1) Thank you to all students, parents, families and friends for attending the Fall Orchestra concert. Anyone interested in a very non-professional video of the concert is welcome to bring a CDR to Ms. Silberman who will burn them a copy. Huge thank you to the parents who helped out before, during, and after the concert - your help is so valuable and appreciated!
2) Salem Chamber Orchestra is playing Saturday night and Sunday afternoon - a special concert 'side-by-side' with the Salem Youth Symphony strings. Information can be found at www.salemchamberorchestra.org - student tickets are $5, as always. Remember, students need to turn in 2 concert reviews per semester - and very few students, to date, have turned in a review. Students also receive extra credit points for attending SCO and Oregon Symphony concerts.
3) Another great concert-going opportunity: The Grace Goudy Distinguished Artists Series will present the St. Lawrence String Quartet with clarinetist Todd Palmer on Monday, Nov. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in Hudson Hall at Willamette University. The quartet will present a master class for strings Tuesday, Nov. 6, from 11:30-2:30 p.m. The class is free and will be in Hudson Hall on the Willamette campus.
Any student in my String Ensemble or Symphony Strings class would be easily 'excused' from my class if they were to attend the free master class. Students could review this masterclass for review credit and apply for 'extra credit' upon showing proof of attending the masterclass. The Monday evening concert will be great - the Grosse Fuge is one of my favorite Beethoven string quartets!
The quartet has inspired audiences across the globe with recent tours of North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Their recordings have garnered critical acclaim, drawing Grammy nominations and winning Canada's Juno Award and Germany's Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik.
Tickets for the concert are $20 for adults and $12 for students and seniors, and are available at the Pentacle Theatre Ticket Office in Salem at 145 Liberty Street NE, Suite 102. Tickets can be charged over the phone by calling (503) 485-4300, and are subject to a service charge. For information call the Willamette University Music Department at (503) 370-6255.
4) CALLING ALL PARENTS! Please come to the next Orchestra Boosters meeting in the Orchestra room on Tuesday, November 6th, 6:30 p.m. We will be discussing finances, fundraising, retreat organization, future concert dates, and more. E-mail Jenny Gates with other suggested agenda items.
5) This is the last weekend for Entertainment book sales. Unsold books and payments for sold books need to be turned in by October 30th. Contact Linda Beardsley at 503-399-6443 or lindab4858@comcast.net with questions.
6) West Salem High School's annual Titan Auction is Saturday, November 17th. We have two tables reserved for any Orchestra parents/boosters who would like to sit together. A whole table qualifies us for 100% instead of 50% of the selling price of an Orchestra-donated auction item. If you would like to be at one of these tables, please do not buy your own tickets. You'll pay for tickets being held. Tickets are $30 each, regardless of where you sit, and are otherwise available from Susan Tolley, at Today's Hair, or at the front desk at school. Do you have an appealing item or service to donate? Contact Jenny Gates. The deadline for big-ticket oral auction items is November 2nd. The deadline for silent auction items is November 14th. Donation forms, more details, etc. are available - please ask. The theme for the evening is "007" and decorations will be casino-oriented.
7) Ms. Silberman posted new links to music for the holiday concert for students on the blog (www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com) - please navigate to the blog for information.
8) Poinsettia order deadline is Monday, Oct, 29!
The deadline for poinsettia orders/money is October 29th. The profit to student accounts can't be figured until the sale is complete, but in years' past has been about $6-7 per poinsettia and about $9 per wreath. Put orders and payments in the orchestra lock box.
The deadline for wreath orders/money is November 8th.
Pick-up for all items is November 30th/December 1st.
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
Friday, October 26, 2007
Band Newsletter #10
Pre-Competition Practice—Friday, 26 October 2007
(Contributors: Brian Griffiths and Vickie Tuttle)
Students will be rehearsing from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. PLAN ON LOADING TRUCKS AT 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT! If all chip in, chances are all equipment and vehicles will be loaded in 1-to-2 hours.
Competition Saturday--Evergreen McKenzie Classic
(Contributors: Brian Griffiths, Vickie Tuttle)
Call time details (includes practice at WSHS and at competition site) – students
Saturday, Oct. 27: Student Schedule
8:00 Call time. Check in and move to stadium
8:15 Visual Warm-up - guard with practice flags
9:45 Break Rehearsal/ Buses arrive
10:00 Load Buses
10:15 Depart for Vancouver * Percussion and Guard on Bus #1. Percussion will change on bus (lunch on buses).
12:15 Arrive Evergreen HS (plus/minus) depending on traffic and roadwork
12:30 Change into uniforms. Percussion depart for warm-up
1:00 Winds leave for warm up area
1:15 Warm Up * Visual and Music (Plume Shakos/Beret- before moving to gate) Allows parents time to get to stadium
2:20 Pit moves to Gate
2:40 At Gate
2:50 Preliminary Performance
4:00 Awards (time slots for finals will be known shortly after this)
TBD Dinner
TBD Warm-ups prior to Finals performance
5:15 Finals begin
TBD Finals Performance
10:00 Pack up to leave
11:30 Arrive back at West Salem HS, unload, de-brief
Note: Our evening schedule, including dinner time, changing, warm-up, performance, and loading, will depend on our placement in Prelims. All times are approximate.
Evergreen Info Details – Parents and Friends
Evergreen has a very strict policy on passes. So parents need to expect to pay execpt for designated staff and pit parents. Ticket prices are good for the entire day. All seating is general admission:
Adults: $10
Students and Seniors: $5
Children under 6: Free
The Evergreen H.S. Band Boosters will run all food concessions for the show. The concession stands will be open for the entire event. Tobacco and alcohol are prohibited on any part of the Evergreen Campus. Go to: Google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?tab=wl, enter address: 14300 NE 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98684 (proper address for Evergreen High School). Below are directions lifted from the map for immediate gratification. J
The directions to the Evergreen HS event site:
1. Take I-5 to I-205 North, follow across Columbia River into Washington
2. Take Mill Plain Road East (to right)
a Take Mill Plain Road to 136th Ave.
b Follow 136th Ave (it eventually becomes 138th Ave), go past 18th Street (stop sign at 18th St.)
c Proceed down the hill—Mckenzie Stadium is on the right hand side
Note from Chef Mary on Meal Planning
(Contributor: Mary Eastridge, Vickie Tuttle)
To celebrate hopefully some fantastic weather this weekend, our resident Chef's Jim and Mary Eastridge have decided to have an old fashion Western BBQ with Grilled Burgers. Since Halloween is coming she thought it would be fun to adorn ourselves in Western Hats and Scarves. So…if you feel inclined and have the get-up or hats, please spread the words to parents and volunteers to wear their Cowboy Best for the day or at least the dinner hour! It will be fun to get everybody in the spirit and have a great evening
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)

Lined up and ready to go at last week’s victory performance at the PCI! To view this picture and MANY more, Joe Gottsch’s Web site at WestSidePhoto.net. Visiting is FREE! Why not purchase your favorite one from the site to say Thanks Joe. The price is right! SPECIAL OFFER: Provide Jesse Seeley a receipt of any pictures purchased on Joe’s site, and you will get a free CD of the video of the PCI Performance (mentioned in the below article on the video).
Link to Video of last Week’s PCI Preliminary Performance
(Contributor: Jim McKinnel and Kevin Beckstrom)
At last week’s PCI Preliminary Performance there was a couple of good recordings made. Thanks to the efforts of parent Jim McKinnel, he has successfully transferred this to a QuickTime format movie. The sound is actually very good—not sure how he got it that way, but you can hear a sample of what is to come at this weekend’s performance. Thanks to the efforts of our very own Web master Kevin Beckstrom, he has placed this on the WSHS Music Booster website. As most of you should know the Titan Music website is: http://homepage.mac.com/titanmusic/ -- look toward the bottom for NEW MOV file of West's performance at PCI. It's a large file (13 Mbytes), so it may take some time to download if you are viewing it over the Internet. But as a fundraiser for the Band Boosters, Jesse will personally make you a CD of the video for your own PC. Send e-mail to Jesse@hp.com with the subject line WSHS PCI CD. I will have them available shortly after your request, so I can have them available as soon as the next day. Contribute what you want ($5?) to and give the check to one of the co-chairs (Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle) or if you know me, give it to me. Make checks out to WSHS Band Boosters. The video is much better detail off of the CD, so think donating and getting something in return.
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the Calendar of Events
10/27 McKenzie Classic, Evergreen HS, Vancouver, WA – All Day
11/03 Circuit Championships. OSU, Corvallis – All Day
10/14 Fall Band Awards, WSHS Commons – 7 – 9 p.m.
Wreath and Poinsettia Sale
(Contributed by Sheila Muller)
This is a reminder that the poinsettia portion of the wreath sale due date is Monday. Please have all orders and money in by Monday.
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the Editor of this Newsletter J)
“Success is one thing you can't pay cash for. You've got to buy it on the installment plan and make payments every day.”
Author Unknown
(Contributors: Brian Griffiths and Vickie Tuttle)
Students will be rehearsing from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. PLAN ON LOADING TRUCKS AT 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT! If all chip in, chances are all equipment and vehicles will be loaded in 1-to-2 hours.
Competition Saturday--Evergreen McKenzie Classic
(Contributors: Brian Griffiths, Vickie Tuttle)
Call time details (includes practice at WSHS and at competition site) – students
Saturday, Oct. 27: Student Schedule
8:00 Call time. Check in and move to stadium
8:15 Visual Warm-up - guard with practice flags
9:45 Break Rehearsal/ Buses arrive
10:00 Load Buses
10:15 Depart for Vancouver * Percussion and Guard on Bus #1. Percussion will change on bus (lunch on buses).
12:15 Arrive Evergreen HS (plus/minus) depending on traffic and roadwork
12:30 Change into uniforms. Percussion depart for warm-up
1:00 Winds leave for warm up area
1:15 Warm Up * Visual and Music (Plume Shakos/Beret- before moving to gate) Allows parents time to get to stadium
2:20 Pit moves to Gate
2:40 At Gate
2:50 Preliminary Performance
4:00 Awards (time slots for finals will be known shortly after this)
TBD Dinner
TBD Warm-ups prior to Finals performance
5:15 Finals begin
TBD Finals Performance
10:00 Pack up to leave
11:30 Arrive back at West Salem HS, unload, de-brief
Note: Our evening schedule, including dinner time, changing, warm-up, performance, and loading, will depend on our placement in Prelims. All times are approximate.
