Happy Friday! I cannot believe the year is almost over, but here in the music department, we still have some great events to attend and enjoy.
Tonight! The vocal department will present at 7:00 in the Auditorium - no admission. Then, join us in the Commons from 8:00-10:00 for the Jazz Bands. They'll be playing Big Band music and all of our senior Soundscape members will be singing with the bands for a tune. Admission is $5.00 for adults and includes a dessert.
Tuesday, June 3 at 7:00. Chorale, Titan Choir and Concert Choir will present our final concert of the year. It's sure to be a great night!
We will be recording our annual CD on Tuesday and Wednesday during the day. It is crucial for students to be in class!!! I'll have order forms at the final concert, but remember Gold & Silver Choir Booster members receive one CD as part of their membership.
Once again CCTV is offering a DVD of all four WSHS groups performing at State. The cost is $25.00 and we have to place the order on Tuesday morning, so please send checks/orders on Monday. We plan to have the DVDs before graduation!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Band Newsletter #40
We are waiting to receive information before we can set a schedule. Generally speaking, students need to be dropped off at the Fairgrounds Pavillion, and they will be bused BACK TO WSHS afterwards, so they may be picked up at West when the evening is over. Please contact Mr. Griffiths for further instructions or questions. Another update will no doubt be made in next week’s newsletter, but please see Mr. Griffiths for any up-to-the-minute changes.
Spring Concert, May 29
This is the big show, showing at press time that the start time is 7:30 for the show on Thursday, May 29 in the WSHS Auditorium. See “Mr. G’s Corner” below for call times.
Jazz Night, May 30
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Kami Hettwer)
Admission is FREE to at least one of the evening’s events, it’s the biggest fund raiser for the Jazz bands and vocals, so drop on by for at least ONE of the events that evening. Please join us in a night of jazz music, dancing, food, fun, and other entertainment. A real evening out, this event is scheduled to go from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Any last minute volunteers? Parent (& Student) Volunteers needed!!!!—this is a big show and we need LOTS of help, so if you can possibly spare an hour here or there, or the entire evening, please contact either Alyson Baker or Kami Hettwer (sackbaker@msn.com and mkhett@aol.com, respectively).
Below are the main areas where help is needed. Set-up time will begin ~@4:00 p.m. on the 30th.
If you can help in any way let Alyson or Kami know via the email addresses immediately above. Thanks for all you do for your children and the Jazz bands.
2008 WSHS Color Guard Car Wash
(Contributor: Jen Freeman)
Hello All West Salem Music Parents/Students! The West Salem Color Guard is having the earliest car wash that we have ever had. Unfortunately it will be on a Sunday, but if any of you can stop by, let us wash you car, and leave a donation that would be GREAT! All of our proceeds are going to support us getting our fall Warm-ups. Please come and support the
2008 WS Color Guard at our Car Wash Sunday June 1 at West Coast Bank (on Wallace Rd at Glen Creek) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We hope to see All your smiling faces & dirty cars J Jen Freeman WS Color Guard Coach & 2008 West Salem Color Guard.
DVD Available for “State Performances”
(Contributors: Marianne Stipe, Ms. Silberman)
CCTV will once again be producing a DVD of all the West performances at State competition. This DVD will include the Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, and Choir. The cost is $25.00 and the order deadline is June 3rd. We should have the DVDs before graduation.
Checks should be made out to WSHS Music Boosters and have student's name in the memo line.
Cash should be in an envelope with student's name on the outside. Put check or cash envelope in the Orchestra Room “LOCK BOX” by June 3rd or contact Marianne Stipe (mstipe@willamette.edu) for other ordering arrangements.
We should have the DVDs before graduation. Students will receive them in class.
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
In a GRUELING recording session this past Friday, Mr. Griffiths is caught in one of his many points of exhaustive state of a recording session that extended over nine hours, with the last musician to leave after 11:00 p.m.—who KNOWS when Mr. G left the building, but we hope it was shortly thereafter. The recording session will be to produce the CDs for upcoming sales to be used as fund raisers.
Encore!!! Concert Attire: End-of-year turn in
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
All Titan Band Members: Concert attire return instructions follow. . .Your first chance to turn in will be after “Spring Concert” on May 29th
Please be ready to turn in your concert attire in the coming weeks. Those of you whose last concert is the “Spring Concert” (May 29th), you can start turning them in that night or the following day (May 30th). If you plan on turning it in at the conclusion of the Spring Concert, you’d obviously want to bring a change of clothes, change after the concert then you don't have to try to remember them the next day.
Boys - Turn in Tux Jacket and Pants only hanging in the green garment bag with your name in the front (clear) pocket.
Girls - Turn in your Dress in the green garment bag also with your name in the front pocket.
Jazz Band and Symphony will need to start turning theirs in after June 2nd. It's important that your name be attached, otherwise the school will charge you for the attire and place any student records on hold.
Seniors: If you would like to donate your bow ties, tux shirts or marching shoes (good condition only) that would be great we can always use them.
If there are any questions, please contact Deanna Garney via email at dg5758@comcast.net
We are waiting to receive information before we can set a schedule. Generally speaking, students need to be dropped off at the Fairgrounds Pavillion, and they will be bused BACK TO WSHS afterwards, so they may be picked up at West when the evening is over. Please contact Mr. Griffiths for further instructions or questions. Another update will no doubt be made in next week’s newsletter, but please see Mr. Griffiths for any up-to-the-minute changes.
Spring Concert, May 29
This is the big show, showing at press time that the start time is 7:30 for the show on Thursday, May 29 in the WSHS Auditorium. See “Mr. G’s Corner” below for call times.
Jazz Night, May 30
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Kami Hettwer)
Admission is FREE to at least one of the evening’s events, it’s the biggest fund raiser for the Jazz bands and vocals, so drop on by for at least ONE of the events that evening. Please join us in a night of jazz music, dancing, food, fun, and other entertainment. A real evening out, this event is scheduled to go from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
- Choir: 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the WSHS Auditorium – “a night of Great Vocal Jazz” featuring ‘Rhythm Express’ and ‘Soundscape’ (Admission FREE)
- Jazz Bands to perform at 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. in WSHS Commons – “Big Band Jazz” -- tickets can be purchased in advance from WSHS Jazz students @$5/$3 (adults/students, respectively)
Any last minute volunteers? Parent (& Student) Volunteers needed!!!!—this is a big show and we need LOTS of help, so if you can possibly spare an hour here or there, or the entire evening, please contact either Alyson Baker or Kami Hettwer (sackbaker@msn.com and mkhett@aol.com, respectively).
Below are the main areas where help is needed. Set-up time will begin ~@4:00 p.m. on the 30th.
- help decorating in the afternoon (kids are good for that but it would be nice to have some parents helping)
- two parents to sell tickets on either side of the commons
- one parent to sell Jazz CD (IF they come in before the 30th)
- a few parents to help serve at the dessert table
- Clean-up crew (3 or 4—the more the merrier J)
If you can help in any way let Alyson or Kami know via the email addresses immediately above. Thanks for all you do for your children and the Jazz bands.
2008 WSHS Color Guard Car Wash
(Contributor: Jen Freeman)
Hello All West Salem Music Parents/Students! The West Salem Color Guard is having the earliest car wash that we have ever had. Unfortunately it will be on a Sunday, but if any of you can stop by, let us wash you car, and leave a donation that would be GREAT! All of our proceeds are going to support us getting our fall Warm-ups. Please come and support the
2008 WS Color Guard at our Car Wash Sunday June 1 at West Coast Bank (on Wallace Rd at Glen Creek) from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We hope to see All your smiling faces & dirty cars J Jen Freeman WS Color Guard Coach & 2008 West Salem Color Guard.
DVD Available for “State Performances”
(Contributors: Marianne Stipe, Ms. Silberman)
CCTV will once again be producing a DVD of all the West performances at State competition. This DVD will include the Wind Ensemble, Symphony Orchestra, Advanced Orchestra, and Choir. The cost is $25.00 and the order deadline is June 3rd. We should have the DVDs before graduation.
Checks should be made out to WSHS Music Boosters and have student's name in the memo line.
Cash should be in an envelope with student's name on the outside. Put check or cash envelope in the Orchestra Room “LOCK BOX” by June 3rd or contact Marianne Stipe (mstipe@willamette.edu) for other ordering arrangements.
We should have the DVDs before graduation. Students will receive them in class.
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)

Encore!!! Concert Attire: End-of-year turn in
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
All Titan Band Members: Concert attire return instructions follow. . .Your first chance to turn in will be after “Spring Concert” on May 29th
Please be ready to turn in your concert attire in the coming weeks. Those of you whose last concert is the “Spring Concert” (May 29th), you can start turning them in that night or the following day (May 30th). If you plan on turning it in at the conclusion of the Spring Concert, you’d obviously want to bring a change of clothes, change after the concert then you don't have to try to remember them the next day.
