Upcoming Band Events! Call times, et cetera
(Contributor: Mr. G)
Starting Thursday afternoon with the Homecoming Parade, followed by the homecoming football game, and then followed by the next day’s competition, most everyone reading this will be living and breathing anything band, music, and fun!
1. Homecoming Parade—Students have already received instruction from the Band Directors on this event and its special logistics
2. Friday Night Football Game—Ditto on this and the special instructions. This game will also be the last full dress rehearsal before Saturday’s competition. But immediately below are Mr. G’s Call Time info:
2:40 Rehearsal (short and fast!)
PARADE (Unless cancelled due to rain.)
4:25 Battery reports IN UNIFORM to upper parking lot. Winds report to band room in show shirts or other Titan-wear.
5:00 After playing, winds relax and eat a SACK DINNER. Colorguard Call Time
5:30 Call-time * change into uniform
Pit * move into stadium, stage for show. Cover everything!
6:30 Seniors meet parents on Track on Side 1
7:00 Game starts
3. Details for upcoming PCI Competition on Saturday-- Editor’s note: Below is the schedule for leaving the school for the competition. Students may have also received other information and instructions from Mr. G or Dr. Nail, so the below is what was supplied for the schedule to get to the venue for Saturday’s competition. Following the call time schedule is followed by details on the event itself (fees, parking, et cetera).
Competition Day Events:
(Contributor: “Mr. G”, Vickie Tuttle, “Director’s packet” from PCI)
Students taking the PSAT should bring their lunch and join the band ASAP after the test.
1:00 Load Buses
2:00 Leave for warm up area.
3:48 Preliminary Performance
4:30 Awards
5:00 Dinner (Light dinner now, more later?)
Our evening schedule, including dinner time, changing, warm-up, performance, and loading, will depend on our placement in Prelims and our request to perform early (due to Homecoming dance). Finals run between 6:30 and 8:30, with a FULL BAND RETREAT at 8:50 p.m.
9:30 Pack up to leave
10:00 Arrive back at West and unload.
The 2007 PCI (Pacific Coast Invitational) Marching Band Competition will be held this Saturday, October 20th. All bands will perform in Prelims and Finals. Prelims start at 2:00p.m and Finals will start at approximately 6:30 p.m. The WSHS performance is currently scheduled for 3:48 p.m. (or 1548 for you purists out there : ) ). WSHS is that last band to play in the preliminaries and right before the Sprague band puts on an exhibition (they are not in the competition as this is their fund raiser).
Admission fees will be collected at the gate—cash or check only. No credit cards! The fee schedule is:
Adults: $12
Students: $6 (with ID)
Children: $6 (13 and under)
Senior citizens: $6 (62 and up)
Children (under 5): Free
“Family 4-Pack”: $30 (includes 2 adults, 2 children)
Location: McCulloch Stadium is located on Mission Street near Bush.
Spectator Parking: PCI personnel will not be coordinating spectator parking. Spectators must find their own legal parking sites. There is no parking shuttle service. Parking in the area of Bush Park and McCulloch Stadium can be tricky. Do not park in the neighborhoods that have permit-only parking. Do not park on Salem Hospital property or in the area under construction. There are two public lots available for spectators (Upper and Lower Leffelle), access them from 12th street and turn right onto Cross Street. 3-hour limits will not be enforced by the local and friendly meter patrols. There is a public parking structure about four blocks away, on High Street North of Mission Street. Parking in the neighborhoods south and west of Bush Park is permissible, please be respectful of the park neighbors.
Concessions: The concession stand on the North side of the stadium will be open throughout the day to serve food and drinks. (Editor’s note: Prices are fairly reasonable)
This should be one of the most exciting competitions between the district’s schools. Come and support your students, but please recognize the efforts of all the bands. They all work hard and we work hard in the spirit of competition.
“Band Mom—I forgot my black socks”
(Contributor: Deanna Garney, a.k.a. “Band Mom”)
Does anyone remember asking this? Please remember to bring your black socks on Friday for the game. For Saturday bring two pairs. There is nothing worse then getting your socks wet and having to wear them the entire evening. Also dress warm under your clothes—Long underwear, Underarmor or tights, et cetera. We will be changing outside (under a tent) but you need to be covered up. Another hint is to bring a plastic garbage bag to either line your backpack with or cover it. Even though we do have these great tents, the ground will be wet and when you set your stuff down its nice to have something to protect it.
To the parents -- we try to keep a stock of black socks for those times of need but we are running low. So the next time you find yourself at a discount store a donation of a bag of black cotton socks would be great. We usually get men/boys socks they are universal and heavier. Thanks for your help.
Hope to see you all at the PCI competition! - Deanna Garney
Auction Request--URGENT Titan Auction—Coming November 17th!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Wow! This looks like it’s getting interesting! We have a “big ticket item” donated—for a condo in Hawaii for 1 week. But we can still use more small AND big items to make more $$ for the band. Read below for more on the upcoming auction and contact information for where/when to donate items to form baskets with the smaller donations.
Here’s an important request -- we need to know if there are any out there that will be parties of eight who want to purchase a table for the auction—the more eight-person tables we buy at one time, the bigger slice of the “big ticket item” the band gets in their budget. Ask Vickie for further details on this, but please let her know if you’d be able to put 8 together to buy a table. Send email directly to her on this: tuttle84@comcast.net.
Mark your calendars to attend on November 17th to attend, but donations must be made sooner. Any or all band members, parents, or their families and friends can make contributions for items that will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going directly to West Salem High School and the Band! Some suggestions of past successful items to donate have been restaurant gift certificates, wine baskets, vacation/time-share week or weekend, Vacation in Hawaii, a trip to New York, and other useful “big ticket” items are always appreciated. Got extra frequent flyer miles that might expire before you can use them? Consider donating a couple of tickets to wherever that program/airline flies! This is the school’s BIGGEST fund raising event and we want to make sure we do our part. All donations will be appreciated!
The Deadline to submit our items is November 2nd, 2007 and it is fast approaching! For information please call Vickie Tuttle at (503) 588-0968 if you have items to donate. Please contact Tim Klarr for information about meeting time and how to pick up Auction intake forms at todayshair@msn.com
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Looking forward to our SECOND competition on October 20th, and beyond… Three competitions in a row! One week after another (October 27th, November 3rd).
Dates are as accurate as possible at publication, but may change as new information is received
First Semester
Date(s)- Group Activity Location Call-Dismiss
10/12- Titan Band Mini Camp West 9a- 9p
10/19 - Titan Band Home Football (Homecoming) West 5:30 – 10
10/20- Titan Band Pacific Coast Invitational Willamette All Day
10/27 - Titan Band McKenzie Classic Evergreen HS, Vancouver, WA All Day
11/03 - Titan Band Circuit Championships - OSU Corvallis All Day
11/14 - Titan Band Fall Awards West (Commons) 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)

To view this picture and MANY more, go directly to Joe Gottsch’s free website at WestSidePhoto.net
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the “Editor” of this Newsletter J)
“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today”
Abraham Lincoln
If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an open letter to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner.” If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source.
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