Thursday, December 20, 2007

Band Newsletter #19

Pictures from “Holiday Band Concert”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, Jenny Gates)
As you’ll recall from the outstanding concerts held last week (December11-13) the services of Encore Photography were there snapping those pictures. In case you did not get a form at the concert and wanted to order, please find attached an order form for your convenience. They have made the photos available for viewing for ALL music groups and bands (Choir, Advanced Symphony and Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band, etc). These are some beautiful portraits! Take a look at them here:

If you have any questions on the photos taken that evening or the ordering process, please contact them directly at (503) 588-0902. Hopefully between now and the end of the Christmas break there will be a sub-link to the WSHS. Again, the order form is attached to this email. Their main website is if you have any other questions on their services provided. One final important note, the ordering deadline is January 15, 2008.

Final Days of Christmas Tree Lot Fundraising Opportunity
There may still be some slots available to pad your “Fair Share” accounts with by working the last days of the Tree Lot detail. Again, if you need more information, please contact Mr. Urbani immediately. Send to both of these addresses to make sure it gets to him in a timely manner: or

All-City Honors Band Auditions—January 10th, 2008
(Contributor: Mr. G)
For those students that submitted your formal entry into the auditions, please mark this important date on your calendars. The exact schedule is still to-be-determined, but the date WILL be January 10th, 2008.

Basketball Band Gigs Start Soon! (January 2nd, 2008)
(Contributors: Mr. G, Jesse Seeley)
The 2008 Basketball season is upon us and kicks off (or should that be “tips off”?) the 2nd day of January! If you are not already signed up, do so as soon as possible in the band room or send email over the holiday to Mr. Griffiths. Below is the 2008 Basketball Band Season “Master Schedule”:

West Salem Titan Band
2008 Basketball Band Season
Master Schedule
January 2 (Wed) Rehearsal 4:00-6:30
January 9 (Wed) Rehearsal 4:00-6:30
January 11 (Fri) Girls v. West Linn @5:15
January 15 (Tues) Girls v. Redmond @5:15
January 25 (Fri) Boys v. North @5:15
January 29 (Tues) Girls. v. McN @5:15

February 1 (Fri) Boys v. South @5:45
February 5 (Tues) Boys v. McK @5:45
February 12 (Tues) Boys v. Redmond @5:45
February 19 (Tues) Girls v. North @5:45

Questions? Contact Mr. Griffiths directly.

Jazz Band Update
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Mr. G)
In case anyone has forgot, below are the times for Jazz Band Labs. This is a SPECIAL REMINDER that Jazz Band WILL BE MEETING on the following no school Mondays:
January 21, 2008 (at regular times)
February 18, 2008 (slightly extended times in preparation for the “Lionel Hampton Festival”)

Jazz Band Labs--Regular meeting schedule
Lab II meets Monday 2:45-4:15 and W/F early bird
Lab I meets Monday 4:15-6:15 and T/Th early bird
Early bird class begins at 6:40. Roll is taken at 6:45.

Upcoming Jazz Band Gigs include:
Basketball Game—Friday, January 4, 2008—Call Time for LAB1 is 5:30 p.m.
Basketball Game—Tuesday, January 8, 2008—Call Time for LAB2 is 5:30 p.m.

Oregon Jazz Festival (Lane Comm. Coll.) – Jan. 19 (Saturday)
Willamette – Feb. 9 (Saturday)
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival (Moscow, ID) – Feb. 20-23 (cost: somewhere around $100)
Salem Jazz Festival – March 8

School Year-End Activities:
Our Jazz Night is scheduled for May 30, 2008. In order to schedule a recording session again, we will probably be limited to Memorial Day Weekend. Please keep that weekend clear if possible, and we will discuss that opportunity soon. We are telling you this now so you can plan accordingly or notify us accordingly if you will not be able to attend.

Should you have any questions during the break, Mr. Griffiths can be reached at either of these email addresses: or

REMINDER “Schneider Foundation Challenge”
As was mentioned at the Band Awards last week, we were briefed on the Schneider Challenge and the generous anonymous donor matching program which will work similar to last year’s event. This year we have the Schneider Foundation 2nd Annual Challenge to match up to $5,000 in donations—the donor will contribute equal to your donation. Please contact Vickie Tuttle for additional information or where to donate.

REMINDER “Small Learning Community”/Friends of Music meeting January 7, 2008
(Contributors: Janet Romine, Dr. Nail, Jesse Seeley)
With the business of times approaching us all, we wanted to give everyone that is interested a heads-up to mark their calendars for this after-holiday meeting that is very important event to promote music and the “Friends of Music” community organization. Scheduled to be in attendance at the discussions are Superintendent Sandy Husk, Assistant Superintendent Gelbrich as well as several schools’ principals and others.

The first of these meetings after the new year:
When: Monday, January 7th, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: McKay High School (exact place TBD, but either “commons” or auditorium)
What: Community discussion on Small Learning Communities, music and other successful program’s impact on our community
Contact: Janet Romine

“This is very important for all of us. Please get the word out.” Janet Romine

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