Boys - Turn in Tux Jacket and Pants only hanging in the green garment bag with your name in the front (clear) pocket.
Girls - Turn in your Dress in the green garment bag also with your name in the front pocket.
Jazz Band and Symphony will need to start turning theirs in after June 2nd. It's important that your name be attached, otherwise the school will charge you for the attire and place any student records on hold.
Seniors: If you would like to donate your bow ties, tux shirts or marching shoes (good condition only) that would be great we can always use them.
If there are any questions, please contact Deanna Garney via email at dg5758@comcast.net
car wash,
concert dates,
jazz band
Friday, May 23, 2008
Band Newsletter #39
Looking Forward: Remainder of May, June Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
A suggestion from a reader asked that we place this section up-front, so we'll try that this week and possibly through the end of the year. This might be an especially helpful suggestion as we wind down to the end of the school year. The below table of "Looking Forward" has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May and recently added the final event of the Graduation Performance for June 5. Date
The 2008 Band Awards Ceremony is slated for 7 - 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, in the COMMONS. We hope to see as many of you there as possible!
Warning: Possible Parking Lot Congestion on May 22
(Contributors: Kami Hettwer, Daryl Silberman, edited by Jesse Seeley)
There will be possible parking congestion on the above Band Awards night. Since this event is in the Commons, it might be best to park as close to the front entrance of the school as possible. This will leave the Auditorium lot (lower lot) available for the multiple events that will also be taking place that evening ("Jazz Night Voice Vocals" at 6 p.m. and then an Orchestra event following that). I'm sure the parents and students attending the auditorium events would appreciate it and you may also find it more convenient for yourselves as well.
Concert Attire: End-of-year turn in
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
All Titan Band Members: Concert attire return instructions follow immediately below.
Please be ready to turn in your concert attire in the coming weeks. Those of you whose last concert is the Spring Concert (May 29), you can start turning them in that night or the following day (May 30). If you plan on turning it in at the conclusion of the Spring
Concert, you'd obviously want to bring a change of clothes, change after the concert then you don't have to try to remember them the next day.
Contest deadline is midnight, May 23
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
I can't make this any easier, but there are still plenty of spaces available to enter the contest that was published in the last 2 weeks' newsletters. To save space here I'm not going to place it here again, but you can refer to newsletters #37 and it was reprinted (in much smaller print) last week in #38. So look for it in one of those newsletters if you wanted to enter. You have until midnight, Friday, May 23. The winner will be announced at the May 30 "Jazz Night," and the winner need not be present to win. Remember it's open to all parents, teachers, and students. So far we have several of each that have EXTREMELY good odds of winning!
Mr. G's Corner. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, Mr. G)
It looks like nothing has been added or modified from last week's newsletter, but all of the below is still "futures". . .
From the desk of Mr. Griffiths, here are some of his notes of upcoming events—many of the students have no doubt already been made aware of most of these, but the parents might like to hear about them. -J
Several of the below events should already be on your calendars and also in the "Looking Forward" section, but Mr. G just wants to be sure these points get across as reinforcement. Questions? See Mr. Griffiths. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Now that I've been informed by Mrs. Silberman, instead of including the Orchestra as an attachment to our newsletter, we'll simply provide the URL/pointer for its content. Thank you Mrs. Silberman for this!! The latest Orchestra news can be found at: www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com . For any questions regarding this information of that site's content, please send email to WSHSOrchestra@aol.com.
Reminder: Jazz Night, May 30
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Kami Hettwer)
Admission is FREE to at least one of the evening's events; it's the biggest fundraiser for the Jazz bands and vocals, so drop on by for at least ONE of the events that evening. Please join us in a night of jazz music, dancing, food, fun, and other entertainment. A real evening out, this event is scheduled to go from 7 – 10 p.m. See the flier. On tap for the evening:
Below are the main areas where help is needed. Set-up time will begin around 4 p.m. on the 30th.
Reminder: OSAA State Music Competition Television Schedule
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
As most of you were aware our school competed in the State finals at the OSU Campus last week. If you couldn't make it, wanted to record it, or If you would like to (possibly) see yourself on TV, below is a link to the remaining schedule of shows. There's a TON of them, but I believe our school's showing falls under the 6A division if I'm not mistaken. To see these times, go to this link:
Reminder: Official WSHS News—mailed to your homes
As we approach the end of the school year, many might find the latest copy of the official WSHS Newsletter handy. For those of you that missed, or misplaced the copy that was sent to your home address of record, here is a direct link to that (currently April/May 2008 edition):
For the WSHS' "Master Schedule", check the link below and scroll to the month(s) you wish to view:
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
A suggestion from a reader asked that we place this section up-front, so we'll try that this week and possibly through the end of the year. This might be an especially helpful suggestion as we wind down to the end of the school year. The below table of "Looking Forward" has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May and recently added the final event of the Graduation Performance for June 5. Date
- May 22, ALL, Spring Awards, WSHS Commons, 7 - 9 p.m.
- May 23, Jazz Lab II, Studio Recording Session, See director for times
- May 24, Jazz Lab I, Studio Recording Session, See director for times
- May 29, ALL, Spring Concert, WSHS, 6 - 9 p.m.
- May 30, Jazz Labs—ALL, Jazz Night, WSHS, 6 - 10 p.m.
- June 2, Advanced Symphony, Orchestra Concert, WSHS
- June 5, ALL, Graduation performance, Oregon State Fairgrounds, Special instructions to follow
The 2008 Band Awards Ceremony is slated for 7 - 9 p.m. on Thursday, May 22, in the COMMONS. We hope to see as many of you there as possible!
Warning: Possible Parking Lot Congestion on May 22
(Contributors: Kami Hettwer, Daryl Silberman, edited by Jesse Seeley)
There will be possible parking congestion on the above Band Awards night. Since this event is in the Commons, it might be best to park as close to the front entrance of the school as possible. This will leave the Auditorium lot (lower lot) available for the multiple events that will also be taking place that evening ("Jazz Night Voice Vocals" at 6 p.m. and then an Orchestra event following that). I'm sure the parents and students attending the auditorium events would appreciate it and you may also find it more convenient for yourselves as well.
Concert Attire: End-of-year turn in
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
All Titan Band Members: Concert attire return instructions follow immediately below.
Please be ready to turn in your concert attire in the coming weeks. Those of you whose last concert is the Spring Concert (May 29), you can start turning them in that night or the following day (May 30). If you plan on turning it in at the conclusion of the Spring
Concert, you'd obviously want to bring a change of clothes, change after the concert then you don't have to try to remember them the next day.
- Boys - Turn in Tux Jacket and Pants only hanging in the green garment bag with your name in the front (clear) pocket.
- Girls - Turn in your Dress in the green garment bag also with your name in the front pocket.
- Jazz Band and Symphony will need to start turning theirs in after June 2. It's important that your name be attached, otherwise the school will charge you for the attire and place any student records on hold.
- Seniors: If you would like to donate your bow ties, tux shirts or marching shoes (good condition only) that would be great we can always use them.
Contest deadline is midnight, May 23
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
I can't make this any easier, but there are still plenty of spaces available to enter the contest that was published in the last 2 weeks' newsletters. To save space here I'm not going to place it here again, but you can refer to newsletters #37 and it was reprinted (in much smaller print) last week in #38. So look for it in one of those newsletters if you wanted to enter. You have until midnight, Friday, May 23. The winner will be announced at the May 30 "Jazz Night," and the winner need not be present to win. Remember it's open to all parents, teachers, and students. So far we have several of each that have EXTREMELY good odds of winning!
Mr. G's Corner. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, Mr. G)
It looks like nothing has been added or modified from last week's newsletter, but all of the below is still "futures". . .
From the desk of Mr. Griffiths, here are some of his notes of upcoming events—many of the students have no doubt already been made aware of most of these, but the parents might like to hear about them. -J
Several of the below events should already be on your calendars and also in the "Looking Forward" section, but Mr. G just wants to be sure these points get across as reinforcement. Questions? See Mr. Griffiths. . .
- Lab II studio recording session on Friday, May 23 – Students should have their times
- Drum Major and Color Guard Captain auditions on the following Tuesday (May 27 – first day back to school after holiday). All interested students are invited to participate in the first part of the process, beginning right after school.
- Band Concert (a.k.a. Spring Concert) on May 29 – Show time is slated for 6 - 9 p.m. Check with directors for musicians' call times
- Jazz night on the May 30 – see associated article from Kami Hettwer
- Graduation on June 5: All bands will play. Last year there were problems with parents picking up their students after the event, but the WSHS administration is working on creating a solution for us this year. Stay tuned. . .
