Music Day was a huge success - thanks to all the parents and students who participated! The money figures haven't been announced to us yet; we'll pass them on when they are. This year orchestra students had their highest percentage of participation yet!
Students and parents: please read all the way to the end of this e-mail for important information and dates.
Calling all parents/guardians
Please mark Monday evening, September 24, 7:00 p.m., Orchestra Room, on your calendar to attend an important parent meeting. Ms. Silberman and representative students from the orchestras will briefly perform. You'll receive information about the upcoming year, including volunteer opportunities and expectations. There will also be open time for your questions. Please attend. Successful music programs don't happen without strong parent support. Thank you!
Orchestra concession dates
- Friday, September 21, arrive 3:00 p.m., Girls' soccer. Needed: 1 adult, 2 students
- Friday, September 28, arrive 5:00 p.m., Varsity football. Needed: 3 adults, 3 students
- Thursday, October 11, arrive 2:30 p.m., Boys' soccer. Needed: 1 adult, 2 students.
Students in Band, Choir and Orchestra have several opportunities to work concessions at home games. Supervising adults are also needed. The students and adults earn $12/hour for their individual student's account, which can be used to pay for trip or activity expenses. This and all money earned for individual student accounts through activities like entertainment book, wreath, and poinsettia sales, can be carried over until graduation.
Workers need to arrive on time and stay as long as needed. Someone from Athletics is there to orient/train workers. Please sign up in the Orchestra room if interested.
The Titan Orchestras student and parent handbook will be ready soon. Students will receive them in class and need to bring back signed paperwork contained within the handbook.
After-school symphony
Advanced Symphony Orchestra (period 10) sign-ups are currently ongoing. It meets Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., and after school on Fridays until 4:15 p.m. It is co-directed by Mr. Nail and Ms. Silberman, and is a wonderful full symphony experience.
(To accommodate the schedule of the Salem Youth Symphony participants, our Titan Advanced Symphony Orchestra Tuesday evening rehearsals have been changed to 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. until November. At that point, Symphony will move back to 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.)
Here is the Symphony enrollment policy:
All Advanced Orchestra (per 01, 02) students will be required to play in Symphony.
All Symphony Strings (per 07) and Orchestra (per 06) students are strongly encouraged to join Symphony. We want a strong group again this year.
Students in String Ensemble (per 05) need to audition with Ms. Silberman in order to enroll in Symphony.
A note re. schedule conflicts: Students who are also in Marching Band or sports should enroll in period 10 Symphony, but they need to provide Ms. Silberman with a very accurate calendar of when they will and will not attend Symphony rehearsals.
- Friday, September 14, after school until 4:15 p.m., Titan Symphony starts
- Friday, September 21 - orchestra concession sales, Girls soccer game, 3:00 p.m., (a Symphony student would be excused to work the game)
- Monday, September 24, 7:00 p.m. - All Parent Meeting
- (Saturday/Sunday September 29, 30 - Salem Chamber Orchestra concert - FYI)
- (October 16 - Oregon Symphony in Salem concert - FYI)
- Tuesday, October 23, 7:00 p.m. - Titan Orchestras concert
- Tuesday, December 11, 7:00 p.m. - Titan Orchestras concert
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