School Closures affect multiple WSHS Band Events
(Contributors: Dr. Nail, Mr. Griffiths, edits by Jesse Seeley)
Although it brings back fond memories to most of our adult readers of our own high school years, school closures are cool in one way, but bad in many other ways. For those involved in the ever-productive requirements that rehearsals garner in the music business, when those get cancelled everyone has to work all that much harder. Students — keep in mind one thing: while it’s cool to have an extra day off here and there, too many of these snow days can extend your school year AND your graduation date. So music aside, it can be a cascading BAD thing if you can’t start that summer vacation on time. - J
There will be other events that we will publish that have to be rescheduled, but for now we will only address the make-up session for the missed sectionals for the All-City Band.
Make-up sectional for All-City Band
"As of noon today (Thursday, Jan. 31, 2008) Dr. Nail and Mr. Griffiths report the following as the make-up sectional for the one that was missed this Wednesday (Jan. 30). Originally they were attempting to have the make-up on Monday, Feb. 4, but the message below from Karl Rashkes (music coordinator for the All-City Band) offers the latest:
“There were several conflicts with scheduling the make up sectionals for the entire All City HS Band on Monday, Feb. 11. This is what Mary Lou Boderman and I came up with as a solution:
"The all City HS Clarinet Sections only will have their sectional on Monday, February 11 from 4:00 to 6:00 PM at North Salem HS with Cindy Bartelles. The rest of the all City HS Band will do their sectionals with their assigned section coaches on Wednesday, February 13 at North HS from 4:00 to 6:00 PM.
"All the other rehearsals will remain as scheduled.”
Band Booster Meeting to be rescheduled
As soon as the information becomes available, the Band Booster Meeting will be rescheduled. Stay tuned in these newsletters for a future date.
Upcoming Titan Jazz/Pep/Basketball Band Basketball Gigs
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Please check with Mr. Griffiths for which band for which event—editor did not have exact information at press time
Basketball Gigs:
THIS FRIDAY, February 1st Boys vs. South, 5:45 call time
Tuesday, February 5th Boys vs. McKay, 5:45 call time
Tuesday, February 12th, Boys vs. Redmond, 5:45 call time
Tuesday, February 19th, Girls vs. North, 5:45 call time
Winter Ensemble—Time Change for Rehearsal on Friday, February 1st ONLY
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, Alan Keown)
Reminder to all participants in the Winter Ensemble that the rehearsal for this Friday only (February 1st, 2008) was rescheduled to be 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM. It was previously scheduled from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. All participants have already been notified, but this is here for that one more reminder.
Wind Ensemble and Bands Concert Events Schedule
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Please note the below Wind Ensemble performances as some might differ from the originally scheduled dates
March 4, Wind Ensemble performs at OSU (original date was March 6th)
March 11, the Wind Ensemble will perform at the “Clackamas Community College Festival”
March 13, ALL band perform at the “West Salem Area Band Festival”
March 17, Concert Band and Symphonic Band perform at “High School International Band Festival” at Sprague High School
More information will be announced on these events as it becomes available.
Editor’s Corner—Please “vote”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, WSHS Newsletter Editor)
For those that read last week’s “So you want to be successful” I hope you found it entertaining. I’d like your feedback if you DID read it and also if you did not or didn’t get a chance to read it (that is, if you read this far. -J). To continue to put in the time to compile this information it would be nice to know that some are finding value or entertainment from the piece. So if you have the time, it would be nice to hear from as many as possible. Vote by sending e-mail to: and place your vote in the subject field (e.g., “VOTE Yes—entertains”; “VOTE Yes, fun”, “VOTE No—no time to read”; “VOTE No—other”). Feel free to elaborate in the body of the message for additional comments. All of your responses will be kept confidential and used to improve or modify the content. Thank you in advance for your input.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
To: All WSHS Band Parents and Students:
From: Band Boosters Co-Chairs (Kami Hettwer and Vickie Tuttle)
Although it will probably clear up later this afternoon and the roads be fine to make it to the previously scheduled Band Booster Meeting, the forecast looks like a repeat of last night’s again tonight, thus the road conditions toward the end of tonight’s meeting might cause further safety issues. Therefore tonight’s meeting (Monday, Jan. 28) is hereby cancelled. It will be rescheduled for a later date and will appear in the next appropriate newsletter.
For official, up-to-date school closure information, refer to Salem/Keizer School District’s Web page at: (this page auto-refreshes every 10 minutes)
For questions concerning this meeting’s cancellation or rescheduling, please contact Kami or Vickie.
Jesse Seeley
From: Band Boosters Co-Chairs (Kami Hettwer and Vickie Tuttle)
Although it will probably clear up later this afternoon and the roads be fine to make it to the previously scheduled Band Booster Meeting, the forecast looks like a repeat of last night’s again tonight, thus the road conditions toward the end of tonight’s meeting might cause further safety issues. Therefore tonight’s meeting (Monday, Jan. 28) is hereby cancelled. It will be rescheduled for a later date and will appear in the next appropriate newsletter.
For official, up-to-date school closure information, refer to Salem/Keizer School District’s Web page at: (this page auto-refreshes every 10 minutes)
For questions concerning this meeting’s cancellation or rescheduling, please contact Kami or Vickie.
Jesse Seeley
Music Booster meeting this Thursday, January 31st, 7:00 p.m., Titan Room
Agenda so far:
• March Friends of Music meeting at West
• AP test/State competition conflict in May — rescheduling costs?
• All-state costs policy?
• Division of concession slots — short discussion?
• Fall 2008 fundraisers — tentatively calendar now?
• 2008 – 09 trips
• Marching band storage needs
• March Friends of Music meeting at West
• AP test/State competition conflict in May — rescheduling costs?
• All-state costs policy?
• Division of concession slots — short discussion?
• Fall 2008 fundraisers — tentatively calendar now?
• 2008 – 09 trips
• Marching band storage needs
Friday, January 25, 2008
Band Newsletter #23
All-City Band seats 22 members from WSHS!
(Contributors: Dr. Nail, Mr. Griffiths, edits by Jesse Seeley)
As we all know, WSHS has an excellent music program. But it should not be taken for granted when so many excellent students take the extra time and effort to apply, audition, and then MAKE the All-City Band. So below we provide you with those students who should be recognized for securing a spot on the coveted All-City Band: Congratulations to ALL of those that made the finals and also to those that auditioned.
The 2008 Salem All-City Band members, listed alphabetically by instrument:
Bassoon - Anna Stipe (first chair), Callie Harris
Bass Clarinet - Dakota Robbins (alternate)
Clarinet - Haili Hodsdon, Josh Hettwer, Caitlin Nichols, Jessie Cummins
Euphonium - Eli Heide
Flute - Maria Weir (first chair), Jessica Yang, Katherine Lownsbery. Alternates - Kelsey McKinnell, Kylie Phillips, Megan Gorman
Oboe - Michael Morgan (first chair), Jesse Wertz
Percussion - Robert Harris (first chair), Brendon Seeley, Alauna Perry
Saxophone - Adam Nielsen (baritone), Zack Chong (alto sax alternate)
Trombone - Matt Hettwer (first chair)
Trumpet - Josh Fletcher, Lynn Robinson, Ryan Tuttle. Alternates - Molly Muller Horn - Larysa Pavelek
Tuba - Kenneth Wilson, Matthew Garney
Rehearsal Schedule for All-City
Contrary to what was published in previous weeks’ newsletters, below is the updated rehearsal schedule from Dr. Nail. The previously published schedule was lifted from the “Events Calendar” which was issued as an estimate earlier this year and is no longer valid. The below schedule is attached to this e-mail in the event you just wanted to print it out that portion for the refrigerator J.
1/30 Sectional 4 - 6 p.m.
2/6 Sectional 3:30 - 6 p.m.
2/14 Rehearsal 6 - 9 p.m
2/15 Rehearsal 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
2/16 Rehearsal 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
2/16 Concert Warm-up 6 p.m.
2/16 Performance 7 - 9:15 p.m.
Titan Jazz/Concert/Basketball Band Basketball Gig
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths and Alyson Baker)
Basketball Band—Next gig is Friday, Jan. 25 — Call time will be 5:15 p.m.
Winter Ensemble Rehearsal—on no school Friday, Jan. 25
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jesse Seeley)
This is just a reminder that even though there is no school, we ARE having rehearsal Friday (Friday, Jan. 26) from 6 – 9 p.m. Also, if you haven't turned in your CD sales money or unsold CDs tomorrow is your last chance, otherwise your the $40 will get added to your fair share/account fee. Let’s not let that happen.
Thanks! Let's have a rockin' rehearsal! Thanks! Alan Keown
Reminder: Upcoming Band Boosters Meeting — Jan. 28 (upcoming Monday)
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle, edited by Jesse Seeley)
One final reminder to please mark your calendars for the next Band Boosters meeting Monday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Band Room! This meeting is NOT ONLY FOR the existing Boosters/Board, but is also intended and FOR any and ALL parents with musicians in any of the music programs at WSHS. ALL PARENTS ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Parents’ input is VITAL! We need your input to make the programs better, improve on the processes and activities that your children become involve in, and also entertain parents’ and students’ ideas of executing the operation behind the scenes and the making of these champions. So please plan on attending this meeting. If you’d like to step forward for a position ON the Band Booster Board, THIS is the meeting you must attend. We try to keep the meetings to an hour, but they will many times go to 1.5 or 2 hours, depending on the number of topics discussed. Thank you in advance for your consideration to attend this very important meeting. If there are any questions, please contact Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle).