- Jazz Lab I – add a rehearsal for Wednesday, May 28 at 5 p.m. (editor's note: goes to ? – how good are you ? -J)
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Now that I've been informed by Mrs. Silberman, instead of including the Orchestra as an attachment to our newsletter, we'll simply provide the URL/pointer for its content. Thank you Mrs. Silberman for this!! The latest Orchestra news can be found at: www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com . For any questions regarding this information of that site's content, please send email to WSHSOrchestra@aol.com.
Reminder: Jazz Night, May 30
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Kami Hettwer)
Admission is FREE to at least one of the evening's events; it's the biggest fundraiser for the Jazz bands and vocals, so drop on by for at least ONE of the events that evening. Please join us in a night of jazz music, dancing, food, fun, and other entertainment. A real evening out, this event is scheduled to go from 7 – 10 p.m. See the flier. On tap for the evening:
- 7 - 8 p.m. at the WSHS Auditorium – "a night of Great Vocal Jazz" featuring Rhythm Express and Soundscape (Admission FREE)
- 8: - 10:0 p.m. in WSHS Commons – "Big Band Jazz" featuring both jazz labs —tickets can be purchased in advance from WSHS Jazz students at $5 for adults and $3 for students
Below are the main areas where help is needed. Set-up time will begin around 4 p.m. on the 30th.
- help decorating in the afternoon (kids are good for that but it would be nice to have some parents helping)
- two parents to sell tickets on either side of the commons
- one parent to sell Jazz CD (IF they come in before the 30th) a few parents to help serve at the dessert table
- Clean-up crew (3 or 4—the more the merrier -J)
- Several parents/students to distribute posters around town (get one to hang up at your work/office)—the attached flyer ("jazz night poster 08") has all the information, but it is 11x17 so you might need to pick some up at the school for distribution (email Kami)
- Any parent with connections to Statesman Journal and West Side News to publish a blurb for the event?
Reminder: OSAA State Music Competition Television Schedule
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
As most of you were aware our school competed in the State finals at the OSU Campus last week. If you couldn't make it, wanted to record it, or If you would like to (possibly) see yourself on TV, below is a link to the remaining schedule of shows. There's a TON of them, but I believe our school's showing falls under the 6A division if I'm not mistaken. To see these times, go to this link:
Reminder: Official WSHS News—mailed to your homes
As we approach the end of the school year, many might find the latest copy of the official WSHS Newsletter handy. For those of you that missed, or misplaced the copy that was sent to your home address of record, here is a direct link to that (currently April/May 2008 edition):
For the WSHS' "Master Schedule", check the link below and scroll to the month(s) you wish to view:
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
CONTEST Deadline for WSHS Band Newsletter contest entry is May 23rd
I guess this wasn’t exciting enough or maybe the sound of “only 19 slots” put some off. There are still several slots left (of the 19 available) to enter the contest. For information on the contest, please see last week’s or the previous week’s WSHS Band newsletter (with subject of “WSHS Band Newsletter #37. . “ or WSHS Band Newsletter #38. . .).
You have until midnight, May 23rd, 2008.
Jesse Seeley
You have until midnight, May 23rd, 2008.
Jesse Seeley
Orchestra News
1) Periods 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphony Strings) have a concert tonight at the Loucks Auditorium at the Downtown Salem Public Library - on Liberty (actually, between Liberty and Commercial, just south of downtown - Leslie is the cross street) at 7pm. Call time for the students is 6:15pm. Concert dress has been detailed in previous emails - please check the blog for more information: www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com.
2) Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra - is playing tomorrow (Thursday, May 22) at the West Area orchestra concert at 7 p.m. Call time is 6:40 p.m. We will be playing after the area's 4th and 5th grade orchestras play. Concert dress has been detailed in previous emails - please check the blog for more information: www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com
3) Forms for sweatshirt orders will be available at the concerts this week and/or can be turned in by a student on Friday morning - it should take less than 2 weeks to receive the sweatshirts.
4) All Titan Orchestras will be playing on our final concert Monday June 2 at 7 p.m. Call time for that concert will be 6:15 p.m. We will acknowledge all graduating seniors as well as a few other orchestra awards. Please invite friends and family - it should be a very enjoyable concert!
5) There is no rehearsal this Friday for Advanced Symphony after school - have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
6) Many students owe money ($8, $25 or $40) for shirts and/or sweatshirts that they've already received. They know who they are. It would be nice if all the money was turned in by next Friday (May 30). Checks can be made out to WSHS Music Boosters.
Enjoy this crazy Oregon weather,
~Daryl S. (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
C: 818-317-8218
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
2) Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra - is playing tomorrow (Thursday, May 22) at the West Area orchestra concert at 7 p.m. Call time is 6:40 p.m. We will be playing after the area's 4th and 5th grade orchestras play. Concert dress has been detailed in previous emails - please check the blog for more information: www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com
3) Forms for sweatshirt orders will be available at the concerts this week and/or can be turned in by a student on Friday morning - it should take less than 2 weeks to receive the sweatshirts.
4) All Titan Orchestras will be playing on our final concert Monday June 2 at 7 p.m. Call time for that concert will be 6:15 p.m. We will acknowledge all graduating seniors as well as a few other orchestra awards. Please invite friends and family - it should be a very enjoyable concert!
5) There is no rehearsal this Friday for Advanced Symphony after school - have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!
6) Many students owe money ($8, $25 or $40) for shirts and/or sweatshirts that they've already received. They know who they are. It would be nice if all the money was turned in by next Friday (May 30). Checks can be made out to WSHS Music Boosters.
Enjoy this crazy Oregon weather,
~Daryl S. (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
C: 818-317-8218
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
Friday, May 16, 2008
Orchestra news
1) We have two concerts next week - please make sure you've reviewed the dress policy for each concert!
Periods 5, 6, 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) Wednesday May 21, 7 p.m. concert at Downtown Salem Library (on Liberty) in the Loucks Auditorium. Call time is 6:15 p.m., dressed and ready to go. Dress is as follows:
Pants - Tan, beige, khaki, olive, brown or white if you must
Shirts - Black - not too short of a sleeve, long sleeve ok - no white or faded black!
Shoes - brown or black (white ok if white pants)
Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra (with the elementary students) Thursday May 22, 7pm concert at West. Call time is 6:40 p.m. to tune. Dress is formal - women may wear prom formals (if they can play in them) or spring dresses (that aren't too revealing or too short - below the knee), men may wear all black, tuxes, or black suits. Bring pirate gear.
2) Parents of students in Periods 5, 6, 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) — if you can help by transporting anywhere from 4 to 10 stands in your vehicle (van??) could you please contact Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)? You would be asked to come pick up stands on Tuesday or Wednesday after school and bring them to the library at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday the 21st and to drop them back off at school on Thursday or Friday.
3) Sweatshirts were ordered for students last month and they look great (thank you to Lauren Culver's mom Kelly Culver!). They have a great embroidery that says “TITANS orchestra.” If you are interested in ordering a sweatshirt for family members, please have students bring an order form home and return money/form by Thursday May 22 (a form is attached to this email):
Cotton/Poly blend sweatshirts - black or grey $30 (this is an increase over student price... sorry). Ladies sizes (no band on the bottom) XS,S, M L, XL. Men's sizes (band on the bottom) XS, S, M, L, XL.
Nylon sporty sweatshirt - black or grey $40. Unisex sizes XS, S, M, L, XL.
4) State '08 was a success for the Titan orchestra program. For a recap of all the events and scores, and to see links to the great pictures the Statesman Journal took, please check the blog — www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com.
Huge thanks to all the parents who came to Corvallis to support the orchestra and symphony. Thanks to Ann McCloud (co-owner of the Red Door Salon 2665 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 - (503) 371-6882) for doing hair for the advanced orchestra (you'll be able to see her work on the DVD!), Vicki Tyree for riding the bus on the way down, and Jenny Gates for helping with the flowers.
5) Reminder that all students need to turn in 2 reviews to Ms. Silberman by the Friday before finals - seniors will need to turn their reviews in by June 4. 1 review needs to be a 'live' review (hey, there are two concerts this week - and all students only play on one of them) and 1 can be of a DVD performance or CD review (or any other creative music listening situation). If students do not turn in their reviews, their grade will be negatively affected.
I look forward to seeing you this next week
~Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
Periods 5, 6, 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) Wednesday May 21, 7 p.m. concert at Downtown Salem Library (on Liberty) in the Loucks Auditorium. Call time is 6:15 p.m., dressed and ready to go. Dress is as follows:
Pants - Tan, beige, khaki, olive, brown or white if you must
Shirts - Black - not too short of a sleeve, long sleeve ok - no white or faded black!
