Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Band Newsletter #5

Friday Events—September 26th

(Contributor: Brian Griffiths, Jesse Seeley)

1. Wind Ensemble Performance—Friday Morning @ “Tom McCall Statue”

7:35 Wind ensemble rehearsal.

9:00 Wind ensemble load.

9:15 Wind ensemble departs for Tom McCall statue performance.

11:15 Wind ensemble returns. Unload and return to class.

2. Friday Competition Prepà Rehearsal Update & Itinerary-- In earlier communications to the students and in a special “WSHS Bulletin” sent earlier via email, the change in the schedule was already announced due to a field scheduling conflict. Below is the more detailed schedule, which can also be found on the attached “Sunset Classic 2008 Itinerary” document.

4:00 Battery warm-up & rehearsal.

5:00 Winds, Pit, & Guard rehearsal in stadium (rehearsal begins at 5:00—do not be late!)

All instruments, flags, and props!

7:00 Rehearsal ends. Load up begins.

All students will be dismissed by their section leaders after all section load duties are complete.

It is likely that pit percussion will be the longest load, and that the pit will have a later call time

in the morning.

Parents—We can always use a few more hands to get the equipment loaded onto the trucks and trailers, so why not drop by after Friday’s rehearsal to see if there is a need for an additional hand. More hands make for small work J If all goes as in the past, we are normally out of there no later than an hour after the load starts.

Important Information for this Saturday’s Competition—Ready to Roll

(Contributor: Brian Griffiths, Jesse Seeley, Linda Burr)

Attached please find the schedule of events and a recap of the “rules of the road” for this Saturday’s competition. This was the same information that will be (was) handed out at the Wednesday evening rehearsal, but we wanted to make sure all had ample time to review it in case it didn’t make it’s way to the kitchen table from the practice field J. Please see the attached document for more information and details. If for some reason you cannot read the attached, please send email to for a different formatted copy. Hopefully ONE of the attached should be viewable by all. One bottom take away from the document is the “call time” for Saturday—0800 or 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. For those wishing even more information on the upcoming competition, please check out the website at

Cookie Monster Needs Help: Special Requests for Competition Preparation, Tasks, and other Help

(Contributors: Kami Hettwer, Nicole Bess, Connie Phillips)

We are in need of 9 dozen cookies for Saturday's competition day. Please email Nicole Bess at so she knows how many people have committed to making cookie. Cookies can be placed in a big Ziploc bag and brought to the school on the evening of Friday's rehearsal or on Saturday to the cooking trailer at our tent site.

Additional Request-- We are in need of “string lighting” and extension cords for the tents at our competitions. If anyone can loan work lights and extension cords please label them with your name and bring them on Friday night at the end of rehearsal or Saturday at the competition. For questions, please contact Kami Hettwer at

One More Request—Connie Phillips is the bus chaperone coordinator and since we have a competition coming up, we need volunteers to ride the buses up and back with the students. We need 2 to 3 parents for each competition and that anyone interested can call Connie at 503-391-6082. This Saturday is our first need for chaperones!

One More Time... Don’t forget: All Band Members Must Have Black Socks!

(Contributor: Deanna Garney)

Please remember to bring black socks when dressing in uniform. No ankle-length or “quarter socks”. They must cover your ankles completely. Pick up a bag of inexpensive black cotton socks from Target, Fred Meyers, Wal-Mart.... You will need to have 2-3 on hand at competitions. There is nothing worse then spending a entire day marching in wet socks. We also need to have some in stock at school to help out those who do forget theirs, so if some of you could donate a bag that would be great. If their are any questions or concerns regarding uniforms please contact me at anytimeà Deanna Garney at

Picture of the Week

(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)

The Band’s All Here—Well, kind of. . . from as close up as possible to enable

face recognition, most all of the marching band are at their “spot” in the

stands at last week’s football game. So far no rain. . . help keep your

fingers crossed for continued good weather.

If you’d like to see more pictures, please visit and check out the other band pictures, pictures of band camp, and oh yeah, there are some of the football games (and other events throughout the year) too.

