Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Finals Competition at OSU, Sat., Nov. 7

Finals Competition Info

For general information about the Finals Competition at OSU on Saturday, such as ticket costs ($15 adults) and directions, please visit this website:

For venue maps and schedule information, please visit:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Band Booster Newsletter 11/1/09

This Week’s Schedule
This week is a festival week. Please see the schedule in the band room for details.

Winter Percussion Festival Meeting Monday at 5:45 pm in the Band Room
Allison Baker and Jackie Maltzan have agreed to be the coordinators for the Winter Percussion Premier Competition scheduled for February 13, 2010 at WSHS. This is a great opportunity for West to get on the map for hosting competitions and should be a huge fundraiser for the band program at West.

There are a number of parents who have stepped up to lead the very important sub-groups. There are still a few openings we need leaders for. In addition, we will need a lot of volunteers for various jobs and tasks. If you are able to take on any of the open positions, please let Allison or Jackie know as soon as possible. If you have a specific area of skills or interests that you want to help with, please contact Allison, Jackie or the lead for that group.

Our challenge to the leads is this - please find 1 or 2 people that can be your right hand people. The more we have working on this project, the easier it will be. We will also be asking for a number of the band and color guard students to volunteer their time that day.

So, mark your calendars for February 13, 2010. It is going to be an amazing day!

Band Booster Meeting Monday 11/2 at 7:30 pm
Please plan to join us at the Band Booster meeting on Monday evening at 7:30 pm in the Band Room. See you there!

Scrip: The Easiest Fundraiser Yet!
It is easy! Keep in mind that you are not “buying” scrip; you are "trading" money for gift certificate money for your daily purchases. If all of our band families could redirect $200/month to scrip monthly, we would generate an extra $800/month or more, for band!

What is new with scrip? Starting this week:
Jiffy Lube discount increases to 10%
- $5 Starbucks gift card denomination added
- $100 Prepaid VISA card denomination added
 Our first scrip order will be placed this week, Tuesday, 11/3, and be available for pick up Thursday. Thereafter, we will have the same weekly ordering schedule. Thank you to those who have already placed orders! Order forms will be available in both attached and in the band room next to the Scrip box. If you have any questions, contact Holly Alred 503 851 2880 (hollyaa@q.com) or Chris McDonald at 503 586 8314.

Titan Auction
There is still time left to be part of the fun. We have filled three tables and would like to fill three more. Remember you do not have to have a full table, let me know you want to go and we will put people together at a Band Booster table. Tickets are $35 per person. If you do wish to buy a table it seats 8 and is $280. For those of you who have already given me money for tickets, if you are wondering why your checks have not been cashed they are being turned in on Nov. 2nd at the Auction Committee meeting. Seats are selling out quickly, so please get in touch with Scotti soon if you want to attend.

We are still in need of donations. We have some really great ones so far, but really need some more. Let me know if you can donate something, or know someone who can donate. We have requested the Marching kids donate baskets this year. We are making a contest out of it. All section leaders were asked to get with their section and come up with a theme basket (thanks for the idea Marianna). The section who's basket earns the most at the auction will get a pizza party. Please ask you kids about this so they can keep it going. Baskets are due on November 2nd at marching practice. Each section should be sure to have a card attached with what section they are in and the name of the basket.

The evening will be a blast so please join us. You can reach Scotti at ndrsmom@comcast.net or (503)269-0887.

Christmas Trees
For those of you who did not make it to the last booster meeting we are adding something new this year, Christmas Trees! We are not doing a tree lot; these are preorder only. **Please see the attached order form.** This is a great idea for relatives, friends and neighbors. All the trees will be Noble Firs. You have a choice of:

5'-6' at $30
6'-7' at $35
7'-8' at $40

You also have a choice of pick up dates, 12/05/09 from 8-12 and 12/12/09 from 8-12. For an extra $5, delivery is available in West Salem and for $7 in the rest of the Salem area.

We are hoping to make this an annual event. This year is a test run to see how it goes. All order forms must be turned in no later than 11/18/2009. Please put them in an envelope with the money for the trees and place it in the "Green Box" in the band room. Be sure to write on the envelope "Christmas Trees", this way it will make to the proper person. If you would like to volunteer to help on the 5th and/or the 12th or have any questions or comments you can contact Scotti Rylands at ndrsmom@comcast.net or call her at (503)269-0887.