Looking forward. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Just a reminder and as stated in the chart below, these are excerpts from the original and now dated “2007/2008 Events” calendar issued several months back now. So thank you to those that read this and bringing it to the editor’s or co-chairs attention. If you feel any of this section may be inaccurate (as it was last week on the All-City schedule) please do not hesitate to ask the questions. Several upcoming events still have items to be worked out, so please contact one of the co-chairs (Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle) for any future event should you have any questions.
1/25 - 1/27 OMEA, All-State Band, Orchestra
2/9 Willamette Jazz Festival
2/16 All City Concert
2/21 - 2/23 Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival
Editor’s Corner — So you want to successful?
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, WSHS newsletter editor)
As a first in a series, I wanted to address the success factor and hope many find this interesting. Parents — you might even make sure your children are at least reading the newsletter, maybe even for just THIS part. I think they too will find this helpful, enlightening, possibly entertaining. Students — if you have parents that are the ones that don’t read this, invite them to your world as I will be highlighting the hard work put in by students, ESPECIALLY those in the music business during their scholastic years. It also might be the site of the remainder of the year’s articles on a possible trivia contest or some other thing that we might come up with for some fun. Maybe we’ll even make students, parents, AND staff eligible to win something? Stay tuned for that later though.
Now that the finals are behind us I hope you have a little time for this extra read. The topic of success means different things to different people. But one thing is certain, how students succeed today is a very good barometer of how well (and quickly) they will succeed tomorrow. I’d like to keep this week’s article as brief as possible, but also timely for a couple of events happening this weekend — more on that later. But first a thought for the day on this topic — this author doesn’t necessarily hold the reins to success, but he led so many to MULTIPLE successes and also is the owner of some of the world’s best quotes on the topic and can be applied in our everyday lives, but especially hits home for our musician students:
The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work.
HARD work is the price we must pay for success.
I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.
Author: Coach Vince Lombardi
Some of that hard work is already paying off — for those FEW that made it to this weekend’s OMEA state event — Congratulations (again)! That is just ONE example of how hard work is paying off. Earlier in this article we congratulated those 22 musicians that made it to this year’s All-City Band; yet another example of how hard work pays off (OK, some of you students might not think it was so hard –J) but there was some hard work that preceded these events, and it has taken YEARS! To all of the students at WSHS, in particular the music department students: KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK in all of your studies!
Finally, another event that is happening this weekend hits pretty close to home for some. The great success story behind this has connections to, guess what? Marching Band! You’d probably never think that marching band was more than just a bunch of hard work: “Repeat this!” “Repeat that!” Over, and over and over, and over…and OVER again! For what??!?? some might ask. You all know what YOU do it for, it’s also an intrinsic value that most students in all high schools can’t, or won’t EVER relate to — but that’s their loss. Being called a “band geek” or made fun of because of one thing or another has no doubt happened to many a high school musician. Kids are cruel — it just so happens those type of kids are also the not-so-smart ones, and probably not paving their way, building or opening the doors to success. So in a way, to this author anyway, you are some of the bravest of the high school students because you CAN (and no doubt have) put up with some of these cruel comments. To many of us parents you are OUR heroes –J.
Below I thought you’d all like to actually see a little bit on what this other event is that is happening this weekend. As it turns out several of them too were band geeks, some with roots in the Drum Corps International that most of you are familiar with — the Major League of Marching Band. Some of you might also know that several members of this success story took their band geekiness to the highest of heights in the entertainment business. I’ll give you a couple MORE clues: The originals started out as street musicians and were true starving artists in the late ‘80s and didn’t even have a musical education. They remained somewhat obscure until a popular series of Intel commercials over 10 years ago; they give unique autographs if you’ve ever had the chance to meet one of them…
And for you Choir folks reading out there? Listen through the video below — there is a section (just past the 2:50 mark) on what a former choir singer can do also. (By the way, she kind of looks like Mrs. McIntyre’s younger sister -J). The singer’s name is Annette Strean. These are all the clues you get now! Some of you already know who I’m talking about. So please take several minutes to be entertained at the link below. I think you will enjoy what some band geeks turn out to be. You might say that this is the ultimate pit orchestra!
This ultimate pit orchestra will be in Portland this weekend (26th), but it is somewhat price-prohibitive. But more information can be found at: "How to be a MegaStar". To be part of this group takes EVERY bit of not only a musical education, but many other forms and disciplines that you are learning in school today and college tomorrow. Even to become a backup group/player for this act now requires the most rigorous musical talent and is highly competitive, albeit lucrative for those that DO make it. It very well might be one of YOU to join the group in a couple of years J For the brave:
(Contributors: Dr. Nail, Mr. Griffiths, edits by Jesse Seeley)
As we all know, WSHS has an excellent music program. But it should not be taken for granted when so many excellent students take the extra time and effort to apply, audition, and then MAKE the All-City Band. So below we provide you with those students who should be recognized for securing a spot on the coveted All-City Band: Congratulations to ALL of those that made the finals and also to those that auditioned.
The 2008 Salem All-City Band members, listed alphabetically by instrument:
Bassoon - Anna Stipe (first chair), Callie Harris
Bass Clarinet - Dakota Robbins (alternate)
Clarinet - Haili Hodsdon, Josh Hettwer, Caitlin Nichols, Jessie Cummins
Euphonium - Eli Heide
Flute - Maria Weir (first chair), Jessica Yang, Katherine Lownsbery. Alternates - Kelsey McKinnell, Kylie Phillips, Megan Gorman
Oboe - Michael Morgan (first chair), Jesse Wertz
Percussion - Robert Harris (first chair), Brendon Seeley, Alauna Perry
Saxophone - Adam Nielsen (baritone), Zack Chong (alto sax alternate)
Trombone - Matt Hettwer (first chair)
Trumpet - Josh Fletcher, Lynn Robinson, Ryan Tuttle. Alternates - Molly Muller Horn - Larysa Pavelek
Tuba - Kenneth Wilson, Matthew Garney
Rehearsal Schedule for All-City
Contrary to what was published in previous weeks’ newsletters, below is the updated rehearsal schedule from Dr. Nail. The previously published schedule was lifted from the “Events Calendar” which was issued as an estimate earlier this year and is no longer valid. The below schedule is attached to this e-mail in the event you just wanted to print it out that portion for the refrigerator J.
1/30 Sectional 4 - 6 p.m.
2/6 Sectional 3:30 - 6 p.m.
2/14 Rehearsal 6 - 9 p.m
2/15 Rehearsal 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
2/16 Rehearsal 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
2/16 Concert Warm-up 6 p.m.
2/16 Performance 7 - 9:15 p.m.
Titan Jazz/Concert/Basketball Band Basketball Gig
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths and Alyson Baker)
Basketball Band—Next gig is Friday, Jan. 25 — Call time will be 5:15 p.m.
Winter Ensemble Rehearsal—on no school Friday, Jan. 25
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jesse Seeley)
This is just a reminder that even though there is no school, we ARE having rehearsal Friday (Friday, Jan. 26) from 6 – 9 p.m. Also, if you haven't turned in your CD sales money or unsold CDs tomorrow is your last chance, otherwise your the $40 will get added to your fair share/account fee. Let’s not let that happen.
Thanks! Let's have a rockin' rehearsal! Thanks! Alan Keown
Reminder: Upcoming Band Boosters Meeting — Jan. 28 (upcoming Monday)
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle, edited by Jesse Seeley)
One final reminder to please mark your calendars for the next Band Boosters meeting Monday, Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. in the Band Room! This meeting is NOT ONLY FOR the existing Boosters/Board, but is also intended and FOR any and ALL parents with musicians in any of the music programs at WSHS. ALL PARENTS ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Parents’ input is VITAL! We need your input to make the programs better, improve on the processes and activities that your children become involve in, and also entertain parents’ and students’ ideas of executing the operation behind the scenes and the making of these champions. So please plan on attending this meeting. If you’d like to step forward for a position ON the Band Booster Board, THIS is the meeting you must attend. We try to keep the meetings to an hour, but they will many times go to 1.5 or 2 hours, depending on the number of topics discussed. Thank you in advance for your consideration to attend this very important meeting. If there are any questions, please contact Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle).
Looking forward. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Just a reminder and as stated in the chart below, these are excerpts from the original and now dated “2007/2008 Events” calendar issued several months back now. So thank you to those that read this and bringing it to the editor’s or co-chairs attention. If you feel any of this section may be inaccurate (as it was last week on the All-City schedule) please do not hesitate to ask the questions. Several upcoming events still have items to be worked out, so please contact one of the co-chairs (Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle) for any future event should you have any questions.
1/25 - 1/27 OMEA, All-State Band, Orchestra
2/9 Willamette Jazz Festival
2/16 All City Concert
2/21 - 2/23 Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival
Editor’s Corner — So you want to successful?