Titan Auction—Update

(Contributor: Scotti Rylands)

Just a reminder about the Titan Dinner & Auction, the event is on Nov. 22nd at 5pm it is called a “Evening of Elegance”. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it is an adult night out (who of us does not enjoy that) and semi-formal attire is suggested, so break out those fancy duds and come have a “elegant” (really fun) evening. For those of you interested there will be a “no host” bar.

Last year Band Boosters had two tables; let’s see if we can get three or four together this year. For every table we fill we get 100% of the proceeds for one of our donated auction items, of our choice. The are 8 seats to a table, if you have a group of friends you would like to sit with now is the time to get them all together while there are still full tables left. Tickets are $30 per person, if you wish to purchase a whole table the cost is $240. Seats are going quickly so don’t wait. If you have already bought tickets and would like to be part of the Band Booster table please let Scotti know how many tickets you bought and the names of the people that will be attending. We can then have you placed at a Band Booster table.

We hear there are some great items that are going to be part of the auction. We are still in need of donations; if you would like to make a donation, or are available to help out with rounding some up, please let Scotti know. She has the donation forms. Please remember donations are tax deductible. We also need a few student and parent volunteers to help set up the auction tables on the morning of the event at about 8 am until we are done. Please let her know if you are available to help with this.

For tickets, donations, volunteers and questions please contact Scotti Rylands at or you can reach her by phone at (503) 269-0887 or (503) 581-4118.

Thank you. We hope to see all of you there.

Encore Postingà Entertainment Books?? Need some? Need More?

(Contributor: Kathi Robbins)

Sales of books ending soon!!!! If you need more “Entertainment Books”, turn some money in, or have questions, please contact Kathi Robbins directly at email address

Looking Forward. . .upcoming dates

Below is an excerpt of the information that was handed out at “Parent Night”. It will be updated periodically and appear here regularly in the weekly newsletter





Call Time


Sept 19th


Home Game—Football

0800 at WSHS

Sept 27th


Sunset Classic, Hillsboro, OR


Oct 9th


Mini Camp

Noon – 4 p.m.

“ “


Home Game—Football


After “Mini Camp”

Band Bulletin

Ordering “Hoodie Sweatshirts”—for those that wanted an order form but found they had run out in the band room, attached please find the order form that you can print out yourself. Make the the check payable to “WSHS Band Boosters” and place it in the green “mailbox” just outside the Directors’ office. If you have any questions, please contact Lori Gorman at .

Modified practice time for Friday, 26 September 2008—Due to a field scheduling conflict, next Friday’s pre-competition will be held at 5 p.m to 7 p.m. Just after the rehearsal, we will need to load up as many trucks and trailers as possible for the following day’s trip to the first competition of the season. This should only take approximately 1 additional hour, so dismissal will be between 8:00 – 8:30 p.m. Exact call times for Saturday morning are still TBD and will be announced by the directors as that time approaches.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Band Newsletter #4

Music Day Results and Thank You
(Contributor: Marianne Stipe, Denise Gilmore)
Thanks to a BUNCH of people who contributed to this year's Music Day event on Sept. 6. Again this was a big success! The students did another outstanding job in getting the word out there and for their participation in the All City band event held the few days prior and for the follow-up on Saturday morning. To date the total raised thus far has been approximately $19,000-and there are still some outstanding pledges and we still have parents returning the mountain of cans we received as well. But without the organizers, callers, drivers, and other roles that go into an event of this nature, it all doesn't come together. Below is a list (hopefully complete) of the volunteers that also contributed to the overall effort. We'd like to especially thank them for their extra time and commitment to the WSHS Music programs.

