Looking for something invigorating to do this rainy afternoon?
The Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing *THIS AFTERNOON* (Sunday 9/30/07) at 3pm at Rice Auditorium at WOU in Monmouth. Student tickets are $5.00) Last night they played in Salem, and I can report that it was a fantastic, invigorating, beautiful concert. Here are my quick impressions from last night:
The Mozart's Marriage of Figaro overture was played very well - always an enjoyable, quick listen.
The violin concerto was incredible! The violinist, Amy Schwartz Moretti, was stunning to watch - impeccable composure, flawless bow arm, deep musicality. The concerto she played - Butterfly Lover's Concerto by Chinese composers He and Chen - was profoundly moving. Based on an old Chinese tale of lovers who cannot marry, die because they cannot be together, and become resurrected as butterflies at the end, the concerto is beautiful, thrilling, and very easily listened to.
Beethoven's 5th Symphony was played with passion and heart.
I hope you can make it. And, if not this time, please consider making it to the next Salem Chamber Orchestra concert. It's exciting to me to know that we have such high quality performances occurring right here in (and around) Salem. Seeing high quality, live performances is very motivating to orchestra string students.
~Ms. Silberman
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Orchestra News, Part II
1) Please check the blog often: www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com - Ms.Silberman's posted info and links for all students.
2) Have you really read the handbook? Really? Oh yeah? Ok, what's the Bob Marley quote at the end? Please make sure that you're dutifully informed so that our program runs as smoothly as possible.
3) If anyone has an old (first?) violin in the family that your student isn't using, we have need to provide a few students with violins - even if it's just a loan for a short while. Our classroom is short on violins due to a repair and rehair issue (which will be hopefully resolved by November). Please contact Ms. Silberman if you have an instrument that might be happier practiced on than left in a closet.
4) Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing this Saturday, Sept. 29. Ms. Silberman's husband, violist Danny Seidenberg, is in the viola section, as well as many other Salem-Keizer orchestra teachers. BEETHOVEN'S 5th! Really - you know, Duh Duh Duh Duhhhhhhh. Come hear this wonderful piece - possibly one of the most recognized pieces ever - and students can review the concert for one of their 2 concert reviews due each semester. Concert starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Elsinore. Student tickets are $5. (www.salemchamberorchestra.org)
5) Entertainment books are available. Please read the other Orchestra News 9/28 for full details. Students earn at least $8 for each $20 book sold. Contact Linda Beardsley and/or your student's class president to check out books. Sale starts NOW, ends October 31st.
Contact information:
2) Have you really read the handbook? Really? Oh yeah? Ok, what's the Bob Marley quote at the end? Please make sure that you're dutifully informed so that our program runs as smoothly as possible.
3) If anyone has an old (first?) violin in the family that your student isn't using, we have need to provide a few students with violins - even if it's just a loan for a short while. Our classroom is short on violins due to a repair and rehair issue (which will be hopefully resolved by November). Please contact Ms. Silberman if you have an instrument that might be happier practiced on than left in a closet.
4) Salem Chamber Orchestra is performing this Saturday, Sept. 29. Ms. Silberman's husband, violist Danny Seidenberg, is in the viola section, as well as many other Salem-Keizer orchestra teachers. BEETHOVEN'S 5th! Really - you know, Duh Duh Duh Duhhhhhhh. Come hear this wonderful piece - possibly one of the most recognized pieces ever - and students can review the concert for one of their 2 concert reviews due each semester. Concert starts at 7:30 p.m. at the Elsinore. Student tickets are $5. (www.salemchamberorchestra.org)
5) Entertainment books are available. Please read the other Orchestra News 9/28 for full details. Students earn at least $8 for each $20 book sold. Contact Linda Beardsley and/or your student's class president to check out books. Sale starts NOW, ends October 31st.
Contact information:
- Daryl Silberman - silberman_daryl@salkeiz.k12.or.us
- Orchestra Boosters - wshsorchestra@aol.com or Jenny Gates at gatesjenny@aol.com
- Student Accounts - wshsorchestra@aol.com or Missy Page at mep@xmission.com
- Entertainment books - wshsorchestra@aol.com or Linda Beardsley at lindab4858@comcast.net
- Concert clothing - wshsorchestra@aol.com or Cathy Clapper at mommaclapper@gmail.com
Orchestra News
We now have a blog! Make a habit of checking: titanorchestras.blogspot.com
Entertainment Books are Here!
Orchestra students can earn money for their personal accounts by selling entertainment books to friends and families. Contact neighbors, call Grandma and Grandpa, have Mom and Dad tell people at work that you have entertainment books.
The entertainment books are great this year! They have coupons for groceries, fast food, elegant dining, gas, attractions, paint and household supplies, movies, car rentals and more. I am impressed by how many local and usable coupons are in the book.
For each book you sell, $8 will be credited to your account. If enough books are sold, you may even make more!
In addition, for every 5 books sold, you will be given a free book after the sale is over. You can either sell this book and keep the $20 or keep and use the coupons yourself. Other prizes are available. For every book you sell you get a chance at playing the “Get in the Groove game” to win over 1,000 prizes. Enter the internet drawing every day for another chance to win.
Here is what you need to know:
1. Books cost $20
2. There are two kinds of books, one with coupons for all of Oregon and another with coupons for Portland. The Portland book also has coupons for many attractions in Oregon.
3. Books will be checked out to Orchestra students during Orchestra class. Students are responsible to return money for these books or return the books.
4. All money and books must be returned to Linda Beardsley by October 30th.
5. Students may check out more books when they bring in the money from the first books sold.
6. If you have questions call or e-mail: Linda Beardsley at Lindab4858@comcast.net or (50) 399-6443.
Entertainment Books are Here!
