2) Have you really read the handbook? Really? Oh yeah? Ok, what's the Bob Marley quote at the end? Please make sure that you're dutifully informed so that our program runs as smoothly as possible.
3) If anyone has an old (first?) violin in the family that your student isn't using, we have need to provide a few students with violins - even if it's just a loan for a short while. Our classroom is short on violins due to a repair and rehair issue (which will be hopefully resolved by November). Please contact Ms. Silberman if you have an instrument that might be happier practiced on than left in a closet.
4) Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing this Saturday, Sept. 29. Ms. Silberman's husband, violist Danny Seidenberg, is in the viola section, as well as many other Salem-Keizer orchestra teachers. BEETHOVEN'S 5th! Really - you know, Duh Duh Duh Duhhhhhhh. Come hear this wonderful piece - possibly one of the most recognized pieces ever - and students can review the concert for one of their 2 concert reviews due each semester. Concert starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Elsinore. Student tickets are $5. (www.salemchamberorchestra.org)
5) Entertainment books are available. Please read the other Orchestra News 9/28 for full details. Students earn at least $8 for each $20 book sold. Contact Linda Beardsley and/or your student's class president to check out books. Sale starts NOW, ends October 31st.
Contact information:
- Daryl Silberman - silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
- Orchestra Boosters - wshsorchestra@aol.com or Jenny Gates at gatesjenny@aol.com
- Student Accounts - wshsorchestra@aol.com or Missy Page at mep@xmission.com
- Entertainment books - wshsorchestra@aol.com or Linda Beardsley at lindab4858@comcast.net
- Concert clothing - wshsorchestra@aol.com or Cathy Clapper at mommaclapper@gmail.com
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