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, WSHS newsletter editor)
As a first in a series, I wanted to address the success factor and hope many find this interesting. Parents — you might even make sure your children are at least reading the newsletter, maybe even for just THIS part. I think they too will find this helpful, enlightening, possibly entertaining. Students — if you have parents that are the ones that don’t read this, invite them to your world as I will be highlighting the hard work put in by students, ESPECIALLY those in the music business during their scholastic years. It also might be the site of the remainder of the year’s articles on a possible trivia contest or some other thing that we might come up with for some fun. Maybe we’ll even make students, parents, AND staff eligible to win something? Stay tuned for that later though.
Now that the finals are behind us I hope you have a little time for this extra read. The topic of success means different things to different people. But one thing is certain, how students succeed today is a very good barometer of how well (and quickly) they will succeed tomorrow. I’d like to keep this week’s article as brief as possible, but also timely for a couple of events happening this weekend — more on that later. But first a thought for the day on this topic — this author doesn’t necessarily hold the reins to success, but he led so many to MULTIPLE successes and also is the owner of some of the world’s best quotes on the topic and can be applied in our everyday lives, but especially hits home for our musician students:
The dictionary is the only place that success comes before work.
HARD work is the price we must pay for success.
I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.
Author: Coach Vince Lombardi
Some of that hard work is already paying off — for those FEW that made it to this weekend’s OMEA state event — Congratulations (again)! That is just ONE example of how hard work is paying off. Earlier in this article we congratulated those 22 musicians that made it to this year’s All-City Band; yet another example of how hard work pays off (OK, some of you students might not think it was so hard –J) but there was some hard work that preceded these events, and it has taken YEARS! To all of the students at WSHS, in particular the music department students: KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK in all of your studies!
Finally, another event that is happening this weekend hits pretty close to home for some. The great success story behind this has connections to, guess what? Marching Band! You’d probably never think that marching band was more than just a bunch of hard work: “Repeat this!” “Repeat that!” Over, and over and over, and over…and OVER again! For what??!?? some might ask. You all know what YOU do it for, it’s also an intrinsic value that most students in all high schools can’t, or won’t EVER relate to — but that’s their loss. Being called a “band geek” or made fun of because of one thing or another has no doubt happened to many a high school musician. Kids are cruel — it just so happens those type of kids are also the not-so-smart ones, and probably not paving their way, building or opening the doors to success. So in a way, to this author anyway, you are some of the bravest of the high school students because you CAN (and no doubt have) put up with some of these cruel comments. To many of us parents you are OUR heroes –J.
Below I thought you’d all like to actually see a little bit on what this other event is that is happening this weekend. As it turns out several of them too were band geeks, some with roots in the Drum Corps International that most of you are familiar with — the Major League of Marching Band. Some of you might also know that several members of this success story took their band geekiness to the highest of heights in the entertainment business. I’ll give you a couple MORE clues: The originals started out as street musicians and were true starving artists in the late ‘80s and didn’t even have a musical education. They remained somewhat obscure until a popular series of Intel commercials over 10 years ago; they give unique autographs if you’ve ever had the chance to meet one of them…
And for you Choir folks reading out there? Listen through the video below — there is a section (just past the 2:50 mark) on what a former choir singer can do also. (By the way, she kind of looks like Mrs. McIntyre’s younger sister -J). The singer’s name is Annette Strean. These are all the clues you get now! Some of you already know who I’m talking about. So please take several minutes to be entertained at the link below. I think you will enjoy what some band geeks turn out to be. You might say that this is the ultimate pit orchestra!
This ultimate pit orchestra will be in Portland this weekend (26th), but it is somewhat price-prohibitive. But more information can be found at: "How to be a MegaStar". To be part of this group takes EVERY bit of not only a musical education, but many other forms and disciplines that you are learning in school today and college tomorrow. Even to become a backup group/player for this act now requires the most rigorous musical talent and is highly competitive, albeit lucrative for those that DO make it. It very well might be one of YOU to join the group in a couple of years J For the brave:
all city,
jazz band,
winter percussion/colorguard
Orchestra News
1) End of semester grades have been posted. Ms. Silberman will be touching base with each student to discuss 1st semester successes and to 'game plan' a focus for each student for 2nd semester. Any parents interested in that information is welcome to e-mail or call Ms. Silberman (
2) Not too early to work on the two reviews due by the end of second semester. The Oregon Symphony Association in Salem contacted Ms. Silberman to remind us of upcoming concerts, including this next Tuesday, Jan. 29, at 8 p.m. Here's an excerpt from the e-mail they sent:
"Tickets are available at: (503) 364-0149 or 1-800-992-8499. Classical ticket prices range between $25 and $43 while Pops tickets run from $24 to $54. Student tickets are available at the box office for $5 the night of the concert to any student with ID. The box office opens at 6:30 p.m. at Smith Auditorium. This season's remaining concerts, which are all on Tuesday evenings, are listed below. All concerts begin at 8:00 p.m. in Smith Auditorium on the Willamette University campus.
Jan. 29: "Legends of Swing" featuring arrangements of songs by Nelson Riddle for some of the greatest singers of the 40s and 50s (Pop)
Feb. 5: Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 2, Kirill Gerstein, piano, Gregory Vajda, conductor*
Feb.y 19: Liszt Piano Concerto No. 2, Arnaldo Cohen, piano, Carlos Kalmar, conductor*
April 15: Mozart Clarinet Concerto, Sharon Kam, clarinet, Gregory Vajda, conductor**
April 22: "A Sentimental Journey" featuring Norman Leyden and the Oregon Symphony Orchestra (Pops)"
3) We have launched YMMP - Young Musician's Mentoring Program. Mr. Shippy and Ms. Cline
have polled their students and we have about 20 young students in middle or elementary school who would like coaching by high school students. The Titan orchestra student's commitment is to coach the young musician 4 times - once or twice a month could do it - either at school or at a house, and upon completion of the 4th coaching, the high school student will be paid $20. Also, all high school students will receive a good amount of extra credit from Ms. Silberman for successfully participating in this program. This is one of the ways we can assure that we have a thriving program here at West. Please touch base with Ms. Silberman if you're interested in participating.
4) Thanks to all for a great first semester! Second semester we have many exciting things to look forward to - newly configured period 5 and 6 classes, a 'solo' playing improvement unit, advanced orchestra classical composer and contemporary player projects, district and (hopefully) state competitions for advanced orchestra and symphony, a concert at West with the middle school orchestra too, a concert at West with the 4th and 5th grade orchestras too, and we will begin planning the big trip for next year ('08/'09).
~Ms. Silberman
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503) 399-5533 x256
Cell: (818) 317-8218
2) Not too early to work on the two reviews due by the end of second semester. The Oregon Symphony Association in Salem contacted Ms. Silberman to remind us of upcoming concerts, including this next Tuesday, Jan. 29, at 8 p.m. Here's an excerpt from the e-mail they sent:
"Tickets are available at: (503) 364-0149 or 1-800-992-8499. Classical ticket prices range between $25 and $43 while Pops tickets run from $24 to $54. Student tickets are available at the box office for $5 the night of the concert to any student with ID. The box office opens at 6:30 p.m. at Smith Auditorium. This season's remaining concerts, which are all on Tuesday evenings, are listed below. All concerts begin at 8:00 p.m. in Smith Auditorium on the Willamette University campus.
Jan. 29: "Legends of Swing" featuring arrangements of songs by Nelson Riddle for some of the greatest singers of the 40s and 50s (Pop)
Feb. 5: Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 2, Kirill Gerstein, piano, Gregory Vajda, conductor*
Feb.y 19: Liszt Piano Concerto No. 2, Arnaldo Cohen, piano, Carlos Kalmar, conductor*
April 15: Mozart Clarinet Concerto, Sharon Kam, clarinet, Gregory Vajda, conductor**
April 22: "A Sentimental Journey" featuring Norman Leyden and the Oregon Symphony Orchestra (Pops)"
3) We have launched YMMP - Young Musician's Mentoring Program. Mr. Shippy and Ms. Cline
have polled their students and we have about 20 young students in middle or elementary school who would like coaching by high school students. The Titan orchestra student's commitment is to coach the young musician 4 times - once or twice a month could do it - either at school or at a house, and upon completion of the 4th coaching, the high school student will be paid $20. Also, all high school students will receive a good amount of extra credit from Ms. Silberman for successfully participating in this program. This is one of the ways we can assure that we have a thriving program here at West. Please touch base with Ms. Silberman if you're interested in participating.
4) Thanks to all for a great first semester! Second semester we have many exciting things to look forward to - newly configured period 5 and 6 classes, a 'solo' playing improvement unit, advanced orchestra classical composer and contemporary player projects, district and (hopefully) state competitions for advanced orchestra and symphony, a concert at West with the middle school orchestra too, a concert at West with the 4th and 5th grade orchestras too, and we will begin planning the big trip for next year ('08/'09).
~Ms. Silberman
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503) 399-5533 x256
Cell: (818) 317-8218
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Band Newsletter #22
Oregon Jazz Festival (Lane Comm. Coll.) – Jan. 19 (Saturday)
Both groups (Labs I & II) will be playing at Lane Community College (LCC) not the U. of O as was on the original schedule at the beginning of the year. Call time and the approximate schedule appear immediately below, followed by directions, maps, and Web site information.