Evergreen Info Details – Parents and Friends
Evergreen has a very strict policy on passes. So parents need to expect to pay execpt for designated staff and pit parents. Ticket prices are good for the entire day. All seating is general admission:
Adults: $10
Students and Seniors: $5
Children under 6: Free
The Evergreen H.S. Band Boosters will run all food concessions for the show. The concession stands will be open for the entire event. Tobacco and alcohol are prohibited on any part of the Evergreen Campus. Go to: Google maps: http://maps.google.com/maps?tab=wl, enter address: 14300 NE 18th St, Vancouver, WA 98684 (proper address for Evergreen High School). Below are directions lifted from the map for immediate gratification. J
The directions to the Evergreen HS event site:
1. Take I-5 to I-205 North, follow across Columbia River into Washington
2. Take Mill Plain Road East (to right)
a Take Mill Plain Road to 136th Ave.
b Follow 136th Ave (it eventually becomes 138th Ave), go past 18th Street (stop sign at 18th St.)
c Proceed down the hill—Mckenzie Stadium is on the right hand side
Note from Chef Mary on Meal Planning
(Contributor: Mary Eastridge, Vickie Tuttle)
To celebrate hopefully some fantastic weather this weekend, our resident Chef's Jim and Mary Eastridge have decided to have an old fashion Western BBQ with Grilled Burgers. Since Halloween is coming she thought it would be fun to adorn ourselves in Western Hats and Scarves. So…if you feel inclined and have the get-up or hats, please spread the words to parents and volunteers to wear their Cowboy Best for the day or at least the dinner hour! It will be fun to get everybody in the spirit and have a great evening
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)

Lined up and ready to go at last week’s victory performance at the PCI! To view this picture and MANY more, Joe Gottsch’s Web site at WestSidePhoto.net. Visiting is FREE! Why not purchase your favorite one from the site to say Thanks Joe. The price is right! SPECIAL OFFER: Provide Jesse Seeley a receipt of any pictures purchased on Joe’s site, and you will get a free CD of the video of the PCI Performance (mentioned in the below article on the video).
Link to Video of last Week’s PCI Preliminary Performance
(Contributor: Jim McKinnel and Kevin Beckstrom)
At last week’s PCI Preliminary Performance there was a couple of good recordings made. Thanks to the efforts of parent Jim McKinnel, he has successfully transferred this to a QuickTime format movie. The sound is actually very good—not sure how he got it that way, but you can hear a sample of what is to come at this weekend’s performance. Thanks to the efforts of our very own Web master Kevin Beckstrom, he has placed this on the WSHS Music Booster website. As most of you should know the Titan Music website is: http://homepage.mac.com/titanmusic/ -- look toward the bottom for NEW MOV file of West's performance at PCI. It's a large file (13 Mbytes), so it may take some time to download if you are viewing it over the Internet. But as a fundraiser for the Band Boosters, Jesse will personally make you a CD of the video for your own PC. Send e-mail to Jesse@hp.com with the subject line WSHS PCI CD. I will have them available shortly after your request, so I can have them available as soon as the next day. Contribute what you want ($5?) to and give the check to one of the co-chairs (Kami Hettwer or Vickie Tuttle) or if you know me, give it to me. Make checks out to WSHS Band Boosters. The video is much better detail off of the CD, so think donating and getting something in return.
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the Calendar of Events
10/27 McKenzie Classic, Evergreen HS, Vancouver, WA – All Day
11/03 Circuit Championships. OSU, Corvallis – All Day
10/14 Fall Band Awards, WSHS Commons – 7 – 9 p.m.
Wreath and Poinsettia Sale
(Contributed by Sheila Muller)
This is a reminder that the poinsettia portion of the wreath sale due date is Monday. Please have all orders and money in by Monday.
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the Editor of this Newsletter J)
“Success is one thing you can't pay cash for. You've got to buy it on the installment plan and make payments every day.”
Author Unknown
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Choir News
Many thanks to all of you for attending and supporting our concert last night! I was very proud of the students and delighted with where we are for October!
If you're wondering why some of the Titan Choir and Chorale students were switching robes, it is because we do not have enough correctly sized robes. We have many that are too short or too long. We are working on resolving the issue so as not to add stress before the concert! Many thanks to Aaron Hukari, Concert Choir senior, for his many hours of work on getting robes organized and checked out.
Wednesday, November 14 at 7:00 p.m. is the Elementary Honor Choir concert. Chorale and Concert Choir will sing on this concert along with Walker and the Elementary Honor Choir.
Tuesday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. - Concert Choir will be performing at Capitol Manor. This date was given to students in early September, but is not in the course guide calendar.
Tuesday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. - Holiday Concert
Thursday, December 13 at 12:00 noon - Capitol Rotunda
This sale is going on right now. If you traditionally purchase greens or poinsettias for the holidays, please consider purchasing through us. Ask your student to pick up a packet in the choir room. Forms are also available on the Music Booster Web site.
This sale ends next Thursday, November 1.
Thank you again for your support of West Salem Choirs!
If you're wondering why some of the Titan Choir and Chorale students were switching robes, it is because we do not have enough correctly sized robes. We have many that are too short or too long. We are working on resolving the issue so as not to add stress before the concert! Many thanks to Aaron Hukari, Concert Choir senior, for his many hours of work on getting robes organized and checked out.
Wednesday, November 14 at 7:00 p.m. is the Elementary Honor Choir concert. Chorale and Concert Choir will sing on this concert along with Walker and the Elementary Honor Choir.
Tuesday, November 20 at 7:00 p.m. - Concert Choir will be performing at Capitol Manor. This date was given to students in early September, but is not in the course guide calendar.
Tuesday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m. - Holiday Concert
Thursday, December 13 at 12:00 noon - Capitol Rotunda
This sale is going on right now. If you traditionally purchase greens or poinsettias for the holidays, please consider purchasing through us. Ask your student to pick up a packet in the choir room. Forms are also available on the Music Booster Web site.
This sale ends next Thursday, November 1.
Thank you again for your support of West Salem Choirs!
concert dates,
entertainment books,
wreath sales
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Band News
Hopefully everyone has recovered from last weekend’s competition and ready for step three. I have put out a call for additional volunteers to help those that have worked exhaustively at our previous two. As you know it is a great task. But we are executing well and are halfway through. I look forward to good weather and a renewed energy.
If you have any questions or changes please call me ASAP.
Friday the 26th: Students will be rehearsing from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. PLAN ON LOADING TRUCKS AT 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT!
Saturday-27th: Student Schedule
8:00 Call time. Check in and move to stadium
8:15 Visual Warm-up - guard with practice flags
9:45 Break Rehearsal/ Buses arrive
10:00 Load Buses
10:15 Depart for Vancouver * Percussion and Guard on Bus #1. Percussion will change on bus. (Lunch on Buses)
12:15 Arrive Evergreen H.S. (plus/minus) depending on traffic and roadwork
12:30 Change into uniforms. Percussion depart for warm-up
1:00 Winds leave for warm up area
1:15 Warm Up * Visual and Music (Plume Shakos/Beret- before moving to gate) Allows parents time to get to stadium
2:20 Pit moves to Gate
2:40 Gate
2:50 Preliminary Performance
I will have maps to the Venue Friday at the loading time.
Thanks and have a great day.
(503) 588-0968
If you have any questions or changes please call me ASAP.
Friday the 26th: Students will be rehearsing from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. PLAN ON LOADING TRUCKS AT 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY NIGHT!
Saturday-27th: Student Schedule
8:00 Call time. Check in and move to stadium
8:15 Visual Warm-up - guard with practice flags
9:45 Break Rehearsal/ Buses arrive
10:00 Load Buses
10:15 Depart for Vancouver * Percussion and Guard on Bus #1. Percussion will change on bus. (Lunch on Buses)
12:15 Arrive Evergreen H.S. (plus/minus) depending on traffic and roadwork
12:30 Change into uniforms. Percussion depart for warm-up
1:00 Winds leave for warm up area
1:15 Warm Up * Visual and Music (Plume Shakos/Beret- before moving to gate) Allows parents time to get to stadium
2:20 Pit moves to Gate
2:40 Gate
2:50 Preliminary Performance
I will have maps to the Venue Friday at the loading time.
Thanks and have a great day.
(503) 588-0968
Sunday, October 21, 2007
From Sunday's Statesman-Journal

West Salem captures win at band event
Statesman Journal
October 21, 2007
A few years ago, a driving rain like Saturday morning's might have intimidated the hundreds of high school band members and event coordinators who took part in the Pacific Coast Invitational marching band competition.
But last year's venue change to McCulloch Stadium -- away from host Sprague High School's sodden mud pits -- allowed nine competing bands at the 26th annual PCI event to focus on one thing: performance.
The West Salem Titans certainly were focused, marching away with top honors Saturday night.
During the day, Bush's Pasture Park's north parking lot resembled a damp bivouac, where meals and respites were available to the four out-of-town bands: Eugene's Sheldon and Willamette high schools, and Canby and Tigard high schools. But the integrity of McCulloch field, its covered stadium seats and even some timely cooperation from the weather proved to be good fortune for all.
"You know, this is probably the hardest rain we've had at the beginning of a PCI in the nine years since I've been involved with it," event announcer and former Sprague High School band booster president Kevin Alano said. "But you know, everything always seems to work out, and it looks like the weather is going to hold for the finals."
After strong preliminary performances, finals were on a lot of minds. The finals opening ceremony began with a cool snap to the air, but rain wasn't a part of it. West Salem led off the finals at 6:30 p.m. with great expectations.
"We want to come out here and do even better in the finals," West Salem High School senior drum major Callie Harris said. "It's amazing how much you can improve from prelims to finals."
West Salem's 81 points in the open division was the highest preliminary score, and according to the band's leaders, it was the school's best performance of the year. Competing in the AA ranks, South Salem's 78.70 score was the second-highest prelim.
The South Salem band marched to and from the stadium, and the walk didn't seem to be a burden.
"It's nice that we don't have to (board) buses to get there," said Saxon junior drum major Hayley Serres. "I think we got our energy going walking to the park, and then we really got it going with the first step on the field."
Serres predicted a good final. "I think all of the bands definitely get a lot better for the finals," she said.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Band Newsletter #9
Upcoming Band Events! Call times, et cetera
(Contributor: Mr. G)
Starting Thursday afternoon with the Homecoming Parade, followed by the homecoming football game, and then followed by the next day’s competition, most everyone reading this will be living and breathing anything band, music, and fun!
1. Homecoming Parade—Students have already received instruction from the Band Directors on this event and its special logistics
2. Friday Night Football Game—Ditto on this and the special instructions. This game will also be the last full dress rehearsal before Saturday’s competition. But immediately below are Mr. G’s Call Time info:
2:40 Rehearsal (short and fast!)
PARADE (Unless cancelled due to rain.)
4:25 Battery reports IN UNIFORM to upper parking lot. Winds report to band room in show shirts or other Titan-wear.
5:00 After playing, winds relax and eat a SACK DINNER. Colorguard Call Time
5:30 Call-time * change into uniform
Pit * move into stadium, stage for show. Cover everything!
6:30 Seniors meet parents on Track on Side 1
7:00 Game starts
3. Details for upcoming PCI Competition on Saturday-- Editor’s note: Below is the schedule for leaving the school for the competition. Students may have also received other information and instructions from Mr. G or Dr. Nail, so the below is what was supplied for the schedule to get to the venue for Saturday’s competition. Following the call time schedule is followed by details on the event itself (fees, parking, et cetera).
Competition Day Events:
(Contributor: “Mr. G”, Vickie Tuttle, “Director’s packet” from PCI)
Students taking the PSAT should bring their lunch and join the band ASAP after the test.
1:00 Load Buses
2:00 Leave for warm up area.