Orchestra students can earn money for their personal accounts by selling entertainment books to friends and families. Contact neighbors, call Grandma and Grandpa, have Mom and Dad tell people at work that you have entertainment books.
The entertainment books are great this year! They have coupons for groceries, fast food, elegant dining, gas, attractions, paint and household supplies, movies, car rentals and more. I am impressed by how many local and usable coupons are in the book.
For each book you sell, $8 will be credited to your account. If enough books are sold, you may even make more!
In addition, for every 5 books sold, you will be given a free book after the sale is over. You can either sell this book and keep the $20 or keep and use the coupons yourself. Other prizes are available. For every book you sell you get a chance at playing the “Get in the Groove game” to win over 1,000 prizes. Enter the internet drawing every day for another chance to win.
Here is what you need to know:
1. Books cost $20
2. There are two kinds of books, one with coupons for all of Oregon and another with coupons for Portland. The Portland book also has coupons for many attractions in Oregon.
3. Books will be checked out to Orchestra students during Orchestra class. Students are responsible to return money for these books or return the books.
4. All money and books must be returned to Linda Beardsley by October 30th.
5. Students may check out more books when they bring in the money from the first books sold.
6. If you have questions call or e-mail: Linda Beardsley at Lindab4858@comcast.net or (50) 399-6443.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Band Newsletter #6

IMPORTANT! Immediate Action Requested A few more “Prop” Helpers Still Needed! Need to rehearse!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle & Kami Hettwer)
Adults -- Immediate Action: Our first competition at U of O is fast approaching and Kami Hettwer's Prop team is in desperate need of a few more able adults to travel to U of O very early to help assemble the Gear Bases that will be used at the first performance. We will need people to begin assembly at U of O beginning sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 a.m. Please call Kami or Vickie for more.
Also need a few more students to help on the field DURING the performance—your “15 minutes of fame” can begin sooner than you think J. The “Gear Turning Team” will also need to practice going onto and off the field and WHAT to do during the performance. Please contact Kami Hettwer immediately if you can help! Those who join the team or are already on the team need to get with Mrs. Hettwer to go over the schedule for the rehearsals/practice that need to take place BEFORE next week’s competition. This is a VERY IMPORTANT part of the show and you will add the necessary “show” behind the hard work of the musicians—they can’t complete the show without a few more volunteers. So please call Kami or email her immediately to let her know you can help! Kami can be reached directly at (503) 585-2529 or mkhett@aol.com.
Friday Night Football Game—Walker Middle School joins WSHS Call times and Game Schedule
(Contributor: “Mr. G”)
Game Night Schedule for Friday, September 28
This Friday, the Walker Symphonic Band will be joining us in the stands.
2:40 – 4:00 Winds, Battery, Guard on grass for visual rehearsal--No instruments today!
Guard needs opener / ballad silks.
Pit: warm up / rehearse with CLICK TRACK on ramp.
Pit: stage everything on ramp on carts ready to roll
Rehearsal ends “when it ends.” Typically, that’s around 3:45
5:00 Senior Officers, Section Leaders, and BATT with Walker in Band Room
We’ll take them to the track, rehearse pre-game, and grab dinner.
5:30 CALL TIME change into uniform
PIT move into stadium, stage for show. Change after.
5:50 Wind warm-up On Stage
Battery warm-up in Choir Room
6:25 Move to stands, get set
6:40 Get set on track for pre-game
7:00 Game starts
Forward-looking at upcoming events on the 2007/2008 Calendar
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at an excerpt from the “Calendar of Events” that was updated a few weeks back. Looking forward to our FIRST competition on October 6th, the dates/times are included below. Any issues with the SAT conflicts with the October 6th date should already have been discussed with the students. If for some reason this is not understood by any of the affected students, immediately contact Dr. Nail or Mr. Griffiths.
Dates are as accurate as possible at publication, but may change as new information is received
First Semester
9/28 Titan Band Home Football West 5:30 – 10
10/1 participants WIBC audition tapes must be turned in by 2:30
10/5 participants All-State audition tapes must be turned in by 2:30
10/5 Titan Band Pre-competition rehearsal West immediately after school (see more info below)
10/06 Titan Band U of O Festival of Bands Eugene All Day (see important “call time” info below)
10/11 Titan Band Home Football West 5:30 – 10
Early Warning to plan for NEXT Friday (October 5th), we rehearse after school. This is the day before our first competition! Since there’s no home game that night, we’ll go longer (hopefully no later than 4:30). Afterwards, we must pack and stage everything for an early morning. Each section will be dismissed when the entire section is ready for the show Saturday. If done efficiently, we could be out as soon as possible, but exact time is not known.
Competition Day, October 6th: Plan on a Call time for next week’s competition day to be VERY EARLY on Saturday morning (Oct. 6). Exact call time To Be Announced.
Titan Auction—Coming November 17th!
(Contributor: Vickie Tuttle)
Mark your calendars to attend on November 17th. But the preparation for what we need to help the band begins NOW. We need an adult to step up to be a liaison/contact to attend the Auction meetings beginning next week (throughout October). Armed with all this important information, we would need that person to help coordinate with Tim Klarr for item pickup and auction intake.
Any or all band members, parents, or their families and friends can make contributions for items that will be auctioned off, with the proceeds going directly to West Salem High School and the Band! Some suggestions of past successful items to donate have been restaurant gift certificates, wine baskets, vacation/time-share week or weekend, Vacation in Hawaii, a trip to New York, and other useful big ticket items are always appreciated. Got extra frequent flyer miles that might expire before you can use them? Consider donating a couple of tickets to wherever that program/airline flies! This is the school’s BIGGEST fund raising event and we want to make sure we do our part. All donations will be appreciated!