Thank you to Meduri Christmas Trees for making this possible.

Marie Callender's Pie Sale
Richard Spann and Marie Callender's have graciously found another way to make Band booster money this year. All you have to do is buy your Thanksgiving Pies from Marie Callender's at 2615 Lancaster Dr between 11/20/2009 and 11/26/2009. When you purchase your pie during those dates, give the cashier the certificate your kids will be bringing home and 50 cents for each pie will be given to Band Boosters. You don't have to do anything different than you would normally just submit the certificate and buy your pies there and we make money. The kids will be given a small stack each over the next couple weeks. Please share them with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, strangers, or anyone you wish. If you run out please e-mail John Rylands at johnrylands@comcast.net or call him at (503)779-6151 and he will get you some more.

Remember the more pies you buy, the more money we raise!

Thank you Marie Callender's and Richard Spann for this great fundraising opportunity.

Entertainment Books
Due date passed! All unsold entertainment books and money were due on 10/28. Please make sure that you have turned in your money or unsold books. If you have questions, please contact Kathy Robbins.

Poinsettia Pickup Dates
Poinsettia and wreath orders were due on 10/30. If you have questions, please contact Sheila Muller. Please note: The pickup dates on the poinsettia order form were incorrect. The pick-up dates are Friday, December 4th, 8-10:00 PM and Saturday, December 5th, 9-11:00 AM

Thank you!
Thank you to the Zukowski Family for donating our new medical bag!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

News from Oct. 25, 2009

Oct. 25, 2009
This Week’s Schedule
This week's schedule includes a game on Friday and a Saturday practice; please see the schedule posted at school or in the Band Booster Newsletter.

Entertainment Books
Due date coming up! All unsold entertainment books and money are due on 10/28. If you have questions, please contact Kathy Robbins.

Poinsettia Orders
Due date coming up! Poinsettia and wreath orders are due on 10/30. If you have questions, please contact Sheila Muller. Please note: The pickup dates on the poinsettia order form are incorrect. The pick-up dates are Friday, December 4th, 8-10:00 PM and Saturday, December 5th, 9-11:00 AM

Winter Percussion Festival
Thank you to all of the parents who were at the meeting on Monday night. Allison Baker and Jackie Maltzan have agreed to be the coordinators for the Winter Percussion Premier Competition scheduled for February 13, 2010 at WSHS. This is a great opportunity for West to get on the map for hosting competitions and should be a huge fundraiser for the band program at West.

There are a number of parents who have stepped up to lead the very important sub-groups. There are still a few openings we need leaders for. In addition, we will need a lot of volunteers for various jobs and tasks. I have listed the leads below. If you are able to take on any of the open positions, please let Allison or Jackie know as soon as possible. If you have a specific area of skills or interests that you want to help with, please contact Allison, Jackie or the lead for that group. (Contact info below.)

Our challenge to the leads is this - please find 1 or 2 people that can be your right hand people. The more we have working on this project, the easier it will be. We will also be asking for a number of the band and color guard students to volunteer their time that day.

So, mark your calendars for February 13, 2010. It is going to be an amazing day!

**Please also pencil in Monday, Nov., 5:30 pm, for our first planning meeting. Confirmation of this meeting date and time will follow in next week’s newsletter.**

Show coordinators - Allison Baker and Jackie Maltzan
Sponsorship - Steve Pappendiek, Amy Litwin and Mike Litwin
Security - Art Klosterman
Warm up area - Michelle and Jim Pavelek
Performance area - Debbie Harris
Judges travel and housing - Teri and Randy Sutton
Judges care - Shannon Riggs and Scotti Rylands
Concessions - Richard and Katherine Spann
Tickets - Denise Gilmoure and Bridgette Mitchell
Unit check-in - Teri Able
Announcer – DeFord
Set up and tear down - ***** open
Parking - David and Ginger Simmons
Clean up - ***** open (hire cusodians?)
School Guides/hospitality - Janice Kauffman and Linda Burr
Hospitality rooms (judges, directors, volunteers?) - Shannon Riggs and Scotti Rylands
Awards - Vickie Tuttle
Video - ***** open
Publicity - John Rylands