3:48 Preliminary Performance
4:30 Awards
5:00 Dinner (Light dinner now, more later?)
Our evening schedule, including dinner time, changing, warm-up, performance, and loading, will depend on our placement in Prelims and our request to perform early (due to Homecoming dance). Finals run between 6:30 and 8:30, with a FULL BAND RETREAT at 8:50 p.m.
9:30 Pack up to leave
10:00 Arrive back at West and unload.
The 2007 PCI (Pacific Coast Invitational) Marching Band Competition will be held this Saturday, October 20th. All bands will perform in Prelims and Finals. Prelims start at 2:00p.m and Finals will start at approximately 6:30 p.m. The WSHS performance is currently scheduled for 3:48 p.m. (or 1548 for you purists out there : ) ). WSHS is that last band to play in the preliminaries and right before the Sprague band puts on an exhibition (they are not in the competition as this is their fund raiser).
Admission fees will be collected at the gate—cash or check only. No credit cards! The fee schedule is:
Adults: $12
Students: $6 (with ID)
Children: $6 (13 and under)
Senior citizens: $6 (62 and up)
Children (under 5): Free
“Family 4-Pack”: $30 (includes 2 adults, 2 children)
Location: McCulloch Stadium is located on Mission Street near Bush.
Spectator Parking: PCI personnel will not be coordinating spectator parking. Spectators must find their own legal parking sites. There is no parking shuttle service. Parking in the area of Bush Park and McCulloch Stadium can be tricky. Do not park in the neighborhoods that have permit-only parking. Do not park on Salem Hospital property or in the area under construction. There are two public lots available for spectators (Upper and Lower Leffelle), access them from 12th street and turn right onto Cross Street. 3-hour limits will not be enforced by the local and friendly meter patrols. There is a public parking structure about four blocks away, on High Street North of Mission Street. Parking in the neighborhoods south and west of Bush Park is permissible, please be respectful of the park neighbors.
Concessions: The concession stand on the North side of the stadium will be open throughout the day to serve food and drinks. (Editor’s note: Prices are fairly reasonable)
This should be one of the most exciting competitions between the district’s schools. Come and support your students, but please recognize the efforts of all the bands. They all work hard and we work hard in the spirit of competition.
“Band Mom—I forgot my black socks”
(Contributor: Deanna Garney, a.k.a. “Band Mom”)
Does anyone remember asking this? Please remember to bring your black socks on Friday for the game. For Saturday bring two pairs. There is nothing worse then getting your socks wet and having to wear them the entire evening. Also dress warm under your clothes—Long underwear, Underarmor or tights, et cetera. We will be changing outside (under a tent) but you need to be covered up. Another hint is to bring a plastic garbage bag to either line your backpack with or cover it. Even though we do have these great tents, the ground will be wet and when you set your stuff down its nice to have something to protect it.
To the parents -- we try to keep a stock of black socks for those times of need but we are running low. So the next time you find yourself at a discount store a donation of a bag of black cotton socks would be great. We usually get men/boys socks they are universal and heavier. Thanks for your help.
Hope to see you all at the PCI competition! - Deanna Garney
Auction Request--URGENT Titan Auction—Coming November 17th!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Wow! This looks like it’s getting interesting! We have a “big ticket item” donated—for a condo in Hawaii for 1 week. But we can still use more small AND big items to make more $$ for the band. Read below for more on the upcoming auction and contact information for where/when to donate items to form baskets with the smaller donations.
Here’s an important request -- we need to know if there are any out there that will be parties of eight who want to purchase a table for the auction—the more eight-person tables we buy at one time, the bigger slice of the “big ticket item” the band gets in their budget. Ask Vickie for further details on this, but please let her know if you’d be able to put 8 together to buy a table. Send email directly to her on this: tuttle84@comcast.net.
Mark your calendars to attend on November 17th to attend, but donations must be made sooner. Any or all band members, parents, or their families and friends can make contributions for items that will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going directly to West Salem High School and the Band! Some suggestions of past successful items to donate have been restaurant gift certificates, wine baskets, vacation/time-share week or weekend, Vacation in Hawaii, a trip to New York, and other useful “big ticket” items are always appreciated. Got extra frequent flyer miles that might expire before you can use them? Consider donating a couple of tickets to wherever that program/airline flies! This is the school’s BIGGEST fund raising event and we want to make sure we do our part. All donations will be appreciated!
The Deadline to submit our items is November 2nd, 2007 and it is fast approaching! For information please call Vickie Tuttle at (503) 588-0968 if you have items to donate. Please contact Tim Klarr for information about meeting time and how to pick up Auction intake forms at todayshair@msn.com
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Looking forward to our SECOND competition on October 20th, and beyond… Three competitions in a row! One week after another (October 27th, November 3rd).
Dates are as accurate as possible at publication, but may change as new information is received
First Semester
Date(s)- Group Activity Location Call-Dismiss
10/12- Titan Band Mini Camp West 9a- 9p
10/19 - Titan Band Home Football (Homecoming) West 5:30 – 10
10/20- Titan Band Pacific Coast Invitational Willamette All Day
10/27 - Titan Band McKenzie Classic Evergreen HS, Vancouver, WA All Day
11/03 - Titan Band Circuit Championships - OSU Corvallis All Day
11/14 - Titan Band Fall Awards West (Commons) 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)
On a rainy night at a recent home game at WSHS, Picture was caught at the visual of the gears engaging.
To view this picture and MANY more, go directly to Joe Gottsch’s free website at WestSidePhoto.net
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the “Editor” of this Newsletter J)
“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today”
Abraham Lincoln
If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an open letter to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner.” If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source.
Upcoming Band Events! Call times, et cetera
(Contributor: Mr. G)
Starting Thursday afternoon with the Homecoming Parade, followed by the homecoming football game, and then followed by the next day’s competition, most everyone reading this will be living and breathing anything band, music, and fun!
1. Homecoming Parade—Students have already received instruction from the Band Directors on this event and its special logistics
2. Friday Night Football Game—Ditto on this and the special instructions. This game will also be the last full dress rehearsal before Saturday’s competition. But immediately below are Mr. G’s Call Time info:
2:40 Rehearsal (short and fast!)
PARADE (Unless cancelled due to rain.)
4:25 Battery reports IN UNIFORM to upper parking lot. Winds report to band room in show shirts or other Titan-wear.
5:00 After playing, winds relax and eat a SACK DINNER. Colorguard Call Time
5:30 Call-time * change into uniform
Pit * move into stadium, stage for show. Cover everything!
6:30 Seniors meet parents on Track on Side 1
7:00 Game starts
3. Details for upcoming PCI Competition on Saturday-- Editor’s note: Below is the schedule for leaving the school for the competition. Students may have also received other information and instructions from Mr. G or Dr. Nail, so the below is what was supplied for the schedule to get to the venue for Saturday’s competition. Following the call time schedule is followed by details on the event itself (fees, parking, et cetera).
Competition Day Events:
(Contributor: “Mr. G”, Vickie Tuttle, “Director’s packet” from PCI)
Students taking the PSAT should bring their lunch and join the band ASAP after the test.
1:00 Load Buses
2:00 Leave for warm up area.
3:48 Preliminary Performance
4:30 Awards
5:00 Dinner (Light dinner now, more later?)
Our evening schedule, including dinner time, changing, warm-up, performance, and loading, will depend on our placement in Prelims and our request to perform early (due to Homecoming dance). Finals run between 6:30 and 8:30, with a FULL BAND RETREAT at 8:50 p.m.
9:30 Pack up to leave
10:00 Arrive back at West and unload.
The 2007 PCI (Pacific Coast Invitational) Marching Band Competition will be held this Saturday, October 20th. All bands will perform in Prelims and Finals. Prelims start at 2:00p.m and Finals will start at approximately 6:30 p.m. The WSHS performance is currently scheduled for 3:48 p.m. (or 1548 for you purists out there : ) ). WSHS is that last band to play in the preliminaries and right before the Sprague band puts on an exhibition (they are not in the competition as this is their fund raiser).
Admission fees will be collected at the gate—cash or check only. No credit cards! The fee schedule is:
Adults: $12
Students: $6 (with ID)
Children: $6 (13 and under)
Senior citizens: $6 (62 and up)
Children (under 5): Free
“Family 4-Pack”: $30 (includes 2 adults, 2 children)
Location: McCulloch Stadium is located on Mission Street near Bush.
Spectator Parking: PCI personnel will not be coordinating spectator parking. Spectators must find their own legal parking sites. There is no parking shuttle service. Parking in the area of Bush Park and McCulloch Stadium can be tricky. Do not park in the neighborhoods that have permit-only parking. Do not park on Salem Hospital property or in the area under construction. There are two public lots available for spectators (Upper and Lower Leffelle), access them from 12th street and turn right onto Cross Street. 3-hour limits will not be enforced by the local and friendly meter patrols. There is a public parking structure about four blocks away, on High Street North of Mission Street. Parking in the neighborhoods south and west of Bush Park is permissible, please be respectful of the park neighbors.
Concessions: The concession stand on the North side of the stadium will be open throughout the day to serve food and drinks. (Editor’s note: Prices are fairly reasonable)
This should be one of the most exciting competitions between the district’s schools. Come and support your students, but please recognize the efforts of all the bands. They all work hard and we work hard in the spirit of competition.
“Band Mom—I forgot my black socks”
(Contributor: Deanna Garney, a.k.a. “Band Mom”)
Does anyone remember asking this? Please remember to bring your black socks on Friday for the game. For Saturday bring two pairs. There is nothing worse then getting your socks wet and having to wear them the entire evening. Also dress warm under your clothes—Long underwear, Underarmor or tights, et cetera. We will be changing outside (under a tent) but you need to be covered up. Another hint is to bring a plastic garbage bag to either line your backpack with or cover it. Even though we do have these great tents, the ground will be wet and when you set your stuff down its nice to have something to protect it.
To the parents -- we try to keep a stock of black socks for those times of need but we are running low. So the next time you find yourself at a discount store a donation of a bag of black cotton socks would be great. We usually get men/boys socks they are universal and heavier. Thanks for your help.
Hope to see you all at the PCI competition! - Deanna Garney
Auction Request--URGENT Titan Auction—Coming November 17th!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Wow! This looks like it’s getting interesting! We have a “big ticket item” donated—for a condo in Hawaii for 1 week. But we can still use more small AND big items to make more $$ for the band. Read below for more on the upcoming auction and contact information for where/when to donate items to form baskets with the smaller donations.
Here’s an important request -- we need to know if there are any out there that will be parties of eight who want to purchase a table for the auction—the more eight-person tables we buy at one time, the bigger slice of the “big ticket item” the band gets in their budget. Ask Vickie for further details on this, but please let her know if you’d be able to put 8 together to buy a table. Send email directly to her on this: tuttle84@comcast.net.