The Deadline to submit our items is Nov. 2, 2007. For information please call Vickie Tuttle at 503-588-0968 if you have items to donate. Please contact Tim Klarr for information about meeting time and how to pick up Auction intake forms at todayshair@msn.com.
Picture of the week (see above)
(Contributor: Joe Gottsch, Jesse Seeley)
Most of you might recognize these two musicians and leaders of the WestSalem High School Marching Band. To view this picture and MANY more, go directly to Joe Gottsch’s free Web site at http://westsidephoto.smugmug.com/
Reminder ALL students taking the SAT on Oct. 6
(Contributor: “Mr. G”)
We can’t remind you enough…we MUST know about ALL students taking the SAT on October 6th so we can plan for their absence and how to re-plan the marching parts! Contact Dr. Nail or Mr. Griffiths immediately if you have not already done so!
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the “Editor” of this Newsletter J)
I hope you liked last week’s quote. If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an “open letter” to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner”. If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source. That’s just a short introduction to this new feature. But here is the quote of the week, and some more words to live life by:
“The best things in life...are not things.”
Author Unknown
Monday, September 24, 2007
Choir News
Happy new school year! I appreciate all of you getting e-mail addresses to me so we can use this method of communication! Already I can tell it is going to be a great year of choral music here at West!
This Friday, Sept. 28, we need six adults and two more students to work concessions for the varsity football game. This is a fun event and earns money for your student's individual choir account. The call time at the field house is 5:00 and goes through the first part of the third quarter. If you are available, please let me know ASAP as time is drawing near!
We have entertainment books available. They are $20 this year and I have both Greater Oregon and Portland area books. Again, this is a fundraiser for individual choir student accounts. Any choir student can pick up a book during their choir class.
Our first concert of the year is coming up on Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 7:00 p.m. This promises to be a great event and we hope you can come.
Please don't hesitate to e-mail if you have any questions!
This Friday, Sept. 28, we need six adults and two more students to work concessions for the varsity football game. This is a fun event and earns money for your student's individual choir account. The call time at the field house is 5:00 and goes through the first part of the third quarter. If you are available, please let me know ASAP as time is drawing near!
We have entertainment books available. They are $20 this year and I have both Greater Oregon and Portland area books. Again, this is a fundraiser for individual choir student accounts. Any choir student can pick up a book during their choir class.
Our first concert of the year is coming up on Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 7:00 p.m. This promises to be a great event and we hope you can come.
Please don't hesitate to e-mail if you have any questions!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Band Newsletter #5

Still need “Prop” helpers!
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
To Students especially — Please help us locate more volunteers with the props — this is the moving of the gears on and off the field as well as getting one of the best seats in the house while they turn the gears. By extending the invitation to your siblings, their friends, and your friends, we might get the number of volunteers needed. Our first competition is right around the corner and we do not yet have enough to make this work for the marching band.
On another prop note/project, there is a “paint party” that we’d like as much help as possible. It is scheduled for after school, Friday, September 21st — meet in the band area (of course). If we can get enough volunteers, it should probably go pretty fast. These two tasks are very important to the success of this year’s marching theme, so we really need to dig down and pull some of this together, but we can’t do it without everyone’s help. Please contact Kami Hettwer directly at (503) 585-2529 or mkhett@aol.com to let her know that you can help in one way or another. If you can, please bring brushes, gloves, tarps, small buckets (to hold paint), or any other items you know may be useful for the task. Thanks in advance for your contributions of your time!
Adults welcome here for sure! And if you STILL have some energy left or couldn’t help out with the Friday paint party, Mrs. Hettwer and Mr. Rothweiler could sure use help working on the base units for the gears (the part that holds the “gear”). Simple work — attach the hardware and drill larger holes for the bolts to fit/move a little smoother. It will be held at 9:00 a.m., Saturday, September 22nd – again, please contact Kami Hettwer directly at mkhett@aol.com.
“Music Day” – Another huge success! Thank You!
(Contributor: Marianne Stipe, edits by Jesse Seeley)
A huge THANK YOU to all of you that helped make Music Day a success! We could not have raised approximately $20,000 (we don’t have a final figure yet as checks are still coming in) without the help of our many drivers and other volunteers. I am extremely grateful to all of you that gave up your Saturday (September 8th) and to those who gave countless hours beforehand and afterwards! Our students are very fortunate to have such supportive parents. Our Music program benefits from all of us who are involved and I know we are appreciated by both the students and their teachers. And to our students/musicians? What else can we say? You’re the greatest kids in one of the greatest bands of all time! Congratulations to both parents and students!
Upcoming events on the 2007/2008 “Calendar”
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Here’s a look at the “Calendar of Events” that was updated a few weeks back. Looking forward to our FIRST competition on October 6th, the dates/times are included below. There are obviously some conflicts of students taking the SAT the day of October 6th, so please contact Dr. Nail or Mr. Griffiths if you have plans to take your SATs that day (if you have not already done so)—I believe Dr. Nail mentioned at Wednesday evening’s practice (9/19) that our band has a tentative start time of 0945, and it is the Eugene venue at U of O. So again, please contact one of the directors to let them know your availability and intentions for October 6th if you will not be participating at the “Festival of Bands” at U of O.
Pictures of the Marching Band (and other WSHS Events)
(Contributor: Jesse Seeley)
Many already know him from all the different sporting events he has covered over the past years, maybe have seen his picture page in the West Side Newspaper or other publications. While others (especially the “Frosh” parents) have (so far) only seen this guy on the sidelines at the WSHS football games taking pictures with a lens the size OF the football J For those of you who DON’T know who I’m talking about, he is West Salem’s own Joe Gottsch. He USED to be WSHS’ own, but Ray has since graduated. Joe still practices his hobby for your enjoyment and viewing pleasure. If you’d like to see more of the most recent pictures of the marching band and other events around WSHS and West Salem, why not pay this website a visit: http://westsidephoto.smugmug.com/.
