Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pre-State Concert
The Choir, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra are all qualified and accepted to play at state. These groups will all be performing at Thursday’s Pre-State Concert, which begins at 7:00 pm. Students will receive their call times in class.
URGENT! We need **Raffle Items,** Garden Supplies, Store-Bought Baked Goods, and Volunteers for April 30 Concert Fundraiser

**Raffle items are especially needed at this time—we have only three so far. No time to shop? Bring your cash donations and place them in the box in the band room by Thursday morning, and Kami will shop for you!**
This year during Band Camp, students will be fitted for marching attire and concert attire. In order to do this, the band boosters need to purchase more garment bags and hangers. The plume bag also needs to replaced.  In order to fund these purchases, we will be holding a bake sale and a raffle at the Pre-State Concert on April 30th.  Our goal is to raise $300.  The Choir and Orchestra will be participating in this fundraising event as well.  

Bake Sale and Raffle Items Needed
We need donations of store-bought bake sale items (cookies, brownies, etc. -- single serve items) and raffle items (such as gift cards, etc.).  We already have a beautiful quilt donated by a Wind Ensemble parent!  As regards the bake sale goods, District policy does not allow for home-baked goods to be sold for public events; therefore, donations need to be store bought.

Gardening Baskets
Each participating music group also will be putting together a basket of gardening items. The band students' basket will be along the lines of a gardening theme. Students are being asked to provide items for the basket; such as small gardening tools, gloves, seed packets, fertilizer spikes, or anything that goes with gardening.

Donations can be brought the night of the concert of dropped off in the band room prior to the concert.  We are asking that the items be labeled "Band," “Orchestra,” or “Choir,” as the proceeds will be split between music sections according to donation volume.

We will also need a few parent and student volunteers to help staff the tables.

Please contact Connie Phillips at 503-391-6082 or conniephillips1956@yahoo.com.  In order to prepare enough display space and volunteer staff ahead of time, a quick call or email from those donating would be appreciated! If this event is successful, we may repeat it on May 28. Stay tuned!

Friends of Music Supports Chris Brantley, Nancy MacMorris-Adix, and Rick Kimball in Upcoming School Board Election
For your information: The Friends of Music has released the following statement of support for the upcoming School Board Election:

On April 6, the Salem-Keizer Friends of Music joined with the Salem-Keizer Coalition for Equality and Stand for Children to hold a Salem-Keizer School Board candidate forum. All of the candidates for Zones 1, 3, 5 and 7 were invited. Chris Brantley, Nancy MacMorris-Adix, Patrick Sieng and Rick Kimball participated. Salem-Keizer School Board members hold important positions in our community. They represent the public--the owners of the schools--set policies, evaluate the level of success of the schools and set future directions. This is an important election.

Based on this  forum and our knowledge of the work of the candidates, the Friends of Music unanimously voted the following statements of support:

Zone 1: Chris Brantley
We are impressed with his understanding of school important school issues, his experience in education, his long-standing support of music education, his initiative to meet with principals to see what is working  and what needs improvement, and his willingness to meet with the public in this candidate forum.

Zone 3: Nancy MacMorris-Adix
We are impressed with her 15 years of work in Zone 3 as a parent and community member to make schools better for students, her direct work in support of music and a complete education,  her practical understanding of the wide range of issues facing the schools today and her calm, intelligent judgment.

Zone 5: Rick Kimball
We are impressed with his work in his first four year term, his understanding of the important school issues, his support of a comprehensive education that includes strong music instruction, his support of excellence in instruction that is easily seen in music instruction, and his participation in the candidate forum.

The Friends of Music pledge to work with our schools and community to keep education strong during this economic crisis and to maintain a comprehensive education that prepares our young people for success in life.

We encourage everyone to vote for the candidate of their choice--that's how democracy works best. Ballots will reach the home in early May, and will be due May 19. Please join us in supporting our schools by casting your vote.

Alan Bushong
President, Salem-Keizer Friends of Music

SCRIP Orders Still Being Taken – Build Your Student’s Personal Account
SCRIP orders need to be placed by Tuesday mornings at 9 am each week to receive your SCRIP cards the following week. Stock up now on Safeway Cards, Walgreens Cards, Movie Tickets, and more. If you’re spending money at these places anyway, you might as well have some of those funds coming back to the band and to your student’s personal accounts. 

Reminder: Concert Attire Must Be Returned Soon
All seniors must turn in their concert attire following the final concert in May, and the remaining students need to return their concert attire following graduation. This gives us about a two week period for all attire to be returned and accounted for.

Reminder: School policy states that any students who do not return their attire will have their grades withheld or be charged a fee of $200 for a tux or $150 for a dress.