Denise Gilmore
Marianne Stipe

Counting, All Around Assistance
Michele Rarnell
Orval Gilmore
Marty Stipe
Alyson Baker

Linda Sproule
Shannon Riggs

Susan Wyant

Rocki Huges
Tami Clarkn

Debbie Harris
Deanna Garney
Dana Holbrook
Trudy McKinnel

Respite Homes and Food
Sheila and Scott Muller (respite home)
Penny and Garry Moyer (respite home)
Vickie Tuttle (respite home)
Dana Matthews (respite food)
Francine DeFord (respite food)
Dana Holbrook (pizza)
Lori Gorman (pizza)

Crystal Perry
Connie Phillips
Lori Phipps
Trudy McKinnel
Valjean Pratt
Rod Robbins
Kathi Robbins
Kate Ahmad
Sam Rothweiller
Kevin Beckstrom
John Rylands
Nicole Bess
Michelle Winegar
Derek Bess
Patty Bolstad
Dian Cox Coleman
Kim Erbes
Teresa Goetter
Sue Gresley
Cheryl Hemphill
Kami Hettwer
Patty Hurley
Marcie Ingledue
Art Klosterman
Staci Larson
Jackie Maltzan
Duane Matthews
Kelly McIntosh
Bridget Mitchell
Michelle Pavelek

Pop Cans
Alyson Baker
Ruth Ralby
Phil DeFord

Picture of the Week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)
If you'd like to see more pictures, please visit and check out the band pictures, pictures of band camp, and oh yeah, there are some of the football games (and other events throughout the year) too.

Possible Salem, northwest region, even U.S. high school history in the making? If it has been previously accomplished, chances are it was by a certified high school student, but this picture of the week highlights the accomplishments of a Walker Middle School student (Rosie Gottsch)-possibly the first female quad player in at least her category of youngest female to play quads in an Oregon high school marching band.

Student Accounts and Fair Share Update
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Statements will be mailed out to those families who have outstanding balances for Fair Share. All balances are due unless arrangements have already been made. Please mail payments to:

Vickie Tuttle-Student Accounts
West Salem Band Boosters
1587 Goldcrest Ave NW
Salem, OR 97304

Alternatively you can also deposit into the green lock box in the band room. If you have questions please call 503-588-0968

Titan Auction-Coming Soon!
(Contributor: Scotti Rylands)
This year's Titan Auction and Dinner, “Evening of Elegance,” is Nov. 22 at 5 p.m. It is shaping up to be a wonderful evening of FUN. Tickets are $30 per person or $240 for a table of 8. The more full tables we sell the more proceeds we (Band Boosters) receive from the auction. So let's get those tables filled up. Tickets are already selling like hotcakes - there are only 216 left, which is half of what was originally available for the entire evening. Let me know as soon as you decide you want one, two, three or a whole table. Get with your friends and go together on a table. Remember the more full Band Booster tables we put together the more we Band Boosters will receive from the event auction.

With that said, we are also in need of donations big and small. We receive a percentage of each of the items we have donated. We have donation forms so please contact me if you would like to make a donation or have received a donation to go towards the auction. Remember, donations are tax deductible.

We are also in need of a few volunteers to help set up the auction tables the morning of the event, at 8 a.m. This should be band students as well as parents. We need about three students and 1-2 parents. Please let Scotti know if you can help.

Please contact Scotti Rylands at (503) 269-0887 for questions, donation forms and ticket and/or table sales ($30 per person or $240 per table). You can also reach her by e-mail at .

Thank you. I am sure the night will be a blast!

Uniform Update: All Band Members Must Have Black Socks!
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
Please remember to bring black socks when dressing in uniform. No ankle-length or quarter socks. They must cover your ankles completely. Pick up a bag of inexpensive black cotton socks from Target, Fred Meyers, Wal Mart... You will need to have 2-3 on hand at competitions. There is nothing worse then spending an entire day marching in wet socks. We also need to have some in stock at school to help out those who do forget theirs, so if some of you could donate a bag that would be great. If there are any questions or concerns regarding uniforms please contact me at anytime: Deanna Garney at

Encore Posting: Entertainment Books? Need some? Need More?
(Contributor: Kathi Robbins)
If you need more Entertainment Books, please contact Kathi Robbins directly at

Looking Forward. . .upcoming dates
Below is an excerpt of the information that was handed out at Parent Night. It will be updated periodically and appear here regularly in the weekly newsletter