8:45 Lab I Call Time—Already dressed! Brief Rehearsal
9:30 Lab II Call Time
9:45 Load bus
10:00 Bus rolls
Noon Lunch break (bring a sack lunch) with OJE and LJE (Center Stage)
12:45 Luis Bonilla clinic (Main Stage)
2:00 Lab I to warm-up
2:45 Lab I perform on Center Stage
3:30 Lab II to warm-up
4:15 Lab II perform on Band Room Stage
5:00 Closing remarks
5:15 Some students travel back to Salem (parent drives must have insurance registered w/WSHS). Students may drive ONLY THEMSELVES, and must have specific parental permission to do so!
6:00 Pizza dinner at LCC—Everyone will chip in for dinner; amount TBD, but approximately $5-$8 range
7:30 Luis Bonilla concert at LCC
10:00 Travel back to Salem by bus
11:30 APPROXIMATE arrival at WSHS. Put away gear and dismiss
Driving directions (from LCC's Web site below): Southbound (from the north) on Interstate 5. Take exit 189 and continue to the traffic light. Turn right at the traffic light and go straight until the next intersection. Turn right at the intersection. Turn left on Eldon Shafer Drive to access the east parking lots or continue to the first exit on the right to access the west parking lots. The festival desk is in the lobby of the Performing Arts building (Bldg #6). Other helpful information:
Official directions from LCC website:
Web site for Lane Community College, Main Campus, building layout:
GoogleMaps location: (you might be pointed to the exit FOR the college at 4000 E. 30th Ave--scroll down, then to the right)
Titan Jazz/Concert/Basketball Band Reminders—Rehearsals and Festivals
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths and Alyson Baker)
Jazz Rehearsal on Monday, Jan. 21 (school closed to others)—Don't forget that we DO have Monday rehearsals on the following no school Mondays:
Jan. 21 – note earlier start time (Lab II at 1:45 to 4:15; Lab I at 4:15 to 6:15)
Concert Band—Reminder to record and hand in a performance of your major scales assignment!
Basketball Band—Next gig is Friday, Jan. 25 (after finals week J)—Call time will be 5:15 p.m.
Winter Ensemble – Parent's Meeting, Friday, Jan. 18!
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jen and John Freeman, edited by Jesse Seeley)
There will be a very brief parent meeting for those that are currently attending the Winter Ensemble. It should only take about 30-45 minutes. The main focus will be getting enough parents to volunteer for the various jobs we'll need help with. Those include, but not limited to help with food, setting up tents, sewing flags, chaperones, travel and forms coordinator, etc. All of this will be discussed at the meeting—hopefully you'll be able to sign up for one or more of the duties so we can cover the Winter Ensemble and the support team that they can't do without. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. at the WSHS Band Room (the rehearsal makes its way to the commons around then).
Update/Correction on Friday auditions for Winter Ensemble—last week I
(Jesse) accidentally omitted the Friday rehearsals AFTER the first competiton on March 8. There are also Friday rehearsals that will continue up through the end of the season's competitions. These include (in addition to those in last week's newsletter) rehearsals on the additional Fridays:
• March 14, 2008 This is a no-school Friday, but there will still be a rehearsal, same time (6:00 to 9:00 p.m.);
• March 21, 2008 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.; and
• March 22, 2008 Final competition—Championship—End of season.
Reminder: CD monies due Friday night, Jan. 18 — Actually, they're overdue, but this is just a gentle reminder in case you are forgetting them again -J. Please make the rehearsal a little early if you have not turned it in already so we can make all the updates/corrections to the paperwork.
Upcoming Band Boosters Meeting—Jan. 28
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle, edited by Jesse Seeley)
Please mark your calendars for the next Band Boosters meeting: Jan. 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Band Room! This meeting is NOT ONLY FOR the existing Boosters/Board, but is also intended and FOR any and ALL parents with musicians in any of the band and music programs at WSHS. ALL PARENTS ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND!
Parents’ input is VITAL! We need your input to make the programs better, improve on the processes and activities that your children become involve in, and also entertain parents' and students' ideas of executing the operation behind the scenes and the making of these champions. So please plan on attending this meeting.
If you'd like to step forward for a position ON the Band Booster Board, THIS is the meeting you must attend. We try to keep the meetings to an hour, but they will many times go to 1.5 or 2 hours, depending on the number of topics discussed. Thank you in advance for your consideration to attend this very important meeting. If there are any questions, please contact Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle (see "Band Booster Contacts" list at end of this newsletter).
More on Quandre Concertà Quadre, Feb. 8
(Contributors: Mike and Kami Hettwer, edited by Jesse Seeley)
Especially for horn players and enthusiasts, but open to all interested in music, and FREE is a great price! On Friday, Feb. 8, QUADRE - an awesome horn quartet from San Francisco - will be giving a master class and concert at Willamette University. They will visit a couple of Salem high schools earlier in the day and then present their master class at 4:00 p.m. in Cone Chapel and an evening concert at 7:30 in Hudson Hall, both at Willamette University. Both events are FREE! They will also perform at U of O on Feb. 5 and at the Old Church in Portland in a joint concert with the Northwest Horn Orchestra (a 16 piece horn ensemble made up of area professional horn players) at 7:30 on Feb. 7. Please try to make it to the Willamette U. events so that we can show our support of these types of opportunities and give this group a great audience. If you are interested in participating in the master class by playing part of a solo that you are working on and receiving some free coaching, let me (Mike Hettwer) know. I would like to have 4 to 6 people ready to go for the master class. Having your accompanist there would be a real plus.
Tell all your friends about it and bring them too!!
Looking forward. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
In addition to those dates and festivals mentioned above, below is a snapshot of the important schedule of events up through the middle of February:
1/17 – All-City Sectional
1/31 – All-City Sectional
2/14 – All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/15 – All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/16 – All-City Dress Rehearsal
2/16 – All-City Concert
Editor's Corner — "So you want to successful?"
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, WSHS Newsletter Editor)
Starting next week I will be compiling some articles that will be informative, hopefully entertaining, and yes, even educational (sorry kids -J). But the root of the articles will be based on how education, musical arts and education in particular (voice, marching band, etc), leads to great successes, even millions of dollars of income for the what some might think as a small or insignificant part of our American culture, and how what our young musicians are doing TODAY could be what they will become tomorrow. Students and parents and staff may be interested, so stay tuned. Students: There may also be some future contests, quizzes, maybe even a prize here and there. Last year we awarded a JambaJuice gift certificate for answering a simple contest, so be reading the newsletter for more.
Band Boosters Contacts for 2007/2008
Band Area Co-Chairs:
Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968,
Kami Hettwer, 503-585-2529,
Uniforms/Concert Attire Coordinators:
Patricia Nielsen, 503-391-4722,
Deanna Garney, 503-763-8715,
Newsletter Editor:
Jesse Seeley,
Music Web pages:
Booster Main Page:
WSHS Music Booster Blog:
Both groups (Labs I & II) will be playing at Lane Community College (LCC) not the U. of O as was on the original schedule at the beginning of the year. Call time and the approximate schedule appear immediately below, followed by directions, maps, and Web site information.
8:45 Lab I Call Time—Already dressed! Brief Rehearsal
9:30 Lab II Call Time
9:45 Load bus
10:00 Bus rolls
Noon Lunch break (bring a sack lunch) with OJE and LJE (Center Stage)
12:45 Luis Bonilla clinic (Main Stage)
2:00 Lab I to warm-up
2:45 Lab I perform on Center Stage
3:30 Lab II to warm-up
4:15 Lab II perform on Band Room Stage
5:00 Closing remarks
5:15 Some students travel back to Salem (parent drives must have insurance registered w/WSHS). Students may drive ONLY THEMSELVES, and must have specific parental permission to do so!
6:00 Pizza dinner at LCC—Everyone will chip in for dinner; amount TBD, but approximately $5-$8 range
7:30 Luis Bonilla concert at LCC
10:00 Travel back to Salem by bus
11:30 APPROXIMATE arrival at WSHS. Put away gear and dismiss
Driving directions (from LCC's Web site below): Southbound (from the north) on Interstate 5. Take exit 189 and continue to the traffic light. Turn right at the traffic light and go straight until the next intersection. Turn right at the intersection. Turn left on Eldon Shafer Drive to access the east parking lots or continue to the first exit on the right to access the west parking lots. The festival desk is in the lobby of the Performing Arts building (Bldg #6). Other helpful information:
Official directions from LCC website:
Web site for Lane Community College, Main Campus, building layout:
GoogleMaps location: (you might be pointed to the exit FOR the college at 4000 E. 30th Ave--scroll down, then to the right)
Titan Jazz/Concert/Basketball Band Reminders—Rehearsals and Festivals
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths and Alyson Baker)
Jazz Rehearsal on Monday, Jan. 21 (school closed to others)—Don't forget that we DO have Monday rehearsals on the following no school Mondays:
Jan. 21 – note earlier start time (Lab II at 1:45 to 4:15; Lab I at 4:15 to 6:15)
Concert Band—Reminder to record and hand in a performance of your major scales assignment!
Basketball Band—Next gig is Friday, Jan. 25 (after finals week J)—Call time will be 5:15 p.m.
Winter Ensemble – Parent's Meeting, Friday, Jan. 18!