Joe can be reached directly by email at jgott13@comcast.net. Visit his website, enjoy the pictures, or simply say “Hi Joe,” or “Thanks.” The website is self-explanatory and you can send Joe emails of any questions you may have. It’s free, but you can always “contribute” to his habit — taking some of the best pictures of your children in the activities they love! Up close, closer than you’ll ever get with that good ol’ disposable for sure J
OSU Celebrates it 117th Year in the Pac-10! Free performance by OSU Marching Band
(Contributor: Dr. Brad Townsend, Director of Athletic Bands, OSU)
I would like to invite you to a free performance by the OSU Marching Band on Friday, September 21 at 4:00 p.m. in Reser Stadium. The band will finish band camp that day and offer a sneak preview of our Pregame show and first halftime show of the season, ³The Wild West.² Songs include ³Home on the Range,² ³Stand by your man², ³Rawhide,² and ³The Magnificent Seven.² The entire OSU Marching Band including the Dance Team and Color Guard along with the OSU Cheerleaders will be featured. Admission is free at gate 7 and gates in the South endzone will be open. Please sit on the West side.
The OSU Marching Band is celebrating its 117th year (oldest in the Pac-10) with release of its first CD of OSU¹s songs and other favorites. You can order online at osubeavers.com or purchase at the OSU Bookstore, Mehlhalf¹s Clothiers in Corvallis or purchase them at the event on Friday. Hope to see you tomorrow! Go Beavs! (More details on OSU Marching Band program can be found at: http://osumb.oregonstate.edu/home.html.
Editor’s Corner: Quote/thought for the week
(Contributor: Well, the “Editor” of this Newsletter J)
I’m going to try something this year that I hope all will enjoy. For lack of a better name for now I’ll call it “Editor’s Corner”. If anyone would like to submit anything for possible inclusion to this newsletter (e.g., an “open letter” to the band, directors, teachers, etc) or a quote you just think everyone would enjoy, submit it directly to me with the subject “Editor’s Corner”. If it is a quote or other referenced material, please supply your source. That’s just a short introduction to this new feature. But here is the quote of the week, but words to live your life by:
“There is no RIGHT way to do a WRONG thing”
Author: Kenneth Blanchard
Orchestra News
1) We have a blog now! Please bookmark:
www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com This blog will have updated information for parents and students. Additionally, a copy of each week's newsletter will be posted.
2) CALLING ALL PARENTS!! Please come this Monday night at 7 to the auditorium for the All-Orchestra Parent Meeting. We should hopefully be done within an hour.
3) One of the requirements Ms. Silberman outlined in the handbook (which you all should have read by now, hopefully) is that each student should have a tuner and a metronome. There is an online metronome - www.metronomeonline.com - and there is good shareware out there that will allow you to download a good metronome to your computer. But, the student will need good enough speakers on the computer and/or a heavy practice mute ($3 at Weathers) to soften the sound output of the instrument. Tuners are a little more expensive, but are so very helpful. If buying a tuner proves to be a difficulty or a financial hardship, please contact Ms. Silberman. Also, each student should have a music stand to play off of at home - THIS WAS NOT MENTIONED IN THE HANDBOOK. Any questions? Please voice them at the parent meeting and/or contact Ms. Silberman
4) The All-state Orchestra application and audition tape is due Oct. 8 - Ms. Silberman will give copies of the materials to any interested students.
5) Entertainment books will be available very soon. Money raised goes to individual accounts.
6) In the handbook, Ms. Silberman added a back page with many interesting websites - contemporary players, good online merchants, and more. Please take some time to navigate to some of these websites.
7) From Marianne Stipe, Music Day coordinator:
A huge THANK YOU to all of you that helped make Music Day a success. We could not have raised approximately $20,000 (we don’t have a final figure yet as checks are still coming in) without the help of our many drivers and other volunteers. I am extremely grateful to all of you that gave up your Saturday and to those who gave countless hours beforehand and afterwards. Our students are very fortunate to have such supportive parents. Our Music program benefits from all of us who are involved and I know we are appreciated by both the students and their teachers.
Thanks for reading to the end. See you on Monday, Sept. 24!
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
www.titanorchestras.blogspot.com This blog will have updated information for parents and students. Additionally, a copy of each week's newsletter will be posted.
2) CALLING ALL PARENTS!! Please come this Monday night at 7 to the auditorium for the All-Orchestra Parent Meeting. We should hopefully be done within an hour.
3) One of the requirements Ms. Silberman outlined in the handbook (which you all should have read by now, hopefully) is that each student should have a tuner and a metronome. There is an online metronome - www.metronomeonline.com - and there is good shareware out there that will allow you to download a good metronome to your computer. But, the student will need good enough speakers on the computer and/or a heavy practice mute ($3 at Weathers) to soften the sound output of the instrument. Tuners are a little more expensive, but are so very helpful. If buying a tuner proves to be a difficulty or a financial hardship, please contact Ms. Silberman. Also, each student should have a music stand to play off of at home - THIS WAS NOT MENTIONED IN THE HANDBOOK. Any questions? Please voice them at the parent meeting and/or contact Ms. Silberman
4) The All-state Orchestra application and audition tape is due Oct. 8 - Ms. Silberman will give copies of the materials to any interested students.
5) Entertainment books will be available very soon. Money raised goes to individual accounts.
6) In the handbook, Ms. Silberman added a back page with many interesting websites - contemporary players, good online merchants, and more. Please take some time to navigate to some of these websites.