  • Sept. 19: All, home football game. Students will be informed call times by directors
  • Sept. 27: All, Sunset Classic, Hillsboro
  • Oct. 9: All, Mini Camp, Noon - 4 p.m.
  • Oct. 9: All, home football game, after “Mini Camp”

Friday, September 12, 2008

Band Newsletter #3

Picture of the Week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)
Back for another year of action photography is our friend Joe Gottsch working his magic with the camera. If you?d like to see more pictures, please visit his website at and check out the other band pictures, pictures of band camp, and oh yeah, he has some in there of the football game too. If you like any of the photos, I believe there is a minimal charge to obtain your choice of sizes. If you have any questions about any of the pictures, please contact Joe Gottsch directly at

Double duty at half time?At the varsity football game's half
time show, this multi-talented musician left her spot on the
cheerleading squad to play her part in the half time show with
the WSHS Marching Band.

Last Day to order Band Parent T-Shirts
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
A part II order for the Band Parent T-shirts will be submitted this Friday (12 September), so if you still wanted to order one there is still 1 more day. Again, these are the same design as students except with the words "Band Parent" written above the front design. Shirts are $10.00 each. Return form with money to the Green Box or in person to Kami Hettwer. Make check out to WSHS Band Boosters. Please email her directly if you have any questions (

Uniform Update: All Band Members Must Have Black Socks!
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
Please remember to bring black socks when dressing in uniform. No ankle-length or quarter socks. They must cover your ankles completely. Pick up a bag of inexpensive black cotton socks from Target, Fred Meyers, Wal-Mart.... You will need to have 2-3 on hand at competitions. There is nothing worse then spending a entire day marching in wet socks. We also need to have some in stock at school to help out those who do forget theirs, so if some of you could donate a bag that would be great. If their are any questions or concerns regarding uniforms please contact me at anytime: Deanna Garney at

Encore Posting: Entertainment Books? Need some? Need More?
(Contributor: Kathi Robbins)
If you need more Entertainment Books, please contact Kathi Robbins directly at email address

Looking Forward. . .upcoming dates
Below is an excerpt of the information that was handed out at Parent Night. It will be updated periodically and appear here regularly in the weekly newsletter
  • Sept 19th, All, Home Game - Football 
  • Sept 27th, All, Sunset Classic, Hillsboro 
  • Oct 9th, All, Mini Camp, Noon - 4 p.m. 
  • All, Home Game - Football After Mini Camp

Monday, September 8, 2008

Urgent Band Request

From Vickie Tuttle:

Dear Band Boosters,

This weekend, we learned of an opportunity to apply for a grant for $1,000-$8,000 from the William Walton Charitable Trust Foundation, a grant for community projects including those for youth and the arts. If we apply for this grant and win it, this would help tremendously with our goal of purchasing the trailer that will help transport our gear to competitions—a purchase that will save us a lot of money in truck rental fees.

The grant is due on September 15th—which is soon! If you are a grant writer, have grant writing experience, or know someone with such experience who would be willing to help us apply for this grant, please contact Vicki Tuttle at

Friday, September 5, 2008

Band Bulletin

  • Tonight! (Friday, 9/5) Marching Band Performs at Halftime of Football Game
  • Tomorrow (Saturday, 9/6) - “Music Day 2008”
  • Monday, 9/9 - “Jazz Ensemble” First Meeting
  • Entertainment Books - More Information
Tonight! (Friday, 9/5) Marching Band Performs at Halftime of Football Game
The band’s call times are much earlier and they’ve already received their instructions for arrival time to prepare for tonight’s performance. The marching band performs at the “halftime show” of tonight’s first home game at WSHS football field. The game starts at 7:00 p.m. with the halftime show starting at approximately 7:45 to 8:15, depending on game progress, penalties, score, et cetera. 

