(Contributors: Brian Griffiths and Vickie Tuttle)
Students will be rehearsing from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. PLAN ON LOADING TRUCKS AT 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT! If all chip in, chances are all equipment and vehicles will be loaded in 1-to-2 hours.
Competition Saturday--Evergreen McKenzie Classic
(Contributors: Brian Griffiths, Vickie Tuttle)
Call time details (includes practice at WSHS and at competition site) – students
Saturday, Oct. 27: Student Schedule
8:00 Call time. Check in and move to stadium
8:15 Visual Warm-up - guard with practice flags
9:45 Break Rehearsal/ Buses arrive
10:00 Load Buses
10:15 Depart for Vancouver * Percussion and Guard on Bus #1. Percussion will change on bus (lunch on buses).
12:15 Arrive Evergreen HS (plus/minus) depending on traffic and roadwork
12:30 Change into uniforms. Percussion depart for warm-up
1:00 Winds leave for warm up area
1:15 Warm Up * Visual and Music (Plume Shakos/Beret- before moving to gate) Allows parents time to get to stadium
2:20 Pit moves to Gate
2:40 At Gate
2:50 Preliminary Performance
4:00 Awards (time slots for finals will be known shortly after this)
TBD Dinner
TBD Warm-ups prior to Finals performance
5:15 Finals begin
TBD Finals Performance
10:00 Pack up to leave
11:30 Arrive back at West Salem HS, unload, de-brief
Note: Our evening schedule, including dinner time, changing, warm-up, performance, and loading, will depend on our placement in Prelims. All times are approximate.
Evergreen Info Details – Parents and Friends
Evergreen has a very strict policy on passes. So parents need to expect to pay execpt for designated staff and pit parents. Ticket prices are good for the entire day. All seating is general admission:
Adults: $10
Students and Seniors: $5
Children under 6: Free
The Evergreen H.S. Band Boosters will run all food concessions for the show. The concession stands will be open for the entire event. Tobacco and alcohol are prohibited on any part of the Evergreen Campus. Go to: Google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?tab=wl, enter address: 14300 NE 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98684 (proper address for Evergreen High School). Below are directions lifted from the map for immediate gratification. J
The directions to the Evergreen HS event site:
1. Take I-5 to I-205 North, follow across Columbia River into Washington
2. Take Mill Plain Road East (to right)
a Take Mill Plain Road to 136th Ave.
b Follow 136th Ave (it eventually becomes 138th Ave), go past 18th Street (stop sign at 18th St.)
c Proceed down the hill—Mckenzie Stadium is on the right hand side
Note from Chef Mary on Meal Planning
(Contributor: Mary Eastridge, Vickie Tuttle)
To celebrate hopefully some fantastic weather this weekend, our resident Chef's Jim and Mary Eastridge have decided to have an old fashion Western BBQ with Grilled Burgers. Since Halloween is coming she thought it would be fun to adorn ourselves in Western Hats and Scarves. So…if you feel inclined and have the get-up or hats, please spread the words to parents and volunteers to wear their Cowboy Best for the day or at least the dinner hour! It will be fun to get everybody in the spirit and have a great evening
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)

Lined up and ready to go at last week’s victory performance at the PCI! To view this picture and MANY more, Joe Gottsch’s Web site at WestSidePhoto.net. Visiting is FREE! Why not purchase your favorite one from the site to say Thanks Joe. The price is right! SPECIAL OFFER: Provide Jesse Seeley a receipt of any pictures purchased on Joe’s site, and you will get a free CD of the video of the PCI Performance (mentioned in the below article on the video).
Link to Video of last Week’s PCI Preliminary Performance
(Contributor: Jim McKinnel and Kevin Beckstrom)
At last week’s PCI Preliminary Performance there was a couple of good recordings made. Thanks to the efforts of parent Jim McKinnel, he has successfully transferred this to a QuickTime format movie. The sound is actually very good—not sure how he got it that way, but you can hear a sample of what is to come at this weekend’s performance. Thanks to the efforts of our very own Web master Kevin Beckstrom, he has placed this on the WSHS Music Booster website. As most of you should know the Titan Music website is: http://homepage.mac.com/titanmusic/ -- look toward the bottom for NEW MOV file of West's performance at PCI. It's a large file (13 Mbytes), so it may take some time to download if you are viewing it over the Internet. But as a fundraiser for the Band Boosters, Jesse will personally make you a CD of the video for your own PC. Send e-mail to Jesse@hp.com with the subject line WSHS PCI CD. I will have them available shortly after your request, so I can have them available as soon as the next day. Contribute what you want ($5?) to and give the check to one of the co-chairs (Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle) or if you know me, give it to me. Make checks out to WSHS Band Boosters. The video is much better detail off of the CD, so think donating and getting something in return.
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the Calendar of Events
10/27 McKenzie Classic, Evergreen HS, Vancouver, WA – All Day
11/03 Circuit Championships. OSU, Corvallis – All Day
10/14 Fall Band Awards, WSHS Commons – 7 – 9 p.m.
Wreath and Poinsettia Sale
(Contributed by Sheila Muller)
This is a reminder that the poinsettia portion of the wreath sale due date is Monday. Please have all orders and money in by Monday.
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the Editor of this Newsletter J)
“Success is one thing you can't pay cash for. You've got to buy it on the installment plan and make payments every day.”
Author Unknown
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