Important Dates
Here are some important dates. Please mark your calendars!

April 30: Pre-State Concert, West Salem HS
May 2: State Solo Competition, U of O
   8:00 AM Brandon Braun, Orchestra Snare
    8:10 AM Jordan Bayles, Trombone
    9:10 AM Anna Stipe, Bassoon
    9:40 AM Joshua Hettwer, Clarinet
    9:50 AM Jackie Lubbers, Alto Voice
    11:10 AM Matthew Hettwer, Trombone
    11:20 AM Jesse Wertz, Oboe
    1:10 PM Brendon Pavelek, Trumpet
    2:40 PM Joe Hurley, Trumpet
    2:50 PM Alauna Perry, Mallets
    3:20 PM Ellie Folia, Mezzo Voice
    4:10 PM Brendon Seeley, Multiple Percussion

May 15: State Orchestra Competition, OSU
May 16: State Band Competition, OSU
May 23: Jazz Ensemble Recording Session (WSHS)
May 28: Spring Band Concert (7:30 WSHS)
May 29: Jazz Night, West Salem HS
June 4: Graduation, Salem Fair Grounds (Students need to meet at the Pavillion at the Fairgrounds, a bus will bring them back to West Times to be announced)

S-K bands will play for state titles

Most groups had to wait until Monday to get the final word
By Barbara CurtinStatesman Journal

Salem-Keizer schools will be hard to miss at the state music competitions in mid-May.
District string ensembles and symphony orchestras will account for nine of the 21 groups chosen to play at the Orchestra State Championships on May 15 at Oregon State University.

As with choirs and bands, most groups that qualified for state during district competitions had to wait until Monday for final word from the Oregon School Activities Association. Independent judges had to further narrow the finalists in some categories by listening to tapes.

These Salem-Keizer string orchestras will compete at Oregon State University on May 15: McKay, 8 a.m.; McNary, 8:50 a.m.; West Salem, 10:20 a.m.; Sprague, 1:45 p.m.; South Salem, 2:35 p.m.

These full symphony orchestras will compete that afternoon and evening: North Salem, 3:50 p.m.; Sprague, 4:25 p.m.; South Salem, 6:20 p.m.; and West Salem, 7:30 p.m.

These bands will compete in the Class 6A State Band Championships at OSU on May 16: McKay, 9 a.m.; McNary, 10:45 a.m.; Sprague, 2 p.m.; West Salem, 4:15 p.m; and South Salem, 6:45 p.m.

These Salem-Keizer high schools will compete in the Class 6A Choir State Championships on May 9 at George Fox University in Newberg: West Salem, 2:40 p.m.; North Salem, 3:40 p.m.; South Salem, 5 p.m.; McNary, 5:40 p.m.; and Sprague, 6 p.m.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Solo Night – Tonight! (Thurs. 4/23)
Solo night begins at 7:00 pm at the WSHS Auditorium. Students from the Band, Choir and Orchestra will be performing. Come support our students as they prepare for the State Solo Competition.

Thanks to Students and Volunteers!
Thank you to the students and volunteers who helped with the Central Valley League Band Festival and the Orchestra Invitational Festival last Friday and Saturday. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on and off stage to make these two events so successful!

Salem-Keizer Schools one of the “Best Communities for Music Education”
Salem-Keizer was named one of the "Best Communities for Music Education" by the NAMM Foundation. Click here for the details. The award acknowledges schools and districts who continue to support music education in schools.

Raffle Items, Garden Supplies, Store-Bought Baked Goods, and Volunteers Needed for April 30 Fundraiser
This year during Band Camp, students will be fitted for marching attire and concert attire. In order to do this, the band boosters need to purchase more garment bags and hangers. The plume bag also needs to replaced. In order to fund these purchases, we will be holding a bake sale and a raffle at the Pre-State Concert on April 30th. Our goal is to raise $300. The Choir and Orchestra will be participating in this fundraising event as well.

Bake Sale and Raffle Items Needed
We need donations of store-bought bake sale items (cookies, brownies, etc. -- single serve items) and raffle items (such as gift cards, etc.). We already have a beautiful quilt donated by a Wind Ensemble parent! As regards the bake sale goods, District policy does not allow for home-baked goods to be sold for public events; therefore, donations need to be store bought.

Gardening Baskets
Each participating music group also will be putting together a basket of gardening items. The band students' basket will be along the lines of a gardening theme. Students are being asked to provide items for the basket; such as small gardening tools, gloves, seed packets, fertilizer spikes, or anything that goes with gardening.