Scrip is Back!
We are ready to kick off the 2009- 2010 Scrip sales fundraiser. Buying Scrip is just like purchasing a gift card, but a portion of the money spent goes directly us. You buy Scrip (a gift card) and WSBB gets a percentage of what you spent back. There is no additional cost to you. If you pay $10, you get a $10 Scrip card, which you can then use as you would any gift card. Attached, please find both a Scrip (catalog page) and an order form for WSBB. Place your order in the Scrip drop box by Monday evening, and you’ll have your Scrip on Thursday afternoon. Local business feature…This year we are going to add local businesses to the Scrip program. This week, the Blue Pepper has been added and is offering us 7.5% of all gift card purchases. The Blue Pepper Scrip can be used for drinks, food wine, conference room rentals, and even art purchases. They have also offered us a $100 gift basket for the music family who sells the most Blue Pepper Scrip between now and 12/31. Thank you Blue Pepper!

**Keep in mind that you are not “buying” scrip; you are "trading" money for gift certificate money for your daily purchases. If all of our band families and staff could $200 of scrip monthly, we would generate an extra $800/month or more, for band!**

If you have any questions, contact Holly Alred 503 851 2880 (hollyaa@q.com) or Chris McDonald at 503 586 8314.

Titan Auction
There is still time left to be part of the fun. We have filled three tables and would like to fill three more. Remember you do not have to have a full table, let me know you want to go and we will put people together at a Band Booster table. Tickets are $35 per person. If you do wish to buy a table it seats 8 and is $280. For those of you who have already given me money for tickets, if you are wondering why your checks have not been cashed they are being turned in on Nov. 2nd at the Auction Committee meeting. Seats are selling out quickly, so please get in touch with Scotti soon if you want to attend.

We are still in need of donations. We have some really great ones so far, but really need some more. Let me know if you can donate something, or know someone who can donate. We have requested the Marching kids donate baskets this year. We are making a contest out of it. All section leaders were asked to get with their section and come up with a theme basket (thanks for the idea Marianna). The section who's basket earns the most at the auction will get a pizza party. Please ask you kids about this so they can keep it going. Baskets are due on November 2nd at marching practice. Each section should be sure to have a card attached with what section they are in and the name of the basket.

The evening will be a blast so please join us. You can reach Scotti at ndrsmom@comcast.net or (503)269-0887.

Christmas Trees
For those of you who did not make it to the last booster meeting we are adding something new this year, Christmas Trees! We are not doing a tree lot; these are preorder only. **Please see the attached order form.** This is a great idea for relatives, friends and neighbors. All the trees will be Noble Firs. You have a choice of:

5'-6' at $30
6'-7' at $35
7'-8' at $40

You also have a choice of pick up dates, 12/05/09 from 8-12 and 12/12/09 from 8-12. For an extra $5, delivery is available in West Salem and for $7 in the rest of the Salem area.

We are hoping to make this an annual event. This year is a test run to see how it goes. All order forms must be turned in no later than 11/18/2009. Please put them in an envelope with the money for the trees and place it in the "Green Box" in the band room. Be sure to write on the envelope "Christmas Trees", this way it will make to the proper person. If you would like to volunteer to help on the 5th and/or the 12th or have any questions or comments you can contact Scotti Rylands at ndrsmom@comcast.net or call her at (503)269-0887.

Thank you to Meduri Christmas Trees for making this possible.

Marie Callender's Pie Sale
Richard Spann and Marie Callender's have graciously found another way to make Band booster money this year. All you have to do is buy your Thanksgiving Pies from Marie Callender's at 2615 Lancaster Dr between 11/20/2009 and 11/26/2009. When you purchase your pie during those dates, give the cashier the certificate your kids will be bringing home and 50 cents for each pie will be given to Band Boosters. You don't have to do anything different than you would normally just submit the certificate and buy your pies there and we make money. The kids will be given a small stack each over the next couple weeks. Please share them with family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, strangers, or anyone you wish. If you run out please e-mail John Rylands at johnrylands@comcast.net or call him at (503)779-6151 and he will get you some more.

Remember the more pies you buy, the more money we raise!

Thank you Marie Callender's and Richard Spann for this great fundraising opportunity.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Marching Band Schedule

Please note this week’s schedule, which is attached as a PDF file. Copies will also be posted at school.

Band Camp Thank You J

Please see the attached RTF file, a thank you note from Michelle Pavelek for the many hours parents volunteered to make this season’s band camp a success.

A big, Titan-sized thank you goes out to Michelle Pavelek for all of her hard work in coordinating this year’s marching band camp. Michelle, you ROCK!

Your Help is Needed!

Please read through the following list of items needed for Marching Band this season. If you can help with any of these items, please contact John Rylands, our Band Booster co-chair at johnrylands@comcast.net 503-779-6151.

  • A generator for our big trailer and our lights for competition days.

  • An RV that we can borrow to use at competitions. This would be used for staff to go over show prep and review during the competitions as well as to act as an infirmary for the walking wounded that usually happen during competitions. Who knew that marching band would be a contact sport, but every year someone gets hurt and we need a place for them to rest and get attention out of the elements.

  • A new medical bag. We are required to carry a first aid kit with us where ever we go. Right now we are using an old back pack that is crammed to the hilt and weighs a ton. We would like to get a nice, medium(something in the "carry on" size would be nice) red duffle bag with lots of pockets so we can better organize our first aid items. One with a nice shoulder strap would be great. We also would like it to be able to carry our travel and treat forms. Having the first aid kit and the travel and treat forms together makes it easy to get the kids help without any delay. Please contact John Rylands if you or someone you know can help.

  • Crew Members. We need to begin to put together our show day crew. These are the folks that help load, transport and move our equipment on competition day. Anyone interested should contact John ASAP if they are interested.

Titan Auction

The Titan Auction is coming up on November 21st. Tickets are $35.00 each or $280.00 per table of eight. Our goal this year is 5 tables. The more tables we get the larger our share of the proceeds is. Last year we took in about $1500.00. Our goal is to double that this year. We need to begin to get auction prizes in so we can claim our fair share. ANYTHING WILL WORK. Gift baskets, condo rentals, event tickets, any kind of memorabilia, trips, wine, or anything you can think of. No prize is too small. Be creative. The more we have the more we can raise. Please contact Scotti Rylands (503)269-0887 or ndrsmom@comcast.net, for more information.

Student Sponsorships Needed

Due to the state of our economy, the need for student scholarships for marching band has risen this year. Several of our students have family members who have lost jobs and who are trying to manage other financial hardships. If you are able to sponsor or partially sponsor a student’s fair share, please contact Vickie Tuttle (contact info below). Donations for this purpose are tax deductible.

Student Accounts Trainee Needed

Calling freshman parents! The Student Accounts position is an important one in our booster organization. Vickie Tuttle has been serving in this position for quite some time now and is seeking a volunteer to “shadow,” or train, for this position. If you are a detail-oriented person and are interested in finding out what this position entails, please contact Vickie Tuttle (contact info below).

“Can” You Help with Music Day Cans?
Music Day brought in an overwhelming number of pop cans. The Gilmores have a 16’ trailer full of them in their driveway! In order to collect the deposit money for the music program, we need your help returning these pop cans. This job is too big for one family to take on. If you can pick up a bag or two to return, please contact Denise and Orval Gilmore at orval.gilmore@comcast.net.

Band Camp 2009 Volunteer Thank you list

Pre-Camp Drivers to ropes course

  • Beth Zukowski
  • Mr. Simmons
  • Crystal Perry

Pre-Camp Food

  • Alyson Baker


  • Vickie Tuttle
  • Alyson Baker
  • John Rylands
  • Kim Erbes


  • Connie Phillips
  • Deanna Garney
  • Kami Hettwer
  • Janis Kaufman
  • Tari Sutton
  • Debbie Harris
  • Holly Alred
  • Grandma of Brandon Braun
  • Faye


  • Jim and Bridget Mitchell
  • John Rylands
  • Tari Sutton
  • Kathi Robbins
  • Angi Levenhagen (snow cones)
  • Kim Erbes and Ellie
  • Glenys Loewen Thomas
  • Alyson Baker
  • Brendan Pavelek
  • The Klosterman family
  • Cash donations during the parent night - thanks to those who donated!
  • Snack donations brought to the band room - thanks!

Sectional Social Homes

  • John and Linda Burr
  • Orval and Denise Gilmore
  • Connie Phillips
  • Kenneth and Patricia Bolstad
  • Randy and Susan Gresley
  • Von and Jackie Maltzan
  • Matthew and Crystal Perry
  • Judy Stanley

Lock-In Sleepover

  • Debbie Harris
  • Alyson Baker
  • Craig McCormack
  • Brendan Pavelek
  • Dr. Nail
  • Teresa Goetter
  • Staci Larson

Lock-In Breakfast

  • Jim and Bridget Mitchell
  • Denise and Orval Gilmore
  • Derick and Nicole Bess
  • Shannon Riggs
  • Lisa Hughes
  • Wolfgang Sailer
  • Vickie Tuttle

Spaghetti Dinner

  • Nicole and Derick Bess
  • Bridget Mitchell
  • Angi Levenhagen
  • Tari Sutton
  • Kim Erbes and Ellie
  • John Rylands
  • Lisa Hughes
  • Denise Gilmore

Pie and Ice Cream Social

  • Thanks to Richard Spann and Marie Callender's Restaurant for donating delicious pies for over 100 students and staff!
  • Jackie Maltzan
  • Angi Levenhagen
  • Scott and Sheila Muller
  • Kim Erbes and Ellie
  • Tim and Julie Brown
  • Sue Gresley
  • Connie Phillips

Parent Night Potluck

  • Bridget Mitchell
  • Tari Sutton
  • Teri Abel
  • Crystal and Matthew Perry
  • Kim Erbes and Ellie
  • Jim Pavelek
  • Scott and Sheila Muller

T-shirt design and distribution

  • Kami Hettwer - t shirt design
  • Allyson Baker

Colorguard Flags

  • Staci Larson
  • Alyson Baker
  • Jackie Maltzan
  • Debbie Harris
  • Janis Kaufman

Scissor Lift rental

  • Dalke Construction and RSC Equipment Rental

Please accept my apology if I accidentally left someone off of this list. A special “thank you” goes to Kim Erbes and Ellie for all of their help during camp. THANK YOU to all of the West Salem Titan Marching Band and Colorguard parents who donated time to support the band during Band Camp! At least 46 parents volunteered their time during band camp.


Michelle Pavelek

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Apologies for the late updates. Blogger temporarily blocked access to our site because it was suspected of being a spam site.

It isn't.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Aug. 19

Important Reminders from Todd Zimbelman for Marching Band Students

Band Camp Parent Handout, Attached

If you were unable to attend the parent meeting on Monday evening, or if you need an additional copy of the informational handout, please see the attached PDF file, where you can find info on schedules, necessary supplies, volunteer opportunities, the lock-in, and this evening’s social gatherings. Thank you to all of the parents hosting this evening’s gatherings!

Volunteers Needed for Uniform Fittings

Thanks to those who are already volunteering for uniform fittings! Additional volunteers would also be appreciated, even if you can only come for an hour or two or on only one evening. We need to get uniforms fitted and assigned to all marching band students before the exciting parent night on 8/31, when we get to see the show for the first time. Volunteers are gathering in the band room beginning at 6 pm each night. (No fittings tonight, 8/19, due to the social gatherings.)

Many hands make light work, and we still have many students to fit! If you are able to volunteer your time for this project, please contact Connie Phillips, our Uniform Coordinator at conniephillips1956@yahoo.com or (503) 391-6082.

Important Reminder #1:

Everyone in the marching band must have a 1" 3-ring binder by tomorrow morning (Wed.). This binder should have at least 40 plastic sheet protectors inside. This is needed for their music and drill sheets. Students should personalize the outside of their binder along with their name so it is easy to recognize. We start drill Wednesday morning, so it's very critical they have this by Tuesday night (tonight).

Important Reminder #2:

All winds and percussion need to wear white shirts for all marching band rehearsals (including band camp). All guard members need to wear black shirts. This is needed for drill cleaning and drill readability. Once the weather turns cold, other rehearsal clothes are permitted.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Aug. 18

Marching Band Students: School Registration Wednesday, Aug. 19, 9:00 am

The WSHS administration has kindly adjusted the school registration times to accommodate the marching band schedule. Marching band students will register for school on Wednesday morning, Aug. 19, at 9:00 am. Photos will be taken during registration, so students should be prepared to have their pictures taken.

This time change is for marching band students only. Other music students should adhere to the schedule that was mailed home.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Aug. 16

Marching Band Registration Monday, Aug. 17, 8:00 am

Marching band begins on Monday, Aug. 17. Please arrive at 8:00 am to register. Camp begins at 9:00 am!

Marching Band AND Concert Attire Fittings 6-9 pm, Aug. 17-21

Our new uniform coordinator, Connie Phillips, will be fitting marching band AND concert attire this week, Aug. 17-21 from 6 to 9 pm. **Marching band AND other music students** will be fitted at this time. So, even if your student is not in marching band, please plan to stop in some time this week to be fitted for concert attire. Questions? Contact Connie at conniephillips1956@yahoo.com or (503-391-6082). If you would like to help with uniform fittings, please contact Connie and let her know when you are available.

Marching Band Parent Meeting Aug. 17 7:30 pm

Parents and guardians of marching band students, please plan to attend the parent info meeting on the first evening of marching band camp, Aug. 17, 7:30 pm.

Are you ready for Marching Band Camp?

Hello Marching Band Families,

My name is Michelle Pavelek and I am the Band Camp Coordinator this year. This year’s Marching Band is right around the corner and we are very excited about the upcoming season. Dr. Nail and the student leadership team have been working behind the scenes during the summer to prepare. Here is some important information regarding Band Camp 2009:

· Basic Band Camp Schedule – August 17-28, 2009

9:00am – 12:00pm Marching

1:00pm – 4:00pm Music or Stadium time

6:00pm – 9:00pm Full Ensemble


***August 17th, 8:00am – students must register outside the entrance to the music wing.

***August 17th, 7:30pm – IMPORTANT PARENT MEETING in the auditorium.

***August 19th, “Sectional Socials” – the schedule will be a little different in the evening. Detailed information will be provided at the parent meeting on August 17th.

***August 21st/22nd, 9:00pm-6:00am – Lock-In – students will spend the night in the gym (including an ice cream social & lock-in breakfast)

***August 22nd, 6:00am-9:30am – Lock-In breakfast

***August 28th, around 9:00pm – Ice Cream Social

***August 31st, 4:30pm-9:00pm – Parent Night potluck and performance

· Parent Volunteer Opportunties for Band Camp

1. Lock-In – Sleepover in Gym, Friday August 21st, 9:00pm until breakfast at 6:00am. We need about 8 parents to chaperone this event.

2. Lock-In – Saturday, August 22nd, 6:00am – 9:30am. Breakfast preparation and clean up.

3. Ice Cream Social – help with serving ice cream. Friday August 28th at 9:00pm (tentative time).

4. Parent Night Potluck – Monday, August 31st, 4:30pm – 9:00pm. Dinner prep and clean up.

5. Snack donations for the band and colorguard. Cold snacks such as popsicles, otter pops are good. We have access to the foods room freezer during band camp.

*** An Insurance driving form and Background Check form (good for 5 years) are required for parents to volunteer for the band. These forms will be handed out at the parent meeting on Monday, August 17th or they can be access with this link: http://www.salkeiz.k12.or.us/content/list-approved-volunteers#background.

It’s going to be a great year! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Michelle Pavelek at (H) 503-581-0124, (cell) 503-508-5518 or e-mail to j.pavelek@comcast.net

Music Day Volunteers Needed – Sept. 12

Music Day is the Music Department’s largest fundraiser of the year. We need your help! Please mark your calendars: Saturday, September 12th from 8:30 to 3:30. We need 38 drivers to cover the whole West Salem area. We need many other volunteers to help with the organization of the day, as well, such as help with planning and serving snacks and lunch at the school.

Please check your calendars and make plans to volunteer on Music Day (8:30 am to 3:30pm).

Many thanks to Denise Gilmore who is coordinating this event. To volunteer, please send an email to Denise with your “YES, I WILL VOLUNTEER” along with your home and cell phone numbers and how many students you can take in your car if you want to be a driver. Denise hopes to hear from you soon. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact her at orval.gilmore@comcast.net.

New Booster Co-Chairs

If you have any questions or comments about this news or anything else that might be band related, please feel free to contact either of our new Co-Chairpersons: Kim Erbes and John Rylands. They can be reached at kim0011@comcast.net or johnrylands@comcast.net. They look forward to answering any questions you might have.

Important Dates

August 17 First Day of Marching Band Camp; Registration begins at 8:00 am

August 17-28 Basic Schedule for Marching Band:

9:00 am – 12:00 pm Marching

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Music (inside)

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Full Ensemble

August 17 7:30 pm Marching Band Parent Meeting

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Aug. 9

Are you ready for Marching Band Camp?

Hello Marching Band Families,

My name is Michelle Pavelek and I am the Band Camp Coordinator this year. This year’s Marching Band is right around the corner and we are very excited about the upcoming season. Dr. Nail and the student leadership team have been working behind the scenes during the summer to prepare. Here is some important information regarding Band Camp 2009:

· Basic Band Camp Schedule – August 17-28, 2009

9:00am – 12:00pm Marching

1:00pm – 4:00pm Music or Stadium time

6:00pm – 9:00pm Full Ensemble


***August 17th, 8:00am – students must register outside the entrance to the music wing.

***August 17th, 7:00pm – IMPORTANT PARENT MEETING in the auditorium.

***August 19th, “Sectional Socials” – the schedule will be a little different in the evening. Detailed information will be provided at the parent meeting on August 17th.

***August 21st/22nd, 9:00pm-6:00am – Lock-In – students will spend the night in the gym (including an ice cream social & lock-in breakfast)

***August 22nd, 6:00am-9:30am – Lock-In breakfast

***August 28th, around 9:00pm – Ice Cream Social

***August 31st, 4:30pm-9:00pm – Parent Night potluck and performance

· Parent Volunteer Opportunties for Band Camp

1. Lock-In – Sleepover in Gym, Friday August 21st, 9:00pm until breakfast at 6:00am. We need about 8 parents to chaperone this event.

2. Lock-In – Saturday, August 22nd, 6:00am – 9:30am. Breakfast preparation and clean up.

3. Ice Cream Social – help with serving ice cream. Friday August 28th at 9:00pm (tentative time).

4. Parent Night Potluck – Monday, August 31st, 4:30pm – 9:00pm. Dinner prep and clean up.

5. Snack donations for the band and colorguard. Cold snacks such as popsicles, otter pops are good. We have access to the foods room freezer during band camp.

*** An Insurance driving form and Background Check form (good for 5 years) are required for parents to volunteer for the band. These forms will be handed out at the parent meeting on Monday, August 17th.

It’s going to be a great year! If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Michelle Pavelek at (H) 503-581-0124, (cell) 503-508-5518 or e-mail to j.pavelek@comcast.net

Next Booster Meeting

The next booster meeting will be on August 11 at 6 pm in the Band Room at West. Hope to see you there!

Are you ready to volunteer? A Background Check is Required

You MUST have a current Criminal History Check on file with the school district to volunteer. If you don’t (or you’re not sure if it’s still good) you can get a copy here: http://www.salkeiz.k12.or.us/content/list-approved-volunteers#background. Once it’s filled out, please return the form to the main office at West. Thank you!

New Booster Co-Chairs

If you have any questions or comments about this news or anything else that might be band related, please feel free to contact either of our new Co-Chairpersons: Kim Erbes and John Rylands. They can be reached at kim0011@comcast.net or johnrylands@comcast.net. They look forward to answering any questions you might have.

Look for more announcements to come. Remember Marching Band Camp is right around the corner. Make sure you have your registrations in ASAP!

Important Dates

August 11 6:00 pm Band Booster Meeting in the Titan Band Room

August 13 8:00 am Marching Band Registration

August 17 First Day of Marching Band Camp; Registration begins at 8:00 am

August 17-28 Basic Schedule for Marching Band:

9:00 am – 12:00 pm Marching

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Music (inside)

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Full Ensemble

August 17 7:30 pm Marching Band Parent Meeting

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Aug. 2

Welcome to this season’s first Music Booster Newsleter!