7) From Marianne Stipe, Music Day coordinator:
A huge THANK YOU to all of you that helped make Music Day a success. We could not have raised approximately $20,000 (we don’t have a final figure yet as checks are still coming in) without the help of our many drivers and other volunteers. I am extremely grateful to all of you that gave up your Saturday and to those who gave countless hours beforehand and afterwards. Our students are very fortunate to have such supportive parents. Our Music program benefits from all of us who are involved and I know we are appreciated by both the students and their teachers.
Thanks for reading to the end. See you on Monday, Sept. 24!
Daryl Silberman, director
West Salem High School Orchestras
(503)-399-5533 x256
cell: (818) 317-8218
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Orchestra News
Hi, WSHS Orchestra Parents and Students!
Music Day was a huge success - thanks to all the parents and students who participated! The money figures haven't been announced to us yet; we'll pass them on when they are. This year orchestra students had their highest percentage of participation yet!
Students and parents: please read all the way to the end of this e-mail for important information and dates.
Calling all parents/guardians
Please mark Monday evening, September 24, 7:00 p.m., Orchestra Room, on your calendar to attend an important parent meeting. Ms. Silberman and representative students from the orchestras will briefly perform. You'll receive information about the upcoming year, including volunteer opportunities and expectations. There will also be open time for your questions. Please attend. Successful music programs don't happen without strong parent support. Thank you!
Orchestra concession dates
Students in Band, Choir and Orchestra have several opportunities to work concessions at home games. Supervising adults are also needed. The students and adults earn $12/hour for their individual student's account, which can be used to pay for trip or activity expenses. This and all money earned for individual student accounts through activities like entertainment book, wreath, and poinsettia sales, can be carried over until graduation.
Workers need to arrive on time and stay as long as needed. Someone from Athletics is there to orient/train workers. Please sign up in the Orchestra room if interested.
The Titan Orchestras student and parent handbook will be ready soon. Students will receive them in class and need to bring back signed paperwork contained within the handbook.
After-school symphony
Advanced Symphony Orchestra (period 10) sign-ups are currently ongoing. It meets Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., and after school on Fridays until 4:15 p.m. It is co-directed by Mr. Nail and Ms. Silberman, and is a wonderful full symphony experience.
(To accommodate the schedule of the Salem Youth Symphony participants, our Titan Advanced Symphony Orchestra Tuesday evening rehearsals have been changed to 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. until November. At that point, Symphony will move back to 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.)
Here is the Symphony enrollment policy:
All Advanced Orchestra (per 01, 02) students will be required to play in Symphony.
All Symphony Strings (per 07) and Orchestra (per 06) students are strongly encouraged to join Symphony. We want a strong group again this year.
Students in String Ensemble (per 05) need to audition with Ms. Silberman in order to enroll in Symphony.
A note re. schedule conflicts: Students who are also in Marching Band or sports should enroll in period 10 Symphony, but they need to provide Ms. Silberman with a very accurate calendar of when they will and will not attend Symphony rehearsals.
Music Day was a huge success - thanks to all the parents and students who participated! The money figures haven't been announced to us yet; we'll pass them on when they are. This year orchestra students had their highest percentage of participation yet!
Students and parents: please read all the way to the end of this e-mail for important information and dates.
Calling all parents/guardians
Please mark Monday evening, September 24, 7:00 p.m., Orchestra Room, on your calendar to attend an important parent meeting. Ms. Silberman and representative students from the orchestras will briefly perform. You'll receive information about the upcoming year, including volunteer opportunities and expectations. There will also be open time for your questions. Please attend. Successful music programs don't happen without strong parent support. Thank you!
Orchestra concession dates
- Friday, September 21, arrive 3:00 p.m., Girls' soccer. Needed: 1 adult, 2 students
- Friday, September 28, arrive 5:00 p.m., Varsity football. Needed: 3 adults, 3 students
- Thursday, October 11, arrive 2:30 p.m., Boys' soccer. Needed: 1 adult, 2 students.
Students in Band, Choir and Orchestra have several opportunities to work concessions at home games. Supervising adults are also needed. The students and adults earn $12/hour for their individual student's account, which can be used to pay for trip or activity expenses. This and all money earned for individual student accounts through activities like entertainment book, wreath, and poinsettia sales, can be carried over until graduation.
Workers need to arrive on time and stay as long as needed. Someone from Athletics is there to orient/train workers. Please sign up in the Orchestra room if interested.
The Titan Orchestras student and parent handbook will be ready soon. Students will receive them in class and need to bring back signed paperwork contained within the handbook.
After-school symphony
Advanced Symphony Orchestra (period 10) sign-ups are currently ongoing. It meets Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., and after school on Fridays until 4:15 p.m. It is co-directed by Mr. Nail and Ms. Silberman, and is a wonderful full symphony experience.
(To accommodate the schedule of the Salem Youth Symphony participants, our Titan Advanced Symphony Orchestra Tuesday evening rehearsals have been changed to 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. until November. At that point, Symphony will move back to 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.)
Here is the Symphony enrollment policy:
All Advanced Orchestra (per 01, 02) students will be required to play in Symphony.
All Symphony Strings (per 07) and Orchestra (per 06) students are strongly encouraged to join Symphony. We want a strong group again this year.
Students in String Ensemble (per 05) need to audition with Ms. Silberman in order to enroll in Symphony.
A note re. schedule conflicts: Students who are also in Marching Band or sports should enroll in period 10 Symphony, but they need to provide Ms. Silberman with a very accurate calendar of when they will and will not attend Symphony rehearsals.