Donations can be brought the night of the concert of dropped off in the band room prior to the concert. We are asking that the items be labeled "Band," “Orchestra,” or “Choir,” as the proceeds will be split between music sections according to donation volume.

We will also need a few parent and student volunteers to help staff the tables.

Please contact Connie Phillips at 503-391-6082 or conniephillips1956@yahoo.com. In order to prepare enough display space and volunteer staff ahead of time, a quick call or email from those donating would be appreciated! If this event is successful, we may repeat it on May 28. Stay tuned!

Important Dates
Here are some important dates. Please mark your calendars!
April 23: Solo Night
April 25: Prom
April 30: Pre-State Concert, West Salem HS

May 2: State Solo Competition, U of O
  • 8:00 AM Brandon Braun, Orchestra Snare
  • 8:10 AM Jordan Bayles, Trombone
  • 9:10 AM Anna Stipe, Bassoon
  • 9:40 AM Joshua Hettwer, Clarinet
  • 9:50 AM Jackie Lubbers, Alto Voice
  • 11:10 AM Matthew Hettwer, Trombone
  • 11:20 AM Jesse Wertz, Oboe
  • 1:10 PM Brendon Pavelek, Trumpet
  • 2:40 PM Joe Hurley, Trumpet
  • 2:50 PM Alauna Perry, Mallets
  • 3:20 PM Ellie Folia, Mezzo Voice
  • 4:10 PM Brendon Seeley, Multiple Percussion
May 15: State Orchestra Competition, OSU
May 16: State Band Competition, OSU
May 23: Jazz Ensemble Recording Session (WSHS)
May 28: Spring Band Concert (7:30 WSHS)
May 29: Jazz Night, West Salem HS

June 4: Graduation, Salem Fair Grounds (Students need to meet at the Pavillion at the Fairgrounds, a bus will bring them back to West Times to be announced)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Area honored for its music education

S-K is only Oregon district on industry group's list of 124

By Barbara Curtin
Statesman Journal

Salem-Keizer is one of 124 "best communities" for music education in the country, the NAMM Foundation said recently.

The music-industry group chose winners from more than 500 school districts that completed detailed questionnaires on such topics as funding, graduation requirements, music-class participation, instruction time, facilities and support for music programs. The survey was developed and administered by The Institute for Educational Research and Public Service, an affiliate of the University of Kansas.

Salem-Keizer was the only Oregon school district on the list.

"We're really pleased to have received that award but not surprised," said Brian Griffiths, the associate director of bands at West Salem High School. "This community really does support its music programs. That's one of the reasons it's a great place to teach."

A lot of the credit, he said, should go to Karl Raschkes, the district supervisor of music education, who looks nationwide to hire the best music teachers he can.

Marianne Stipe, a parent who has been active in Friends of Music for about five years, said Salem-Keizer already has a national reputation for excellence.

"Our daughter is going into music education at Eastern Illinois University," she said. "She was given a substantial scholarship based on her academics and music. When she auditioned there and gave them a playlist of things she had played in high school, they were blown away by the level at which our bands perform."

Gifted children aren't the only reason that the district should continue to invest in its music program, she said.

"Music reaches out to all kids: the high academic achievers and the not-so-high who keep coming to school because (band or choir) is the place where they belong."

The NAMM Foundation is the philanthropic arm of an international association representing businesses that make and distribute music products of all kinds, said Mary Luehrsen, the foundation's executive director. It works on projects to encourage music making by people of all ages.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

West Area Band Festival Mon. 4/13, 7:30 p.m.
Reminder: This Monday is the West Area Band Festival. WSHS Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Wind Ensemble, and the Walker Symphonic Band will be performing.

Volunteers Needed Fri. 4/17 & Sat. 4/18 – Central Valley League Band Festival at West
Parents and responsible students: We need your help! Jobs can be divided into 2-4 hour shifts. If you are willing to help on Saturday please email Kami Hettwer mkhett@aol.com. Here’s what we need help with:
  • Door monitors (these performances are recorded... there can be NO disruptions from the audience)
  • Runners for the CD recording guy
  • One assistant for each judge to help with running scores and fulfilling any 
  • Other needs like water, food, etc...
  • Monitors for each room
  • Monitors for the Commons where the bands/orchestras will be dumping their stuff
  • 2 or 3 people (at least 2 adults) for the check-in/Welcome table.
We will also be selling food and drinks on both Friday and Saturday. Profits will go to the Boosters. If you can help make Costco runs, organizing, or selling please contact Kami Hettwer mkhett@aol.com.