Mark your calendars to attend on November 17th to attend, but donations must be made sooner. Any or all band members, parents, or their families and friends can make contributions for items that will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going directly to West Salem High School and the Band! Some suggestions of past successful items to donate have been restaurant gift certificates, wine baskets, vacation/time-share week or weekend, Vacation in Hawaii, a trip to New York, and other useful “big ticket” items are always appreciated. Got extra frequent flyer miles that might expire before you can use them? Consider donating a couple of tickets to wherever that program/airline flies! This is the school’s BIGGEST fund raising event and we want to make sure we do our part. All donations will be appreciated!
The Deadline to submit our items is November 2nd, 2007 and it is fast approaching! For information please call Vickie Tuttle at (503) 588-0968 if you have items to donate. Please contact Tim Klarr for information about meeting time and how to pick up Auction intake forms at todayshair@msn.com
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Looking forward to our SECOND competition on October 20th, and beyond… Three competitions in a row! One week after another (October 27th, November 3rd).
Dates are as accurate as possible at publication, but may change as new information is received
First Semester
Date(s)- Group Activity Location Call-Dismiss
10/12- Titan Band Mini Camp West 9a- 9p
10/19 - Titan Band Home Football (Homecoming) West 5:30 – 10
10/20- Titan Band Pacific Coast Invitational Willamette All Day
10/27 - Titan Band McKenzie Classic Evergreen HS, Vancouver, WA All Day
11/03 - Titan Band Circuit Championships - OSU Corvallis All Day
11/14 - Titan Band Fall Awards West (Commons) 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)

To view this picture and MANY more, go directly to Joe Gottsch’s free website at WestSidePhoto.net
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the “Editor” of this Newsletter J)
“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today”
Abraham Lincoln
If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an open letter to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner.” If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Orchestra News
1) Concert Tuesday October 23 is at 7 pm - call time for all students (dressed with instruments tuned and ready to go) is 5:45 pm. A few students seem to be unclear about the 'black socks or tights' policy -all young ladies are to wear opaque tights or socks and closed toed shoes with a heel strap or solid backed heel - all young men are to wear tux, cummerbund, tie, tux shirt, black socks and concert dress shoes -not sneakers!! Mr. Formal currently has a fantastic sale for students needing tux and shoe items. All students must have proper concert attire or they will not be allowed to play on concert night - please email Ms. Silberman directly (silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us) if there are *any* questions regarding attire. We look forward to seeing you at the concert!
2) Parent conferences for West Salem High School are Nov. 7 and 8 - if there are any concerns or questions that you know you'd like Ms. Silberman to address at your meeting time, feel free to touch base with her via email or phone before the meeting. Please use this conference time to discuss any issues regarding practice time, private lessons, and instruments or materials. If you are unable to meet with Ms. Silberman during the schedule conference times but you wish to meet with her, please contact her directly to make arrangements.
3) Saturday, October 27th at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, October 28th at 3:00 p.m. in Hudson Hall at Willamette the Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing "side-by-side" with the Salem Youth Symphony string sections - this is a fantastic concert-going opportunity for both students and parents. Come support members of the Salem Keizer School District Music Faculty and West Salem Titan Orchestra members by attending one of the concerts. Student tickets are $5.00 at the door. Check the SCO website: www.salemchamberorchestra.org.
4) 7) West Salem High School's annual Titan Auction is Saturday, November 17th. We have two tables reserved for any Orchestra parents/boosters who would like to sit together. A whole table qualifies us for 100% instead of 50% of the selling price of an Orchestra-donated auction item. If you would like to be at one of these tables, please do not buy your own tickets. You'll pay for tickets being held. Tickets are $30 each, regardless of where you sit, and are otherwise available from Susan Tolley (lstolley7@msn.com), at Today's Hair, or at the front desk at school. Do you have an appealing item or service to donate? Contact Jenny Gates at gatesjenny@aol.com or reply to this e-mail. The deadline for big-ticket oral auction items is November 2nd. The deadline for silent auction items is November 14th. Donation forms, more details, etc. are available - please ask. The theme for the evening is "007" and decorations will be casino-oriented.
5) Entertainment book sales are going well! Ms. Silberman will celebrate sales by inviting all students who sell at least one book to a special lunch treat - and the student who sells the most in each class will get
a trip to the 'treasure chest'. Wreath and poinsettia sales are ongoing. The deadline for poinsettia orders/money is October 29th. The deadline for wreath orders/money is November 8th. Pick-up for all items is November 30th/December 1st. The profit to student accounts can't be figured until the sale is complete, but in years' past has been about $6-7.00 per poinsettia and about $9.00 per wreath.
6) Calling All Parents, Calling All Parents - please come to an open meeting of the Orchestra Booster club at 6:30pm (after Symphony rehearsal) on Tuesday evening Nov. 6. in the Orchestra room. Items on the agenda include retreat information for early spring, financial expenditures, and holiday concert reception possibilities. Please send any other agenda suggestions to Jenny Gates at gatesjenny@aol.com
7) Dr. Nail and Ms. Silberman are entertaining the possibility of continuing with Tuesday evening 4:30 - 6:30pm rehearsals once the full symphony comes together in November (after Marching Band is finished). If this is a huge inconvenience for any string members, please contact Ms. Silberman. An official announcement about the time will be made in the next week.
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
2) Parent conferences for West Salem High School are Nov. 7 and 8 - if there are any concerns or questions that you know you'd like Ms. Silberman to address at your meeting time, feel free to touch base with her via email or phone before the meeting. Please use this conference time to discuss any issues regarding practice time, private lessons, and instruments or materials. If you are unable to meet with Ms. Silberman during the schedule conference times but you wish to meet with her, please contact her directly to make arrangements.
3) Saturday, October 27th at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, October 28th at 3:00 p.m. in Hudson Hall at Willamette the Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing "side-by-side" with the Salem Youth Symphony string sections - this is a fantastic concert-going opportunity for both students and parents. Come support members of the Salem Keizer School District Music Faculty and West Salem Titan Orchestra members by attending one of the concerts. Student tickets are $5.00 at the door. Check the SCO website: www.salemchamberorchestra.org.
4) 7) West Salem High School's annual Titan Auction is Saturday, November 17th. We have two tables reserved for any Orchestra parents/boosters who would like to sit together. A whole table qualifies us for 100% instead of 50% of the selling price of an Orchestra-donated auction item. If you would like to be at one of these tables, please do not buy your own tickets. You'll pay for tickets being held. Tickets are $30 each, regardless of where you sit, and are otherwise available from Susan Tolley (lstolley7@msn.com), at Today's Hair, or at the front desk at school. Do you have an appealing item or service to donate? Contact Jenny Gates at gatesjenny@aol.com or reply to this e-mail. The deadline for big-ticket oral auction items is November 2nd. The deadline for silent auction items is November 14th. Donation forms, more details, etc. are available - please ask. The theme for the evening is "007" and decorations will be casino-oriented.
5) Entertainment book sales are going well! Ms. Silberman will celebrate sales by inviting all students who sell at least one book to a special lunch treat - and the student who sells the most in each class will get
a trip to the 'treasure chest'. Wreath and poinsettia sales are ongoing. The deadline for poinsettia orders/money is October 29th. The deadline for wreath orders/money is November 8th. Pick-up for all items is November 30th/December 1st. The profit to student accounts can't be figured until the sale is complete, but in years' past has been about $6-7.00 per poinsettia and about $9.00 per wreath.
6) Calling All Parents, Calling All Parents - please come to an open meeting of the Orchestra Booster club at 6:30pm (after Symphony rehearsal) on Tuesday evening Nov. 6. in the Orchestra room. Items on the agenda include retreat information for early spring, financial expenditures, and holiday concert reception possibilities. Please send any other agenda suggestions to Jenny Gates at gatesjenny@aol.com
7) Dr. Nail and Ms. Silberman are entertaining the possibility of continuing with Tuesday evening 4:30 - 6:30pm rehearsals once the full symphony comes together in November (after Marching Band is finished). If this is a huge inconvenience for any string members, please contact Ms. Silberman. An official announcement about the time will be made in the next week.
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Band News - Special Edition "Thanks to many!"
Dear Students, Parents, Faculty, and Staff
As the WSHS Marching Band just came off of a successful first outing at the University of Oregon’s “Festival of Bands” on October 6th, and again preparing for this week’s PCI at Willamette University, I wanted to make a separate and special edition for something that would be too long for our normal newsletter. But as we approach our 2nd competition this weekend, I felt the below should be seen by as many readers as possible as to what goes on behind the scenes of a successful program. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this special edition.
I have attempted to compile this from input from as many of the team leads as possible, but please blame ME if someone gets omitted. The below do not appear in any particular order and I want to apologize in advance for any omissions or names forgotten. But this is an amazing group of parents and volunteers (AND students already working at their position in the band) that work FOR the musicians and the music directors’ mission.
While I compile the rest of this week’s regular newsletter, please read as much as you can of those that contribute continually. I know this is long, but I’ve probably STILL missed some folks.
Jesse Seeley
WSHS Band Newsletter Editor
Behind Every Successful Program is. . .
(Contributors: Kami Hettwer, Vickie Tuttle, Patricia Nielsen, Jen Freeman, Jesse Seeley, Mary Eastman, and others)
. . . a bunch of dedicated, responsible, prompt, unselfish, and giving people. Some might refer to them as parents, or students, or simply volunteers — some aren’t even parents, but grandparents of a child in the band while others USED to have a child in the band but continue to volunteer. But without these dedicated people most of the marching band activities would be NEARLY impossible to pull off. The directors and marching band members have pulled off an INCREDIBLE showing on just this first competition! The event at U of O was just a sampling of the great work the Marching Band can do and they’re only getting better. But for all that hard work that THEY have put in, there are nearly just as many people in various activities “behind the scenes” that go on (went on) when nobody was looking. Some “thank you” notes have already gone out, but this article will attempt to acknowledge as many of those helpers as possible.
Note from Co-Chair Vickie Tuttle: “From venue and site setup to uniform preparations, food acquisition and preparation to carpentry and painting with the addition of "Huge" props the tasks before the logistics team is not an easy one. Each year our volunteer base grows and we will continue to strive to get each and every parent involved. We will continue to face challenges and problems and as we learn from them we will no doubt be an unbeatable team. I want to recognize the exhausting efforts of each and every one of you.”
Props are not just found on airplanes—For literally WEEKS in advance of this first competition there was a HUGE workload with the new addition of the “gears” – those props in the background that are turning (no pun intended) out to play quite an integral part to the “Green Machine” theme. Normally the “thank yous” are saved up for a year-end ceremony, but we wanted to take this opportunity to thank as many of the parents, students, their friends, and other family members that help keep the music playing. In many cases, the students mentioned are ALSO band members, so double-duty is acknowledged to them. Because of this type of “thank you event” we will no doubt forget someone, but it is purely accidental as there are just SO MANY contributors. Please also forgive any possible mis-spellings. . . Let’s think of these as those credits that roll after each movie—LOTS of them. The musicians are the stars of the show, but there is a tremendous back lot crew.