Editor’s Commentary: The REAL show in other words starts at halftime... It should be noted that the players in the marching band are athletes in their own right—football practice did not consist of 12 hour days for 2 weeks straight. Many band members give up playing sports to be ON the marching band, so you’ll see a good show of two different types of athletes at these games. Below is the approximate temperatures for tonight’s game, and you’ll note quite a quick drop between the 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. times, so bring a coat. . .

Tomorrow (Saturday, 9/6) - “Music Day 2008”
Call time is 8:00 and we should be finished about 1:00 or so. Students will need to check in and dress in uniforms right away upon completion of the day. Drivers and other volunteers should be getting a reminder call this week, but we will see you at 8:00 as well. This is our biggest fund raiser of the year and it is important for everyone to be there. Thanks to all of you who have signed up for teams and for volunteering. If there are any questions contact Marianne Stipe, or Denise Gilmore,

Monday, 9/9 - “Jazz Ensemble” First Meeting
The first Jazz Ensemble meeting will be Monday, Sept. 8, at 6:40 a.m. All interested students are encouraged to attend! That is NOT a “typo” folks—that is 0640, as in the morning - so obviously, only the serious musician will apply. And if you’re in “marching band”, you already hold the “keys” to being a serious musician.

Entertainment Books - More Information
From Kathi Robbins
I am in the Band Room on Monday mornings from 7:30 - 9:45, and then also on Monday & Wednesday evenings from 8:45 - 9:30. Our email is or you can call my cell phone at (503) 999-4199 and arrange to come by our house to pick some up.

I also have some hand-outs for selling "out-of-state" books to your relatives and still earn credit for the sale. If your family is planning a vacation in another state sometime in 2009, buy a book for that area now. Your student will get the credit for the sale and you'll save a bundle while you're on vacation.

There are white envelopes on the window shelf by the Band Room office marked “E-books”, “Name”, “$” on the front. Fill in the blanks, put your money in the envelope, seal it up and drop it in the green lock box on the wall by the Band Room office. Money needs to be deposited as soon as you receive it.

The sale will run through October 13th, at which time all money will need to be turned in. Any books that are not sold will have to be returned in perfect condition in order to get full credit, or the cost of the book will be added to the student's account.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Band Newsletter #2

Editor’s Note: Below bulleted list is the order in which the event is occurring. That is, the events happening as soon as Thursday are listed first, and so on. . .
  • Concession Help Needed--$$$ Opportunity for Students
  • “Band Day”—September 6th
  • Entertainment Books?? Need some? Need More?
  • “Band Parent” T-Shirts available for ordering
  • Hand-out from “Parent Night”—Corrected Schedule
  • Band Boosters Contacts for 2008/2009
Concession Help Needed--$$$ Opportunity for Students
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
Hi Titan Band Students and Family -- We have our first opportunity for raising funds for your student account coming up this Thursday, September 4th. Please let me know ASAP if you can work concessions for the Freshman Football game. We still need 1 student and 1 adult worker. Arrival time at the concessions stand is 4:30 pm. Each person earns $10-$12 per hour to go toward your “\student account. You shift ends after the game and the concessions have been cleaned up for the night. This is a fun way to earn funds for student accounts. I am in charge of filling these slots so please let me know as soon as you can if you will be able to work. This will be on a first come first served basis. Thanks, Kami Hettwer (503) 585-2529

“Band Day”—September 6th
(Contributor: Marianne Stipe)
Music Day 2008 is this Saturday, September 6th. Call time is 8:00 and we should be finished about 1:00 or so. Students will need to check in and dress in uniforms right away upon completion of the day. Drivers and other volunteers should be getting a reminder call this week, but we will see you at 8:00 as well. This is our biggest fund raiser of the year and it is important for everyone to be there. Thanks to all of you who have signed up for teams and for volunteering. If there are any questions contact Marianne Stipe, or Denise Gilmore, .

Entertainment Books?? Need some? Need More?
(Contributor: Kathi Robbins)
If you need more Entertainment Books, please contact Kathi Robbins directly at email address .

