Parents & Students—As you may see from the subject line of this email, this year I will attempt to serialize the newsletters similar to how some periodicals do so. This should assist you in more immediately ascertaining whether you are missing any given edition. I save them all, so if at anytime during the year you would like back issues simply send me an email and tell me which one you missed or need again. This is the first WSHS Band Newsletter of the 2007/2008 school year and as such will be as brief as possible.
Band Camp All Parent Meeting Handouts
For those parents that could not make the all-parents meeting on Monday evening (@7:30 p.m., 13 August 2007) please find attached to this newsletter the two main documents that were handed out at the meeting. These are also available on the Titan Booster web site where indicated in the links below (thank you Kevin Beckstrom).
- Band Camp Schedule of Events (remaining Band Camp 2007 Schedule of Events for August 15th-24th, 2007). Contains detailed information on:
o “Sectional Socials” to be held evening of 15 August 2007
o Band Camp “Lock-In” scheduled for Friday/Saturday, 17th & 18th August, 2007
o “Parents Night” scheduled for Friday, 24th of August, 2007
o Call for Volunteers for Band Camp Events
o Also available at
- WSHS Titan Band Calendar for 2007/2008
o Contains most all band dates of performances, competitions, and other important events
o Both first AND second semester schedules are given
o Many dates are subject to change and this document will be periodically updated and/or your students will be sent home with WRITTEN updated material
o Also available at
Uniforms---Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!
Contributor: Patricia Nielsen
This was discussed at the “All Parents” meeting Monday evening (@7:30 p.m., 8/13/07), but it is important to remind parents to get their students straightened out with their marching shoes THIS WEEK!!!!
ROOKIES (incoming Freshman) must be fitted for their marching shoes by close of business Thursday, August 16. We need to order the shoes by early Friday. Come to one of the dressing rooms in the band hall to try on shoes. Someone will try to be there afternoons and evenings this week.
VETERANS must bring their shoes in and show them to me or Mrs. Garney, also by Thursday evening. Just get this done and then you can forget about them until time to wear them!
Please contact Patricia Nielsen (contact info under “Band Booster Contacts” at the end of the newsletter)
Titans Rock!!!
Call for volunteers—during “Band Camp” dates and beyond
(Contributors: Michelle Pavelek, Kami Hettwer)
In addition to the “call for volunteers” in the attached “Band Camp Schedule of Events...” document, many people signed up at the “All Parent” meeting on Monday evening to volunteer time through the marching band season. If you have ANY time that can be contributed, the kids could really use your help. This is going to be an exciting year for marching band, and there is already a need for some skilled seamstress/tailors to work on uniforms and props for the field that could use the guidance of a good “handyman” and even a mechanical engineer! Soooo...if you have ANY time and ANYTHING that you can contribute to this year’s success of the WSHS Titan Marching Band, please contact Vickie Tuttle or Kami Hettwer (contact info under “Band Booster Contacts” at the end of the newsletter).
In case you missed the section requesting volunteers for the Band Camp sessions only (August 15th through August 24th only), below are the spots that could use some help. For further information please contact this year’s volunteer coordinator for the Band Camp events (Michelle Pavelek) via her email: Parent volunteers are needed for this and next weeks activities:
- Friday, August 17th – “Lock-in Sleepover” in WSHS gym – Time: 10:00 p.m. until breakfast (@0600, Saturday morning)
- Saturday, August 18th – Breakfast prep and clean-up – Time: 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. in the gym
- Friday, August 24th – Parent BBQ Dinner prep and clean-up – Time: 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
- Donations are needed for snacks and drinks during camp—Cash works J, or drop by a case of drinks, individually wrapped snacks, et cetera
As with any job in working with our most precious resources (these students), there is some pre-requisite paperwork required. If you’ve not been an “official” volunteer with the Salem-Keizer school system in the past 5 years (we were told at the Monday evening meeting), fill out a criminal background check ahead so you don’t have to do that at the next band gathering. Turn the form into any of the co-chairs (Kami or Vickie) or the volunteer coordinator (Michelle Pavelek).
Thank you in advance for considering becoming an official volunteer with the best band in the business, the West Salem Titan Marching Band.
“Music Day” Coming Soon!
(Contributors: Anna Stipe & Susan Wyant)
Don't forget to mark your calendars for MUSIC DAY-Saturday, September 8th. We count on our Band parents to help make this a success every year! Sign up sheets for parent drivers & other volunteers will be up during Band camp and at the Bar-B-Que. We may also need a few respite homes for the students break time. For more information, or to volunteer to help, please contact Marianne Stipe at, or Susan Wyant at
What IS Music Day? First, no music is actually played. If you missed the description of what this event entails, in a nutshell it’s a hugely successful fund raiser for the entire BAND and music departments—the more that participate, the more percentage each group gets. The students get dressed in their “band attire” and are driven to the various neighborhoods by adult volunteers and the students go as a group (of approximately four each). It’s only for a couple of hours that ONE day and all schools do this in their respective neighborhoods—last year WSHS Band students raised over $19,000 alone. This helps offset the extra expenses that band requires that is not able to be budgeted by the school or the district for the band events. So if your student cannot make it, please contact Dr. Nail or Mr. Griffiths directly.
Band Boosters Contacts for 2007/2008
Band Area Co-Chairs:
Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968,
Kami Hettwer, 503-585-2529,
Patricia Nielsen, 503-391-4722,
Deanna Garney, 503-763-8715,
Newsletter Editor:
Jesse Seeley,
Music Webpages:
“Booster” Main Page:
“WSHS Music Booster Blog”:
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