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jen and John Freeman, edited by Jesse Seeley)
There will be a very brief parent meeting for those that are currently attending the Winter Ensemble. It should only take about 30-45 minutes. The main focus will be getting enough parents to volunteer for the various jobs we'll need help with. Those include, but not limited to help with food, setting up tents, sewing flags, chaperones, travel and forms coordinator, etc. All of this will be discussed at the meeting—hopefully you'll be able to sign up for one or more of the duties so we can cover the Winter Ensemble and the support team that they can't do without. The meeting will start at 6:00 p.m. at the WSHS Band Room (the rehearsal makes its way to the commons around then).
Update/Correction on Friday auditions for Winter Ensemble—last week I
(Jesse) accidentally omitted the Friday rehearsals AFTER the first competiton on March 8. There are also Friday rehearsals that will continue up through the end of the season's competitions. These include (in addition to those in last week's newsletter) rehearsals on the additional Fridays:
• March 14, 2008 This is a no-school Friday, but there will still be a rehearsal, same time (6:00 to 9:00 p.m.);
• March 21, 2008 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.; and
• March 22, 2008 Final competition—Championship—End of season.
Reminder: CD monies due Friday night, Jan. 18 — Actually, they're overdue, but this is just a gentle reminder in case you are forgetting them again -J. Please make the rehearsal a little early if you have not turned it in already so we can make all the updates/corrections to the paperwork.
Upcoming Band Boosters Meeting—Jan. 28
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle, edited by Jesse Seeley)
Please mark your calendars for the next Band Boosters meeting: Jan. 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Band Room! This meeting is NOT ONLY FOR the existing Boosters/Board, but is also intended and FOR any and ALL parents with musicians in any of the band and music programs at WSHS. ALL PARENTS ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND!
Parents’ input is VITAL! We need your input to make the programs better, improve on the processes and activities that your children become involve in, and also entertain parents' and students' ideas of executing the operation behind the scenes and the making of these champions. So please plan on attending this meeting.
If you'd like to step forward for a position ON the Band Booster Board, THIS is the meeting you must attend. We try to keep the meetings to an hour, but they will many times go to 1.5 or 2 hours, depending on the number of topics discussed. Thank you in advance for your consideration to attend this very important meeting. If there are any questions, please contact Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle (see "Band Booster Contacts" list at end of this newsletter).
More on Quandre Concertà Quadre, Feb. 8
(Contributors: Mike and Kami Hettwer, edited by Jesse Seeley)
Especially for horn players and enthusiasts, but open to all interested in music, and FREE is a great price! On Friday, Feb. 8, QUADRE - an awesome horn quartet from San Francisco - will be giving a master class and concert at Willamette University. They will visit a couple of Salem high schools earlier in the day and then present their master class at 4:00 p.m. in Cone Chapel and an evening concert at 7:30 in Hudson Hall, both at Willamette University. Both events are FREE! They will also perform at U of O on Feb. 5 and at the Old Church in Portland in a joint concert with the Northwest Horn Orchestra (a 16 piece horn ensemble made up of area professional horn players) at 7:30 on Feb. 7. Please try to make it to the Willamette U. events so that we can show our support of these types of opportunities and give this group a great audience. If you are interested in participating in the master class by playing part of a solo that you are working on and receiving some free coaching, let me (Mike Hettwer) know. I would like to have 4 to 6 people ready to go for the master class. Having your accompanist there would be a real plus.
Tell all your friends about it and bring them too!!
Looking forward. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
In addition to those dates and festivals mentioned above, below is a snapshot of the important schedule of events up through the middle of February:
1/17 – All-City Sectional
1/31 – All-City Sectional
2/14 – All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/15 – All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/16 – All-City Dress Rehearsal
2/16 – All-City Concert
Editor's Corner — "So you want to successful?"
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, WSHS Newsletter Editor)
Starting next week I will be compiling some articles that will be informative, hopefully entertaining, and yes, even educational (sorry kids -J). But the root of the articles will be based on how education, musical arts and education in particular (voice, marching band, etc), leads to great successes, even millions of dollars of income for the what some might think as a small or insignificant part of our American culture, and how what our young musicians are doing TODAY could be what they will become tomorrow. Students and parents and staff may be interested, so stay tuned. Students: There may also be some future contests, quizzes, maybe even a prize here and there. Last year we awarded a JambaJuice gift certificate for answering a simple contest, so be reading the newsletter for more.
Band Boosters Contacts for 2007/2008
Band Area Co-Chairs:
Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968,
Kami Hettwer, 503-585-2529,
Uniforms/Concert Attire Coordinators:
Patricia Nielsen, 503-391-4722,
Deanna Garney, 503-763-8715,
Newsletter Editor:
Jesse Seeley,
Music Web pages:
Booster Main Page:
WSHS Music Booster Blog:
jazz band,
winter percussion/colorguard
Friday, January 18, 2008
Orchestra News
1) Congratulations to the students who were accepted to this year's All City orchestra. They will have the honor of working with Louis Bergonzi - a wonderful conductor, educator and amazing person. Ms. Silberman has had occasion to both watch and work with Mr. Bergonzi - he's a very inspirational person. For more information about Mr. Bergonzi:
1st Violins:
Gwen Gates
Kayla Fadenrecht
Courtney Klosterman
2nd Violins:
Jacqueline Tran
Aida Behmard
Lauren Culver
Bronte Loewen-Thomas
Skyler Young
Ian Love
Jessica Tyree
Taylor Baldwin
Tyler King
2) All students are expected to turn in 2 reviews each semester. At current count, about half of the students have turned in their reviews. If you need review ideas or have any questions, please contact Ms. Silberman (
One student has turned in a review of a concert that might be of interest to other students: famous rock guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen performing the Concerto Suite for guitar and orchestra. The concert is available as a CD or DVD on iTunes and any other music acquiring source
3) There is a concerto competition for the Salem Youth Symphony this Saturday Jan. 19, 4:00 pm at the Salem First United Methodist Church downtown. About ten Salem-Keizer high school students will perform concerto excerpts. This is a good review opportunity.
4) All students are expected to attend their orchestra class, including Advanced Symphony (Thursday Jan. 24, 11:15 - 12:45), to perform their final. Students grade on their final is a combination of their preparedness, their use of time these past few weeks preparing with their group, and their group's performance on the day of their final.
5) Just a reminder that Ms. Silberman posts interesting information and links on the blog - please check often.
1st Violins:
Gwen Gates
Kayla Fadenrecht
Courtney Klosterman
2nd Violins:
Jacqueline Tran
Aida Behmard
Lauren Culver
Bronte Loewen-Thomas
Skyler Young
Ian Love
Jessica Tyree
Taylor Baldwin
Tyler King
2) All students are expected to turn in 2 reviews each semester. At current count, about half of the students have turned in their reviews. If you need review ideas or have any questions, please contact Ms. Silberman (
One student has turned in a review of a concert that might be of interest to other students: famous rock guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen performing the Concerto Suite for guitar and orchestra. The concert is available as a CD or DVD on iTunes and any other music acquiring source
3) There is a concerto competition for the Salem Youth Symphony this Saturday Jan. 19, 4:00 pm at the Salem First United Methodist Church downtown. About ten Salem-Keizer high school students will perform concerto excerpts. This is a good review opportunity.
4) All students are expected to attend their orchestra class, including Advanced Symphony (Thursday Jan. 24, 11:15 - 12:45), to perform their final. Students grade on their final is a combination of their preparedness, their use of time these past few weeks preparing with their group, and their group's performance on the day of their final.
5) Just a reminder that Ms. Silberman posts interesting information and links on the blog - please check often.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Addendum to Band Newsletter #21 - URGENT ADDENDUM!
Folks, it was a false alarm we’ve found out about the due dates in the below and previously issued “Urgent Addendum”. Our MOST sincere apologies for any inconvenience or grief caused by this miscommunication.
As it turns out, that the deadline is Thursday indeed, but NEXT Thursday-- January 24.
As it turns out, that the deadline is Thursday indeed, but NEXT Thursday-- January 24.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Band Newsletter #21 - URGENT ADDENDUM!
Solo and Ensemble Registration Information
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Not available at press time when the most recent newsletter was sent out, this important information should be read by anyone who was interested in applying for the upcoming “OMEA District IV Solo/Ensemble Festival.” The below was supplied by Mr. Griffiths on the change or process and timing. NOTE: Deadline THIS THURSDAY, January 17, 2008!
“Students may now register for the OMEA District IV Solo/Ensemble Festival. The registration process is much different (better!) this year. Students must fill out a registration form (available in the band room), attach a check for the appropriate amount, and turn it in to Mrs. McIntyre in the choir room. For more details, ask any WSHS music teacher.”
Forms and fees are due THIS COMING THURSDAY! Don't forget that the accompanist must be named on the form, so students using an accompanist must find one by the time they register!
Thank you in advance for your additional time.
Jesse Seeley
WSHS Newsletter Editor
Solo and Ensemble Registration Information
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Not available at press time when the most recent newsletter was sent out, this important information should be read by anyone who was interested in applying for the upcoming “OMEA District IV Solo/Ensemble Festival.” The below was supplied by Mr. Griffiths on the change or process and timing. NOTE: Deadline THIS THURSDAY, January 17, 2008!
“Students may now register for the OMEA District IV Solo/Ensemble Festival. The registration process is much different (better!) this year. Students must fill out a registration form (available in the band room), attach a check for the appropriate amount, and turn it in to Mrs. McIntyre in the choir room. For more details, ask any WSHS music teacher.”