“Band Parent” T-Shirts available for ordering
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
I am taking orders for "Band Parent" show shirts. These are the same design as students’ except with the words "Band Parent" written above the front design. Shirts are $10.00 each. Attached is the order form. Return form with money to the Green Box or in person to Kami Hettwer. Make check out to “WSHS Band Boosters”. Again, the order form is attached. I would need the order by Friday (9/5) in order for us to have them by our next football game.

Hand-out from “Parent Night”—Corrected Schedule
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
An updated and corrected version of the handout at “Parent’s Night” is attached in PDF format. Please send us email if you cannot open it for any reason.


Band Boosters Contacts for 2008/2009
Band Area Chair: Kami Hettwer, 503-585-2529,
Student Accounts: Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968,
Uniforms/Concert Attire Coordinator: Deanna Garney, 503-763-8715,
Color Guard & Jazz Band Contact: Alyson Baker,
Newsletter Editor: Jesse Seeley,

Music Web pages:
“Booster” Main Page

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Band update

Dear Parents,

It has come to our attention that many have been caught off-guard by this year’s “Downtown First Wednesday Performance”—I too am one of those parents. This is the school district’s “First Annual” of this type of event, so it may have been bad timing for most of us, but attached please find the schedule for those students involved. Most all of the students have known of this, and there was even some discussion that this event may not even be happening. Well, it is, and all I’m trying to do is get the message out to the PARENTS (this is not going to most students) on what exactly is happening tomorrow (Wednesday, September 3rd). Note on the top of the handout is a handwritten “3” – the typist’s mistake—I just scanned what I had. See Handout

Since many students’ first day is tomorrow to begin with, they will not be surprised by this event. But the band boosters, instructors, directors, and I wanted to get this out to those parents that do not possess those communications ties with their children (I think that pretty much covers us all from time-to-time J).

If you have any questions, please contact one of the band directors. This is ALL I have at this juncture. Since this IS the first of its event, I’d not hold the times to be precise and there will no doubt be some bumps. That’s what we learn to do here in band: “Adapt and Overcome."


Jesse Seeley
WSHS Band Newsletter Editor

Band Newsletter #1

  • Band Booster Meeting, Tuesday, September 2nd @6:00 p.m.
  • Thank you WSHS Band Parents! For a Successful Band Camp!
  • Color Guard Sewing & Cutting “Party”
  • “Band Day”—September 6th
  • Band Uniform Update
  • Duplicate emails might still be received
  • Band Boosters Contacts for 2008/2009

Band Booster Meeting, Tuesday, September 2nd at 6:00 p.m.
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
The time is already here for the monthly Band Booster Meeting!! Held every first Tuesday of the month, this month’s meeting will start 30 minutes earlier than normal. See below for details. All Parents of band members are invited to attend.

When: Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008
Time: 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Where: Band Room

Thank you WSHS Band Parents For a Successful Band Camp!
(Contributor: Michelle Pavelek)
Thank You West Salem Band Parents for your help during Band Camp! This event would not be possible without our awesome parent volunteers. I do not have the names of all of the families that donated money or snacks. If you donated and your name is not on the list or if I have left out any volunteers, please e-mail me at

Sectional Social Homes
Michelle and Mike Winegar
Dana and Phil Neilson
Ken and Patty Bolstad
Connie Phillips
Mike and Amy Litwin, Ted and Debbie Davis
Matt and Crystal Perry
Jim and Michelle Pavelek
Judy Stanley

WSHS Lock-In
Alyson Baker
Debbie Harris
Steve Anderson
Debbie Davis
Staci Larson
Kelly McIntosh
Franci DeFord
Kim Erbes
Michelle Pavelek

WSHS Lock-In Breakfast
Orval and Denise Gilmore
Bridget Mitchell
Marty and Marianne Stipe
Trudy McKinnell
Lisa Hughes
Derick Bess
Teresa Goetter
Vickie Tuttle
Debbie Harris
Kelly McIntosh
Teri and Patti Hurley

Coffee - Shannon Riggs

Parent Night Potluck
John and Scotti Rylands
Lori Gorman
Lisa Hughes
Kim Erbes
Bridget Mitchell
Debbie Davis
Sue Gresley
Connie Phillips

