Rehearsal for Friday, October 5th—pre-competition
We rehearse after school on Friday, October 5th. This is the day before our first competition! Since there’s no home game that night, we’ll go longer (hopefully no later than 4:30). Afterwards, we must pack and stage everything for an early morning. Each section will be dismissed when the entire section is ready for the show Saturday. If done efficiently, we could be out as soon as possible, but exact time is not known.
Competition at U of O Information—Call Time and Logistics
(Contributor: Directors)
Attached please find the PDF document that holds all of the information for the call times and approximate schedule for the entire day. This document was handed out at Wednesday evening’s rehearsal on October 3rd. The bottom line to the initial CALL TIME is 0520 or to the rest of you that’s 5:20 a.m. The WSHS band’s first appearance (also listed in the attached document) is at 0944. After the band’s performance they will return to the home base (still to be determined) where they will change into civilian clothes, get debriefed on the performance, then will return to the stands to watch other band performances.
Students Taking SAT October 6th – Special Instructions
(Contributor: “Mr. G”)
This information is for students and parents involved in the October 6 SAT. If you notice that someone didn't receive this information, kindly pass it on. First, I'm sorry this is so inconvenient. Thank you for taking steps to minimize impact on the group! Good luck, have fun, and be smart! - Brian Griffiths
Here is a recap of the plan after your test:
1. If you will arrive at Autzen Stadium earlier than 1:00, you'll have time to watch some bands.
2. There is a break at 1:30, at which time we will meet our buses to travel to Springfield H.S.
a. We will PROBABLY meet the buses on the Leo Harris Parkway near the southwest corner of the Moshofsky Center.
3. If you won’t arrive until after 1:30, we will be rehearsing at 2:00 at Springfield High School.
a. If you are traveling from Salem, you will almost certainly want to meet us there.
b. Please see below for more information on address and directions to get to Springfield HS.
Driving directions to Springfield High School:
- Take I-5 take exit at sign reading "Exit 194A OR-126 East to Springfield"
- On OR-126, (aka OR-105), Eugene-Springfield Hwy, go East for 1mile.
- Take the on ramp at sign reading "Springfield/City Center"
- Turn right on Pioneer Pky W.
- Turn left on Centennial Blvd.
- Turn right on 10th St and go south
The address is 875 7th Street, Springfield, OR if you want to enter that into your own map program. We will attempt to be on the school grounds at Silke Field on 10th Street.
University of Oregon Information—Prices, directions, and more
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley and U of O Web site)
For those who have not been to Autzen Stadium at the University of Oregon, some brief information might be helpful. The flier for the U of O Festival of Bands can be viewed at: http://omb.uoregon.edu/Festival%20of%20Bands/fob.main.page.html
Although there isn’t much information on the flier for directions, there is a price list and times that the gates open (8:00 a.m.). Prices range from $9 (students and seniors) to $13 for General Admission. There is also a Family 4-Pack for $32
Directions/Map—The U of O flier have listed a Google map for Autzen Stadium located at the link immediately below. If you’ve never used Google map, it is fairly self-explanatory. Check it out here.
From West Salem High School, it is approximately 70 miles, so depending on traffic it can be made in approximately 1 hour 20 minutes—your mileage and speed may vary J. Since WSHS’ appearance is so early, chances are there won’t be a backlog at the ticket booth. In years past there have been lineups for 10-20 people deep and they’ve only opened 1 booth, so plan accordingly. Again, this shouldn’t be the issue if you go to the early show (9:44 a.m.). The early shows are pretty much right on time, so if you’re planning on catching THAT show, you may want to be on-time.
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the Calendar of Events that was updated a few weeks back. Looking forward to through October 12th for the upcoming Mini Camp, the dates/times are included below.
10/11 Titan Band Home Football West 5:30 – 10
10/12 Titan Band Mini Camp West 9a- 9p
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)
Recognize someone? If not, you might by checking out the information below. To view this picture and MANY more, go directly to Joe Gottsch’s free Web site at WestSidePhoto.net
ENCORE PERFORMANCE ARTICLES—Previous Newsletter articles that are still in the news
Titan Auction—Coming November 17th!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Mark your calendars to attend on November 17th. But the preparation for what we need to help the band begins NOW. We need an adult to step up to be a liaison/contact to attend the Auction meetings beginning next week (throughout October). Armed with all this important information, we would need that person to help coordinate with Tim Klarr for item pickup and auction intake. Any or all band members, parents, or their families and friends can make contributions for items that will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going directly to West Salem High School and the Band! Some suggestions of past successful items to donate have been restaurant gift certificates, wine baskets, vacation/time-share “week” or weekend, Vacation in Hawaii, a trip to New York, and other useful “big ticket” items are always appreciated. Got extra frequent flyer miles that might expire before you can use them? Consider donating a couple of tickets to wherever that program/airline flies! This is the school’s BIGGEST fund raising event and we want to make sure we do our part. All donations will be appreciated!
The Deadline to submit our items is November 2nd, 2007. For information please call Vickie Tuttle at 503-588-0968 if you have items to donate. Please contact Tim Klarr for information about meeting time and how to pick up Auction intake forms at todayshair@msn.com.
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Patricia Nielsen)
If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an “open letter” to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner”. If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source. That’s just a short introduction to this new feature. But here is the quote of the week, but words to live your life by:
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Author: Margaret Mead
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