Forms and fees are due THIS COMING THURSDAY! Don't forget that the accompanist must be named on the form, so students using an accompanist must find one by the time they register!
Thank you in advance for your additional time.
Jesse Seeley
WSHS Newsletter Editor
Friday, January 11, 2008
Band Newsletter #21
Basketball Band and Jazz Ensemble Info
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Call times for the various events appear below:
Basketball Band/Games
Friday, Jan. 11 - 5:15 call time
Tuesday, Jan. 15 - 5:15 call time
Jazz Ensembles - Saturday, Jan. 19
Lab I - 8:45 call (Attire: ALL black)
Lab II - 9:30 call (Attire: Black and White)
All students must decide this week (by Wednesday, January 16th) if they are staying for the concert. Arrangements to travel home will hinge on how many students are doing what. Please let your decision be known to one of the directors immediately. Depending on these numbers, we might need a couple of parent drivers to assist with transportation home after the Jazz Festival. Stay tuned for details. . .
Titan Jazz Reminders—Rehearsals and Festivals
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths and Alyson Baker)
Rehearsals—Don’t forget that we DO have Monday rehearsals on the following no school Mondays:
Jan. 21 – regular times
Feb. 18 – slightly extended times, in preparation for the Lionel Hampton Festival
Festivals—Many updates below
Oregon Jazz Festival (Lane Comm. Coll.) – Jan. 19 (Saturday)
Call time TBA in the morning. Both groups playing at LCC, not the U of O. The evening concert features Luis Bonilla (trombone). It’s at 7:30, and we would return home late (usually around midnight). I need to know who plans to go. The band will pay the cost of tickets. Usually, our bus brings home everyone else around 6:00 pm.
Willamette – Feb. 9 (Saturday)
No info yet.
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival (Moscow, ID) – Feb. 20-23
$50 due Jan 15; $50 due Feb 15
We’ll be leaving school Thursday, February 21st at 3:00 p.m. and returning Saturday night around midnight or a little later. We must double-check the commitment of every performer! Contact Mr. Griffiths immediately with your intent if you have not already done so. There is an incredible concert Friday night, but we’ll only pay for those who want to go. For more on the show particulars, please visit their own website at (thank you again Alyson).
Salem Jazz Festival – March 8
Looks like we’ll be playing early. More details to follow; stayed tuned . . .
Questions, Comments, or Q-tips? Email me. Home or school is fine: or
Thanks again to Alyson Baker, who is coordinating the trip to Idaho and some of our other business! You may also contact her at
Winter Ensemble – Friday Rehearsals Start January 11
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Every Friday evening now there will be rehearsals for the “Winter Percussion Theater” and Winter Ensemble. Starting Friday, January 11, and continuing through March 7, 2008 these rehearsals will start at 6:00 p.m. and run until approximately 9:00 p.m. It should be noted that the Friday where no school is scheduled (Friday, February 1) that there will STILL be a rehearsal. Please make a note of this now as there may be no other reminders!
Concert Quadre, February 8
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
Coming up in the very near future. Quadre, a horn quartet from CA will be performing at Willamette University on Friday, Feb 8 in Hudson Hall at 8 p.m. Admission is free. They will be offering a master class but the time and location has yet to be determined. Quadre's web page -
Looking forward. . . back by popular demand
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
In addition to those dates and festivals mentioned above, below is a snapshot of the important schedule of events up through the middle of February
1/17 All-City Band Sectional
1/31 All-City Band Sectional
2/14 All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/15 All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/16 All-City Full Dress Rehearsal
2/16 All City Concert
Picture of the Week
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
I thought it apropos that the below picture of the week depict a couple of the hard working, behind the scenes activities of a couple of the staff. I think you may know them J. At this past Tuesday’s Varsity Girls basketball game, hard at work was our own “Mr. G.” In case some of you don’t recognize the other hard worker in the background, that is Mr. Joe Gottsch, which I think I can safely say is still one of our own too J.
For sports and band pictures from Joe Gottsch, visit his web site at
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Call times for the various events appear below:
Basketball Band/Games
Friday, Jan. 11 - 5:15 call time
Tuesday, Jan. 15 - 5:15 call time
Jazz Ensembles - Saturday, Jan. 19
Lab I - 8:45 call (Attire: ALL black)
Lab II - 9:30 call (Attire: Black and White)
All students must decide this week (by Wednesday, January 16th) if they are staying for the concert. Arrangements to travel home will hinge on how many students are doing what. Please let your decision be known to one of the directors immediately. Depending on these numbers, we might need a couple of parent drivers to assist with transportation home after the Jazz Festival. Stay tuned for details. . .
Titan Jazz Reminders—Rehearsals and Festivals
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths and Alyson Baker)
Rehearsals—Don’t forget that we DO have Monday rehearsals on the following no school Mondays:
Jan. 21 – regular times
Feb. 18 – slightly extended times, in preparation for the Lionel Hampton Festival
Festivals—Many updates below
Oregon Jazz Festival (Lane Comm. Coll.) – Jan. 19 (Saturday)
Call time TBA in the morning. Both groups playing at LCC, not the U of O. The evening concert features Luis Bonilla (trombone). It’s at 7:30, and we would return home late (usually around midnight). I need to know who plans to go. The band will pay the cost of tickets. Usually, our bus brings home everyone else around 6:00 pm.
Willamette – Feb. 9 (Saturday)
No info yet.
Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival (Moscow, ID) – Feb. 20-23
$50 due Jan 15; $50 due Feb 15
We’ll be leaving school Thursday, February 21st at 3:00 p.m. and returning Saturday night around midnight or a little later. We must double-check the commitment of every performer! Contact Mr. Griffiths immediately with your intent if you have not already done so. There is an incredible concert Friday night, but we’ll only pay for those who want to go. For more on the show particulars, please visit their own website at (thank you again Alyson).
Salem Jazz Festival – March 8
Looks like we’ll be playing early. More details to follow; stayed tuned . . .
Questions, Comments, or Q-tips? Email me. Home or school is fine: or
Thanks again to Alyson Baker, who is coordinating the trip to Idaho and some of our other business! You may also contact her at
Winter Ensemble – Friday Rehearsals Start January 11
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Every Friday evening now there will be rehearsals for the “Winter Percussion Theater” and Winter Ensemble. Starting Friday, January 11, and continuing through March 7, 2008 these rehearsals will start at 6:00 p.m. and run until approximately 9:00 p.m. It should be noted that the Friday where no school is scheduled (Friday, February 1) that there will STILL be a rehearsal. Please make a note of this now as there may be no other reminders!
Concert Quadre, February 8
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
Coming up in the very near future. Quadre, a horn quartet from CA will be performing at Willamette University on Friday, Feb 8 in Hudson Hall at 8 p.m. Admission is free. They will be offering a master class but the time and location has yet to be determined. Quadre's web page -
Looking forward. . . back by popular demand
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
In addition to those dates and festivals mentioned above, below is a snapshot of the important schedule of events up through the middle of February
1/17 All-City Band Sectional
1/31 All-City Band Sectional
2/14 All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/15 All-City Full Band Rehearsal
2/16 All-City Full Dress Rehearsal
2/16 All City Concert

(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
I thought it apropos that the below picture of the week depict a couple of the hard working, behind the scenes activities of a couple of the staff. I think you may know them J. At this past Tuesday’s Varsity Girls basketball game, hard at work was our own “Mr. G.” In case some of you don’t recognize the other hard worker in the background, that is Mr. Joe Gottsch, which I think I can safely say is still one of our own too J.
For sports and band pictures from Joe Gottsch, visit his web site at
all city,
jazz band,
winter percussion/colorguard
Friday, January 4, 2008
Band Newsletter #20
IMPORTANT REMINDER: “Small Learning Community”/Friends of Music meeting January 7
(Contributors: Janet Romine, Dr. Nail, Mr. Griffitys, Jesse Seeley)
Many may have seen this very topic on the front page of this morning’s Statesman’s Journal, but you all knew of this ahead of time!! J Now that you’re “in the know” of this topic’s importance, please help get the word out (especially to the elementary levels) about the meeting next Monday. Attached please find some of the condensed meeting notes on this topic. The future of music might be at stake, so please consider reading up on this and attending the meeting.
Below is the latest information and communication from SLC/FOM Coordinator Janet Romine on parking, et cetera, in case you can spare the time to attend this important event.
“Hopefully you saw the front page of the Statesman this morning. I'm here to stress to you the importance of having a huge attendance at this Monday, Jan. 7, 6:30PM, McKay High School meeting on small learning communities.....sponsored by FOM. You may not be affected currently by this small community trend but it is coming to your area too!!!!!! Now is the time to be pro-active. If there is a small attendance at the meeting, then the district thinks no one cares (I'm having a hard time getting elementary folks to go because they don't see it as their issue...although it really is everyone's issue).”