Shoes - brown or black (white ok if white pants)
Period ½ - Advanced Orchestra (with the elementary students) Thursday May 22, 7pm concert at West. Call time is 6:40 p.m. to tune. Dress is formal - women may wear prom formals (if they can play in them) or spring dresses (that aren't too revealing or too short - below the knee), men may wear all black, tuxes, or black suits. Bring pirate gear.
2) Parents of students in Periods 5, 6, 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) — if you can help by transporting anywhere from 4 to 10 stands in your vehicle (van??) could you please contact Ms. Silberman (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)? You would be asked to come pick up stands on Tuesday or Wednesday after school and bring them to the library at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday the 21st and to drop them back off at school on Thursday or Friday.
3) Sweatshirts were ordered for students last month and they look great (thank you to Lauren Culver's mom Kelly Culver!). They have a great embroidery that says “TITANS orchestra.” If you are interested in ordering a sweatshirt for family members, please have students bring an order form home and return money/form by Thursday May 22 (a form is attached to this email):
Cotton/Poly blend sweatshirts - black or grey $30 (this is an increase over student price... sorry). Ladies sizes (no band on the bottom) XS,S, M L, XL. Men's sizes (band on the bottom) XS, S, M, L, XL.
Nylon sporty sweatshirt - black or grey $40. Unisex sizes XS, S, M, L, XL.
4) State '08 was a success for the Titan orchestra program. For a recap of all the events and scores, and to see links to the great pictures the Statesman Journal took, please check the blog — www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com.
Huge thanks to all the parents who came to Corvallis to support the orchestra and symphony. Thanks to Ann McCloud (co-owner of the Red Door Salon 2665 Commercial St SE Salem, OR 97302 - (503) 371-6882) for doing hair for the advanced orchestra (you'll be able to see her work on the DVD!), Vicki Tyree for riding the bus on the way down, and Jenny Gates for helping with the flowers.
5) Reminder that all students need to turn in 2 reviews to Ms. Silberman by the Friday before finals - seniors will need to turn their reviews in by June 4. 1 review needs to be a 'live' review (hey, there are two concerts this week - and all students only play on one of them) and 1 can be of a DVD performance or CD review (or any other creative music listening situation). If students do not turn in their reviews, their grade will be negatively affected.
I look forward to seeing you this next week
~Ms. S (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us)
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
Band Newsletter #38
Iris Parade Participation Cancelled
(Contributor: Jen Freeman)
Unfortunately we will not be participating in this year's Iris Festival on May 17th as originally scheduled. Please contact Jen Freeman if there are any questions at jfreemanj@hotmail.com
Picture(s) of the week: WSHS "In the News"
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer, Statesman Journal)
West Salem director Dr. Ike Nail leads the symphony orchestra during the performance during the 2008 Orchestra State Championships at Oregon
State University on Friday, May 9, 2008.
See this one and many others recently published at the Statesman Journal website--below are links some might like to see:
WSHS Wind Ensemble.
WSHS Symphony.
Band Awards Ceremony, May 22
The 2008 Band Awards Ceremony is slated for 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 22nd. We hope to see as many of you there as possible!
Jazz Night, May 30
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Kami Hettwer)
Admission is FREE to at least one of the evening's events, it's the biggest fund raiser for the Jazz bands and vocals, so drop on by for at least ONE of the events that evening. Please join us in a night of Jazz music, dancing, food, fun, and other entertainment. A real evening out, this event is scheduled to go from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. See the flier.
On tap for the evening:
7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the WSHS Auditorium – "a night of Great Vocal Jazz" featuring 'Rhythm Express' and 'Soundscape' (Admission FREE)
8:00 to 10:0 p.m. in WSHS Commons – "Big Band Jazz" featuring both Jazz Labs -- tickets can be purchased in advance from WSHS Jazz students @$5/$3 (adults/students, respectively)
Parent (and student) volunteers needed! This is a big show and we need LOTS of help, so if you can possibly spare an hour here or there, or the entire evening, please contact either Alyson Baker or Kami Hettwer (sackbaker@msn.com or mkhett@aol.com, respectively).
Below are the main areas where help is needed. Set-up time will begin about 4 p.m. on the 30th.
• help decorating in the afternoon (kids are good for that but it would be nice to have some parents helping)
• two parents to sell tickets on either side of the commons
• one parent to sell Jazz CD (IF they come in before the 30th)
• a few parents to help serve at the dessert table
• Clean-up crew (3 or 4—the more the merrier J)
• Several parents/students to distribute posters around town (get one to hang up at your work/office)—the attached flier ("jazz night poster 08") has all the information, but it is 11x17 so you might need to pick some up at the school for distribution (email Kami)
• Any parent with connections to Statesman Journal and/or "West Side News" to publish a blurb for the event?
If you can help in any way let Alyson or Kami know. Thanks for all you do for your children and the Jazz bands.
Mr. G's Corner. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, Mr. G)
From the desk of Mr. Griffiths, here are some of his notes of upcoming events—many of the students have no doubt already been made aware of most of these, but the parents might like to hear about them J
Several of the below events should already be on your calendars and also in the "Looking Forward" section, but Mr. G just wants to be sure these points get across as reinforcement. Questions? See Mr. Griffiths. . .
Lab II studio recording session on Friday, May 23rd – Students should have their times
Drum Major and Color Guard Captain auditions on the following Tuesday (May 27th – first day back to school after holiday). All interested students are invited to participate in the first part of the process, beginning right after school.
• Band Concert (a.k.a. "Spring Concert") on May 29th – Show time is slated for 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Check with directors for musicians' call times
• Jazz night on the May 30th – see associated article from Kami Hettwer
• Graduation on June 5. All bands will play. Last year there were problems with parents picking up their students after the event, but the WSHS administration is working on creating a solution for us this year. Stay tuned. . .
• Jazz "Lab I" – add a rehearsal for Wednesday, May 28th at 5 p.m.
OSAA State Music Competition Television Schedule
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
As most of you were aware our school competed in the State finals at the OSU Campus last week. If you couldn't make it, wanted to record it, or If you would like to (possibly) see yourself on TV, below is a link to the remaining schedule of shows. There's a TON of them, but I believe our school's showing falls under the "6A" division if I'm not mistaken. To see these times, go to this link.
"Looking Forward" Remainder of May, Part June Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
The below table of "Looking Forward" has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008 and a recently added concert for Advanced Symphony for June 2.
May 17, Titan Band/Colorguard, Iris Festival & Parade, Keizer CANCELLED!
May 22, ALL, Spring Awards, WSHS, 7 – 9 p.m.
May 23, Jazz Lab II, Studio Recording Session, See director
May 24, Jazz Lab I, Studio Recording Session, See director
May 28, Jazz Lab I, Rehearsal, Band room, 5 p.m.
May 29, Spring Concert, WSHS, 6 – 9 p.m.
May 30, Jazz Labs—ALL, Jazz Night, WSHS, 7 – 10 p.m.
June 2, Advanced Symphony Orchestra Concert, WSHS
CONTEST!! Work this from a different angle. . .Editor's Corner
Apparently we don't have too many people that read this far down the newsletter or aren't interested in free stuff. -J
The below was published last week and we have had only a FEW entries, so you still have a chance to enter, or else the probability of those already entered makes their odds even BETTER. Read on for last week's "Contest" to see how easy the research is to enter the contest and even get EXTRA entries for added answers. Deadline is May 23.
Parents, students, AND teachers are welcome to enter! Let's see who is paying attention and reading the newsletter. -J
Many students, parents, and obviously math teachers will recognize the author of the two quotes below. The first 19 names sent to me (jesse@hp.com) with the correct answer will be entered to win a $10 gift card from the eatery of their choice. Entries must be received by midnight Friday, May 23, but again, it's going to be the first 19 names so you know your probability of winning would be 1-in-19. But if you wait until the deadline, it may be too late to enter. -J
Since using the Internet makes this too easy, we've made it interesting to see how well all "rules" are followed and directions thoroughly read.
The requirements for the correct answers (and they must be given in the body of your email in this order:
• Subject of email must be "Answer to WSHS Quote"
• This person's first and last names
• Name TWO of the things he was famous for
• Many of us use one of his originated inventions every day — what was that invention?
All of the words below "Editor's Corner. . ." to here are hidden clues. Add 3 of the clues above and state WHY they are clues to your "entry" and you will have an additional entry into the drawing for each correct meaning BEHIND the clue. Here are the two quotes:
"Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself."
and. . .
"Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about anything, we ought to know a little about everything."
Official WSHS News — mailed to your homes
As we approach the end of the school year, many might find the latest copy of the official WSHS Newsletter handy. For those of you that missed, or misplaced the copy that was sent to your home address of record, here is a direct link to that (currently April/May 2008 edition): http://west.salkeiz.k12.or.us/news/newsletters/titan_news_april_may08.pdf.
For the WSHS' "Master Schedule", check the link below and scroll to the month(s) you wish to view:
(Contributor: Jen Freeman)
Unfortunately we will not be participating in this year's Iris Festival on May 17th as originally scheduled. Please contact Jen Freeman if there are any questions at jfreemanj@hotmail.com
Picture(s) of the week: WSHS "In the News"
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer, Statesman Journal)

State University on Friday, May 9, 2008.
See this one and many others recently published at the Statesman Journal website--below are links some might like to see:
WSHS Wind Ensemble.
WSHS Symphony.
Band Awards Ceremony, May 22
The 2008 Band Awards Ceremony is slated for 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 22nd. We hope to see as many of you there as possible!
Jazz Night, May 30
(Contributors: Alyson Baker, Kami Hettwer)
Admission is FREE to at least one of the evening's events, it's the biggest fund raiser for the Jazz bands and vocals, so drop on by for at least ONE of the events that evening. Please join us in a night of Jazz music, dancing, food, fun, and other entertainment. A real evening out, this event is scheduled to go from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. See the flier.
On tap for the evening:
7:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the WSHS Auditorium – "a night of Great Vocal Jazz" featuring 'Rhythm Express' and 'Soundscape' (Admission FREE)
8:00 to 10:0 p.m. in WSHS Commons – "Big Band Jazz" featuring both Jazz Labs -- tickets can be purchased in advance from WSHS Jazz students @$5/$3 (adults/students, respectively)
Parent (and student) volunteers needed! This is a big show and we need LOTS of help, so if you can possibly spare an hour here or there, or the entire evening, please contact either Alyson Baker or Kami Hettwer (sackbaker@msn.com or mkhett@aol.com, respectively).
Below are the main areas where help is needed. Set-up time will begin about 4 p.m. on the 30th.
• help decorating in the afternoon (kids are good for that but it would be nice to have some parents helping)
• two parents to sell tickets on either side of the commons
• one parent to sell Jazz CD (IF they come in before the 30th)
• a few parents to help serve at the dessert table
• Clean-up crew (3 or 4—the more the merrier J)
• Several parents/students to distribute posters around town (get one to hang up at your work/office)—the attached flier ("jazz night poster 08") has all the information, but it is 11x17 so you might need to pick some up at the school for distribution (email Kami)
• Any parent with connections to Statesman Journal and/or "West Side News" to publish a blurb for the event?
If you can help in any way let Alyson or Kami know. Thanks for all you do for your children and the Jazz bands.
Mr. G's Corner. . .
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley, Mr. G)
From the desk of Mr. Griffiths, here are some of his notes of upcoming events—many of the students have no doubt already been made aware of most of these, but the parents might like to hear about them J
Several of the below events should already be on your calendars and also in the "Looking Forward" section, but Mr. G just wants to be sure these points get across as reinforcement. Questions? See Mr. Griffiths. . .
Lab II studio recording session on Friday, May 23rd – Students should have their times
Drum Major and Color Guard Captain auditions on the following Tuesday (May 27th – first day back to school after holiday). All interested students are invited to participate in the first part of the process, beginning right after school.
• Band Concert (a.k.a. "Spring Concert") on May 29th – Show time is slated for 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Check with directors for musicians' call times
• Jazz night on the May 30th – see associated article from Kami Hettwer
• Graduation on June 5. All bands will play. Last year there were problems with parents picking up their students after the event, but the WSHS administration is working on creating a solution for us this year. Stay tuned. . .
• Jazz "Lab I" – add a rehearsal for Wednesday, May 28th at 5 p.m.
OSAA State Music Competition Television Schedule
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
As most of you were aware our school competed in the State finals at the OSU Campus last week. If you couldn't make it, wanted to record it, or If you would like to (possibly) see yourself on TV, below is a link to the remaining schedule of shows. There's a TON of them, but I believe our school's showing falls under the "6A" division if I'm not mistaken. To see these times, go to this link.
"Looking Forward" Remainder of May, Part June Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
The below table of "Looking Forward" has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008 and a recently added concert for Advanced Symphony for June 2.
May 17, Titan Band/Colorguard, Iris Festival & Parade, Keizer CANCELLED!
May 22, ALL, Spring Awards, WSHS, 7 – 9 p.m.
May 23, Jazz Lab II, Studio Recording Session, See director
May 24, Jazz Lab I, Studio Recording Session, See director
May 28, Jazz Lab I, Rehearsal, Band room, 5 p.m.
May 29, Spring Concert, WSHS, 6 – 9 p.m.
May 30, Jazz Labs—ALL, Jazz Night, WSHS, 7 – 10 p.m.
June 2, Advanced Symphony Orchestra Concert, WSHS
CONTEST!! Work this from a different angle. . .Editor's Corner
Apparently we don't have too many people that read this far down the newsletter or aren't interested in free stuff. -J
The below was published last week and we have had only a FEW entries, so you still have a chance to enter, or else the probability of those already entered makes their odds even BETTER. Read on for last week's "Contest" to see how easy the research is to enter the contest and even get EXTRA entries for added answers. Deadline is May 23.
Parents, students, AND teachers are welcome to enter! Let's see who is paying attention and reading the newsletter. -J
Many students, parents, and obviously math teachers will recognize the author of the two quotes below. The first 19 names sent to me (jesse@hp.com) with the correct answer will be entered to win a $10 gift card from the eatery of their choice. Entries must be received by midnight Friday, May 23, but again, it's going to be the first 19 names so you know your probability of winning would be 1-in-19. But if you wait until the deadline, it may be too late to enter. -J
Since using the Internet makes this too easy, we've made it interesting to see how well all "rules" are followed and directions thoroughly read.
The requirements for the correct answers (and they must be given in the body of your email in this order:
• Subject of email must be "Answer to WSHS Quote"
• This person's first and last names
• Name TWO of the things he was famous for
• Many of us use one of his originated inventions every day — what was that invention?
All of the words below "Editor's Corner. . ." to here are hidden clues. Add 3 of the clues above and state WHY they are clues to your "entry" and you will have an additional entry into the drawing for each correct meaning BEHIND the clue. Here are the two quotes:
"Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself."
and. . .
"Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about anything, we ought to know a little about everything."
Official WSHS News — mailed to your homes
As we approach the end of the school year, many might find the latest copy of the official WSHS Newsletter handy. For those of you that missed, or misplaced the copy that was sent to your home address of record, here is a direct link to that (currently April/May 2008 edition): http://west.salkeiz.k12.or.us/news/newsletters/titan_news_april_may08.pdf.
For the WSHS' "Master Schedule", check the link below and scroll to the month(s) you wish to view:
concert dates,
jazz festival,
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Orchestra News
Good luck to Advanced Orchestra and Symphony on Friday, May 9th. Please see the past few
emails (archived at the blog: www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com) for all the information and links.
Students have all received an itinerary - if there are any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Silberman: silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us.
Thursday, 2:40 - 4:00 p.m. ADDED SYMPHONY REHEARSAL
Friday, 12:00 noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES WSHS (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who do not want to or cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:15 p.m. ONE BUS LEAVES CORVALLIS we expect many students to have parents who come to see the groups perform and then take them home.
Reminder to all students - By Thursday's rehearsal, you should have reported to Ms. Silberman how you intend to get to and from Corvallis. If you don't plan to ride the bus both ways, Ms. Silberman must have a parent's permission. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING MONEY or FOOD FOR LUNCH/SNACK/DINNER. Students are officially excused from class at the time their bus leaves. They are expected to touch base with their teachers to pick up missed assignments.
Parents - Hope to see you in Corvallis!
Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony performs at 3:45 p.m.
Directions to the LaSells Student Center attached.
Check the blog this weekend for updates on scores. GOOD LUCK TO THE WIND ENSEMBLE ON SATURDAY!!
2) Wednesday, May 21st, the orchestras of periods 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphony Strings) will be performing at the Loucks Auditorium at the Salem Public Library at 7:00 p.m.
The dress will be professional casual: Black shirts (not too short of a sleeve), black closed toe shoes, and any of the following colored pants: beige, tan, khaki, cream, white, or brown. Suggestions for inexpensive purchase: TJ Maxx, Ross, Old Navy, Fred Meyer, Kohl's, or Target (and there's always Goodwill, too). This has been discussed at length in class - students are well aware that they need to wear something that looks nice.
