We are waiting to receive information before we can set a schedule. Generally speaking, students need to be dropped off at the Fairgrounds Pavillion, and they will be bused BACK TO WSHS afterwards, so they may be picked up at West when the evening is over. Please contact Mr. Griffiths for further instructions or questions. Another update will no doubt be made in next week’s newsletter, but please see Mr. Griffiths for any up-to-the-minute changes.
Spring Concert, May 29
This is the big show, showing at press time that the start time is 7:30 for the show on Thursday, May 29 in the WSHS Auditorium. See “Mr. G’s Corner” below for call times.
Jazz Night, May 30
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Kami Hettwer)
Admission is FREE to at least one of the evening’s events, it’s the biggest fund raiser for the Jazz bands and vocals, so drop on by for at least ONE of the events that evening. Please join us in a night of jazz music, dancing, food, fun, and other entertainment. A real evening out, this event is scheduled to go from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- Choir: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the WSHS Auditorium – “a night of Great Vocal Jazz” featuring ‘Rhythm Express’ and ‘Soundscape’ (Admission FREE)
- Jazz Bands to perform at 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in WSHS Commons – “Big Band Jazz” -- tickets can be purchased in advance from WSHS Jazz students @$5/$3 (adults/students, respectively)
Any last minute volunteers? Parent (& Student) Volunteers needed!!!!—this is a big show and we need LOTS of help, so if you can possibly spare an hour here or there, or the entire evening, please contact either Alyson Baker or Kami Hettwer (sackbaker@msn.com and mkhett@aol.com, respectively).
Below are the main areas where help is needed. Set-up time will begin ~@4:00 p.m. on the 30th.
- help decorating in the afternoon (kids are good for that but it would be nice to have some parents helping)
- two parents to sell tickets on either side of the commons
- one parent to sell Jazz CD (IF they come in before the 30th)
- a few parents to help serve at the dessert table
- Clean-up crew (3 or 4—the more the merrier J)
If you can help in any way let Alyson or Kami know via the email addresses immediately above. Thanks for all you do for your children and the Jazz bands.
2008 WSHS Color Guard Car Wash
(Contributor: Jen Freeman)
Hello All West Salem Music Parents/Students! The West Salem Color Guard is having the earliest car wash that we have ever had. Unfortunately it will be on a Sunday, but if any of you can stop by, let us wash you car, and leave a donation that would be GREAT! All of our proceeds are going to support us getting our fall Warm-ups. Please come and support the
2008 WS Color Guard at our Car Wash Sunday June 1 at West Coast Bank (on Wallace Rd at Glen Creek) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We hope to see All your smiling faces & dirty cars J Jen Freeman WS Color Guard Coach & 2008 West Salem Color Guard.
DVD Available for “State Performances”
(Contributors: Marianne Stipe, Ms. Silberman)
CCTV will once again be producing a DVD of all the West performances at State competition. This DVD will include the Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, and Choir. The cost is $25.00 and the order deadline is June 3rd. We should have the DVDs before graduation.
Checks should be made out to WSHS Music Boosters and have student's name in the memo line.
Cash should be in an envelope with student's name on the outside. Put check or cash envelope in the Orchestra Room “LOCK BOX” by June 3rd or contact Marianne Stipe (mstipe@willamette.edu) for other ordering arrangements.
We should have the DVDs before graduation. Students will receive them in class.
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)

Encore!!! Concert Attire: End-of-year turn in
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
All Titan Band Members: Concert attire return instructions follow. . .Your first chance to turn in will be after “Spring Concert” on May 29th
Please be ready to turn in your concert attire in the coming weeks. Those of you whose last concert is the “Spring Concert” (May 29th), you can start turning them in that night or the following day (May 30th). If you plan on turning it in at the conclusion of the Spring Concert, you’d obviously want to bring a change of clothes, change after the concert then you don't have to try to remember them the next day.
Boys - Turn in Tux Jacket and Pants only hanging in the green garment bag with your name in the front (clear) pocket.
Girls - Turn in your Dress in the green garment bag also with your name in the front pocket.
Jazz Band and Symphony will need to start turning theirs in after June 2nd. It's important that your name be attached, otherwise the school will charge you for the attire and place any student records on hold.
Seniors: If you would like to donate your bow ties, tux shirts or marching shoes (good condition only) that would be great we can always use them.
If there are any questions, please contact Deanna Garney via email at dg5758@comcast.net
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