- Friday, September 14, after school until 4:15 p.m., Titan Symphony starts
- Friday, September 21 - orchestra concession sales, Girls soccer game, 3:00 p.m., (a Symphony student would be excused to work the game)
- Monday, September 24, 7:00 p.m. - All Parent Meeting
- (Saturday/Sunday September 29, 30 - Salem Chamber Orchestra concert - FYI)
- (October 16 - Oregon Symphony in Salem concert - FYI)
- Tuesday, October 23, 7:00 p.m. - Titan Orchestras concert
- Tuesday, December 11, 7:00 p.m. - Titan Orchestras concert
Monday, September 10, 2007
From Sunday's Statesman
Students band together
Local youths solicit donations to fund music programs
Statesman Journal
September 9, 2007
Mike Spink was taken aback for a moment as he answered the door of his home on Ptarmigan Street NW in West Salem.
"Oh, my. They're dressed up," he said as he saw Lynn Robinson and KC Urbani wearing green and black marching band uniforms. "How can I help you?"
That was the cue for the two West Salem High School seniors to launch their appeal. The 17-year-olds explained that it was Music Day, and they were seeking donations to support their school's program.
Students from every high school in the Salem-Keizer district hit the pavement Saturday to raise money for their band and music programs. Each school organizes its own Band Day or Music Day, sending students out into their respective areas, knocking on doors.
At South and West high schools, the entire music department participated. At the other four high schools, only the bands were involved.
"It's fun," said Zach Chong, a West Salem High School drum major. "We get to see a lot of people we know. It's nice to see all of the support from the community."
In northeast Salem, McKay High School seniors David Meeker and Kevyn Smoot canvassed the area around Greentree Drive NE. The 17-year-olds, who wore green and blue plaid kilts, got shot down many times but didn't get discouraged. When residents weren't home, they left fliers in the doors that asked for mail-in contributions.
"You know you're making money to have a band program, and the program's fun, so it's worth it," said Smoot, who plays the baritone.
For most, if not all, of the high schools, this effort is the largest fundraiser of the year for the music program. The donations cover everything from transportation costs for marching bands and equipment to uniform replacements.
At McKay, much of the money -- the goal this year was to raise $6,500 -- will be used to hire additional instructors for the marching band.
"Without Band Day, we could not be a competitive marching band program," said Mike Sim, president of McKay Band Boosters.
At West Salem, the donations will be divided among the choir, band and orchestra programs. Last year, the school raised about $20,000.
"It allows the music program to expand from just an ordinary, in-school program to a really excellent program that has a lot of opportunities for musical and emotional growth," said West Salem High band director Ike Nail.
West students not only went door to door but manned the entrances of Roth's and Safeway to solicit donations from customers.
"They're learning the real responsibility of being part of a community," said parent volunteer Cecilia Urbani, who drove students around. "The high school is not just an entity by itself, it's part of the whole community."
Back on Ptarmigan Street NW near West Salem High, Spink gladly gave Robinson and Urbani a donation after they explained Music Day.
"Good luck," Spink said as the two went on their way. "I enjoy listening to you guys every night. I can hear you guys practice."
Friday, September 7, 2007
Band Newsletter #4 Addendum
This Addendum sent only to parents & Music Directors
Time critical addendum:
Sorry folks for the extra e-mail, but the below was of enough importance but didn’t happen to make it to the deadline for release in yesterday’s “Newsletter #4.” I am including it as a separate addendum to parents and directors only as the students will be involved in practice and rehearsals during the time of the below meeting request.
The meeting notification below was sent by Janet Romine from the “Friends of Music” about the meeting this upcoming Monday, September 10.
“Just a reminder...the first Friends of Music meeting is this coming Monday, Sept. 10. The meeting is in the Bach room of Weathers Music, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
It would be great to fill the room…to let Alan Bushong know we are behind his and parent effort to support the Salem-Keizer music programs.(As most of you know, this group has been the ones to save our program many times. They are the ones who have gone to bat if there is a problem within a specific school. They are the ones we turn to when things can't get done within the normal channels. We must show them by our presence that we do care as much as they care.)
See ya there. Janet Romine”
Should there be any questions, please contact Dr. Nail.
Time critical addendum:
Sorry folks for the extra e-mail, but the below was of enough importance but didn’t happen to make it to the deadline for release in yesterday’s “Newsletter #4.” I am including it as a separate addendum to parents and directors only as the students will be involved in practice and rehearsals during the time of the below meeting request.
The meeting notification below was sent by Janet Romine from the “Friends of Music” about the meeting this upcoming Monday, September 10.
“Just a reminder...the first Friends of Music meeting is this coming Monday, Sept. 10. The meeting is in the Bach room of Weathers Music, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
It would be great to fill the room…to let Alan Bushong know we are behind his and parent effort to support the Salem-Keizer music programs.(As most of you know, this group has been the ones to save our program many times. They are the ones who have gone to bat if there is a problem within a specific school. They are the ones we turn to when things can't get done within the normal channels. We must show them by our presence that we do care as much as they care.)
See ya there. Janet Romine”
Should there be any questions, please contact Dr. Nail.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Band Newsletter #4

Friday Night Football Game Performance Info
(From flier sent home with students)
Game schedule for Friday afternoon practice/rehearsal and game “call times” are below. This should have been sent home with the students at Wednesday evening’s practice.
After-school Practice:
2:40 PM Winds, Battery, Guard—on grass for visual rehearsal (Need battery equipment and opener flag). Pit: warm up / rehearse with CLICK TRACK on ramp.
3:15 PM Pit: stage everything in hall on carts, ready to roll
Note: Rehearsal “ends when it ends”—typically that’s around 3:45 PM
5:30 PM Call Time—Change into uniform; Pit—move into stadium, stage for show. Change after.
5:50 PM Wind warm-up in Band Room; Battery warm-up on stage
6:25 PM Move to stadium/stands, get set
6:40 PM Get set on track for pre-game
7:00 PM Game starts
The marching band will perform at halftime. Afterwards, we change out of uniform and return to the stands for the 4th quarter. After the game, we will clean up and formally dismiss.