The below people have helped on props, uniforms, cooks, logistics, labor, and overall coordination of events. Since the gear props have been such a huge undertaking, they are getting top billing here as this has been a wildly HUGE and successful task:
Prop Work Days and Helpers
(By Kami Hettwer)
Over multiple days, afternoons, some weekends, and other days, work that started on August 31 and up to last minute changes to adjust “real time” to make the props fit through the stadium tunnel at U of O, the below list of people were instrumental in helping with the various tasks from measuring, drilling, assembly, painting, parts runners, and a multitude of other tasks. Some days were as long as 11 hours!
One note here (again, no pun intended J), SEVERAL musicians added to their “Music Day” hours and contributed to the prop project after the morning of going door-to-door. We’d love to single THEM out as going above and beyond, but the list is again exhaustive, but big time KUDOS to those students and musicians! Below, co-chair Kami Hettwer adds her thanks to those involved with the gears made on the prop project:
A big thank you to all of those that helped with the wonderful props that are adding the desired visuals to the “Green Machine”. Again, please accept our apologies if we missed anyone, but let me (mkhett@aol.com) know and I will make certain your names get added/mentioned in another newsletter article as well. Many of the names appearing below did “double duty” and on multiple days—SOME of those 10-12 hour workdays as well! Appearing alphabetically by first name:
Armando Guevara
Debbie Harris
Kylie Phillips
Paige Stanley
Ashely Gresley
Eli Heidi
Leanne Wilson
Randy Rothweiler
Ashlyn Rees
Gilmore family
Lindsay Leaman
Rock Brutton
Becky Griffiths
Gustavo Guevara
Logan Gilmore
Rosalyn Whitby
Brendan Pavelek
Hailey Hill
Lynn Eaton
Ryan Rothweiler
Cheri Harris
Jesse Cummins
Maria Weir
Sam Rothweiler
Cheryl Harris
Jim Mitchell
Marty Stipe
Spencer Muller
Clay Dennis
Joanna Cuellar
Michael Fifer
Steve Anderson
Connie Phillips
Joel Eaton
Mike Winager
Vickie Tuttle
Craig Urbani
Kami Hettwer
Myles Wittman
Cristin Wilson
Katelyn Nichols
Nick Schmidt
Daron Hill
Katherine Lownsbery
Nolan Fridley
One final category in the “Props” section of BIG TIME help at the practices and “game day”, the “Prop Personnel Chaperones.” A big thank you for all your assistance in coordinating:
Connie Phillips
Tari Sutton
Editor’s Note: Finally, but still in the “props” section (that’s how BIG of a gig this was folks) without the tireless efforts of the coordinators and leaders on this task that also were labor-intensive contributors, NONE of this would have been possible. A special thanks to those:
Randy Rothweiler
Mike Hettwer
Sam Rothweiler
Kami Hettwer
If you’re wondering, “Hey! What about those kids that turn the gears?” Well, since they are technically part of the “band,” they will get their own feature in a newsletter very soon. The above “thank you” goes out to those just getting them READY to spin J Quite the large undertaking indeed! Thanks again to one and all that contributed to this HUGE project.
Uniform Preparation—Heading up this team, Patricia Nielsen and Deanna Garney have been doing such an outstanding job, the uniforms look like they just get there by themselves. So many people stopped by to help and many of the names and faces were not remembered, but the help was appreciated. But some of the extras we know about:
Link Watson (seems to be everywhere)
Gabi Mitchem (Guard mom pulling double duty)
Marianne Stipe (ditto on “appears everywhere!”)
Liz Harris
Vickie Narkon (another ditto on “appears everywhere!”)
Many, many unnamed students
Trudy McKinnel (double duty on props)
Deryl Nielsen (“Drill Instructor” for boys’)
But wait! There’s more! We just can’t let the first successful outing go without notice to the crews and personnel, so please read on for the staff of volunteers that made other parts of this show simply, well, FANTASTIC!
Flags don’t fly by themselves J --The Guard’s fabulous placement in their first competition could not have been possible without the SERIOUS rush job of sewing and tailoring of not only the flags, but the costumes of the Guard as well. Working as a team the below folks brought this together is a very timely manner with the odds of meeting the deadline against them. Part of the trophy that the Guard won is directly correlated with your outstanding work!
Denise Gilmore
Stacy Larson
Koren Landfair
Aurora Cuellar
Kate Ahmad
Debbie Davis
Debbie Harris
Alyson Baker
How does the entire band’s base camp just seem to happen?
Simply put in a single word: LOGISTICS. And what an amazing group of parents this band has in the logistical setup of the base camp. The Marching Band simply shows up and their stuff is just there waiting for them, making a seamless appearance as if it were a teleport on an episode of Star Trek. We know the band doesn’t take this for granted (well, maybe some of them do J), but this event is executed by the veterans that are now into their 3rd and 4th year of making it happen and they do indeed.
Again, we’re certain to miss some people, but it is because there are just TOO MANY to remember in one fell swoop. Some just showed up, others have been doing this year after year. We work so fast at some of these tasks that we even forget each other’s names J Here are just SOME of the people responsible for providing their vehicles, trailers, driving time, labor, and setup at the events.
Veteran logistics experts of the Narkon Family (Vickie and Mike) have been offering their personal racing trailer for the last three years. With the all important and delicate transportation of the percussion pit instruments, each piece of equipment is secured down for the trip so no damage to an instrument is possible. The Narkon family is also the supplier of the two HUGE tents at the competition sites, as well as lighting, and heat and electricity generation. I hope I didn’t miss anything, but I certainly didn’t want to miss thanking the Narkons for their contributions and hard work.
Another veteran of the logistics gig is Clay Dennis who supplies that HUGE 26-foot truck that transports every other piece imaginable to the band. This includes the cases and cases of instruments, the uniform closets, tables and chairs for the dining room at the base camp, and many other integral portions of the entire band’s existence.
Yet another veteran to the logistics mission is the Moyer family (Garry and Penny) and the transportation of his personal trailer that gets all of those tents to each venue. With a crew of many, volunteers arrange to meet Garry and his trailer to where he leads the crew to set-up of the multitude of tents and other portions of the band’s camp and headquarters. Sleep deprivation prevailed this past U of O (and a few of last year’s) performance where the crews had to leave at 5 a.m. (even in military terms, that means “zero-dark-thirty” J). At press time I did not have a complete list of laborers, but a few of the veterans include:
Steve Anderson
“Bob” Weir (I think that’s his last name)
Kurt Wittman
. . . and a cast of many more that make the tent city happen with names that I can’t remember or need to be provided to me
As a rookie into the logistics field please welcome the contributions of the Gilmore Family (Orval and Denise). They too have supplied a personal trailer and transportation of the newest addition of the Gear Props. For without this additional trailer and transportation, the props would have had a difficult time working their way into the existing logistics used over the previous years.
Food, Cooks, Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate and the comforts of home—this is certainly not a case of too many cooks spoil the broth here at these huge events of feeding the hundreds of band members, volunteers, and even the stray WSHS alumni that show up. Veterans Mary Eastridge and Craig Urbani provided the lead behind the wheel of the mess hall and several other parents that helped, and I know I’ve probably left off some names, but the parents we do recall are, in no particular order:
Debbie Davis
Mikayla Wittman
Analida Wertz
Vicky Narkon
Patty Bolstad
Analida Wertz
Pam Wittman
Connie Phillips
Kurt Wittman
Sam ?? (A MOM)
Michelle Robinson
Trudy Mc Kinnell
There are a BUNCH of contributors also out front that also help on one or more of the activities and may have been missed from one of the above lists. They would include:
Liz Harris
Jackie and Von Maltzen
Sharon Ringeisen
Michelle Winegar
John and Linda Burr
Jim Mitchell
Daron Hill
Samantha Rothweiler
Connie Phillips
Rebecca Griffiths
Cecelia Urbani
Leigh Weir
Finally, the “gigan-tas-mosis” of all of this coordination is the up-front and hard work of this year’s co-chairs:
Kami Hettwer and Vickie Tuttle
Of which going without mention would be a true injustice. And last but not least, a big thanks of course to the maestros:
Dr. Ike Nail
Mr. Brian Griffiths
Mr. Alan Keown
They will be personally acknowledging their staffs for the pit, field, and guard orchestrations at the awards ceremony next month.
In closing, I would like to personally thank my wife (Monique), for allowing me to put off many other duties as she remains a “band widow” and running the Seeley household during all of these band events that I find time for.
Jesse Seeley
WSHS Band Newsletter Editor
As the WSHS Marching Band just came off of a successful first outing at the University of Oregon’s “Festival of Bands” on October 6th, and again preparing for this week’s PCI at Willamette University, I wanted to make a separate and special edition for something that would be too long for our normal newsletter. But as we approach our 2nd competition this weekend, I felt the below should be seen by as many readers as possible as to what goes on behind the scenes of a successful program. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this special edition.
I have attempted to compile this from input from as many of the team leads as possible, but please blame ME if someone gets omitted. The below do not appear in any particular order and I want to apologize in advance for any omissions or names forgotten. But this is an amazing group of parents and volunteers (AND students already working at their position in the band) that work FOR the musicians and the music directors’ mission.
While I compile the rest of this week’s regular newsletter, please read as much as you can of those that contribute continually. I know this is long, but I’ve probably STILL missed some folks.
Jesse Seeley
WSHS Band Newsletter Editor
Behind Every Successful Program is. . .
(Contributors: Kami Hettwer, Vickie Tuttle, Patricia Nielsen, Jen Freeman, Jesse Seeley, Mary Eastman, and others)
. . . a bunch of dedicated, responsible, prompt, unselfish, and giving people. Some might refer to them as parents, or students, or simply volunteers — some aren’t even parents, but grandparents of a child in the band while others USED to have a child in the band but continue to volunteer. But without these dedicated people most of the marching band activities would be NEARLY impossible to pull off. The directors and marching band members have pulled off an INCREDIBLE showing on just this first competition! The event at U of O was just a sampling of the great work the Marching Band can do and they’re only getting better. But for all that hard work that THEY have put in, there are nearly just as many people in various activities “behind the scenes” that go on (went on) when nobody was looking. Some “thank you” notes have already gone out, but this article will attempt to acknowledge as many of those helpers as possible.
Note from Co-Chair Vickie Tuttle: “From venue and site setup to uniform preparations, food acquisition and preparation to carpentry and painting with the addition of "Huge" props the tasks before the logistics team is not an easy one. Each year our volunteer base grows and we will continue to strive to get each and every parent involved. We will continue to face challenges and problems and as we learn from them we will no doubt be an unbeatable team. I want to recognize the exhausting efforts of each and every one of you.”
Props are not just found on airplanes—For literally WEEKS in advance of this first competition there was a HUGE workload with the new addition of the “gears” – those props in the background that are turning (no pun intended) out to play quite an integral part to the “Green Machine” theme. Normally the “thank yous” are saved up for a year-end ceremony, but we wanted to take this opportunity to thank as many of the parents, students, their friends, and other family members that help keep the music playing. In many cases, the students mentioned are ALSO band members, so double-duty is acknowledged to them. Because of this type of “thank you event” we will no doubt forget someone, but it is purely accidental as there are just SO MANY contributors. Please also forgive any possible mis-spellings. . . Let’s think of these as those credits that roll after each movie—LOTS of them. The musicians are the stars of the show, but there is a tremendous back lot crew.