Performance Schedule:
Friday April 17: Central Valley League Band Festival at West
Wind Ensemble performs at 6:10 PM

Saturday April 18" Central Valley League Band Festival at West
Advanced Strings perform at 8:30 AM
Symphony Orchestra performs at 1:35 PM
Bake Sale Volunteers Needed for April 30 and May 28

We will be having a bake sale and raffle at the April 30th Pre-State Concert and our May 28th Spring Band Concert. If you are interested in helping with the organizing of this event please contact Connie Phillips at conniephillips1956@yahoo.com.

Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band Honored at Seattle Heritage Festival
Please see the attached note from Michelle Pavelek detailing this event!

Important Dates
Here are some important dates. Please mark your calendars! (Note: New dates have been added since the last newsletter!)

April 13: West Area Band Festival, all bands, West Salem HS
April 17: League Band Festival, Wind Ensemble, West Salem HS
April 18: League Orchestra Festival, Symphony Orchestra, West Salem HS
April 23: Solo Night
April 25: Prom
April 28: Solo Night, West Salem HS
April 30: Pre-State Concert, West Salem HS
May 2: State Solo Competition, U of O
8:00 AM Brandon Braun, Orchestra Snare
8:10 AM Jordan Bayles, Trombone
9:10 AM Anna Stipe, Bassoon
9:40 AM Joshua Hettwer, Clarinet
9:50 AM Jackie Lubbers, Alto Voice
11:10 AM Matthew Hettwer, Trombone
11:20 AM Jesse Wertz, Oboe
1:10 PM Brendon Pavelek, Trumpet
2:40 PM Joe Hurley, Trumpet
2:50 PM Alauna Perry, Mallets
3:20 PM Ellie Folia, Mezzo Voice
4:10 PM Brendon Seeley, Multiple Percussion

May 15: State Orchestra Competition, OSU
May 16: State Band Competition, OSU
May 23: Jazz Ensemble Recording Session (WSHS)
May 28: Spring Band Concert (7:30 WSHS)
May 29: Jazz Night, West Salem HS
June 4: Graduation, Salem Fair Grounds (Students need to meet at the Pavillion at the Fairgrounds, a bus will bring them back to West Times to be announced)

Friends of Music Volunteer **Still Needed**
WSHS Music Boosters are currently seeking a volunteer to be our liaison with the Friends of Music organization. WSHS is currently the only SK high school not represented at Friends of Music. The Friends of Music is an organization that advocates for music programs in the SK Schools. The group meets one evening every other month. If you are interested, please let Kami know (mkhett@aol.com) and contact Alan Bushong at bushong5@comcast.net, and let him know you are from WSHS. If you would like to know more about the group, please direct questions to Alan.

Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band Honored at Seattle Heritage Festival

The Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band took top honors at the Seattle Heritage Festival on April 4. Both groups won first place in their categories and received a “Gold” rating. The competition included choir and band groups from across the country. Leading music educators judged the groups and provided an on-stage clinic for our students.

The bands performed at the Auburn Performing Arts Center and then enjoyed a harbor cruise to Tillicum Island for a Native American Show and an awards ceremony. Other awards earned included:

Sweepstakes Award - awarded to the school with the 2 highest scoring band or choir groups in the festival

Outstanding Band Group Award

Adjudicators Award - awarded to the school with an average score of 92 or above out of 100.

Maestro Awards - awarded to outstanding individual musicians

Matt Garney - trombone

Matt Hettwer - trombone

Katie Baker - bass

The Wind Ensemble received a special invitation to perform in a Heritage Festival Gold. These festivals include bands from around the country who have also received a “gold” rating.

Congratulations Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band students and directors!

On Sunday, the students enjoyed a fun day at the Experience Music Project Museum, the Pacific Science Center and Pike Street Market. The weather was fabulous - not a drop of rain! On Monday, the Wind Ensemble participated in a clinic with Dr. Tim Salzman, the Director of Bands at the University of Washington. He provided valuable musical instruction to help prepare the band for the upcoming district and state competitions.

I would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to the following people:

Our great band directors, Dr. Ike Nail and Mr. Griffiths

The chaperones - Vickie Tuttle, Marianne & Marty Stipe, Jackie Maltzan, Jim Pavelek

A special “Thanks” to Vickie Tuttle, who helped with trip planning

The check-in volunteers - Trudy McKinnell and Deanna Garney

Bridget Mitchell - for shopping for food and snacks

Parents of students who went on the trip and parents who drove up for the Festival

Shannon Riggs, newsletter editor

Our wonderful group of Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band students. Our bus driver, Dawn, said that our students were the most polite high school students that she has ever taken on a trip!

This was definitely a fun and enriching experience for our band students!


Michelle Pavelek