Friday Events—September 26th
(Contributor: Brian Griffiths, Jesse Seeley)
1. Wind Ensemble Performance—Friday Morning @ “Tom McCall Statue”
7:35 Wind ensemble rehearsal.
9:00 Wind ensemble load.
9:15 Wind ensemble departs for Tom McCall statue performance.
11:15 Wind ensemble returns. Unload and return to class.
2. Friday Competition Prepà Rehearsal Update & Itinerary-- In earlier communications to the students and in a special “WSHS Bulletin” sent earlier via email, the change in the schedule was already announced due to a field scheduling conflict. Below is the more detailed schedule, which can also be found on the attached “Sunset Classic 2008 Itinerary” document.
4:00 Battery warm-up & rehearsal.
5:00 Winds, Pit, & Guard rehearsal in stadium (rehearsal begins at 5:00—do not be late!)
All instruments, flags, and props!
7:00 Rehearsal ends. Load up begins.
All students will be dismissed by their section leaders after all section load duties are complete.
It is likely that pit percussion will be the longest load, and that the pit will have a later call time
in the morning.
Parents—We can always use a few more hands to get the equipment loaded onto the trucks and trailers, so why not drop by after Friday’s rehearsal to see if there is a need for an additional hand. More hands make for small work J If all goes as in the past, we are normally out of there no later than an hour after the load starts.
Important Information for this Saturday’s Competition—Ready to Roll
(Contributor: Brian Griffiths, Jesse Seeley, Linda Burr)
Attached please find the schedule of events and a recap of the “rules of the road” for this Saturday’s competition. This was the same information that will be (was) handed out at the Wednesday evening rehearsal, but we wanted to make sure all had ample time to review it in case it didn’t make it’s way to the kitchen table from the practice field J. Please see the attached document for more information and details. If for some reason you cannot read the attached, please send email to for a different formatted copy. Hopefully ONE of the attached should be viewable by all. One bottom take away from the document is the “call time” for Saturday—0800 or 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning. For those wishing even more information on the upcoming competition, please check out the website at
Cookie Monster Needs Help: Special Requests for Competition Preparation, Tasks, and other Help
(Contributors: Kami Hettwer, Nicole Bess, Connie Phillips)
We are in need of 9 dozen cookies for Saturday's competition day. Please email Nicole Bess at so she knows how many people have committed to making cookie. Cookies can be placed in a big Ziploc bag and brought to the school on the evening of Friday's rehearsal or on Saturday to the cooking trailer at our tent site.
Additional Request-- We are in need of “string lighting” and extension cords for the tents at our competitions. If anyone can loan work lights and extension cords please label them with your name and bring them on Friday night at the end of rehearsal or Saturday at the competition. For questions, please contact Kami Hettwer at
One More Request—Connie Phillips is the bus chaperone coordinator and since we have a competition coming up, we need volunteers to ride the buses up and back with the students. We need 2 to 3 parents for each competition and that anyone interested can call Connie at 503-391-6082. This Saturday is our first need for chaperones!
One More Time... Don’t forget: All Band Members Must Have Black Socks!
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
Please remember to bring black socks when dressing in uniform. No ankle-length or “quarter socks”. They must cover your ankles completely. Pick up a bag of inexpensive black cotton socks from Target, Fred Meyers, Wal-Mart.... You will need to have 2-3 on hand at competitions. There is nothing worse then spending a entire day marching in wet socks. We also need to have some in stock at school to help out those who do forget theirs, so if some of you could donate a bag that would be great. If their are any questions or concerns regarding uniforms please contact me at anytimeà Deanna Garney at
Picture of the Week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)
The Band’s All Here—Well, kind of. . . from as close up as possible to enable
face recognition, most all of the marching band are at their “spot” in the
stands at last week’s football game. So far no rain. . . help keep your
fingers crossed for continued good weather.
If you’d like to see more pictures, please visit and check out the other band pictures, pictures of band camp, and oh yeah, there are some of the football games (and other events throughout the year) too.
Titan Auction—Update
(Contributor: Scotti Rylands)
Just a reminder about the Titan Dinner & Auction, the event is on Nov. 22nd at 5pm it is called a “Evening of Elegance”. For those of you who are not familiar with it, it is an adult night out (who of us does not enjoy that) and semi-formal attire is suggested, so break out those fancy duds and come have a “elegant” (really fun) evening. For those of you interested there will be a “no host” bar.
Last year Band Boosters had two tables; let’s see if we can get three or four together this year. For every table we fill we get 100% of the proceeds for one of our donated auction items, of our choice. The are 8 seats to a table, if you have a group of friends you would like to sit with now is the time to get them all together while there are still full tables left. Tickets are $30 per person, if you wish to purchase a whole table the cost is $240. Seats are going quickly so don’t wait. If you have already bought tickets and would like to be part of the Band Booster table please let Scotti know how many tickets you bought and the names of the people that will be attending. We can then have you placed at a Band Booster table.
We hear there are some great items that are going to be part of the auction. We are still in need of donations; if you would like to make a donation, or are available to help out with rounding some up, please let Scotti know. She has the donation forms. Please remember donations are tax deductible. We also need a few student and parent volunteers to help set up the auction tables on the morning of the event at about 8 am until we are done. Please let her know if you are available to help with this.
For tickets, donations, volunteers and questions please contact Scotti Rylands at or you can reach her by phone at (503) 269-0887 or (503) 581-4118.
Thank you. We hope to see all of you there.
Encore Postingà Entertainment Books?? Need some? Need More?
(Contributor: Kathi Robbins)
Sales of books ending soon!!!! If you need more “Entertainment Books”, turn some money in, or have questions, please contact Kathi Robbins directly at email address
Looking Forward. . .upcoming dates
Below is an excerpt of the information that was handed out at “Parent Night”. It will be updated periodically and appear here regularly in the weekly newsletter
Date | Group | Event | Call Time | Notes |
Sept 19th | All | Home Game—Football | 0800 at WSHS |
Sept 27th | All | Sunset Classic, Hillsboro, OR | TBD |
Oct 9th | All | Mini Camp | Noon – 4 p.m. |
“ “ | All | Home Game—Football | TBD | After “Mini Camp” |