Friday Night Football Game Performance Info
(From flier sent home with students)
Game schedule for Friday afternoon practice/rehearsal and game “call times” are below. This should have been sent home with the students at Wednesday evening’s practice.
After-school Practice:
2:40 PM Winds, Battery, Guard—on grass for visual rehearsal (Need battery equipment and opener flag). Pit: warm up / rehearse with CLICK TRACK on ramp.
3:15 PM Pit: stage everything in hall on carts, ready to roll
Note: Rehearsal “ends when it ends”—typically that’s around 3:45 PM
5:30 PM Call Time—Change into uniform; Pit—move into stadium, stage for show. Change after.
5:50 PM Wind warm-up in Band Room; Battery warm-up on stage
6:25 PM Move to stadium/stands, get set
6:40 PM Get set on track for pre-game
7:00 PM Game starts
The marching band will perform at halftime. Afterwards, we change out of uniform and return to the stands for the 4th quarter. After the game, we will clean up and formally dismiss.
1) Use of any controlled substance is, as always, absolutely prohibited.
2) Sexual impropriety of any kind will not be tolerated.
3) Any willful destruction of any property prohibited.
4) Students must comply with instructions from staff or chaperones at all times!
“Music Day” Call Time for September 8th is 8:00 AM at the School !
Important fund-raising day---Please don’t forget! Contact Marianne Stipe @ mstipe@willamette.edu, or Susan Wyant at wyant6@comcast.net. with any questions
Band Shoes—Attention to Some Details
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
Shoes - For those of you who have not had a chance to pick up your new Marching shoes, they are in the dressing room and will be there for Friday Night’s Performance (7th September). We have had some students come in to find that theirs do not fit. If this happens, we will be able to reorder your correct size, BUT we will need to have ample time to do so. If you have not tried yours on, please keep this in mind when choosing what shoes you wear to the school on Friday. In other words, if you have NOT tried yours on, you should consider bringing a “backup” pair of black shoes, because you may be wearing them to march in that night. If you have a chance after school Friday, please stop in and pick yours up. The boxes are marked with your names. Thanks!
Missing Show Shirt - Whoever may have accidentally picked up a size medium Green Machine Show shirt from the band room following Friday night’s performance (last day of Band Camp). Please drop it off to Mr. G's office. No questions asked. The member who lost it needs it. Thanks!
Titan Marching Band Prop Personnel
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
This is a personal invitation for siblings of Titan band and colorguard students to be part of an exciting marching band program here at West! We have 16 gears on stands that need to be hauled out to the field, spun at designated times and hauled off the field during each competition and football game. These siblings must be strong enough to haul the gear by themselves. We can pre-arrange to have a gear and stand set up so that siblings can give them a “test drive” before making a commitment. Listed below are the dates and requirements. Please look them over and let us know if there are siblings who would like to take part in the exciting “Green Machine” marching band show. We would like to offer this opportunity to siblings before reaching out to the high school and middle school community. Contact Kami Hettwer if you would like to “test drive” a gear or if you have further questions.
Performance Dates:
September 14 – Home football game
September 28 – Home football game
October 6 – U of O Festival of Bands, all day
October 11 – Home football game
October 19 – Home football game
October 20 – PCI at Willamette, all day
October 27 – McKenzie Classic at Evergreen HS in Vancouver, all day
November 3 – Circuit Championships at OSU, all day
Note: if we have more than enough siblings interested we can split the performance dates up so one person does not have to be at all performances.
Rehearsal times will be kept at a minimum. We will schedule short rehearsals once a week during the full marching band rehearsal times. Exact times TBD.
Performance Attire: All black clothing.
Requirements: Siblings must be strong enough to haul the gear on and off the field on their own. Again, we can pre-arrange to have a gear and stand set up so that siblings can give them a “test drive” before making a commitment.
Kami Hettwer
Home (503) 585-2529
Cell (503) 302-4149
E-mail mkhett@aol.com
The Few, The Proud, The WSHS Band Members? Here’s an opportunity of a Lifetime!
(Contributor: Dr. Nail, edits and comments by Jesse Seeley)
Dr. Nail forwarded some EXCITING news and a truly once-in-a-lifetime chance for students to audition for an appearance with the most prestigious musical groups in the world—“The President’s Own,” also known as the “United States Marine Band.” With talent pulled from institutions such as the Boston Philharmonic, “Pops,” and many other world famous symphonies and graduates from some of the finest musical schools in the world, this is the orchestra that plays at all of the U.S. President’s events when called. This is a TREMENDOUS opportunity for YOU, a student in the WSHS music program to get a chance to win not only a cash award, but paid trips to Washington, D.C., and who knows, a chance to play in front of, even meet, one of the U.S. Presidents! For those not familiar with this part of our American heritage, here’s a quick blurb from their Web site:
"Founded in 1798 by an Act of Congress, “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band is America’s oldest professional musical organization. Today, “The President’s Own” is celebrated for its role at the White House and its dynamic public performances. “The President’s Own” encompasses the United States Marine Band, Marine Chamber Orchestra, and Marine Chamber Ensembles, and performs regularly at the White House and for more than 500 public performances across the nation each year”
Sound interesting? Even exciting? If you’d like to enter in this year’s “Marine Band Concerto Competition,” and for more details on this exciting opportunity, please go to the website for details and application form: www.marineband.usmc.mil/whats_new/concerto.htm. As a player in the WSHS Marching Band and other musical programs, you’re already playing with some of the best! Why not take it to the next step and play with “The Few, The Proud, The Marines”? WARNING: The application deadline is November 15, and is a non-trivial one to complete and practice for. So if you have any interest, get started today.
PSAT for 2007—Important to Many Band Members
(Submitted by Dr. Nail on behalf of Elsa Plant)
This year's PSAT is Saturday, October 20 at 8:00 a.m. Students will need to register with the bookkeeper by October 17. The cost is $20. Students will receive a prep booklet at the time of registration. Typically only sophomores and juniors take the PSAT but every once in a while I'll have an eager freshman wanting to take it. I would prefer that you only encourage sophomores and especially juniors to take the test (no seniors!). Please see the attached flyer for more detailed information and to post in your room.
Proctors NEEDED: I will need six proctors this year for the PSAT. All proctors are paid $50. Please have your people call my people if you can help.
Every year we have a scheduling conflict with our band students. Students in the band competition can take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 17 at one of the following schools:
* North
* McKay
* Blanchet
Students will need to register at the school where they will be testing.
For questions or further inquiries, contact: Elsa Plant, Career Specialist, West Salem High School, phone (503) 584-6440 ext. 233.
Call for Donations—Reams of paper for copying
(Contributor/Requestor: Mr. Griffiths)
Due to the MASSIVE amounts of copies and print outs made in the music department, ANY family who can send a ream of printer paper to school any time during the remainder of this school year will be helping out the band a BUNCH! Just have the students drop them off at the music directors’ office any time. Thank you in advance for helping where you can!
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