When: Monday, January 7th, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: McKay High School (exact place TBD, but either “commons” or auditorium)
What: Community discussion on Small Learning Communities, music and other successful program’s impact on our community
Contact: Janet Romine,
Parking: Please park in the South lot (a right turn for those entering McKay on Wolverine off Lancaster)
REMINDER: “All-City Honors Band” Auditions—January 10
(Contributor: “Mr. G”)
For those students that submitted your formal entry into the auditions, please mark this important date on your calendars. The exact schedule is still to-be-determined, but the date WILL be January 10th, 2008. Times are posted in the band room
Jazz Lab I: Call Time for Basketball Band Gig Tonight!!!! (January 4th, 2008)
(Contributors: “Mr. G”, Jesse Seeley)
In case some didn’t get “the word”, tonight (Friday, January 04, 2008) Jazz Lab I plays at the Basketball game (5:30 call)
Other Jazz Band Update
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Upcoming Gigs for Jazz Bands
o Tuesday (1/8/2008) - Jazz Lab II at game (5:30 call)
o Wednesday (1/9) - Final B-Ball band rehearsal 4:-6:30
o Thursday (1/10) - All-city honor band auditions. Times posted in band room
o Friday - B-ball pep band game (5:15 call)
Winter Ensemble – Latest News
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jesse Seeley)
Most of those in the “Winter Ensemble” have already received the below information directly from Alan, but it bears repeating...“People are going to know all about the West Salem Winter Ensemble when we are finished!”
In an email sent out directly to those in the ‘ensemble’ earlier this week:
“. . . about the camp this weekend. The times are 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. with a lunch hour and a dinner hour. The battery and guard will learn drill and the pit will continue to work on music. If you are in the battery or guard be sure and wear comfortable clothes that you can move in (sweats are always good)...we will be wearing socks (no shoes) so be sure and bring a couple pair of thick socks (sometimes a freshly painted floor will eat socks like crazy!!). If all goes well we will be able to chunk through the show, music and drill, by the end of the night!
Also, the second installment of your Fair Share is due...please don't get behind on your payments...the success or failure of this group relys heavily on the students paying on time. Remember, if you have payment "issues" all you need to do is talk to me!”
To recap for the Winter Ensemble Camp:
THIS Saturday, January 5th, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. (everyone)
THIS Sunday, January 6th, (guard only) 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
All Fair Share Installments are is CD sales money.
Concert Attire Reminder
(Contributor: “Clothing Coordinators” Patricia Nielsen, Deanna Garney, edited by Jesse Seeley)
As was noticed at some of the previous concerts at the year end, some students still did not have all of their concert attire, so this is a reminder to students and parents how the students are to dress for concerts. The school issues each student a tuxedo jacket and trousers (boys/jazz players) or concert dress (girls). Each student who wears a tux is to provide his or her other concert attire to accompany it: Black bow tie, black cummerbund, white tuxedo shirt, long black socks, black shoes. ANY STUDENT WHO IS NOT ABLE TO (for any reason) PROVIDE HIS OR HER OWN THINGS SHOULD COME AND SEE ONE OF THE BAND DIRECTORS RIGHT AWAY. We have a few extras from prior years, and there is often scholarship money available. Also, if any student has an extra tux shirt, bow tie or cummerbund he or she no longer wears, please consider donating it back to the band. We would love to have those items for last-minute emergencies! We have had good quality and prices from Mr. Formal (on Commercial Street South). Here is their contact information and the prices for various items. The student should be sure to specify it is for a school music group (in order to get the discount).
Mr. Formal, South Salem
3830 Commercial St SE
Salem, OR 97302
Fax 503-399-0200
Hours M-F 11-7, Sat 10-5, Sun 12n-5
School/student specials:
Tux shirt alone is $17.95
Package with black bow tie + cummerbund is $12.95
Package with shirt + bow tie + cummerbund is $28.50
Students, please let your parents know what you require, and parents, please help your student out. Many thanks! If there are any questions, contact Patricia Nielsen directly at
Deadline Extended for Pictures from “Holiday Band Concert”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, Jenny Gates)
Due to the holiday rush and schedule, the deadline for ordering pictures from Encore Photograhpy has been extended until January 22. I am again attaching the order form, but it appears that you can order online as well. They have made the photos available for viewing for ALL music groups and bands (Choir, Advanced Symphony & Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band, et cetera). These are some beautiful portraits!!! Take a look at them here:
If you have any questions on the photos taken that evening or the ordering process, please contact them directly at (503) 588-0902. Hopefully between now and the end of the Christmas break there will be a sub-link to the WSHS. Again, the order form is attached to this email. Their main website is if you have any other questions on their services provided.
Concert: Allen Vizzutti
(Contributor: David Hodges, Mr. Griffiths)
Probably not the best kept secret in town is our opportunity to have Allen Vizzutti come and play with the McNary Band. This concert got placed at an incredibly busy time, but to let you know it is February 12th, 7:00pm at the Salem Alliance Church. Tickets will be $ 3.00 - we have not set a date when those will go on sale, but we hope they will go fairly fast once they are available.
I am making sure that Allen does not get abused time-wise while he is here, by not allowing any other clinics to be scheduled for him on the days he is in town. This is our area wide concert, so he will be working with Whiteaker and Claggett as well as McNary. We hope several of your students will take the time to come and listen to him play. He is incredible.
Signed, Dave
FINAL REMINDER: “Schneider Foundation Challenge”
As was mentioned at the ‘Band Awards’ last week, we were briefed on the “Schneider Challenge” and the generous “anonymous donor” matching program which will work similar to last year’s event. This year we have the “Schneider Foundation 2nd Annual Challenge” to match up to $5,000 in donations—the donor will contribute equal to your donation. Please contact Vickie Tuttle at for additional information or where to donate.
(Contributors: Janet Romine, Dr. Nail, Mr. Griffitys, Jesse Seeley)
Many may have seen this very topic on the front page of this morning’s Statesman’s Journal, but you all knew of this ahead of time!! J Now that you’re “in the know” of this topic’s importance, please help get the word out (especially to the elementary levels) about the meeting next Monday. Attached please find some of the condensed meeting notes on this topic. The future of music might be at stake, so please consider reading up on this and attending the meeting.
Below is the latest information and communication from SLC/FOM Coordinator Janet Romine on parking, et cetera, in case you can spare the time to attend this important event.
“Hopefully you saw the front page of the Statesman this morning. I'm here to stress to you the importance of having a huge attendance at this Monday, Jan. 7, 6:30PM, McKay High School meeting on small learning communities.....sponsored by FOM. You may not be affected currently by this small community trend but it is coming to your area too!!!!!! Now is the time to be pro-active. If there is a small attendance at the meeting, then the district thinks no one cares (I'm having a hard time getting elementary folks to go because they don't see it as their issue...although it really is everyone's issue).”
When: Monday, January 7th, 2008
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Where: McKay High School (exact place TBD, but either “commons” or auditorium)
What: Community discussion on Small Learning Communities, music and other successful program’s impact on our community
Contact: Janet Romine,
Parking: Please park in the South lot (a right turn for those entering McKay on Wolverine off Lancaster)
REMINDER: “All-City Honors Band” Auditions—January 10
(Contributor: “Mr. G”)
For those students that submitted your formal entry into the auditions, please mark this important date on your calendars. The exact schedule is still to-be-determined, but the date WILL be January 10th, 2008. Times are posted in the band room
Jazz Lab I: Call Time for Basketball Band Gig Tonight!!!! (January 4th, 2008)
(Contributors: “Mr. G”, Jesse Seeley)
In case some didn’t get “the word”, tonight (Friday, January 04, 2008) Jazz Lab I plays at the Basketball game (5:30 call)
Other Jazz Band Update
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
Upcoming Gigs for Jazz Bands
o Tuesday (1/8/2008) - Jazz Lab II at game (5:30 call)
o Wednesday (1/9) - Final B-Ball band rehearsal 4:-6:30
o Thursday (1/10) - All-city honor band auditions. Times posted in band room
o Friday - B-ball pep band game (5:15 call)
Winter Ensemble – Latest News
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Jesse Seeley)
Most of those in the “Winter Ensemble” have already received the below information directly from Alan, but it bears repeating...“People are going to know all about the West Salem Winter Ensemble when we are finished!”
In an email sent out directly to those in the ‘ensemble’ earlier this week:
“. . . about the camp this weekend. The times are 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. with a lunch hour and a dinner hour. The battery and guard will learn drill and the pit will continue to work on music. If you are in the battery or guard be sure and wear comfortable clothes that you can move in (sweats are always good)...we will be wearing socks (no shoes) so be sure and bring a couple pair of thick socks (sometimes a freshly painted floor will eat socks like crazy!!). If all goes well we will be able to chunk through the show, music and drill, by the end of the night!
Also, the second installment of your Fair Share is due...please don't get behind on your payments...the success or failure of this group relys heavily on the students paying on time. Remember, if you have payment "issues" all you need to do is talk to me!”
To recap for the Winter Ensemble Camp:
THIS Saturday, January 5th, 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. (everyone)
THIS Sunday, January 6th, (guard only) 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
All Fair Share Installments are is CD sales money.
Concert Attire Reminder
(Contributor: “Clothing Coordinators” Patricia Nielsen, Deanna Garney, edited by Jesse Seeley)
As was noticed at some of the previous concerts at the year end, some students still did not have all of their concert attire, so this is a reminder to students and parents how the students are to dress for concerts. The school issues each student a tuxedo jacket and trousers (boys/jazz players) or concert dress (girls). Each student who wears a tux is to provide his or her other concert attire to accompany it: Black bow tie, black cummerbund, white tuxedo shirt, long black socks, black shoes. ANY STUDENT WHO IS NOT ABLE TO (for any reason) PROVIDE HIS OR HER OWN THINGS SHOULD COME AND SEE ONE OF THE BAND DIRECTORS RIGHT AWAY. We have a few extras from prior years, and there is often scholarship money available. Also, if any student has an extra tux shirt, bow tie or cummerbund he or she no longer wears, please consider donating it back to the band. We would love to have those items for last-minute emergencies! We have had good quality and prices from Mr. Formal (on Commercial Street South). Here is their contact information and the prices for various items. The student should be sure to specify it is for a school music group (in order to get the discount).
