Request for Supplies for Props!
Contributor: Kami Hettwer
We have an urgent need for folks to donate 2x4s for construction of the Marching Band props. The material has to be stronger than earlier anticipated. They need to be structurally sound and at least 6 ft long, but they don’t have to be “pretty” or new as we will be painting them all the same color. We are calling out for at least 35 2x4s, each at least 6 feet. So if you can find some or someone to contribute, please contact Kami or Vickie (e-mail & phone contact at end of newsletter)
“Parents Night” change
Repeat of “Bulletin” sent earlier this week
Revised Potluck Plans for Parent Night on August 24th - Please read carefully:
Parent Night BBQ has been changed and will now be a full potluck:
What: Parent Night Potluck
When: Friday August 24, 2007
Where: WSHS Courtyard near the Auditorium
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. (ending time approximate)
We will no longer be barbequing and we are requesting that each family bring a main course to share that feeds 4-6 people along with a side dish or dessert. Also, please bring serving utensils for your dishes.
A-L Please bring a main course and side dish (salad, bag of chips, etc…)
M-Z Please bring a main course and a small dessert to share
U of O “Security Detail” Fundraiser
Contributors: Lisa McIntyre, Patricia Nielsen
The first opportunity for the “Security Detail” fundraiser is fast approaching with the first opportunity occurring September 1, 2007. The exact start time has not been finalized, but is tentatively set for approximately 8:00 a.m. (for a 12:30 p.m. game). Students, family, and friends who work on this detail must be at least 16 years old. Prior to the posting of this in today’s newsletter, there were approximately 20-25 slots remaining to fill for this first game. This is a great way to earn money for your individual student music account. It is strongly encouraged that sophomores and juniors get involved! For more information, please contact the Barnick family at _barnick4@msn.com.
“Band Day” Coming Soon!
Contributors: Marianne Stipe & Susan Wyant
Music Day is September 8. As this is our biggest fundraising activity of the year we need everyone who is able to participate. Thank you to those who have already signed up to help. If you have signed up to drive please return the completed insurance form to the band room drop box. We still need many more drivers, a coordinator for the pizza feed, a volunteer to return any pop cans that are donated, and someone to head up the clean up crew. Please consider volunteering for one of these positions. We need lots of volunteers to make this event successful. Please contact Marianne Stipe at
mstipe@willamette.edu or (503) 763-1915, to volunteer or if you have questions.
Band Boosters Contacts for 2007/2008
Band Area Co-Chairs:
Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968, tuttle84@comcast.net
Kami Hettwer, 503-585-2529, MKHett@aol.com
Patricia Nielsen, 503-391-4722, patricia.nielsen@state.or.us
Deanna Garney, 503-763-8715, dg5758@comcast.net
Newsletter Editor:
Jesse Seeley, jesse@hp.com
Music Webpages:
“Booster” Main Page: http://homepage.mac.com/titanmusic/
“WSHS Music Booster Blog”: http://wshsmusicboosters.blogspot.com/
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