1) Use of any controlled substance is, as always, absolutely prohibited.
2) Sexual impropriety of any kind will not be tolerated.
3) Any willful destruction of any property prohibited.
4) Students must comply with instructions from staff or chaperones at all times!
“Music Day” Call Time for September 8th is 8:00 AM at the School !
Important fund-raising day---Please don’t forget! Contact Marianne Stipe @ mstipe@willamette.edu, or Susan Wyant at wyant6@comcast.net. with any questions
Band Shoes—Attention to Some Details
(Contributor: Deanna Garney)
Shoes - For those of you who have not had a chance to pick up your new Marching shoes, they are in the dressing room and will be there for Friday Night’s Performance (7th September). We have had some students come in to find that theirs do not fit. If this happens, we will be able to reorder your correct size, BUT we will need to have ample time to do so. If you have not tried yours on, please keep this in mind when choosing what shoes you wear to the school on Friday. In other words, if you have NOT tried yours on, you should consider bringing a “backup” pair of black shoes, because you may be wearing them to march in that night. If you have a chance after school Friday, please stop in and pick yours up. The boxes are marked with your names. Thanks!
Missing Show Shirt - Whoever may have accidentally picked up a size medium Green Machine Show shirt from the band room following Friday night’s performance (last day of Band Camp). Please drop it off to Mr. G's office. No questions asked. The member who lost it needs it. Thanks!
Titan Marching Band Prop Personnel
(Contributor: Kami Hettwer)
This is a personal invitation for siblings of Titan band and colorguard students to be part of an exciting marching band program here at West! We have 16 gears on stands that need to be hauled out to the field, spun at designated times and hauled off the field during each competition and football game. These siblings must be strong enough to haul the gear by themselves. We can pre-arrange to have a gear and stand set up so that siblings can give them a “test drive” before making a commitment. Listed below are the dates and requirements. Please look them over and let us know if there are siblings who would like to take part in the exciting “Green Machine” marching band show. We would like to offer this opportunity to siblings before reaching out to the high school and middle school community. Contact Kami Hettwer if you would like to “test drive” a gear or if you have further questions.
Performance Dates:
September 14 – Home football game
September 28 – Home football game
October 6 – U of O Festival of Bands, all day
October 11 – Home football game
October 19 – Home football game
October 20 – PCI at Willamette, all day
October 27 – McKenzie Classic at Evergreen HS in Vancouver, all day
November 3 – Circuit Championships at OSU, all day
Note: if we have more than enough siblings interested we can split the performance dates up so one person does not have to be at all performances.
Rehearsal times will be kept at a minimum. We will schedule short rehearsals once a week during the full marching band rehearsal times. Exact times TBD.
Performance Attire: All black clothing.
Requirements: Siblings must be strong enough to haul the gear on and off the field on their own. Again, we can pre-arrange to have a gear and stand set up so that siblings can give them a “test drive” before making a commitment.
Kami Hettwer
Home (503) 585-2529
Cell (503) 302-4149
E-mail mkhett@aol.com
The Few, The Proud, The WSHS Band Members? Here’s an opportunity of a Lifetime!
(Contributor: Dr. Nail, edits and comments by Jesse Seeley)
Dr. Nail forwarded some EXCITING news and a truly once-in-a-lifetime chance for students to audition for an appearance with the most prestigious musical groups in the world—“The President’s Own,” also known as the “United States Marine Band.” With talent pulled from institutions such as the Boston Philharmonic, “Pops,” and many other world famous symphonies and graduates from some of the finest musical schools in the world, this is the orchestra that plays at all of the U.S. President’s events when called. This is a TREMENDOUS opportunity for YOU, a student in the WSHS music program to get a chance to win not only a cash award, but paid trips to Washington, D.C., and who knows, a chance to play in front of, even meet, one of the U.S. Presidents! For those not familiar with this part of our American heritage, here’s a quick blurb from their Web site:
"Founded in 1798 by an Act of Congress, “The President’s Own” United States Marine Band is America’s oldest professional musical organization. Today, “The President’s Own” is celebrated for its role at the White House and its dynamic public performances. “The President’s Own” encompasses the United States Marine Band, Marine Chamber Orchestra, and Marine Chamber Ensembles, and performs regularly at the White House and for more than 500 public performances across the nation each year”
Sound interesting? Even exciting? If you’d like to enter in this year’s “Marine Band Concerto Competition,” and for more details on this exciting opportunity, please go to the website for details and application form: www.marineband.usmc.mil/whats_new/concerto.htm. As a player in the WSHS Marching Band and other musical programs, you’re already playing with some of the best! Why not take it to the next step and play with “The Few, The Proud, The Marines”? WARNING: The application deadline is November 15, and is a non-trivial one to complete and practice for. So if you have any interest, get started today.
PSAT for 2007—Important to Many Band Members
(Submitted by Dr. Nail on behalf of Elsa Plant)
This year's PSAT is Saturday, October 20 at 8:00 a.m. Students will need to register with the bookkeeper by October 17. The cost is $20. Students will receive a prep booklet at the time of registration. Typically only sophomores and juniors take the PSAT but every once in a while I'll have an eager freshman wanting to take it. I would prefer that you only encourage sophomores and especially juniors to take the test (no seniors!). Please see the attached flyer for more detailed information and to post in your room.
Proctors NEEDED: I will need six proctors this year for the PSAT. All proctors are paid $50. Please have your people call my people if you can help.
Every year we have a scheduling conflict with our band students. Students in the band competition can take the PSAT on Wednesday, October 17 at one of the following schools:
* North
* McKay
* Blanchet
Students will need to register at the school where they will be testing.
For questions or further inquiries, contact: Elsa Plant, Career Specialist, West Salem High School, phone (503) 584-6440 ext. 233.
