn players and enthusiasts, but open to all interested in music, and FREE is a great price! On Friday, February 8th, QUADRE - an awesome horn quartet from San Francisco - will be giving a master class and concert at Willamette University. They will be visiting a couple of Salem high schools earlier in the day and then presenting their master class at 4 PM in Cone Chapel and an evening concert at 7:30 in Hudson Hall, both at Willamette University. Both events are FREE! They will also be performing at U of O on Feb. 5 and at the Old Church in Portland in a joint concert with the Northwest Horn Orchestra (a 16 piece horn ensemble made up of area professional horn players) at 7:30 on Feb. 7. Please try to make it to the Willamette U. events so that we can show our support of these types of opportunities and give this group a great audience. If you are interested in participating in the master class by playing part of a solo that you are working on and receiving some free coaching, let me (Mike Hettwer) know. I would like to have 4 to 6 people ready to go for the master class. Having your accompanist there would be a real plus.

Willamette Jazz Festival, February 9
(Contributors: Mr. Griffiths, editor)
Attached to this email please find all details on call times, locations, costs, and other important information. Pay special attention to those highlighted in red. Additionally, there is an attachment in this newsletter for those travelling by cars (see attachment “LAB I only—Parental Consent Form”). This must be filled out and turned into Mr. Griffiths before you leave WSHS on Saturday morning. If there are any further questions about this event, please contact Mr. Griffiths directly. More information about the festival can be found at the following website: >

Basketball Band Upcoming Gigs
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
There is only one game scheduled next week:
Next game TUESDAY, February 12th, call time at 4:45, game time at 6:00

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Orchestra News

1) Videos on a new blog!!  Ms. Silberman is putting all the ensemble performances up on a new Website: ("Orchestra News" issues, interesting additional information, pictures, links and updates from Ms. Silberman still at

All students in the West orchestra program performed in an ensemble for the semester 1 final. Videos of those performances will all be up on the new blog site by the end of the weekend (currently, there are 6 groups up, more being loaded up every day). Please ask the student what the name of their piece is - Ms. Silberman will not post the names of the students on the blog for privacy sake.

Chamber music is, in Ms. Silberman's opinion, the very best reason for playing a stringed instrument. Solo performance and orchestral participation are fantastic too, but playing with one, two, three or more other people with one person per part can be so wonderful and rewarding. Students in the orchestra program will have the opportunity to play in ensembles each January, and more often in some circumstances. Hope that you enjoy watching the performances.

2) Great review option and 'support your fellow musicians' opportunity -the Salem Youth Symphony is performing this Saturday at 7pm at Corban. Here's the info off the Web site (

Musical Enchantment "An Evening at the Movies"  Saturday, February 2, 2008   7:00 p.m. Corban College-Psalm Center.  Featuring Salem Youth Orchestra and soloists from Amadeus and Philharmonia Orchestras. Special Guest Trio Oregon, Dan Rouslin, violin, Hekun Wu, cello and Elise Yun, piano
Tickets available by calling 503-485-2244
3) Scholarship opportunity
The Salem Pops Orchestra has announced their 2008 scholarship program. They say that these scholarships "have been created by musicians FOR musicians, to spread the love of music and the concept of life-long learning." Scholarship are for Seniors who plan to study music and for Sophomores/Juniors who will attend a music camp this summer. Financial need is not required or considered. Applicants must complete an application, write a 300 word personal statement, and get the recommendation from both a teacher and another adult familiar with the student's music involvement.

The Educational Scholarship - for Seniors: The scholarship is $1000 to students who wish to continue further musical study, although not necessarily as a music major, at an accredited college or university.

The Music Camp Scholarship - for Juniors and Sophomores: The scholarship is $500 (one-half the cost of camp up to maximum of $500)  towards tuition at any music camp acceptable to the Pops Scholarship Committee.

For more information and an application, please contact Ms. Silberman ( or for more information: