Thursday, August 16, 2007


Happy August! What a treat to see so many of you at registration - I'm looking forward to getting back to work with all of you.

Support Music Day is Saturday, September 8. This is one of our biggest fundraisers for the year and only takes a few hours of time on one day! Please consider getting involved as we are needing to raise monies for some great activities and things for this year!

Students wearing concert dress go throughout West Salem collecting donations. The money is combined and redistributed to each program based on participation. Participation is not required, but is strongly encouraged. The more students and helping parents Choir sends, the larger its share of the profits. (And, it's fun!)

Students will sign up the first week of class, but Music Day organizers would like to get parent volunteers signed up sooner. Any parent willing to drive students that day can contact Marianne Stipe directly. Drivers need to check in at 8:00 and meet while the kids are getting into their concert dress. The kids are out from 9:00 to noon or 1:00. There are designated "respite houses" for water and bathroom breaks. Please give Marianne your name, "Choir," contact information and number of seat belts. Also contact Marianne if you can't drive, but are willing to help another way. She is need of a couple more respite homes.

U of O GAME: September 1
Contact the Barnicks if you want to work this game. The exact start time isn't available yet, but will probably be about 8:00 a.m. for a 12:30 game. Students, and family and friends who work on their behalf, must be at least 16 years old. There are about 20 to 25 slots to fill for this game. This is a great way to earn money for your individual student music account. I would strongly encourage sophomores and juniors to get involved!!

Thank you!


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