The below people have helped on props, uniforms, cooks, logistics, labor, and overall coordination of events. Since the gear props have been such a huge undertaking, they are getting top billing here as this has been a wildly HUGE and successful task:
Prop Work Days and Helpers
(By Kami Hettwer)
Over multiple days, afternoons, some weekends, and other days, work that started on August 31 and up to last minute changes to adjust “real time” to make the props fit through the stadium tunnel at U of O, the below list of people were instrumental in helping with the various tasks from measuring, drilling, assembly, painting, parts runners, and a multitude of other tasks. Some days were as long as 11 hours!
One note here (again, no pun intended J), SEVERAL musicians added to their “Music Day” hours and contributed to the prop project after the morning of going door-to-door. We’d love to single THEM out as going above and beyond, but the list is again exhaustive, but big time KUDOS to those students and musicians! Below, co-chair Kami Hettwer adds her thanks to those involved with the gears made on the prop project:
A big thank you to all of those that helped with the wonderful props that are adding the desired visuals to the “Green Machine”. Again, please accept our apologies if we missed anyone, but let me (mkhett@aol.com) know and I will make certain your names get added/mentioned in another newsletter article as well. Many of the names appearing below did “double duty” and on multiple days—SOME of those 10-12 hour workdays as well! Appearing alphabetically by first name:
Armando Guevara
Debbie Harris
Kylie Phillips
Paige Stanley
Ashely Gresley
Eli Heidi
Leanne Wilson
Randy Rothweiler
Ashlyn Rees
Gilmore family
Lindsay Leaman
Rock Brutton
Becky Griffiths
Gustavo Guevara
Logan Gilmore
Rosalyn Whitby
Brendan Pavelek
Hailey Hill
Lynn Eaton
Ryan Rothweiler
Cheri Harris
Jesse Cummins
Maria Weir
Sam Rothweiler
Cheryl Harris
Jim Mitchell
Marty Stipe
Spencer Muller
Clay Dennis
Joanna Cuellar
Michael Fifer
Steve Anderson
Connie Phillips
Joel Eaton
Mike Winager
Vickie Tuttle
Craig Urbani
Kami Hettwer
Myles Wittman
Cristin Wilson
Katelyn Nichols
Nick Schmidt
Daron Hill
Katherine Lownsbery
Nolan Fridley
One final category in the “Props” section of BIG TIME help at the practices and “game day”, the “Prop Personnel Chaperones.” A big thank you for all your assistance in coordinating:
Connie Phillips
Tari Sutton
Editor’s Note: Finally, but still in the “props” section (that’s how BIG of a gig this was folks) without the tireless efforts of the coordinators and leaders on this task that also were labor-intensive contributors, NONE of this would have been possible. A special thanks to those:
Randy Rothweiler
Mike Hettwer
Sam Rothweiler
Kami Hettwer
If you’re wondering, “Hey! What about those kids that turn the gears?” Well, since they are technically part of the “band,” they will get their own feature in a newsletter very soon. The above “thank you” goes out to those just getting them READY to spin J Quite the large undertaking indeed! Thanks again to one and all that contributed to this HUGE project.
Uniform Preparation—Heading up this team, Patricia Nielsen and Deanna Garney have been doing such an outstanding job, the uniforms look like they just get there by themselves. So many people stopped by to help and many of the names and faces were not remembered, but the help was appreciated. But some of the extras we know about:
Link Watson (seems to be everywhere)
Gabi Mitchem (Guard mom pulling double duty)
Marianne Stipe (ditto on “appears everywhere!”)
Liz Harris
Vickie Narkon (another ditto on “appears everywhere!”)
Many, many unnamed students
Trudy McKinnel (double duty on props)
Deryl Nielsen (“Drill Instructor” for boys’)
But wait! There’s more! We just can’t let the first successful outing go without notice to the crews and personnel, so please read on for the staff of volunteers that made other parts of this show simply, well, FANTASTIC!
Flags don’t fly by themselves J --The Guard’s fabulous placement in their first competition could not have been possible without the SERIOUS rush job of sewing and tailoring of not only the flags, but the costumes of the Guard as well. Working as a team the below folks brought this together is a very timely manner with the odds of meeting the deadline against them. Part of the trophy that the Guard won is directly correlated with your outstanding work!
Denise Gilmore
Stacy Larson
Koren Landfair
Aurora Cuellar
Kate Ahmad
Debbie Davis
Debbie Harris
Alyson Baker
How does the entire band’s base camp just seem to happen?
Simply put in a single word: LOGISTICS. And what an amazing group of parents this band has in the logistical setup of the base camp. The Marching Band simply shows up and their stuff is just there waiting for them, making a seamless appearance as if it were a teleport on an episode of Star Trek. We know the band doesn’t take this for granted (well, maybe some of them do J), but this event is executed by the veterans that are now into their 3rd and 4th year of making it happen and they do indeed.
Again, we’re certain to miss some people, but it is because there are just TOO MANY to remember in one fell swoop. Some just showed up, others have been doing this year after year. We work so fast at some of these tasks that we even forget each other’s names J Here are just SOME of the people responsible for providing their vehicles, trailers, driving time, labor, and setup at the events.
Veteran logistics experts of the Narkon Family (Vickie and Mike) have been offering their personal racing trailer for the last three years. With the all important and delicate transportation of the percussion pit instruments, each piece of equipment is secured down for the trip so no damage to an instrument is possible. The Narkon family is also the supplier of the two HUGE tents at the competition sites, as well as lighting, and heat and electricity generation. I hope I didn’t miss anything, but I certainly didn’t want to miss thanking the Narkons for their contributions and hard work.
Another veteran of the logistics gig is Clay Dennis who supplies that HUGE 26-foot truck that transports every other piece imaginable to the band. This includes the cases and cases of instruments, the uniform closets, tables and chairs for the dining room at the base camp, and many other integral portions of the entire band’s existence.
Yet another veteran to the logistics mission is the Moyer family (Garry and Penny) and the transportation of his personal trailer that gets all of those tents to each venue. With a crew of many, volunteers arrange to meet Garry and his trailer to where he leads the crew to set-up of the multitude of tents and other portions of the band’s camp and headquarters. Sleep deprivation prevailed this past U of O (and a few of last year’s) performance where the crews had to leave at 5 a.m. (even in military terms, that means “zero-dark-thirty” J). At press time I did not have a complete list of laborers, but a few of the veterans include:
Steve Anderson
“Bob” Weir (I think that’s his last name)
Kurt Wittman
. . . and a cast of many more that make the tent city happen with names that I can’t remember or need to be provided to me
As a rookie into the logistics field please welcome the contributions of the Gilmore Family (Orval and Denise). They too have supplied a personal trailer and transportation of the newest addition of the Gear Props. For without this additional trailer and transportation, the props would have had a difficult time working their way into the existing logistics used over the previous years.
Food, Cooks, Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate and the comforts of home—this is certainly not a case of too many cooks spoil the broth here at these huge events of feeding the hundreds of band members, volunteers, and even the stray WSHS alumni that show up. Veterans Mary Eastridge and Craig Urbani provided the lead behind the wheel of the mess hall and several other parents that helped, and I know I’ve probably left off some names, but the parents we do recall are, in no particular order:
Debbie Davis
Mikayla Wittman
Analida Wertz
Vicky Narkon
Patty Bolstad
Analida Wertz
Pam Wittman
Connie Phillips
Kurt Wittman
Sam ?? (A MOM)
Michelle Robinson
Trudy Mc Kinnell
There are a BUNCH of contributors also out front that also help on one or more of the activities and may have been missed from one of the above lists. They would include:
Liz Harris
Jackie and Von Maltzen
Sharon Ringeisen
Michelle Winegar
John and Linda Burr
Jim Mitchell
Daron Hill
Samantha Rothweiler
Connie Phillips
Rebecca Griffiths
Cecelia Urbani
Leigh Weir
Finally, the “gigan-tas-mosis” of all of this coordination is the up-front and hard work of this year’s co-chairs:
Kami Hettwer and Vickie Tuttle
Of which going without mention would be a true injustice. And last but not least, a big thanks of course to the maestros:
Dr. Ike Nail
Mr. Brian Griffiths
Mr. Alan Keown
They will be personally acknowledging their staffs for the pit, field, and guard orchestrations at the awards ceremony next month.
In closing, I would like to personally thank my wife (Monique), for allowing me to put off many other duties as she remains a “band widow” and running the Seeley household during all of these band events that I find time for.
Jesse Seeley
WSHS Band Newsletter Editor
Monday, October 15, 2007
Choir News
Greetings! There is quite a bit of info in this e-mail, so please take a minute or two and read through the entire thing. If you are a student, please print this off and share it with your parents.
We have more Greater Oregon books available. The sale ends November 1st. Books are $20 and your student can pick one up during their choir class.
We have packets available if your student is interested in selling holiday greens and poinsettias. Money earned goes into their individual choir account. This sale ends October 29th!
Our Fall concert is Wednesday, October 24th at 7:00 p.m. We ask all students to be in concert apparel and in the choir room by 6:30 p.m. that evening. We need some ushers and folks to man tables before the concert. Please e-mail Judi Larson at judilarson@msn.com if you can help. You would need to arrive by 6:20.
Many of you have taken advantage of this opportunity - thank you! We will have a section of reserved seats at our concert for you.
Kara Quello, a local voice teacher, is offering group voice lessons during choir class time. She charges $10 per session. This is a wonderful opportunity for students who are interested in learning more about their voice, confidence in their singing, music reading and everything that goes with being a great choir singer. If your student is already studying privately with someone - wonderful! Kara will be starting her first voice class in Concert Choir this Thursday. Students who are interested should see Mrs. McIntyre.
We have more Greater Oregon books available. The sale ends November 1st. Books are $20 and your student can pick one up during their choir class.
We have packets available if your student is interested in selling holiday greens and poinsettias. Money earned goes into their individual choir account. This sale ends October 29th!
Our Fall concert is Wednesday, October 24th at 7:00 p.m. We ask all students to be in concert apparel and in the choir room by 6:30 p.m. that evening. We need some ushers and folks to man tables before the concert. Please e-mail Judi Larson at judilarson@msn.com if you can help. You would need to arrive by 6:20.
Many of you have taken advantage of this opportunity - thank you! We will have a section of reserved seats at our concert for you.
Kara Quello, a local voice teacher, is offering group voice lessons during choir class time. She charges $10 per session. This is a wonderful opportunity for students who are interested in learning more about their voice, confidence in their singing, music reading and everything that goes with being a great choir singer. If your student is already studying privately with someone - wonderful! Kara will be starting her first voice class in Concert Choir this Thursday. Students who are interested should see Mrs. McIntyre.
concert dates,
entertainment books,
wreath sales
Friday, October 12, 2007
Orchestra News
1) Entertainment book sales are going well - thank you to the Boosters and Linda Beardsley for helping with the sales. All unsold books and payments are due by October 30th. You are responsible for the books you check out. Students will earn $8 - 10 for each $20 book they sell, and often the books sell themselves! Amanda McCloud, in Per 5, turned in the first concert review, so Ms. Silberman bought an Entertainment book from her. The first person to turn in the next review will get a poinsettia purchase from Ms. Silberman. The Wreaths and Poinsettia sale has begun for students who chose to sell. Students received a very informative packet complete with a good instruction sheet. Wreath/poinsettia order forms and payments should be turned together just once, and checks won't be deposited until after the order deadline. (Customers may want to know their checks won't be cashed until early-mid November.)
