Thursday, May 1, 2008

Band Newsletter #36

Wind Ensemble & Symphony Concert Tonight (May 1st, 2008)
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
It’s been on the calendar for some time now, so most already know so this is short and to the point on this one folks: Tonight’s performance starts at 7:00 p.m. with musicians’ call time @ 6:45 p.m.

Tryouts for “Color Guard”
(Contributor: Jen Freeman, Color Guard head coach)
‘Just wanted to keep everyone updated on the Color Guard side of the band. If you know other students, besides people already in the group, who you think might enjoyed being in, or missed out on the 2008 West Salem Color Guard you should tell them to come to the upcoming tryouts! They are in just a couple of days and are going to be:
  • When: Tuesday & Wednesday, May 6 & 7, 2008
  • Time: from 3-5:00 p.m.
  • Where: West Salem HS Main Gym
For this event and team we also have a mandatory parent meeting on Friday May 2, from 6:30-7pm in the West Salem HS Commons. ‘Hope to see some new faces!

Questions? Please contact Jen Freeman at:

Upcoming (and missed?) Tryouts for Marching Band “Battery”
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Mr. G, edits by Jesse Seeley)
Most of you got “the word” on this already, but will repeat it again to assure nobody is left out of the communications loop. We sent a “special bulletin” on late Tuesday evening in hopes those that didn’t hear about the first “tryout” for the 2008-2009 Marching Band “battery” had ample time. The first one was Wednesday, April 30, 2008. If you missed it, ‘not to fret; the next tryout will be May 14th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Send any questions to one of the Music Directors or ask them directly at school.

Wind Ensemble “State t-shirts”
(Contributor: KC Urbani)
As a reminder: Attention Wind Ensemble Students and Parents. Most of the students on Wind Ensemble ordered a t-shirt, so if you, or your son/daughter ordered a shirt (being made for taking “state”) please remember to pay KC Urbani $8 before May 19th when we will be getting the shirts. Not all have paid to-date and we need all hands to come forward that still need to pay. They will be in by May 19th and we need to make final payment in order to pick up the shirts and we are short several students/parents payments. Please contact KC Urbani directly with any questions at: Thanks so much!

One last broadcast scheduled for “Orchestra Festival”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
May 7th is the last scheduled broadcast on CCTV (Channel 22 on Comcast) and below is the link to the show time. Check out these links for the dates and times that feature the “String and Chamber Orchestra” and the “Symphony Orchestra”:
Salem Invitational Orchestra Festival or

Contact CCTV if you have any other questions about this televised schedule. Their contact website is: or if you prefer to order a DVD, VHS, or CD of the performance, take a look here: -- they could no doubt use your support. They do an outstanding job year-after-year!!! Thank you CCTV Crew!

(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Okay, now that I’ve got your attention, we have upped the “Classified” Ad to “Top Secret” in hopes everyone reads, or at least is drawn to this section. The below is a very important job that we still need filled. The editor has not heard that this job has been filled. Please do contact Kami Hettwer as instructed below. . . this job might actually be one of those that can be filled “by committee” and more than one person to take on the task. Please consider stepping up to help.

Please send your “application” (email of your possible interest J) to Kami Hettwer at

HELP STILL NEEDED/WANTED: A fun, energetic, resourceful, or entrepreneurial person (you only need to pick one J ) to act as the upcoming “Fundraiser Coordinator” for the band program. We need someone to oversee and manage the fundraisers. The role would not be in charge of each fundraiser, but more of a “delegator” to assign the other volunteers that step forward at each of the announced events. Other responsibilities would include scheduling/tracking/spacing the fundraising efforts so there is a good balance and not have too many too close to each other, spacing them throughout the year so that everyone and every group or need will be able to participate. This volunteer position GUARANTEES a 100% pay increase every year J and provides rewards too numerous to list here.

“Looking Forward” Remainder of April & May Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)

The below table of “Looking Forward” has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008 and a newly added concert for Advanced Symphony for June 2nd.
  • May 9th, 2008, Symphony/Orchestra, OSAA State Contest, LaSell Stewart Center at OSU
  • May 10th, 2008, Wind Ensemble, OSAA State Contest, LaSell Stewart Center at OSU, Call times still TBA, “Show time” is at 7:00 p.m.
  • May 17th, 2008, Titan Band/Colorguard, Iris Festival & Parade, Keizer, TBA
  • May 22nd, 2008, ALL, Spring Awards, W.S.H.S., TBA, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
  • May 23rd, 2008, Jazz Lab II, Studio Recording Session, TBA, TBA, See director
  • May 24th, 2008, Jazz Lab I, Studio Recording Session, TBA, TBA, See director
  • May 29th, 2008, ALL, Spring Concert, W.S.H.S., TBA, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
  • May 30th, 2008, Jazz Labs—ALL, Jazz Night, W.S.H.S., TBA, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
  • June 2nd, 2008, Adv Symphony, Orchestra Concert, W.S.H.S., TBA
As an addition to the above table of upcoming MUSIC activities, please also check out WSHS’ “Master Schedule”. As we approach the school year’s end this link may come in handy, especially for the senior class and their parents. The below link should take you to the page starting with April, 2008 and will cover May, & June on that same page. You’ll see once there that you can look around wherever you need to go. Not all music departments “gigs” are necessarily listed however—continue to use this newsletter for the most updated schedule of events (as long as the editor gets them J):

Editor’s Corner: Quote of the Week
This week’s quote is especially for those that contribute unselfishly to the daily lives of the students. Namely the teachers (especially), parents, and yes, even some of the older students and siblings. This one is with you in mind or to think about for the future on how important these words REALLY are:
“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."
~ Forest E. Witcraft quotes (an American Scholar, Teacher and Scout Leader, 1894-1967) ~
  • Inspirational story about other kids helping another — and if you’re a “kid” who thinks you can’t be “important in the life of a child”, you all must watch this video. Many of you have probably already seen the story as it happened in our “own back yard” where Dr. Nail teaches in his “other teaching life” at Western Oregon University. It was actually an “away” game, but a touching story about “winning isn’t the only thing”. To see a video of the KATU report click here: Opposing "Teamwork" or to read the entire details behind it, click here: Full Story

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