Thursday, October 11, 2007

Band Newsletter #8

WSHS Band Marches to 2nd Place at University of Oregon’s Festival of Bands
(Contributors: Jen Freeman, Jesse Seeley, Eugene newspaper The Register Guard)
Earlier this week a bulletin was sent out with reference to the short news article in the Eugene-based newspaper The Register Guard. A great picture of WSHS was featured on their site even though little was mentioned about the 2nd and 3rd place finishers. In one of the strongest starts for a guard in the history of the school, below are some of the details from the Guard Section leaders (Jen Freeman and Erin Klumph):

“The guard had a great weekend. We were 2nd in Prelims in the Guard caption. They had a GREAT Finals run through, regardless of what the guard caption was in finals. I had many comments made to me that everyone really loved the uniforms, flags, and their performance. Overall, it was a great day for them. I am very proud to be there instructor, as well is Erin Klumph. GREAT JOB LADIES!”

Because of the size of these latest trophies that the band and guard pulled in from last weekend’s competition, I think it is safe to say that we need bigger shelves to put these on J

Inservice Day for MOST of WSHS this Thursday/Friday—But Band Marches On
* Thursday, October 11th Night Football Game—Call Time & other details --Thursday, 10/11 call time at 1600, game at 1900 (bring dinner or have one dropped by as we won’t have much time from practice-to-game time)—old news now as it took me too long to get this email compiled today—my apologies, Editor)

* Friday, October 12th —Mini Band Camp Details--Friday’s “Mini Camp” is an all day event on Friday, October 12th. It will start at 0900 and to 2100. Bring a lunch to eat at the school, but there will be a dinner break from 1600 to 1800 (or 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for the rest of us that don’t bother with that silly “ZULU” time)

Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the Calendar of Events that was updated a few weeks back. Looking forward to through October 12th for the upcoming “Mini Camp”, the dates/times are included below.

Excerpted from
Dates are as accurate as possible at publication, but may change as new information is received

First Semester
Date(s) Group Activity Location Call-Dismiss
10/11 Titan Band Home Football West 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
10/12 Titan Band Mini Camp West 9a – 9 p
10/19 Titan Band Home Football (Homecoming) West 5:30 – 10
10/20 Titan Band Pacific Coast Invitational Willamette All Day
10/27 Titan Band McKenzie Classic Evergreen HS All Day
Indicates change to original released “calendar”

Wreath Sales Coming!
(Contributor: Sheila Muller)
The 2007 Wreath/Poinsettia sale has begun! Packets are going out to students in their music classes this week. (Week of October 8th) Parents, if you haven't seen their packet, please ask them about it and get them going on their sales. All proceeds go directly into their accounts, so this saves you money! If you need more copies of anything, check the music booster site, they should be posted soon. You also can contact me and I will e-mail you the forms.

Please note due dates: Poinsettias 10/29 Wreaths 11/8
Late orders cannot be accepted due to ordering dates." Questions? Please contact Sheila directly: or (503) 364-4760

Picture of the week
See the article from the Register Guard posted below.

Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Patricia Nielsen)
If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an open letter to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner.” If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source. That’s just a short introduction to this new feature.

Quote of the Week:
“All the wealth in the world could not buy you a friend, nor could it pay for the loss of one!”
Author: unknown

NEW SECTION—“Lost & Found”
As a new section, and probably overdue, we’ll add this off-and-on as people report important things missing. The students already know where the general lost and found box is near the band room, but this is reserved for possible missing, misplaced, or just out-and-out lost items. This week’s item of interest:
Lost: Black gloves, NEW, multiple pairs, used for “gear spinners”—we need to return the extras for a refund to go back into the band/boosters account. So if you know of these or know where they are, please contact Kami at as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.

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