Mrs. Sproule
John and Scotti Rylands
Jim and Bridget Mitchell
***Many parents donated money during the first parent meeting. Please e-mail me if you donated money or snacks and your name is not on this list -

Ice Cream Social
Denise Gilmore
Trudy McKinnell
Bridget Mitchell
Patti Bolstad

Designing and building props
Randy and Sam Rothweiler
Kami Hettwer
Mike Hettwer

Picking up and delivering prop material
Tim Hull
Rhonda Bachmann

Designing and building props
Randy and Sam Rothweiler

I will say it again this year, West Salem Band Parents are OUTSTANDING! Thanks again for your support.

Michelle Pavelek
Band Camp Volunteer Coordinator

Color Guard Sewing & Cutting “Party”
(Contributor: Alyson Baker)
We have figured out the other date for sewing and cutting. It will be on the Tuesday during practice for the band so I think the time is 6 - 9. p.m. So Tuesday 9/2 at 6 - 9pm during rehersal.

Alyson Baker
Editor’s Note: The above conflicts with the regularly-scheduled Band Booster Meeting, so please advise Alyson if you can assist in advance if possible at

“Band Day”—September 6th
This Saturday, September 6th is the annual all-Salem high school “Band Day” fundraiser. Please be looking out for an update for more information on this event later this week. The students are already aware of this event and it is a very important day to not only WSHS Band but for all the music programs in Salem Keizer School Distsrict.

Band Uniform Update
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
Marching Uniform Team- The kids all looked great at parent night. Thank you to the parents that helped in making it happen!!! Thank you to all the parents that came up to me on Friday night in the band hall and offered to help.

The following is a short break down of what we need as far as help through the marching season. Everyone is welcome—it’s very rewarding and the kids actually like us around, so some additional volunteers for the below events would be helpful:

For Football games - we need 2-3 parents available to monitor the kids before and after the game. General mom or dad stuff (e.g.,finding shoes, socks, helping with shakos, buttons etc.) During the game and right before half time performance we need a designated plume person with a couple of helpers to put the plumes on the shakos. We have been very lucky to have Roki Hughes do this for many years. Since her kids are no longer in the band we can't expect her to be available for all the games and competitions. Although we love having her we are hoping to get some new parents to step up and take over this honorable position.—not only for plumes but for uniforms as well. because I too will be leaving as my son is a senior this year.

For Competition days - we need 3-4 parents to help stage the uniforms and accessories the night before and to be on site at the Titan Camp to help the kids with their needs when they get dressed and undressed for prelims and for finals. And again to help plume right before they go on the field. Depending on the weather this can be very simple. If it rains extra help is always needed to pass out and collect rain ponchos, hang jackets and ponchos to dry when we get back to the school. Cleaning uniforms and putting away ponchos for the next time. Usually done the following Monday evening.

Please let me know if you can help and when you can be available so that I know for sure that we have coverage. You can contact me at Thanks again I look forward to an awesome season and meeting the next great set of parents to continue on with this wonderful group of kids.

Deanna Garney

Duplicate emails might still be received
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Some of you may continue to receive duplicate emails until later this week or after the dust settles with my own personal work and that of finalizing this school year’s WSHS Band distribution lists. As always, if you are receiving and no longer wish to have them delivered, please follow the instructions at the very bottom of this newsletter (“To unsubscribe. . .”). Thank you for your patience as I work toward eliminating these duplicate emails, which has to be done by a merge of last year’s and this year’s data. Believe me, hurrying the process might result in just the opposite (not getting anything J).

Band Boosters Contacts for 2008/2009
Band Area Chair: Kami Hettwer, 503-585-2529,
Student Accounts: Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968,
Uniforms/Concert Attire Coordinator: Deanna Garney, 503-763-8715,
Color Guard & Jazz Band Contact: Alyson Baker,
Newsletter Editor: Jesse Seeley,

Music Web pages:
“Booster” Main Page