3)Thursday, May 22nd, Advanced Orchestra, periods 1/2, will be performing for the parents
and students of the area's 4th and 5th grade classes at West's auditorium.
Students are welcome to wear their 'prom' formals to this concert - women may wear prom dresses, as long as they are appropriate, and they have to be able to actually play in them (for some cellists and upper string players, it may not work to have a tight or low plunged dress). If the prom dress is not going to work, any nice formal dress will do. Or women may wear their orchestra black. Men will wear their symphony tuxes.
4) The Salem Pops is playing at the Elsinore on Saturday May 10. For more information: www.salempopsorchestra.org - there are student tickets available at the door, as always.
5) Bass players - please arrange to stay after school on Wednesday, May 14th, 2:30 - 3:30, to work with Tyler Abbot - adjunct professor of classical and jazz bass at U of O.
6) All students who have received State tshirts or who have ordered sweatshirts, please remember to bring your money (if you're not using money from your student account) to Ms. Silberman this next week. Checks payable to WSHS Music Boosters.
7) We will be selling "Titan Music" water bottles. These are hard plastic (the non-outgassing type) with a screw top. THEY CANNOT GO IN THE DISHWASHER. They have a music quote on one side: You Are The Music While The Music Lasts ~T.S. Eliot. They will be available starting next week. $5 - payable to WSHS Music Boosters.
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
emails (archived at the blog: www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com) for all the information and links.
Students have all received an itinerary - if there are any questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Silberman: silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us.
Thursday, 2:40 - 4:00 p.m. ADDED SYMPHONY REHEARSAL
Friday, 12:00 noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES WSHS (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who do not want to or cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:15 p.m. ONE BUS LEAVES CORVALLIS we expect many students to have parents who come to see the groups perform and then take them home.
Reminder to all students - By Thursday's rehearsal, you should have reported to Ms. Silberman how you intend to get to and from Corvallis. If you don't plan to ride the bus both ways, Ms. Silberman must have a parent's permission. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BRING MONEY or FOOD FOR LUNCH/SNACK/DINNER. Students are officially excused from class at the time their bus leaves. They are expected to touch base with their teachers to pick up missed assignments.
Parents - Hope to see you in Corvallis!
Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony performs at 3:45 p.m.
Directions to the LaSells Student Center attached.
Check the blog this weekend for updates on scores. GOOD LUCK TO THE WIND ENSEMBLE ON SATURDAY!!
2) Wednesday, May 21st, the orchestras of periods 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, and Symphony Strings) will be performing at the Loucks Auditorium at the Salem Public Library at 7:00 p.m.
The dress will be professional casual: Black shirts (not too short of a sleeve), black closed toe shoes, and any of the following colored pants: beige, tan, khaki, cream, white, or brown. Suggestions for inexpensive purchase: TJ Maxx, Ross, Old Navy, Fred Meyer, Kohl's, or Target (and there's always Goodwill, too). This has been discussed at length in class - students are well aware that they need to wear something that looks nice.
3)Thursday, May 22nd, Advanced Orchestra, periods 1/2, will be performing for the parents
and students of the area's 4th and 5th grade classes at West's auditorium.
Students are welcome to wear their 'prom' formals to this concert - women may wear prom dresses, as long as they are appropriate, and they have to be able to actually play in them (for some cellists and upper string players, it may not work to have a tight or low plunged dress). If the prom dress is not going to work, any nice formal dress will do. Or women may wear their orchestra black. Men will wear their symphony tuxes.
4) The Salem Pops is playing at the Elsinore on Saturday May 10. For more information: www.salempopsorchestra.org - there are student tickets available at the door, as always.
5) Bass players - please arrange to stay after school on Wednesday, May 14th, 2:30 - 3:30, to work with Tyler Abbot - adjunct professor of classical and jazz bass at U of O.
6) All students who have received State tshirts or who have ordered sweatshirts, please remember to bring your money (if you're not using money from your student account) to Ms. Silberman this next week. Checks payable to WSHS Music Boosters.
7) We will be selling "Titan Music" water bottles. These are hard plastic (the non-outgassing type) with a screw top. THEY CANNOT GO IN THE DISHWASHER. They have a music quote on one side: You Are The Music While The Music Lasts ~T.S. Eliot. They will be available starting next week. $5 - payable to WSHS Music Boosters.
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
concert dates,
wind ensemble
Band Newsletter #37
Symphony, Orchestra, & Wind Ensemble—Competitions on May 9th & 10th
(Contributors: Daryl Silberman, Jenny Gates, Jesse Seeley, Patricia Nielsen)
Specific to Symphony & Orchestra:
Friday, May 9th, noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m. Friday’s performance order/schedule (all schools):
Reminder to all students - If you will not be taking the bus at all (if you will be driving or driven), you need to turn in a signed note from a parent to Ms. Silberman or Dr. Nail.
Parents - We look forward to seeing you in Corvallis! Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m., and Advanced Symphony at 3:45 p.m. Directions from WSHS and map link area surrounding the LaSells Stewart Center at OSU is in the attached message (“Orchestra News”). More information can be viewed at http://www.osaa.org/band/default.asp (prices, spectator information, performance order, and more).
Specific to Wind Ensemble:
For Students: Please refer to the attachment “Wind Ensemble State Contest Itinerary” (in two formats in case you don’t have MS Word). In it you’ll find specific directions for call times and other instructions from Dr. Nail.
For Parents: West Salem performs at 7:00 p.m. at this event with the “Award Ceremony” starting approximately at 9:00 p.m. Saturday’s “6A Performance Order” for Orchestra (all schools): http://www.osaa.org/band/2008/6APerformanceOrder.pdf .
Reminder: Tryouts for Marching Band “Battery”
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Mr. G, edits by Jesse Seeley)
Most of you got “the word” on this already, but will repeat it again this last time to assure nobody is left out of the communications loop. The next tryout will be May 14th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Send any questions to one of the Music Directors or ask them directly at school.
Reminder: Wind Ensemble “State t-shirts”
(Contributor: KC Urbani)
As a reminder: Attention Wind Ensemble Students and Parents. Most of the students on Wind Ensemble ordered a t-shirt, so if you, or your son/daughter ordered a shirt (being made for taking “state”) please remember to pay KC Urbani $8 before May 19th when we will be getting the shirts. Not all have paid to-date and we need all hands to come forward that still need to pay. They will be in by May 9th and we need to make final payment in order to pick up the shirts and we are short several students/parents payments. Please contact KC Urbani directly with any questions at: helloimcasey@yahoo.com Thanks so much!
“Looking Forward” Remainder of April & May Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
The below table of “Looking Forward” has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008 and a newly added concert for Advanced Symphony for June 2nd.
Editor’s Corner: Quote of the Week—CONTEST!
Since using the Internet makes this too easy, we’ve made it interesting to see how well all “rules” are followed and directions thoroughly read.
The requirements for the correct answers (and they must be given in the body of your email in this order:
“Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself.”
And. . .
“Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about anything, we ought to know a little about everything.”
(Contributors: Daryl Silberman, Jenny Gates, Jesse Seeley, Patricia Nielsen)
While some may have already received it from their distribution list, it is included herein as there are some on THIS distribution that may also need to see it. If it is duplicated, please accept my apologies, but duplication is much better than nullification. JPlease see the attached message entitled “Orchestra News” – it includes important and up-to-the minute information on bus schedules for the state competition on Friday, May 9th. I’ve excerpted many of the important details from the attached Orchestra News sent last evening (Wednesday, May 7th) and included it below. Many thanks to Director Silberman and also Jenny Gates for their very informative newsletters!
Specific to Symphony & Orchestra:
Friday, May 9th, noon SYMPHONY BUS LEAVES (AP students will of course be expected to finish their test and then come to the band room). Any students who cannot make the 12:00 noon bus will have to get themselves to Corvallis - to arrive no later than 3:00 p.m.- please contact Dr. Nail or Ms. Silberman to turn in a signed note from a parent and to arrange a meeting place at 3:00 p.m. Friday’s performance order/schedule (all schools):
Reminder to all students - If you will not be taking the bus at all (if you will be driving or driven), you need to turn in a signed note from a parent to Ms. Silberman or Dr. Nail.
Parents - We look forward to seeing you in Corvallis! Advanced Orchestra performs at 10:50 a.m., and Advanced Symphony at 3:45 p.m. Directions from WSHS and map link area surrounding the LaSells Stewart Center at OSU is in the attached message (“Orchestra News”). More information can be viewed at http://www.osaa.org/band/default.asp (prices, spectator information, performance order, and more).
