(Contributor: Marianne Stipe, Denise Gilmore)
Thanks to a BUNCH of people who contributed to this year's Music Day event on Sept. 6. Again this was a big success! The students did another outstanding job in getting the word out there and for their participation in the All City band event held the few days prior and for the follow-up on Saturday morning. To date the total raised thus far has been approximately $19,000-and there are still some outstanding pledges and we still have parents returning the mountain of cans we received as well. But without the organizers, callers, drivers, and other roles that go into an event of this nature, it all doesn't come together. Below is a list (hopefully complete) of the volunteers that also contributed to the overall effort. We'd like to especially thank them for their extra time and commitment to the WSHS Music programs.
Denise Gilmore
Marianne Stipe
Counting, All Around Assistance
Michele Rarnell
Orval Gilmore
Marty Stipe
Alyson Baker
Linda Sproule
Shannon Riggs
Susan Wyant
Rocki Huges
Tami Clarkn
Debbie Harris
Deanna Garney
Dana Holbrook
Trudy McKinnel
Respite Homes and Food
Sheila and Scott Muller (respite home)
Penny and Garry Moyer (respite home)
Vickie Tuttle (respite home)
Dana Matthews (respite food)
Francine DeFord (respite food)
Dana Holbrook (pizza)
Lori Gorman (pizza)
Crystal Perry
Connie Phillips
Lori Phipps
Trudy McKinnel
Valjean Pratt
Rod Robbins
Kathi Robbins
Kate Ahmad
Sam Rothweiller
Kevin Beckstrom
John Rylands
Nicole Bess
Michelle Winegar
Derek Bess
Patty Bolstad
Dian Cox Coleman
Kim Erbes
Teresa Goetter
Sue Gresley
Cheryl Hemphill
Kami Hettwer
Patty Hurley
Marcie Ingledue
Art Klosterman
Staci Larson
Jackie Maltzan
Duane Matthews
Kelly McIntosh
Bridget Mitchell
Michelle Pavelek
Pop Cans
Alyson Baker
Ruth Ralby
Phil DeFord
Picture of the Week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)

Possible Salem, northwest region, even U.S. high school history in the making? If it has been previously accomplished, chances are it was by a certified high school student, but this picture of the week highlights the accomplishments of a Walker Middle School student (Rosie Gottsch)-possibly the first female quad player in at least her category of youngest female to play quads in an Oregon high school marching band.
Student Accounts and Fair Share Update
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Statements will be mailed out to those families who have outstanding balances for Fair Share. All balances are due unless arrangements have already been made. Please mail payments to:
Vickie Tuttle-Student Accounts
West Salem Band Boosters
1587 Goldcrest Ave NW
Salem, OR 97304
Alternatively you can also deposit into the green lock box in the band room. If you have questions please call 503-588-0968
Titan Auction-Coming Soon!
(Contributor: Scotti Rylands)
This year's Titan Auction and Dinner, “Evening of Elegance,” is Nov. 22 at 5 p.m. It is shaping up to be a wonderful evening of FUN. Tickets are $30 per person or $240 for a table of 8. The more full tables we sell the more proceeds we (Band Boosters) receive from the auction. So let's get those tables filled up. Tickets are already selling like hotcakes - there are only 216 left, which is half of what was originally available for the entire evening. Let me know as soon as you decide you want one, two, three or a whole table. Get with your friends and go together on a table. Remember the more full Band Booster tables we put together the more we Band Boosters will receive from the event auction.
With that said, we are also in need of donations big and small. We receive a percentage of each of the items we have donated. We have donation forms so please contact me if you would like to make a donation or have received a donation to go towards the auction. Remember, donations are tax deductible.
We are also in need of a few volunteers to help set up the auction tables the morning of the event, at 8 a.m. This should be band students as well as parents. We need about three students and 1-2 parents. Please let Scotti know if you can help.
Please contact Scotti Rylands at (503) 269-0887 for questions, donation forms and ticket and/or table sales ($30 per person or $240 per table). You can also reach her by e-mail at ndrsmom@comcast.net .
Thank you. I am sure the night will be a blast!
Uniform Update: All Band Members Must Have Black Socks!
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
Please remember to bring black socks when dressing in uniform. No ankle-length or quarter socks. They must cover your ankles completely. Pick up a bag of inexpensive black cotton socks from Target, Fred Meyers, Wal Mart... You will need to have 2-3 on hand at competitions. There is nothing worse then spending an entire day marching in wet socks. We also need to have some in stock at school to help out those who do forget theirs, so if some of you could donate a bag that would be great. If there are any questions or concerns regarding uniforms please contact me at anytime: Deanna Garney at dg5758@comcast.net
Encore Posting: Entertainment Books? Need some? Need More?
(Contributor: Kathi Robbins)
If you need more Entertainment Books, please contact Kathi Robbins directly at soggyloafer@comcast.net
Looking Forward. . .upcoming dates
Below is an excerpt of the information that was handed out at Parent Night. It will be updated periodically and appear here regularly in the weekly newsletter
- Sept. 19: All, home football game. Students will be informed call times by directors
- Sept. 27: All, Sunset Classic, Hillsboro
- Oct. 9: All, Mini Camp, Noon - 4 p.m.
- Oct. 9: All, home football game, after “Mini Camp”
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