New Band Director and Assistant Band Director Chosen

The West Salem High School Band Boosters is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Todd Zimbelman as our new Band Director. Mr. Zimbelman comes to us from Southridge High School in Beaverton where he has been Band Director for the last three years. Previously he was Band Director at Grants Pass High School and before that taught music at the University of Oregon. Not only did Mr. Zimbelman take Southridge to the number one position in the state in Marching Band, but he also took their Wind Ensemble to the number one position at the state finals this year. His ability to bring the most out in his students is one of the many reasons for his strong reputation as one of the premiere music educators in the state.

Dr. Nail, upon hearing this news, said that Mr. Zimbelman is an outstanding music educator and will continue to build upon our already strong reputation. He could not be more pleased with the choice as he holds Todd in very high regard. Ike welcomes Mr. Zimbelman and looks forward to working with him during the transition over the first half of the year.

Mr. Zimbelman will begin working with our Marching Band as soon as he can transition away from his duties at Southridge. Beginning with the start of the new school year, Mr. Zimbelman will be working as band director at Clagget Creek Middle School, filling in for their current band director who is going to be out on maternity leave. His official first day at West Salem High will be January 4, 2010. However, he will be working with our students during this transition period.

We are also pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Luke Warren as our new Assistant Band Director. Mr. Warren comes to us by way of Portland State University where he just completed his Masters Degree program in Music Education. Luke received his Bachelors in Music Performance on the bass trombone from the University of Oregon in 2004. Luke was not only a student of Mr. Zimbleman at U of O, but he also worked with him at Southridge as an assistant working with their marching band. Mr. Warren will be joining us in time to start working with our students during marching band camp. He will also be performing similar duties to those of Mr. Griffiths during the school year.

Words of Appreciation . . .

We would like to thank all of those involved in the hiring of Mr. Zimbelman, in particular Principal Ed John and Karl Raschkes. Without their foresight and determination, this tremendous opportunity would not have been possible. We would also like to thank Larysa Pavelek, Danny Mitchell, Ashley Gresley, Garrett Maltzan, and Nick Rylands for their involvement in the student portion of the interviews. Their valuable assistance, mature insights and keen observations during the follow up discussions were highly regarded and went a long way in helping make this decision. We can be proud to have students of this caliber representing our program.

Lastly, we would like to give our heart felt thanks to both Ike Nail and Brian Griffiths. Their hard work and determination has taken the West Salem High School band program from its most humble of beginnings to its place now as one of the most respected music programs in the state. We want recognize their efforts and thank them for their guidance and leadership of our students over the last seven years. Their service to our school and students will never be forgotten.

Although these changes happened quickly, we now have a tremendous staff with Mr. Zimbelman and Mr. Warren on board. We look forward to working with them and making sure they have our full support. Please join us in welcoming them to West Salem High School. We know that this year is going to be filled with excitement and, most importantly, FUN!

New Booster Co-Chairs

If you have any questions or comments about this news or anything else that might be band related, please feel free to contact either of our new Co-Chairpersons: Kim Erbes and John Rylands. They can be reached at kim0011@comcast.net or johnrylands@comcast.net. They look forward to answering any questions you might have.

Look for more announcements to come. Remember Marching Band Camp is right around the corner. Make sure you have your registrations in ASAP!

Important Dates

August 11 6:00 pm Band Booster Meeting in the Titan Band Room

August 13 8:00 am Marching Band Registration

August 17 First Day of Marching Band Camp; Registration begins at 8:00 am

August 17-28 Basic Schedule for Marching Band:

9:00 am – 12:00 pm Marching

1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Music (inside)

6:00 pm – 9:00 pm Full Ensemble

August 17 7:30 pm Marching Band Parent Meeting

Booster Contacts for 2009/2010

Booster Blog:

Kim Erbes kim0011@comcast.net

John Rylands johnrylands@comcast.net

Student Accounts:
Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968, tuttle84@comcast.net

Newsletter Editor:
Shannon Riggs, rriggs02@sprynet.com