Specific to Wind Ensemble:
For Students: Please refer to the attachment “Wind Ensemble State Contest Itinerary” (in two formats in case you don’t have MS Word). In it you’ll find specific directions for call times and other instructions from Dr. Nail.
For Parents: West Salem performs at 7:00 p.m. at this event with the “Award Ceremony” starting approximately at 9:00 p.m. Saturday’s “6A Performance Order” for Orchestra (all schools): http://www.osaa.org/band/2008/6APerformanceOrder.pdf .
Reminder: Tryouts for Marching Band “Battery”
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Mr. G, edits by Jesse Seeley)
Most of you got “the word” on this already, but will repeat it again this last time to assure nobody is left out of the communications loop. The next tryout will be May 14th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Send any questions to one of the Music Directors or ask them directly at school.
Reminder: Wind Ensemble “State t-shirts”
(Contributor: KC Urbani)
As a reminder: Attention Wind Ensemble Students and Parents. Most of the students on Wind Ensemble ordered a t-shirt, so if you, or your son/daughter ordered a shirt (being made for taking “state”) please remember to pay KC Urbani $8 before May 19th when we will be getting the shirts. Not all have paid to-date and we need all hands to come forward that still need to pay. They will be in by May 9th and we need to make final payment in order to pick up the shirts and we are short several students/parents payments. Please contact KC Urbani directly with any questions at: helloimcasey@yahoo.com Thanks so much!
“Looking Forward” Remainder of April & May Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
The below table of “Looking Forward” has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008 and a newly added concert for Advanced Symphony for June 2nd.
- May 8, 2008, Symphony, Added Rehearsal, W.S.H.S., 2:40 p.m./4:00 p.m., From “Orchestra Newsletter”
- May 9th, 2008, Symphony/Orchestra, OSAA State Contest, LaSell Stewart Center at OSU, See first article in this newsletter
- May 10th, 2008, Wind Ensemble, OSAA State Contest, LaSell Stewart Center at OSU, Call times still TBA, “Show time” is at 7:00 p.m.
- May 17th, 2008, Titan Band/Colorguard, Iris Festival & Parade, Keizer, TBA
- May 22nd, 2008, ALL, Spring Awards, W.S.H.S., TBA, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
- May 23rd, 2008, Jazz Lab II, Studio Recording Session, TBA, TBA, See director
- May 24th, 2008, Jazz Lab I, Studio Recording Session, TBA, TBA, See director
- May 29th, 2008, ALL, Spring Concert, W.S.H.S., TBA, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
- May 30th, 2008, Jazz Labs—ALL, Jazz Night, W.S.H.S., TBA, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
- June 2nd, 2008, Adv Symphony, Orchestra Concert, W.S.H.S., TBA
Editor’s Corner: Quote of the Week—CONTEST!
Parents, students, AND teachers are welcome to enter!!!! Let’s see who is paying attention and reading the newsletter JMany students, parents, and obviously math teachers will recognize the author of the two quotes below. The first 19 names sent to me (jesse@hp.com) with the correct answer will be entered to win a $10 gift card from the eatery of their choice. Entries must be received by midnight Friday, May 23rd, but again, it’s going to be the first 19 names so you know your probability of winning would be 1-in-19. But if you wait until the deadline, it may be too late to enter J.
Since using the Internet makes this too easy, we’ve made it interesting to see how well all “rules” are followed and directions thoroughly read.
The requirements for the correct answers (and they must be given in the body of your email in this order:
- Subject of email must be “Answer to WSHS Quote”
- This person’s first and last names
- Name TWO of the things he was famous for
- Many of us use one of his originated inventions everyday—what was that invention?
“Do you wish people to think well of you? Don't speak well of yourself.”
And. . .
“Since we cannot know all that there is to be known about anything, we ought to know a little about everything.”
Friday, May 2, 2008
Orchestra News
1) Friday, May 9th, Advanced Orchestra and Advanced Symphony students will be competing in Corvallis at the State competition. The bus times are as follows:
1 (One) bus will leave Corvallis at 9:15pm - we expect many students to have parents who come to see the groups perform and then take them home. Students will be expected to touch base with their teachers to pick up assignments to do over the weekend. They will be officially excused from classes after their bus has left.
See last week's newsletter (on the blog - www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com) for the full information about times and schedules of performances. All performers will receive a detailed itinerary of the day.
Best of luck to all the wonderful Titan Musicians performing at State this next week - Choir, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra and Symphony.
2) Here are the important May dates for the Titan Orchestra program:
Wednesday, May 21 - Period 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) will perform at 7pm at the Loucks Auditorium at the downtown Salem Public Library. Call time will be 6pm
Thursday, May 22 - "West Area Orchestra Festival" involved only Advanced Orchestra members (and the area's 4th and 5th grade orchestra students). Concert is at 7pm, call time will probably be 6:40pm.
Advanced Symphony will meet every Tuesday and Friday this month, including the Friday before Memorial Day - we will be learning new repertoire for the June 2nd performance and it's just not ok for anyone to miss rehearsals unless they've discussed it with the directors - it is a full credit, graded course (just a reminder). Thanks!
3) Salem Youth Symphony performs their final concert of the year Sunday, May 4th, 3:00 pm
at Smith Auditorium on the Willamette campus. For more information: www.salemyouthsymphony.org.
This is a great review possibility - and we have a number of Titan Musicians playing in the SYS. Come enjoy some of the Planets from Gustav Holst!
Happy Musical May!
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
- Advanced Orchestra members will leave at 9am
- Advanced Symphony members will leave at 12pm (noon)
If possible, we would love your support at OSU!
Friday, May 9th
Advanced Orchestra - 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony - 3:45 p.m.
Friday, May 9th
Advanced Orchestra - 10:50 a.m.
Advanced Symphony - 3:45 p.m.
1 (One) bus will leave Corvallis at 9:15pm - we expect many students to have parents who come to see the groups perform and then take them home. Students will be expected to touch base with their teachers to pick up assignments to do over the weekend. They will be officially excused from classes after their bus has left.
See last week's newsletter (on the blog - www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com) for the full information about times and schedules of performances. All performers will receive a detailed itinerary of the day.
Best of luck to all the wonderful Titan Musicians performing at State this next week - Choir, Wind Ensemble, Orchestra and Symphony.
2) Here are the important May dates for the Titan Orchestra program:
Wednesday, May 21 - Period 5,6, and 7 (String Ensemble, Orchestra, Symphony Strings) will perform at 7pm at the Loucks Auditorium at the downtown Salem Public Library. Call time will be 6pm
Thursday, May 22 - "West Area Orchestra Festival" involved only Advanced Orchestra members (and the area's 4th and 5th grade orchestra students). Concert is at 7pm, call time will probably be 6:40pm.
Advanced Symphony will meet every Tuesday and Friday this month, including the Friday before Memorial Day - we will be learning new repertoire for the June 2nd performance and it's just not ok for anyone to miss rehearsals unless they've discussed it with the directors - it is a full credit, graded course (just a reminder). Thanks!
3) Salem Youth Symphony performs their final concert of the year Sunday, May 4th, 3:00 pm
at Smith Auditorium on the Willamette campus. For more information: www.salemyouthsymphony.org.
This is a great review possibility - and we have a number of Titan Musicians playing in the SYS. Come enjoy some of the Planets from Gustav Holst!
Happy Musical May!
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Band Newsletter #36
Wind Ensemble & Symphony Concert Tonight (May 1st, 2008)
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
It’s been on the calendar for some time now, so most already know so this is short and to the point on this one folks: Tonight’s performance starts at 7:00 p.m. with musicians’ call time @ 6:45 p.m.
Tryouts for “Color Guard”
(Contributor: Jen Freeman, Color Guard head coach)
‘Just wanted to keep everyone updated on the Color Guard side of the band. If you know other students, besides people already in the group, who you think might enjoyed being in, or missed out on the 2008 West Salem Color Guard you should tell them to come to the upcoming tryouts! They are in just a couple of days and are going to be:
Questions? Please contact Jen Freeman at: jfreemanj@hotmail.com
Upcoming (and missed?) Tryouts for Marching Band “Battery”
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Mr. G, edits by Jesse Seeley)
Most of you got “the word” on this already, but will repeat it again to assure nobody is left out of the communications loop. We sent a “special bulletin” on late Tuesday evening in hopes those that didn’t hear about the first “tryout” for the 2008-2009 Marching Band “battery” had ample time. The first one was Wednesday, April 30, 2008. If you missed it, ‘not to fret; the next tryout will be May 14th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Send any questions to one of the Music Directors or ask them directly at school.
