IMPORTANT! Immediate Action Requested A few more “Prop” Helpers Still Needed! Need to rehearse!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle & Kami Hettwer)
Adults -- Immediate Action: Our first competition at U of O is fast approaching and Kami Hettwer's Prop team is in desperate need of a few more able adults to travel to U of O very early to help assemble the Gear Bases that will be used at the first performance. We will need people to begin assembly at U of O beginning sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. Please call Kami or Vickie for more.
Also need a few more students to help on the field DURING the performance—your “15 minutes of fame” can begin sooner than you think J. The “Gear Turning Team” will also need to practice going onto and off the field and WHAT to do during the performance. Please contact Kami Hettwer immediately if you can help! Those who join the team or are already on the team need to get with Mrs. Hettwer to go over the schedule for the rehearsals/practice that need to take place BEFORE next week’s competition. This is a VERY IMPORTANT part of the show and you will add the necessary “show” behind the hard work of the musicians—they can’t complete the show without a few more volunteers. So please call Kami or email her immediately to let her know you can help! Kami can be reached directly at (503) 585-2529 or mkhett@aol.com.
Friday Night Football Game—Walker Middle School joins WSHS Call times and Game Schedule
(Contributor: “Mr. G”)
Game Night Schedule for Friday, September 28
This Friday, the Walker Symphonic Band will be joining us in the stands.
2:40 – 4:00 Winds, Battery, Guard on grass for visual rehearsal--No instruments today!
Guard needs opener / ballad silks.
Pit: warm up / rehearse with CLICK TRACK on ramp.
Pit: stage everything on ramp on carts ready to roll
Rehearsal ends “when it ends.” Typically, that’s around 3:45
5:00 Senior Officers, Section Leaders, and BATT with Walker in Band Room
We’ll take them to the track, rehearse pre-game, and grab dinner.
5:30 CALL TIME change into uniform
PIT move into stadium, stage for show. Change after.
5:50 Wind warm-up On Stage
Battery warm-up in Choir Room
6:25 Move to stands, get set
6:40 Get set on track for pre-game
7:00 Game starts
Forward-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the “Calendar of Events” that was updated a few weeks back. Looking forward to our FIRST competition on October 6th, the dates/times are included below. Any issues with the SAT conflicts with the October 6th date should already have been discussed with the students. If for some reason this is not understood by any of the affected students, immediately contact Dr. Nail or Mr. Griffiths.
Dates are as accurate as possible at publication, but may change as new information is received
First Semester
9/28 Titan Band Home Football West 5:30 – 10
10/1 participants WIBC audition tapes must be turned in by 2:30
10/5 participants All-State audition tapes must be turned in by 2:30
10/5 Titan Band Pre-competition rehearsal West immediately after school (see more info below)
10/06 Titan Band U of O Festival of Bands Eugene All Day (see important “call time” info below)
10/11 Titan Band Home Football West 5:30 – 10
Early Warning to plan for NEXT Friday (October 5th), we rehearse after school. This is the day before our first competition! Since there’s no home game that night, we’ll go longer (hopefully no later than 4:30). Afterwards, we must pack and stage everything for an early morning. Each section will be dismissed when the entire section is ready for the show Saturday. If done efficiently, we could be out as soon as possible, but exact time is not known.
Competition Day, October 6th: Plan on a Call time for next week’s competition day to be VERY EARLY on Saturday morning (Oct. 6). Exact call time To Be Announced.
Titan Auction—Coming November 17th!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Mark your calendars to attend on November 17th. But the preparation for what we need to help the band begins NOW. We need an adult to step up to be a liaison/contact to attend the Auction meetings beginning next week (throughout October). Armed with all this important information, we would need that person to help coordinate with Tim Klarr for item pickup and auction intake.
Any or all band members, parents, or their families and friends can make contributions for items that will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going directly to West Salem High School and the Band! Some suggestions of past successful items to donate have been restaurant gift certificates, wine baskets, vacation/time-share week or weekend, Vacation in Hawaii, a trip to New York, and other useful big ticket items are always appreciated. Got extra frequent flyer miles that might expire before you can use them? Consider donating a couple of tickets to wherever that program/airline flies! This is the school’s BIGGEST fund raising event and we want to make sure we do our part. All donations will be appreciated!
The Deadline to submit our items is Nov. 2, 2007. For information please call Vickie Tuttle at 503-588-0968 if you have items to donate. Please contact Tim Klarr for information about meeting time and how to pick up Auction intake forms at todayshair@msn.com.
Picture of the week (see above)
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)
Most of you might recognize these two musicians and leaders of the WestSalem High School Marching Band. To view this picture and MANY more, go directly to Joe Gottsch’s free Web site at http://westsidephoto.smugmug.com/
Reminder ALL students taking the SAT on Oct. 6
(Contributor: “Mr. G”)
We can’t remind you enough…we MUST know about ALL students taking the SAT on October 6th so we can plan for their absence and how to re-plan the marching parts! Contact Dr. Nail or Mr. Griffiths immediately if you have not already done so!
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the “Editor” of this Newsletter J)
I hope you liked last week’s quote. If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an “open letter” to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner”. If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source. That’s just a short introduction to this new feature. But here is the quote of the week, and some more words to live life by:
“The best things in life...are not things.”
Author Unknown
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