(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Although this late edition brings old news, it can’t go without saying how stellar the WSHS Marching Band performed in this, their final competitive performance of the year. In the same fashion of the three previous competitions, the band placed first in high score in the preliminary show. Going out in final performance style, the band took EVERY SINGLE “Caption Award” for their performances. Placing 4th overall in finals competition with the highest score in the school’s history, the final performance garnered a score of 90+ points, separating them just a few points from the “Open” class powerhouse bands. During the finals award ceremony, the band was presented their 2A Championship trophy and ALSO won the “Best Solo” award for all of the soloists playing in the show.
Picture of the Week

2A Champs!!! After a preliminary sweep of all caption awards and high score, WSHS Marching Band was presented with the Championship Trophy for winning the overall points in the 2A Competition group. Great job kids! The inscription reads “NAFPA 2008 AA Class Champions”
Winter Drumline Information Meeting, Monday, Nov. 10
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jesse Seeley)
There will be a short meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the Commons to gather and give out information on this year’s Winter Drumline. Discussed at this past Tuesday’s band meeting, the color guard and drum line will compete in separate classes and be separate from each other. The color guard will have a separate meeting and notification. If you have any interest for this year’s Winter Drum Line, this is the meeting you must attend to gather the necessary information, costs, preliminary schedule, and more.
Jazz Workshop, Tuesday, Nov. 11
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Although Tuesday, Nov. 11, is a no-school day, there will be a Jazz Workshop. Other useful information:
Jazz Ensemble Fall Workshop
Call time 8:45am
Dismiss 6:00pm
Bring lunch or pizza money
Futures: Jazz Ensemble to WOU on Nov. 20, time TBA
Band Awards Night—Nov. 13
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
This year’s band awards will be held at 7 p.m. (to approximately 9 p.m.) in the school Commons area. We understand this conflicts with the “Crystal Apple” awards rally for Mr. Rundquist, but there was no other reasonable date available to schedule this differently. Please join us to honor the band members and the entire team of our 2A champs!
Auction—Sold Out!
(Contributor: Scotti Rylands)
Looks like tickets are sold out (if you missed out and really want to go, let me know, there may be some tickets available but not at specific tables). Music Boosters has three tables this year that is one more than last year. Thanks everyone! That is great! However, we are still in need of donations, big or small—all are appreciated. Just e-mail Scotti at ndrsmom@comcast.net or give her a call at (503) 269-0887. The deadline for items to be considered for verbal auction is the 6th (Scotti needs them by that date) for the silent auction the 13th. We have some great auction items, about 5 or 6 right now, let’s shoot for 10.
We still need a few volunteers to help set up the morning of the auction from about 8am-11am, parents and or students are welcome. Please let Scotti know if you can help. Thanks, everyone!