2) When students sell books, wreaths/poinsettias, or work concession booths at games, the money earned goes into their individual student accounts. These accounts are active until graduation. We *WILL* go on a retreat this year in the spring which will cost something. Additionally, if students are accepted to All-State Orchestra, they can petition to use student account money to pay that fee. Next year, '08/09, some or all of the students may go on a 'big' trip - and again, they may use student account money.
3) Grades will be turned in to the administration no later than Monday Oct. 15. Since we've had no performance yet, the bulk of the grades this period will be determined by the few assignments we've had (Music Day or assignment/excuse, practice logs, playing tests, signature page turn in), Ms. Silberman's assessment of whether the student is working to improve their musicianship and skill, attitude and citizenship in class, and attendance (or excuse from) required sectionals.
4) Next week, on Tuesday, we have an opportunity to see the Oregon Symphony here in Salem (at Willamette University). This would be a *GREAT* concert to review. Students who show student ID get in for $5. Hope to see you there.
5) Did you know we have an orchestra concert on Tuesday, October 23 at 7pm?
CALL TIME FOR STUDENTS FOR THE CONCERT IS 5:45pm sharp! If you have a legitimate (very legitimate!) excuse for being late, MAKE SURE THAT MS. SILBERMAN KNOWS so that you don't get dinged points.
Students are to come completely dressed. If students have ANY QUESTIONS about what they need to wear, please direct those questions to Ms. Silberman or ask someone who's been here before. Students will not be allowed to perform if they do not have the correct attire. Flyers for the concert are available to students beginning next week.
6) If anyone still needs to purchase a metronome (well, students can use the online one), tuner, strings, bow, or stand, please touch base with Ms. Silberman. She's willing to purchase (through online merchants or Weathers) whatever you need... then you can reimburse her.
7) West Salem High School's annual Titan Auction is Saturday, November 17th. We have two tables reserved for any Orchestra parents/boosters who would like to sit together. A whole table qualifies us for 100% instead of 50% of the selling price of an Orchestra-donated auction item. If you would like to be at one of these tables, please do not buy your own tickets. You'll pay for tickets being held. Tickets are $30 each, regardless of where you sit, and are otherwise available from Susan Tolley (lstolley7@msn.com), at Today's Hair, or at the front desk at school. Do you have an appealing item or service to donate? Contact Jenny Gates at gatesjenny@aol.coml. The deadline for big-ticket oral auction items is November 2nd. The deadline for silent auction items is November 14th. Donation forms, more details, etc. are available - please ask. The theme for the evening is "007" and decorations will be casino-oriented. Thanks!
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
2) When students sell books, wreaths/poinsettias, or work concession booths at games, the money earned goes into their individual student accounts. These accounts are active until graduation. We *WILL* go on a retreat this year in the spring which will cost something. Additionally, if students are accepted to All-State Orchestra, they can petition to use student account money to pay that fee. Next year, '08/09, some or all of the students may go on a 'big' trip - and again, they may use student account money.
3) Grades will be turned in to the administration no later than Monday Oct. 15. Since we've had no performance yet, the bulk of the grades this period will be determined by the few assignments we've had (Music Day or assignment/excuse, practice logs, playing tests, signature page turn in), Ms. Silberman's assessment of whether the student is working to improve their musicianship and skill, attitude and citizenship in class, and attendance (or excuse from) required sectionals.
4) Next week, on Tuesday, we have an opportunity to see the Oregon Symphony here in Salem (at Willamette University). This would be a *GREAT* concert to review. Students who show student ID get in for $5. Hope to see you there.
5) Did you know we have an orchestra concert on Tuesday, October 23 at 7pm?
CALL TIME FOR STUDENTS FOR THE CONCERT IS 5:45pm sharp! If you have a legitimate (very legitimate!) excuse for being late, MAKE SURE THAT MS. SILBERMAN KNOWS so that you don't get dinged points.
Students are to come completely dressed. If students have ANY QUESTIONS about what they need to wear, please direct those questions to Ms. Silberman or ask someone who's been here before. Students will not be allowed to perform if they do not have the correct attire. Flyers for the concert are available to students beginning next week.
6) If anyone still needs to purchase a metronome (well, students can use the online one), tuner, strings, bow, or stand, please touch base with Ms. Silberman. She's willing to purchase (through online merchants or Weathers) whatever you need... then you can reimburse her.
7) West Salem High School's annual Titan Auction is Saturday, November 17th. We have two tables reserved for any Orchestra parents/boosters who would like to sit together. A whole table qualifies us for 100% instead of 50% of the selling price of an Orchestra-donated auction item. If you would like to be at one of these tables, please do not buy your own tickets. You'll pay for tickets being held. Tickets are $30 each, regardless of where you sit, and are otherwise available from Susan Tolley (lstolley7@msn.com), at Today's Hair, or at the front desk at school. Do you have an appealing item or service to donate? Contact Jenny Gates at gatesjenny@aol.coml. The deadline for big-ticket oral auction items is November 2nd. The deadline for silent auction items is November 14th. Donation forms, more details, etc. are available - please ask. The theme for the evening is "007" and decorations will be casino-oriented. Thanks!
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
concert dates,
wreath sales
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Band Newsletter #8
WSHS Band Marches to 2nd Place at University of Oregon’s Festival of Bands
(Contributors: Jen Freeman, Jesse Seeley, Eugene newspaper The Register Guard)
Earlier this week a bulletin was sent out with reference to the short news article in the Eugene-based newspaper The Register Guard. A great picture of WSHS was featured on their site even though little was mentioned about the 2nd and 3rd place finishers. In one of the strongest starts for a guard in the history of the school, below are some of the details from the Guard Section leaders (Jen Freeman and Erin Klumph):
“The guard had a great weekend. We were 2nd in Prelims in the Guard caption. They had a GREAT Finals run through, regardless of what the guard caption was in finals. I had many comments made to me that everyone really loved the uniforms, flags, and their performance. Overall, it was a great day for them. I am very proud to be there instructor, as well is Erin Klumph. GREAT JOB LADIES!”
Because of the size of these latest trophies that the band and guard pulled in from last weekend’s competition, I think it is safe to say that we need bigger shelves to put these on J
Inservice Day for MOST of WSHS this Thursday/Friday—But Band Marches On
* Thursday, October 11th Night Football Game—Call Time & other details --Thursday, 10/11 call time at 1600, game at 1900 (bring dinner or have one dropped by as we won’t have much time from practice-to-game time)—old news now as it took me too long to get this email compiled today—my apologies, Editor)
* Friday, October 12th —Mini Band Camp Details--Friday’s “Mini Camp” is an all day event on Friday, October 12th. It will start at 0900 and to 2100. Bring a lunch to eat at the school, but there will be a dinner break from 1600 to 1800 (or 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for the rest of us that don’t bother with that silly “ZULU” time)
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the Calendar of Events that was updated a few weeks back. Looking forward to through October 12th for the upcoming “Mini Camp”, the dates/times are included below.
Excerpted from
Dates are as accurate as possible at publication, but may change as new information is received
First Semester
Date(s) Group Activity Location Call-Dismiss
10/11 Titan Band Home Football West 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
10/12 Titan Band Mini Camp West 9a – 9 p
10/19 Titan Band Home Football (Homecoming) West 5:30 – 10
10/20 Titan Band Pacific Coast Invitational Willamette All Day
10/27 Titan Band McKenzie Classic Evergreen HS All Day
Indicates change to original released “calendar”
Wreath Sales Coming!
(Contributor: Sheila Muller)
The 2007 Wreath/Poinsettia sale has begun! Packets are going out to students in their music classes this week. (Week of October 8th) Parents, if you haven't seen their packet, please ask them about it and get them going on their sales. All proceeds go directly into their accounts, so this saves you money! If you need more copies of anything, check the music booster site, they should be posted soon. You also can contact me and I will e-mail you the forms.
Please note due dates: Poinsettias 10/29 Wreaths 11/8
Late orders cannot be accepted due to ordering dates." Questions? Please contact Sheila directly: mullersg@comcast.net or (503) 364-4760
Picture of the week
See the article from the Register Guard posted below.
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Patricia Nielsen)
If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an open letter to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner.” If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source. That’s just a short introduction to this new feature.
Quote of the Week:
“All the wealth in the world could not buy you a friend, nor could it pay for the loss of one!”
Author: unknown
NEW SECTION—“Lost & Found”
As a new section, and probably overdue, we’ll add this off-and-on as people report important things missing. The students already know where the general lost and found box is near the band room, but this is reserved for possible missing, misplaced, or just out-and-out lost items. This week’s item of interest:
Lost: Black gloves, NEW, multiple pairs, used for “gear spinners”—we need to return the extras for a refund to go back into the band/boosters account. So if you know of these or know where they are, please contact Kami at MKHett@aol.com as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.
(Contributors: Jen Freeman, Jesse Seeley, Eugene newspaper The Register Guard)
Earlier this week a bulletin was sent out with reference to the short news article in the Eugene-based newspaper The Register Guard. A great picture of WSHS was featured on their site even though little was mentioned about the 2nd and 3rd place finishers. In one of the strongest starts for a guard in the history of the school, below are some of the details from the Guard Section leaders (Jen Freeman and Erin Klumph):
“The guard had a great weekend. We were 2nd in Prelims in the Guard caption. They had a GREAT Finals run through, regardless of what the guard caption was in finals. I had many comments made to me that everyone really loved the uniforms, flags, and their performance. Overall, it was a great day for them. I am very proud to be there instructor, as well is Erin Klumph. GREAT JOB LADIES!”
Because of the size of these latest trophies that the band and guard pulled in from last weekend’s competition, I think it is safe to say that we need bigger shelves to put these on J
Inservice Day for MOST of WSHS this Thursday/Friday—But Band Marches On
* Thursday, October 11th Night Football Game—Call Time & other details --Thursday, 10/11 call time at 1600, game at 1900 (bring dinner or have one dropped by as we won’t have much time from practice-to-game time)—old news now as it took me too long to get this email compiled today—my apologies, Editor)
* Friday, October 12th —Mini Band Camp Details--Friday’s “Mini Camp” is an all day event on Friday, October 12th. It will start at 0900 and to 2100. Bring a lunch to eat at the school, but there will be a dinner break from 1600 to 1800 (or 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. for the rest of us that don’t bother with that silly “ZULU” time)
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the Calendar of Events that was updated a few weeks back. Looking forward to through October 12th for the upcoming “Mini Camp”, the dates/times are included below.