Call for Donations—Reams of paper for copying
(Contributor/Requestor: Mr. Griffiths)
Due to the MASSIVE amounts of copies and print outs made in the music department, ANY family who can send a ream of printer paper to school any time during the remainder of this school year will be helping out the band a BUNCH! Just have the students drop them off at the music directors’ office any time. Thank you in advance for helping where you can!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Band Newsletter #3
Important Message from Dr. Nail
Just a reminder that this is the time of the year to set up your private lessons for students who want them. Also coming due are the WIBC and All-State audition tapes. Due starting October 1! Don’t delay as this date will be here before you know it! Finally, we’ve attached a finalized draft of this year’s full calendar of events. Most dates have stayed the same from the previous document you had during band camp, but this one supersedes it, so please dispose of the other one so as to not confuse the two. There are still some “TBD” dates, but the competition dates for Marching Band are fairly solid. We will publish portions of this document in this newsletter for near future events and update the entire document from time-to-time, so please be on the lookout for updates.
The next few dates from the document that are NEXT WEEK:
Tuesday, 9/4: Titan Band and Guard; Marching Rehearsals at West 6 P.M. – 9 P.M. (Due to holiday on Monday)
Wednesday, 9/5: Titan Band and Guard; Marching Rehearsals at West 6 P.M. – 9 P.M.
A copy of the updated calendar of events should be up on the WSHS Music Booster Web site shortly. We will update you if it will be in a different location, but give it a couple of days to get there, otherwise you might still be looking at the older one that was handed out at band camp.
Reminder: “Music Day” Coming Soon!
(Contributors: Marianne Stipe & Susan Wyant)
Don't forget to mark your calendars for MUSIC DAY-Saturday, September 8th . please contact Marianne Stipe, or Susan Wyant with any questions.
Reminder: U of O “Security Detail” Fundraiser (“encore performance” from Newsletter #2)
(Contributors: Lisa McIntyre, Patricia Nielsen)
The first opportunity for the “Security Detail” fundraiser is fast approaching with the first opportunity occurring Sept. 1, 2007. The exact start times have not been finalized, but is tentatively set for approximately 8:00 a.m. (for a 12:30 p.m. game). Students, family, and friends who work on this detail must be at least 16 years old. Prior to the posting of this in today’s newsletter, there were approximately 20-25 slots remaining to fill for this first game. This is a great way to earn money for your individual student music account. It is strongly encouraged that sophomores and juniors get involved! For more information, please contact the Barnick family.
Band Boosters Contacts for 2007/2008
Band Area Co-Chairs:
Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968, tuttle84@comcast.net
Kami Hettwer, 503-585-2529, MKHett@aol.com
Patricia Nielsen, 503-391-4722, patricia.nielsen@state.or.us
Deanna Garney, 503-763-8715, dg5758@comcast.net
Newsletter Editor:
Jesse Seeley, jesse@hp.com
Music Webpages:
“Booster” Main Page: http://homepage.mac.com/titanmusic/
“WSHS Music Booster Blog”: http://wshsmusicboosters.blogspot.com/
Just a reminder that this is the time of the year to set up your private lessons for students who want them. Also coming due are the WIBC and All-State audition tapes. Due starting October 1! Don’t delay as this date will be here before you know it! Finally, we’ve attached a finalized draft of this year’s full calendar of events. Most dates have stayed the same from the previous document you had during band camp, but this one supersedes it, so please dispose of the other one so as to not confuse the two. There are still some “TBD” dates, but the competition dates for Marching Band are fairly solid. We will publish portions of this document in this newsletter for near future events and update the entire document from time-to-time, so please be on the lookout for updates.
The next few dates from the document that are NEXT WEEK:
Tuesday, 9/4: Titan Band and Guard; Marching Rehearsals at West 6 P.M. – 9 P.M. (Due to holiday on Monday)
Wednesday, 9/5: Titan Band and Guard; Marching Rehearsals at West 6 P.M. – 9 P.M.
A copy of the updated calendar of events should be up on the WSHS Music Booster Web site shortly. We will update you if it will be in a different location, but give it a couple of days to get there, otherwise you might still be looking at the older one that was handed out at band camp.
Reminder: “Music Day” Coming Soon!
(Contributors: Marianne Stipe & Susan Wyant)
Don't forget to mark your calendars for MUSIC DAY-Saturday, September 8th . please contact Marianne Stipe, or Susan Wyant with any questions.
Reminder: U of O “Security Detail” Fundraiser (“encore performance” from Newsletter #2)
(Contributors: Lisa McIntyre, Patricia Nielsen)
The first opportunity for the “Security Detail” fundraiser is fast approaching with the first opportunity occurring Sept. 1, 2007. The exact start times have not been finalized, but is tentatively set for approximately 8:00 a.m. (for a 12:30 p.m. game). Students, family, and friends who work on this detail must be at least 16 years old. Prior to the posting of this in today’s newsletter, there were approximately 20-25 slots remaining to fill for this first game. This is a great way to earn money for your individual student music account. It is strongly encouraged that sophomores and juniors get involved! For more information, please contact the Barnick family.
Band Boosters Contacts for 2007/2008
Band Area Co-Chairs:
Vickie Tuttle, 503-588-0968, tuttle84@comcast.net
Kami Hettwer, 503-585-2529, MKHett@aol.com
Patricia Nielsen, 503-391-4722, patricia.nielsen@state.or.us
Deanna Garney, 503-763-8715, dg5758@comcast.net
Newsletter Editor:
Jesse Seeley, jesse@hp.com
Music Webpages:
“Booster” Main Page: http://homepage.mac.com/titanmusic/
“WSHS Music Booster Blog”: http://wshsmusicboosters.blogspot.com/
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