Mr. Formal, South Salem
3830 Commercial St SE
Salem, OR 97302
Fax 503-399-0200
Hours M-F 11-7, Sat 10-5, Sun 12n-5
School/student specials:
Tux shirt alone is $17.95
Package with black bow tie + cummerbund is $12.95
Package with shirt + bow tie + cummerbund is $28.50
Students, please let your parents know what you require, and parents, please help your student out. Many thanks! If there are any questions, contact Patricia Nielsen directly at
Deadline Extended for Pictures from “Holiday Band Concert”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, Jenny Gates)
Due to the holiday rush and schedule, the deadline for ordering pictures from Encore Photograhpy has been extended until January 22. I am again attaching the order form, but it appears that you can order online as well. They have made the photos available for viewing for ALL music groups and bands (Choir, Advanced Symphony & Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band, et cetera). These are some beautiful portraits!!! Take a look at them here:
If you have any questions on the photos taken that evening or the ordering process, please contact them directly at (503) 588-0902. Hopefully between now and the end of the Christmas break there will be a sub-link to the WSHS. Again, the order form is attached to this email. Their main website is if you have any other questions on their services provided.
Concert: Allen Vizzutti
(Contributor: David Hodges, Mr. Griffiths)
Probably not the best kept secret in town is our opportunity to have Allen Vizzutti come and play with the McNary Band. This concert got placed at an incredibly busy time, but to let you know it is February 12th, 7:00pm at the Salem Alliance Church. Tickets will be $ 3.00 - we have not set a date when those will go on sale, but we hope they will go fairly fast once they are available.
I am making sure that Allen does not get abused time-wise while he is here, by not allowing any other clinics to be scheduled for him on the days he is in town. This is our area wide concert, so he will be working with Whiteaker and Claggett as well as McNary. We hope several of your students will take the time to come and listen to him play. He is incredible.
Signed, Dave
FINAL REMINDER: “Schneider Foundation Challenge”
As was mentioned at the ‘Band Awards’ last week, we were briefed on the “Schneider Challenge” and the generous “anonymous donor” matching program which will work similar to last year’s event. This year we have the “Schneider Foundation 2nd Annual Challenge” to match up to $5,000 in donations—the donor will contribute equal to your donation. Please contact Vickie Tuttle at for additional information or where to donate.
Orchestra News
1) All City auditions are on Jan 10 - all students have been given their 30 minute audition time slot. Please consult the original audition submission sheet for all pertinent information or direct questions to Ms. Silberman. Mrs. Hughes will be coaching upper strings Friday and next Monday, and Ms. Silberman will offer as much time as she can to those auditioning.
2) All orchestra students know they have 2 reviews due by the end of the semester. One review must be of a live concert, one of a recorded DVD, online video, taped TV show, or CD. Here are a few ideas for those who have yet to finish their reviews:
a) Students who did not play in Advanced Symphony may review the West Salem Dec. 12 winter concert
b) There is a lovely online 1 hour long concert that students may view and review:
c) There is an online concert video website that has a ton of bands on it - if students know any of the bands that might have a string player in it, they'd be welcome to review one of the concerts:
d) NPR has a live concert audio site that one can find many concerts on to listen to and review, including Joshua Bell performing Saints-Seans violin sonata:
e) Ms. Silberman has contemporary and classical CDs that might be of interest to students. She also has a few DVDs that can be review - they can be checked out for 2 days at a time.
f) Students can attend a concert before the end of the semester - There is a Camerata Musica concert Jan 13 and a concerto competition at 3pm on Jan 19... see your Salem Arts Assoc. calendar for more info.
g) Any other creative review ideas will most likely be accepted (like seeing Ron Kilde perform at the Wine festival or at Cascade bakery, for example), so come up with something.
3) The Friends of Music has a very important meeting at McKay this next Monday at 6:30 p.m. Superintendent Sandy Husk and principals from all 6 high schools will be on site to discuss the shape of the music program in the face of small learning communities.
Alan Bushong of CCTV and Friends of Music will moderate the discussion. His e-mail also said:
"Please park in the South lot - a right turn for those entering McKay on Wolverine off Lancaster.
Enter the school through the southeast door directly available from the south parking lot.
"We'll meet in the Choir Room. It is similar in size to the South Salem Choir Room that seated over 100 at the meeting about Small Learning Communities in 2006.
"All are invited. This is our opportunity to help the administration with scheduling and communications issues.
"We want to make sure that students can enroll in music classes and that teachers have adequate time with students.
"It would be fantastic to have a strong parent showing - come help influence the future of the music program in the Salem-Keizer school district."
4) Here is the link to the Encore Photography pictures taken at the December concerts. Please take a look and consider ordering a picture. The order deadline has been extended to January 22nd since there was a delay in getting the link information.
5) Ms. Silberman will be playing the anthem at the 3 pm varsity boys basketball game Jan. 18... come support our Titan team! Any students interested in playing the anthem are welcome to play for Ms. Silberman to either prepare to play live at a game or to record their anthem that will then be played before a game.
6) All orchestra students will be partaking in a 3 week small ensemble unit - the final for orchestra student's classes will to be to perform for classmates during our finals time. In Ms. Silberman's opinion, ensemble playing, also called 'chamber music', is the absolute best part of playing a stringed instrument - though playing in a symphony either recreational or professionally is wonderful, the opportunity to get together with 1 - 4 other string players may be the most rewarding and easiest way of continuing playing for the rest of one's life. In fact, there is a large growth in the number of chamber music camps for recreational string players - mainly full of adults who played once as a young person, maybe they stopped playing for years, but who are interested in reconnecting with their instrument. Ms. Silberman will video tape all the performances - if students request a copy, one will most likely be able to be made for them.
Happy New Year!
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
2) All orchestra students know they have 2 reviews due by the end of the semester. One review must be of a live concert, one of a recorded DVD, online video, taped TV show, or CD. Here are a few ideas for those who have yet to finish their reviews:
a) Students who did not play in Advanced Symphony may review the West Salem Dec. 12 winter concert
b) There is a lovely online 1 hour long concert that students may view and review:
c) There is an online concert video website that has a ton of bands on it - if students know any of the bands that might have a string player in it, they'd be welcome to review one of the concerts:
d) NPR has a live concert audio site that one can find many concerts on to listen to and review, including Joshua Bell performing Saints-Seans violin sonata:
e) Ms. Silberman has contemporary and classical CDs that might be of interest to students. She also has a few DVDs that can be review - they can be checked out for 2 days at a time.
f) Students can attend a concert before the end of the semester - There is a Camerata Musica concert Jan 13 and a concerto competition at 3pm on Jan 19... see your Salem Arts Assoc. calendar for more info.
g) Any other creative review ideas will most likely be accepted (like seeing Ron Kilde perform at the Wine festival or at Cascade bakery, for example), so come up with something.
3) The Friends of Music has a very important meeting at McKay this next Monday at 6:30 p.m. Superintendent Sandy Husk and principals from all 6 high schools will be on site to discuss the shape of the music program in the face of small learning communities.
Alan Bushong of CCTV and Friends of Music will moderate the discussion. His e-mail also said:
"Please park in the South lot - a right turn for those entering McKay on Wolverine off Lancaster.
Enter the school through the southeast door directly available from the south parking lot.
"We'll meet in the Choir Room. It is similar in size to the South Salem Choir Room that seated over 100 at the meeting about Small Learning Communities in 2006.
"All are invited. This is our opportunity to help the administration with scheduling and communications issues.
"We want to make sure that students can enroll in music classes and that teachers have adequate time with students.
"It would be fantastic to have a strong parent showing - come help influence the future of the music program in the Salem-Keizer school district."
4) Here is the link to the Encore Photography pictures taken at the December concerts. Please take a look and consider ordering a picture. The order deadline has been extended to January 22nd since there was a delay in getting the link information.
5) Ms. Silberman will be playing the anthem at the 3 pm varsity boys basketball game Jan. 18... come support our Titan team! Any students interested in playing the anthem are welcome to play for Ms. Silberman to either prepare to play live at a game or to record their anthem that will then be played before a game.
6) All orchestra students will be partaking in a 3 week small ensemble unit - the final for orchestra student's classes will to be to perform for classmates during our finals time. In Ms. Silberman's opinion, ensemble playing, also called 'chamber music', is the absolute best part of playing a stringed instrument - though playing in a symphony either recreational or professionally is wonderful, the opportunity to get together with 1 - 4 other string players may be the most rewarding and easiest way of continuing playing for the rest of one's life. In fact, there is a large growth in the number of chamber music camps for recreational string players - mainly full of adults who played once as a young person, maybe they stopped playing for years, but who are interested in reconnecting with their instrument. Ms. Silberman will video tape all the performances - if students request a copy, one will most likely be able to be made for them.
Happy New Year!
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
all city,
concert dates,
friends of music,
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