Excerpted from
Dates are as accurate as possible at publication, but may change as new information is received
First Semester
Date(s) Group Activity Location Call-Dismiss
10/11 Titan Band Home Football West 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
10/12 Titan Band Mini Camp West 9a – 9 p
10/19 Titan Band Home Football (Homecoming) West 5:30 – 10
10/20 Titan Band Pacific Coast Invitational Willamette All Day
10/27 Titan Band McKenzie Classic Evergreen HS All Day
Indicates change to original released “calendar”
Wreath Sales Coming!
(Contributor: Sheila Muller)
The 2007 Wreath/Poinsettia sale has begun! Packets are going out to students in their music classes this week. (Week of October 8th) Parents, if you haven't seen their packet, please ask them about it and get them going on their sales. All proceeds go directly into their accounts, so this saves you money! If you need more copies of anything, check the music booster site, they should be posted soon. You also can contact me and I will e-mail you the forms.
Please note due dates: Poinsettias 10/29 Wreaths 11/8
Late orders cannot be accepted due to ordering dates." Questions? Please contact Sheila directly: mullersg@comcast.net or (503) 364-4760
Picture of the week
See the article from the Register Guard posted below.
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Patricia Nielsen)
If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an open letter to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner.” If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source. That’s just a short introduction to this new feature.
Quote of the Week:
“All the wealth in the world could not buy you a friend, nor could it pay for the loss of one!”
Author: unknown
NEW SECTION—“Lost & Found”
As a new section, and probably overdue, we’ll add this off-and-on as people report important things missing. The students already know where the general lost and found box is near the band room, but this is reserved for possible missing, misplaced, or just out-and-out lost items. This week’s item of interest:
Lost: Black gloves, NEW, multiple pairs, used for “gear spinners”—we need to return the extras for a refund to go back into the band/boosters account. So if you know of these or know where they are, please contact Kami at MKHett@aol.com as soon as possible. Thank you in advance.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Choir News
Dear friends,
Just an update on the choirs as we near our Fall concert.
This sale ends November 1st. We will be getting more Greater Oregon books this week and still have a few Portland books. The books are $20 each and checks should be made out to WSHS Music Boosters. Many thanks for your support!
Our Fall Concert is Wednesday, October 24 at 7:00 p.m. We will be needing ushers for this concert (at least 6). Please email Judi Larson at judilarson@msn.com if you are able to be an usher. You would need to arrive by 6:20 p.m.
The jazz festival is Saturday, November 17 and we'll be looking for some volunteers regarding this event. More info to come!
The Holiday Concert has been moved to Tuesday, December 11. Please make this change on your calendar! We will still be traveling to the Capitol Rotunda on Thursday, December 13 Noon-1:00.
Many thanks and looking forward to seeing you at our Fall Concert!
Just an update on the choirs as we near our Fall concert.
This sale ends November 1st. We will be getting more Greater Oregon books this week and still have a few Portland books. The books are $20 each and checks should be made out to WSHS Music Boosters. Many thanks for your support!
Our Fall Concert is Wednesday, October 24 at 7:00 p.m. We will be needing ushers for this concert (at least 6). Please email Judi Larson at judilarson@msn.com if you are able to be an usher. You would need to arrive by 6:20 p.m.
The jazz festival is Saturday, November 17 and we'll be looking for some volunteers regarding this event. More info to come!
The Holiday Concert has been moved to Tuesday, December 11. Please make this change on your calendar! We will still be traveling to the Capitol Rotunda on Thursday, December 13 Noon-1:00.
Many thanks and looking forward to seeing you at our Fall Concert!
Sunday, October 7, 2007
From the Register-Guard

The competitors faced off Saturday at Autzen Stadium, marching across the turf in colorful uniforms as thousands of fans cheered them on.
And not a football in sight.
No, these were high school marching bands, 30 in all from Oregon, Washington and Idaho, competing in the 27th annual Festival of Bands, a fundraising event for the University of Oregon Marching Band. It's one of the largest such contests in the Northwest, a day-long extravaganza of joyful noise and precision drilling.
The event gives bands a chance to strut their stuff under the watchful eyes of eight judges, who score them on how they look and how they sound, both as individuals and as a band, and on what might be called the "wow" factor.
"The bands that win have control over what they're doing and really perform and somehow reach the audience," said Eric Wiltshire, director of the Oregon Marching Band, which organizes the event.
Grants Pass clearly had a lock on wowing the crowd, winning not only the overall title, but nabbing the prize for general effect, music, visual and percussion. Under the title, "The Hollow," group depicted the tale of Washington Irving's "The Headless Horseman," combining appropriately eerie music with visual effects.
West Salem took second, Central Valley (Spokane), third.
To perform in a marching band means not just being able to play an instrument with skill, but to do so while marching in unison, sometimes with a 3-foot plume sticking out of your hat.
It takes "a lot of focus and practice," said Nicole Pritchett, a baritone player from Hockinson High School in Brush Prairie, Wash., as she waited to march. "You just block everything else out and focus on what you're doing."
Playing at Autzen before thousands of fans is "pretty awesome," said Eric Bennett, a senior at Liberty High School in Hillsboro.
"It's a big adrenaline rush," he said. "It's the coolest thing you can do."
"It's kind of overwhelming at first," said Tara Shedeck, a Willamette High School flautist. "You don't know what to think, if you're excited or you're scared. Then, once you do it, you're so excited because you did it right. You're thinking about playing and doing drill instead of all the people watching you."
The event runs from 7:30 a.m. until 10 p.m., with preliminaries in the morning and afternoon, and the final rounds in the evening for the 16 top bands.
For the high school band members, it's clear the event is more that just music and marching. It's a chance to sit in the stands and pelt friends with curly fries, to gawk over an instrument catalog ("A piccolo trumpet? That's tight!"), to be cheered by family and friends.
"You get to hang out with all your friends and it gets you in a good group," said bass drummer Dylan Philichi of Sunset High School in Beaverton.
"And it gives you something to do on Saturdays," percussionist Allison Lucas said.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Band Newsletter #7

Rehearsal for Friday, October 5th—pre-competition
We rehearse after school on Friday, October 5th. This is the day before our first competition! Since there’s no home game that night, we’ll go longer (hopefully no later than 4:30). Afterwards, we must pack and stage everything for an early morning. Each section will be dismissed when the entire section is ready for the show Saturday. If done efficiently, we could be out as soon as possible, but exact time is not known.
Competition at U of O Information—Call Time and Logistics
(Contributor: Directors)
Attached please find the PDF document that holds all of the information for the call times and approximate schedule for the entire day. This document was handed out at Wednesday evening’s rehearsal on October 3rd. The bottom line to the initial CALL TIME is 0520 or to the rest of you that’s 5:20 a.m. The WSHS band’s first appearance (also listed in the attached document) is at 0944. After the band’s performance they will return to the home base (still to be determined) where they will change into civilian clothes, get debriefed on the performance, then will return to the stands to watch other band performances.
Students Taking SAT October 6th – Special Instructions
(Contributor: “Mr. G”)
This information is for students and parents involved in the October 6 SAT. If you notice that someone didn't receive this information, kindly pass it on. First, I'm sorry this is so inconvenient. Thank you for taking steps to minimize impact on the group! Good luck, have fun, and be smart! - Brian Griffiths
Here is a recap of the plan after your test:
1. If you will arrive at Autzen Stadium earlier than 1:00, you'll have time to watch some bands.
2. There is a break at 1:30, at which time we will meet our buses to travel to Springfield H.S.
a. We will PROBABLY meet the buses on the Leo Harris Parkway near the southwest corner of the Moshofsky Center.
3. If you won’t arrive until after 1:30, we will be rehearsing at 2:00 at Springfield High School.
a. If you are traveling from Salem, you will almost certainly want to meet us there.
b. Please see below for more information on address and directions to get to Springfield HS.
Driving directions to Springfield High School:
- Take I-5 take exit at sign reading "Exit 194A OR-126 East to Springfield"
- On OR-126, (aka OR-105), Eugene-Springfield Hwy, go East for 1mile.
- Take the on ramp at sign reading "Springfield/City Center"
- Turn right on Pioneer Pky W.
- Turn left on Centennial Blvd.
- Turn right on 10th St and go south
The address is 875 7th Street, Springfield, OR if you want to enter that into your own map program. We will attempt to be on the school grounds at Silke Field on 10th Street.
University of Oregon Information—Prices, directions, and more
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley and U of O Web site)
For those who have not been to Autzen Stadium at the University of Oregon, some brief information might be helpful. The flier for the U of O Festival of Bands can be viewed at: http://omb.uoregon.edu/Festival%20of%20Bands/fob.main.page.html
Although there isn’t much information on the flier for directions, there is a price list and times that the gates open (8:00 a.m.). Prices range from $9 (students and seniors) to $13 for General Admission. There is also a Family 4-Pack for $32
Directions/Map—The U of O flier have listed a Google map for Autzen Stadium located at the link immediately below. If you’ve never used Google map, it is fairly self-explanatory. Check it out here.
From West Salem High School, it is approximately 70 miles, so depending on traffic it can be made in approximately 1 hour 20 minutes—your mileage and speed may vary J. Since WSHS’ appearance is so early, chances are there won’t be a backlog at the ticket booth. In years past there have been lineups for 10-20 people deep and they’ve only opened 1 booth, so plan accordingly. Again, this shouldn’t be the issue if you go to the early show (9:44 a.m.). The early shows are pretty much right on time, so if you’re planning on catching THAT show, you may want to be on-time.
Forwarding-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the Calendar of Events that was updated a few weeks back. Looking forward to through October 12th for the upcoming Mini Camp, the dates/times are included below.
10/11 Titan Band Home Football West 5:30 – 10
10/12 Titan Band Mini Camp West 9a- 9p
Picture of the week
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)
Recognize someone? If not, you might by checking out the information below. To view this picture and MANY more, go directly to Joe Gottsch’s free Web site at WestSidePhoto.net
ENCORE PERFORMANCE ARTICLES—Previous Newsletter articles that are still in the news
Titan Auction—Coming November 17th!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Mark your calendars to attend on November 17th. But the preparation for what we need to help the band begins NOW. We need an adult to step up to be a liaison/contact to attend the Auction meetings beginning next week (throughout October). Armed with all this important information, we would need that person to help coordinate with Tim Klarr for item pickup and auction intake. Any or all band members, parents, or their families and friends can make contributions for items that will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going directly to West Salem High School and the Band! Some suggestions of past successful items to donate have been restaurant gift certificates, wine baskets, vacation/time-share “week” or weekend, Vacation in Hawaii, a trip to New York, and other useful “big ticket” items are always appreciated. Got extra frequent flyer miles that might expire before you can use them? Consider donating a couple of tickets to wherever that program/airline flies! This is the school’s BIGGEST fund raising event and we want to make sure we do our part. All donations will be appreciated!
The Deadline to submit our items is November 2nd, 2007. For information please call Vickie Tuttle at 503-588-0968 if you have items to donate. Please contact Tim Klarr for information about meeting time and how to pick up Auction intake forms at todayshair@msn.com.
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Patricia Nielsen)
If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an “open letter” to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner”. If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source. That’s just a short introduction to this new feature. But here is the quote of the week, but words to live your life by:
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Author: Margaret Mead
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