Wind Ensemble “State t-shirts”
(Contributor: KC Urbani)
As a reminder: Attention Wind Ensemble Students and Parents. Most of the students on Wind Ensemble ordered a t-shirt, so if you, or your son/daughter ordered a shirt (being made for taking “state”) please remember to pay KC Urbani $8 before May 19th when we will be getting the shirts. Not all have paid to-date and we need all hands to come forward that still need to pay. They will be in by May 19th and we need to make final payment in order to pick up the shirts and we are short several students/parents payments. Please contact KC Urbani directly with any questions at: helloimcasey@yahoo.com Thanks so much!
One last broadcast scheduled for “Orchestra Festival”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
May 7th is the last scheduled broadcast on CCTV (Channel 22 on Comcast) and below is the link to the show time. Check out these links for the dates and times that feature the “String and Chamber Orchestra” and the “Symphony Orchestra”:
Salem Invitational Orchestra Festival or http://hexi.com/cctv/schedule.php3?keyword=Salem%20Invitational%20Orchestra%20Festival
Contact CCTV if you have any other questions about this televised schedule. Their contact website is: http://www.cctvsalem.org/about/contact-info.php or if you prefer to order a DVD, VHS, or CD of the performance, take a look here: http://www.cctvsalem.org/store/osaa/osaa.php -- they could no doubt use your support. They do an outstanding job year-after-year!!! Thank you CCTV Crew!
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Okay, now that I’ve got your attention, we have upped the “Classified” Ad to “Top Secret” in hopes everyone reads, or at least is drawn to this section. The below is a very important job that we still need filled. The editor has not heard that this job has been filled. Please do contact Kami Hettwer as instructed below. . . this job might actually be one of those that can be filled “by committee” and more than one person to take on the task. Please consider stepping up to help.
Please send your “application” (email of your possible interest J) to Kami Hettwer at mkhett@aol.com
HELP STILL NEEDED/WANTED: A fun, energetic, resourceful, or entrepreneurial person (you only need to pick one J ) to act as the upcoming “Fundraiser Coordinator” for the band program. We need someone to oversee and manage the fundraisers. The role would not be in charge of each fundraiser, but more of a “delegator” to assign the other volunteers that step forward at each of the announced events. Other responsibilities would include scheduling/tracking/spacing the fundraising efforts so there is a good balance and not have too many too close to each other, spacing them throughout the year so that everyone and every group or need will be able to participate. This volunteer position GUARANTEES a 100% pay increase every year J and provides rewards too numerous to list here.
“Looking Forward” Remainder of April & May Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
The below table of “Looking Forward” has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008 and a newly added concert for Advanced Symphony for June 2nd.
Editor’s Corner: Quote of the Week
This week’s quote is especially for those that contribute unselfishly to the daily lives of the students. Namely the teachers (especially), parents, and yes, even some of the older students and siblings. This one is with you in mind or to think about for the future on how important these words REALLY are:
~ Forest E. Witcraft quotes (an American Scholar, Teacher and Scout Leader, 1894-1967) ~
(Contributor: Mr. Griffiths)
It’s been on the calendar for some time now, so most already know so this is short and to the point on this one folks: Tonight’s performance starts at 7:00 p.m. with musicians’ call time @ 6:45 p.m.
Tryouts for “Color Guard”
(Contributor: Jen Freeman, Color Guard head coach)
‘Just wanted to keep everyone updated on the Color Guard side of the band. If you know other students, besides people already in the group, who you think might enjoyed being in, or missed out on the 2008 West Salem Color Guard you should tell them to come to the upcoming tryouts! They are in just a couple of days and are going to be:
- When: Tuesday & Wednesday, May 6 & 7, 2008
- Time: from 3-5:00 p.m.
- Where: West Salem HS Main Gym
Questions? Please contact Jen Freeman at: jfreemanj@hotmail.com
Upcoming (and missed?) Tryouts for Marching Band “Battery”
(Contributor: Alan Keown, Mr. G, edits by Jesse Seeley)
Most of you got “the word” on this already, but will repeat it again to assure nobody is left out of the communications loop. We sent a “special bulletin” on late Tuesday evening in hopes those that didn’t hear about the first “tryout” for the 2008-2009 Marching Band “battery” had ample time. The first one was Wednesday, April 30, 2008. If you missed it, ‘not to fret; the next tryout will be May 14th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Send any questions to one of the Music Directors or ask them directly at school.
Wind Ensemble “State t-shirts”
(Contributor: KC Urbani)
As a reminder: Attention Wind Ensemble Students and Parents. Most of the students on Wind Ensemble ordered a t-shirt, so if you, or your son/daughter ordered a shirt (being made for taking “state”) please remember to pay KC Urbani $8 before May 19th when we will be getting the shirts. Not all have paid to-date and we need all hands to come forward that still need to pay. They will be in by May 19th and we need to make final payment in order to pick up the shirts and we are short several students/parents payments. Please contact KC Urbani directly with any questions at: helloimcasey@yahoo.com Thanks so much!
One last broadcast scheduled for “Orchestra Festival”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
May 7th is the last scheduled broadcast on CCTV (Channel 22 on Comcast) and below is the link to the show time. Check out these links for the dates and times that feature the “String and Chamber Orchestra” and the “Symphony Orchestra”:
Salem Invitational Orchestra Festival or http://hexi.com/cctv/schedule.php3?keyword=Salem%20Invitational%20Orchestra%20Festival
Contact CCTV if you have any other questions about this televised schedule. Their contact website is: http://www.cctvsalem.org/about/contact-info.php or if you prefer to order a DVD, VHS, or CD of the performance, take a look here: http://www.cctvsalem.org/store/osaa/osaa.php -- they could no doubt use your support. They do an outstanding job year-after-year!!! Thank you CCTV Crew!
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Okay, now that I’ve got your attention, we have upped the “Classified” Ad to “Top Secret” in hopes everyone reads, or at least is drawn to this section. The below is a very important job that we still need filled. The editor has not heard that this job has been filled. Please do contact Kami Hettwer as instructed below. . . this job might actually be one of those that can be filled “by committee” and more than one person to take on the task. Please consider stepping up to help.
Please send your “application” (email of your possible interest J) to Kami Hettwer at mkhett@aol.com
HELP STILL NEEDED/WANTED: A fun, energetic, resourceful, or entrepreneurial person (you only need to pick one J ) to act as the upcoming “Fundraiser Coordinator” for the band program. We need someone to oversee and manage the fundraisers. The role would not be in charge of each fundraiser, but more of a “delegator” to assign the other volunteers that step forward at each of the announced events. Other responsibilities would include scheduling/tracking/spacing the fundraising efforts so there is a good balance and not have too many too close to each other, spacing them throughout the year so that everyone and every group or need will be able to participate. This volunteer position GUARANTEES a 100% pay increase every year J and provides rewards too numerous to list here.
“Looking Forward” Remainder of April & May Schedule
(Contributor: Band Directors, Newsletter Editor)
The below table of “Looking Forward” has been updated to include activities that go up to the end of May, 2008 and a newly added concert for Advanced Symphony for June 2nd.
- May 9th, 2008, Symphony/Orchestra, OSAA State Contest, LaSell Stewart Center at OSU
- May 10th, 2008, Wind Ensemble, OSAA State Contest, LaSell Stewart Center at OSU, Call times still TBA, “Show time” is at 7:00 p.m.
- May 17th, 2008, Titan Band/Colorguard, Iris Festival & Parade, Keizer, TBA
- May 22nd, 2008, ALL, Spring Awards, W.S.H.S., TBA, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
- May 23rd, 2008, Jazz Lab II, Studio Recording Session, TBA, TBA, See director
- May 24th, 2008, Jazz Lab I, Studio Recording Session, TBA, TBA, See director
- May 29th, 2008, ALL, Spring Concert, W.S.H.S., TBA, 6:00-9:00 p.m.
- May 30th, 2008, Jazz Labs—ALL, Jazz Night, W.S.H.S., TBA, 6:00-10:00 p.m.
- June 2nd, 2008, Adv Symphony, Orchestra Concert, W.S.H.S., TBA
Editor’s Corner: Quote of the Week
This week’s quote is especially for those that contribute unselfishly to the daily lives of the students. Namely the teachers (especially), parents, and yes, even some of the older students and siblings. This one is with you in mind or to think about for the future on how important these words REALLY are:
“A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child."
- Inspirational story about other kids helping another — and if you’re a “kid” who thinks you can’t be “important in the life of a child”, you all must watch this video. Many of you have probably already seen the story as it happened in our “own back yard” where Dr. Nail teaches in his “other teaching life” at Western Oregon University. It was actually an “away” game, but a touching story about “winning isn’t the only thing”. To see a video of the KATU report click here: Opposing "Teamwork" or to read the entire details behind it, click here: Full Story
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